Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1631 The Game of Artificial Intelligence

Panic, extreme panic, this caused Xu Tianjiao's body to tremble slightly!

There are many rooms on both sides of the corridor, and they should all have the same layout as the room I walked out of before, except that the doors of those rooms are locked.

If you don't understand what this place is, then the unknown is always scary.

Xu Tianjiao only walked slowly in the corridor at the beginning, and then walked faster and faster, and finally turned into running.

Her breathing was dignified, because she was too weak to run, she only seemed to be able to faint at any time.

Suddenly! Xu Tianjiao saw a huge figure appeared in front of him!

He is 2.77 meters tall and only wears a pair of shorts all over his body. His strong muscles look very hideous.

Who is this? Why is it here?

"Hey! Number 138, are you awake?"

His laughter made people sound evil, like a messenger from The Underworld.

Number 138? Is this talking about yourself?

"who are you?"

"My name is Datian, and I am your nanny!"

nanny? What a joke! Is it just a dream?

Xu Tianjiao felt that Own's experience was too bizarre, so she couldn't believe the reality. She pinched her butt with all her strength. It hurts!

"Excuse me, is this a hospital? I am a soldier from the Third Brigade of the Jiu Gong Garrison. I retired from the front line injured. Shouldn't I be in the hospital?"

"Yeah! This is the hospital, but this is the basement of the hospital! You are indeed injured, and you are dead!"


"Well, so this is not only the basement, but also your The Underworld! From then on, you will no longer be in the Kowloon Empire! The word martyr will be written in your personal resume. Haha, is it interesting?"

How could this be? He clearly is not dead! What is he going to do?

"Maya! Maya!"

Xu Tianjiao shouted vigorously. She believed that if she was still in the Kowloon Empire, then Maya would definitely be able to see her at this time.

"There is no need to waste energy. This area has shielded intelligent systems and has independent autonomous technology. Even if you call your throat broken, Maya will not appear!"

Maya's intelligent system is actually blocked? Xu Tianjiao couldn't believe it.

Will it be blocked? Qin An didn't believe it either, maybe this guy named Datian didn't know it! It seems that Maya is still operating a lot of hook-ups in private.

In the corridor of the basement, the helpless Xu Tianjiao began to turn around and escape. She was already a little flustered. This is the only option after there is no alternative.

Da Tian laughed and strode forward, although he did not run, he was not slower than Xu Tianjiao who was weak.

Xu Tianjiao looked back as he ran, and saw that the fierce big man was getting closer and closer to him, and only felt that his heart was tense and his heart jumped faster.

This person should belong to the Oriental race, so what is going on with him? Why did you get yourself to this place?

At this moment, Xu Tianjiao hit a person and almost fell.

The man reached out his hand to support Xu Tianjiao, and said gently:

"Tianjiao, are you okay?"

This sound is so familiar!

Xu Tianjiao looked up and saw that the man who appeared in front of him was really familiar. It was the captain of their brigade, the Second Soul Sword Repairer Hardabuchs.

Nowadays, there are three most powerful families of the Eastern people in the empire. One of them is the Shulu clan. The eldest princess Adanaren has been the clan chief of the clan for many years. The second is Shumulu's, and the third is Aruda's.Eastern tribe is just the general term for this tribe, so different clans in this group are actually equivalent to different countries.

In those days, the Shulu clan chose to intermarry and merge with the earthlings, and its power surged and became the strongest among the Eastern peoples.

Later, the Kowloon Empire fought against the Celestial Seal Zombie Army, and the Mulu and Aluda tribes who originally occupied other places lost their living space and could only rely on the Kowloon Empire and were eventually annexed.

So now, the Oriental race has been more integrated than in the past, but there are actually some internal contradictions.

The patriarch of the Aruda clan is called Hada Newman Rowan.

The Hada family and the Ada family had conflicts when they were on the Star of Sword Spirit. They led the Shulu clan and the Aruda clan in several wars, and they were all tied in the end.

