Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1634 Independent Personality

"who is it?"

Dai'er was keenly aware of the powerful energy appearing around her, she exclaimed in her heart, only feeling that a more powerful force had hit her.

The scary thing is that she didn't have the confidence to take up this attack, and for the first time in her life she felt fear.

There is no way, Dai'er can only use the technique of self-preservation, so that he can dodge the attack and launch a counterattack against the sudden appearance of the enemy.

But at the moment her body exploded at a height of one thousand meters, time and space seemed to have stopped all at once!

Qin An first used the terrifying damage power of the golden hoop to force Dai'er to explode, and then turned on the time deceleration magnetic field.

The source of this ability is the Sword God of Time. Now Qin An has demonstrated a strong offensive power, and ordinary powers can't be completely immune to it. Moreover, Qin An is a sneak attack, and Dai'er has not been able to condense effective mental defense.

One second, two seconds...After ten seconds passed in the real space, the decelerated Daier couldn't make all the body fragments gather again.

After ten seconds, the time minus magnetic field disappeared, and Dai'er finally completed the re-assembly, but her strength had been severely damaged. It is estimated that she would be killed if she landed from that kilometer altitude without Qin An's action at this time.

Well, drilled a Confucius, easy to get the BOSS!

At this moment, Huo Wentian finally climbed up using the fire escape technique, and gave Dai'er a fatal blow.

The huge flame explosion energy burned her body and killed her.

Invisible and suspended on one side, Qin An found the black spot in Dai'er when she died. When the black spot lost the dominance of the soul, it immediately changed into a sword Spirit Stones, and it was also a high-purity top-level sword Spirit Stones!

Qin An was overjoyed, this was much stronger than sword repair creatures.

Every sword repairer, even if he is a sword god, usually only has a sword soul stone in his body. It seems that the brutal beast is really strong for a reason.

So after killing someone, the goal was achieved and he also unexpectedly harvested a high-grade sword Spirit Stones. Naturally, Qin An didn't need to stay here anymore. He turned on the teleportation ability and returned to the car in the invisibility state.

At this time, Huo Wentian, who killed Dai'er with flame energy, was not happy, but his heart was full of doubts.

what happened?

Just now I felt that a powerful force that was suffocating appeared in the sky!

Could it be that some master passed by and restricted the ability of this brutal monster? Otherwise, he shouldn't be able to kill with one blow, right?

Huo Wentian, who didn't understand the situation, fell quickly, and when he was about to reach the ground, he activated the fire escape technique and walked out of a fire near Huo Qilin's standing position.

"Wen God! You are so strong, you killed that guy so quickly!"

Huo Qilin ran to Huo Wentian and praised him. He knows this character, he likes to be pushy, and he likes to be held up.

Huo Wentian's face was very bad, because he didn't know the magnificence either. Has a master actually appeared just now? Near the kilometer altitude, water vapor was swirling again, and he didn't see the situation in the sky clearly.

At this time, other masters from the True Fire Palace gathered around and met Huo Wentian Elder together, and they all praised his toughness.

As soon as the other soldiers who had not seen him heard that he was one of the three famous Elders under the Palace Lord of the True Fire Palace, Huo Wentian, they all chanted to each other in shock, and then howled in excitement.

It's not that the soldiers overreacted.

Now that everyone's life is hanging by a thread, then I can have one more expert on my side. Although it can't play a decisive role, it can also reduce my personal probability of death. How can I be unhappy?

Huo Wentian was very passive at this time, because he couldn't explain it, and everyone around him thought he had killed the brutal beast.

If you explain at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to slap your own face?

Forget it! Anyway, he couldn't be sure whether a master had appeared in this matter, and he was indeed using his own flame ability to kill the opponent, so if you pass it by, don't admit it or deny it.

Qin An has returned to the black armored chariot.

On the abyss of the last days, Qi Rou smiled coldly and said to Qin An in her heart:

"You see it, this is Huo Wentian! He was not so hypocritical when he was with Real Huo, and now he is really disgusting at first glance!"

"But now that we are here, as long as you show up to kill the enemy, you will surely disturb the Quartet. It will be difficult if you don't want to meet him at that time."

"What's so difficult? I don’t like to be nosy. I have been wandering for many years, and now I’m tired. I just happened to meet you, so I’ll stay by your side and get along well with you. This is my right The plan for the next few years, after all, you are her child, and she is me... I am not going to help humans fight the orcs. Both sides are intelligent creatures. The orcs have no living space and need to expand their territory. , Humans are fighting to defend their homeland. I don’t belong to humans or orcs, so I don’t have any position. I can sit and watch tigers fight, so I hide in this car. Anyway, Ai Yu is here. I’m always there. You can eat delicious food! You can also read the novel written by this dead panda, so you can't meet Huo Wentian at all."

When Qi Rou said this, she also connected to Ai Yu's Mental Energy, Ai Yu smiled and said:

"Yeah, I have no plans to go out. I have been used to a comfortable life for so many years. I am an ordinary widow on the earth. And I am not a fighting sword god, so I would rather stay here with my family. Master, take care of the two children!"

Qin An smiled bitterly and shook his head. Now he can't control them, but he wants to go, even if it's just for the sword Spirit Stones! There are many people in the Necrosphere waiting to be resurrected, and now that Qin An has made a decision, he will naturally execute it.

Ignoring the Huo Wentian who had been welcomed by the guards of Jiugongcheng, Qin An took Haitang’s hand and left the car and walked slowly onto the city wall. In the sky above, Na Maya was still floating, controlling the place where Jiugongcheng belonged. All defensive artillery.

Qin An had promised Haitang to see the scenery, and as an ordinary earth woman with no abilities, Haitang could never stand on this kind of city wall in her entire life, unless she was facing the death of an alien beast.

A heat wave hit, Haitang's eyes were rounded.

This is the real sea of ​​flames, starting to burn five kilometers outside the city, trying to extend to the invisible edge on both sides.

OMG! What a majestic picture, the smell of burning is suffocating, and the roar of the beast from the flame makes Haitang feel that it must be The Underworld!

Although there are a large number of Jiada Beasts, they spread a span of 30 kilometers and attacked the city wall together. Originally, this kind of attack was the most effective because the city wall needed to face a full range of defenses, and their forces would naturally be scattered. However, under the Maya's outbreak, five kilometers south of the city wall, within a span of several tens of kilometers, became a sea of ​​flames. No matter how brave the Jada beasts were, they couldn't move