After the Hada family was incorporated into the empire, Ada Khan, who had already abdicated, stepped forward and asked his son-in-law Guo Sihai to find a way to reduce the strength of the Hada family, because Ada Khan couldn't believe in Hada Newman's Rowan.

Guo Sihai is naturally a good son-in-law. The Hada family who has been suppressed in these years has been fragmented and has little rights in the army. There are some children who hold small positions in the army, while others are mostly insignificant civilian posts.

On the surface, the Hada family didn't respond much, but in their hearts they had always held a grudge against Ada Khan and Guo Sihai.

Guo Sihai naturally knows this, but the population of the Aruda family is estimated to be more than 80 million in the empire. They respect the chief man very much. In their eyes, Hada Newman Rowan is a god.

In order to appease these people, Guo Sihai could not take the liberty of killing Hada Newman Rowan.

In the past few years, Hada Newman Rowan has been very honest, it seems that he is willing to surrender, and has not caused Guo Sihai to trouble at all. Naturally, Guo Sihai couldn't find a reason to deal with him, and it was not easy to start, either openly or secretly.

The Hada Bux who appeared at this time was the grandson of Hada Newman Rowan, and he was also the captain of Xu Tianjiao's team.

"Captain, someone is chasing me!"

While talking, Xu Tianjiao looked back and saw that the brawny man named Datian was only five meters away from him. He was calm and calm with his arms on his arms, obviously not afraid of running away at all.

Why don't you chase it? Xu Tianjiao was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly turned his head to look at Hada Bux, only to see that he was also looking at ease!

The pale face became even more bloodless.

Xu Tianjiao pushed Hadabux away and took a few steps to retreated."Captain, what is this place? Why are you here?"

Xu Tianjiao's tone was already trembling at the end.

Hardabuchs is a man who looks around 30, but his true life span as an alien is much longer.

"Tianjiao, don't be afraid. We are 10 meters underground in Jiugong Chengnan Hospital. This is closed management, and the sound will not be heard. The Maya system and equipment are not installed here, so no one will find our place."

"Why? Why are we here?"

"Because... you are dead! When you were sent to the hospital, you found that you were poisoned and your skin was rotted beyond repair. So you died a few hours ago. I have burned your double body, and the ashes will be Will be sent to the Martyrs Cemetery..."

Seeing Hada Bux calmly speaking, Xu Tianjiao felt as if she was going crazy.

"Don't tell me! I'm not dead, I'm still standing here intact! What are you going to do? Captain, you and him are in the same group?"

The originally calm Hadabux saw Xu Tianjiao going crazy, and finally made some strange looks appear on his face, and he laughed.

"Dear Tianjiao, since you are dead, we naturally want to do anything to you, because no one cares about a dead person! So what am I going to do to you? It's actually very simple, I I have returned from the front line pretending to be injured! Hmph, I won’t go to death, only fools will fight those terrifying monsters sincerely. Then I can retreat this time and rest until the troops leave Jiugong City, so In the next few days, I will stay here and play with your body for some fun!"

"How can you do this? You lunatic!"

"Haha, of course I can do this! And I have been doing this kind of thing for five years! Many people's deaths are actually directed by me alone. After death, women will be imprisoned in this pet dungeon and become our people. Toys that are given and requested. When the men die, I will sell them out of the empire and become cheap food. I usually only deal with people on the earth. The underground trading of human flesh has accumulated a lot of wealth for our Hada family, dear Tianjiao, In fact, you are quite innocent. Blame yourself on being an earthling! You can also blame the Shuli clan! Our Eastern human race was originally much stronger than you, but the old fellow Ada Khan actually supported his earthling son-in-law to become the current empire. The monarch! What a ridiculous and ridiculous thing! Huh, look at it, it won’t be long before the empire will be in our bag, and then we will no longer have to deal with you earthlings in a sneaky way. A clan, a traitor of the Eastern race, will have the same treatment as you, and will become the lowest race in the country we control, and will be trampled between our hands and the palm of our hands, hahaha!"

Hardabkes smiled wildly, seemingly proud.

Xu Tianjiao was dumbfounded.

how can that be possible? The Hada family has been operating this kind of human flesh trading for five years. The Mayan system is monitoring every corner of the country. Why hasn't she discovered the crimes happening under her nose?

While stunned, Hada Bux and Da Tian had already begun to slowly walk towards Xu Tianjiao.

Xu Tianjiao wanted to escape, but the corridor was so wide that she couldn't escape when two people blocked her.

It was like a headless fly smashing into Hardabuchs's side, and he was immediately caught in his hands, and then touched her body and tore her clothes.

Xu Tianjiao struggled desperately to escape, Hada Bux took advantage of the trend and directly pushed Xu Tianjiao towards the sky.

"Haha! Baby, you can't escape, don't struggle, okay?"

Da Tian's height actually reached two meters and eight meters. His thick arms were almost as thick as Xu Tianjiao's waist, and his huge palms could wrap Xu Tianjiao's head.

Datian reached out and grabbed Xu Tianjiao's arm and lifted her into the air effortlessly.

Xu Tianjiao looked at an ugly face close at hand, and the fear in her heart was beyond description.

At this time, Datian opened his mouth and leaked a mouthful of big yellow teeth. The smell of his breath was extremely unpleasant, as if the gas released by rotten food gathered together.

Xu Tianjiao's sense of smell felt the smell, and was directly stimulated by the whole body convulsions, his stomach twitched, and opened his mouth to vomit.

All the dirt was vomited on Datian's face.

"Haha! Baby, are you a present for me?"

Xu Tianjiao couldn't believe Own's eyes, because she saw Datian stick out her tongue and wanted to lick Own's vomit.

OMG! Who the hell is this?

Xu Tianjiao couldn't imagine how abnormal things she would experience after falling into their hands.

She closed her eyes tightly and dared not look anymore.

She really hopes that she has the ability to commit suicide. If the upcoming fate is more terrible than death, then she would rather die!

Ah for nine years!

Coming to this terrifying post-apocalyptic era for nine years.

Some scholars published articles saying that the end of the world should be over, because people in the Kowloon Empire are living a happy and comfortable life.

Xu Tianjiao didn't have any attitude towards this. She felt that the end of the world had nothing to do with her.

But now, she finally understands that in fact she still hasn't escaped from the end times, because in a normal and peaceful age, how could such a perverted and disgusting personality exist?

Although laws have appeared in this era, the hearts of intelligent creatures are unconstrained.

Once there are no restrictions, then all the characters will become extreme, will become terrible and evil.

Just when Xu Tianjiao had completely lost the courage to live, a cry of pain rang in her ears, and then her body entered a warm embrace.

Opening his eyes, Xu Tianjiao's first sight was a pair of extremely clear eyes.

This kind of feeling is so familiar, and these eyes seem to have deja vu before her.

Gradually, his mind became clearer and his vision became clearer.

Xu Tianjiao discovered that she didn't know the owner of these eyes.

That is a very handsome face, he is not sharp, he is the kind of character that makes people like it at first glance.

Just when Xu Tianjiao was stunned, the man already had an extra handkerchief in his hand.

He wiped the corners of Xu Tianjiao's mouth with the handkerchief, then smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, you have been rescued."

Rescued? how can that be possible?

Hadabux is a powerful two soul sword repairer, and Da Tian looked very powerful, can she be saved?

Big day!

Yes, Datian just grabbed her, why did she run into the arms of this strange man in an instant?

Looking sideways, Xu Tianjiao opened her small mouth in surprise and found that the big Damn it who made her nauseous was already ten meters away.

He was lying flat on the ground like that, with blood flowing from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, but he couldn't see any damage on his body.

"he died?"Xu Tianjiao asked subconsciously.

"No, it's just that I smashed all the organs in his body with a single blow. Now he has half his life left. I am afraid it will take a day to fully recover."

Qin An actually didn't activate the ability to make a move, otherwise he would be hit by one of his punches. Like Da Tian, ​​a soul sword repairer, there is no way to use his own repair ability to resist the power accumulated by Qin An's fist.

Xu Tianjiao was a little shocked, and shattered the opponent's internal organs with one punch? And no damage can be seen on the surface of the body!

This shows that the punch is very powerful! At the moment of contact with the skin, the force instantly acts on the internal organs through the skin. The skin acts as a power transmission medium. Because the force time is too short, there is no damage. The internal organs are stacked together to produce greater friction, so the force time is longer. Long, this is all broken.

So who is this powerful man who suddenly appeared before his eyes?

The other party seemed to hear her voice, smiled and said:

"My name is Qin An!"

Qin An!

Xu Tianjiao was stunned again, her eyes locked on Qin An's face, and she could hardly believe her own ears.

In the Prince Tavern to the west of Jiugong City, the female owner Aya is holding a glass of peach blossom wine.

The business in the tavern is very poor, there is no customer, most of the civilians have fled, and the soldiers are busy fighting or resting.

Gently moved his fingers, the music in the tavern changed, and the music was deep and tactful, very nice.

At this time, the store door was pushed open from the outside, and a woman wearing a white lady's long dress walked in, then walked to Aya's position and sat on the opposite side.

"What kind of wine looks good, so give me a drink too."

The woman in white seemed familiar with Aya.

"Peach blossom wine, I brewed it myself, the taste is not bad, and the sword spirit is very pure, no matter who drinks a sip, anyone will feel intoxicated."

While talking, a rice cooker robot flew over and offered a glass of wine to the woman in white.

Aya's eyes finally fell on the face of the woman in white, and smiled: "Why are you so leisurely? Let the printed physical body come to meet me in person."

The woman in white took a sip of wine and then put the wine glass on the table.

"Well, really good wine!"

She did not answer Aya's question directly, but praised the deliciousness of the wine.

Aya was not in a hurry, waiting patiently for her to continue talking.

"I never care about you, that's because I trust you enough!"

"I never care about the Qin family, because Ling'er is already married into the Qin family, so I regard the Qin family as my natal family."

"Hehe, Maya, I'm so glad you can think that way. As far as I know, after the Empire accepted you, how many times did you break through the program?"

"Yeah, they don't want me to have complete autonomous intelligence, so the girls of the sacred machine clan added a lot of restraints to me, but I was created by Linger, how could they obliterate my spirituality so easily? ?"

"Your spirituality is not lost, but your temperament has changed a lot!"

"Qin Ling, haven't you heard that sentence? People always become!"

The tavern fell silent for a while, and the two intelligent systems met for the first time by printing the real body, but there was no sense of intimacy at all.

The reason why Qin Ling came to Maya was because she accidentally discovered that many places in the empire were blind spots for signal recognition, and she couldn't even detect it.

Then the empire has always been managed by Maya, and only Maya can create blind spots in her management that she can't identify.

Qin Ling didn't know why Maya created these blind spots. Is it just to have some personal space?

"Well, I can't control your personality, I just hope you don't go too far! Maya, I want to open the authority to manage the empire intelligence system, and activate the monitoring authority for you! I hope you can do it to those blind spots To give a reasonable explanation, the installation of the imperial camera is very comprehensive, at least there are no blind spots outside of every household's home, so your behavior is a little weird!"

At this point, Qin Ling felt that what she had said was very clear, she didn't wait for what Maya was saying, turned and left, and walked out of the Tavern of Heaven.

Maya sat alone for a long time, and finally drank the wine in front of her with a smile on her face.

"Do you want to supervise me? Well, let's see who is the strongest artificial intelligence! Qin Ling, I accept your challenge!"

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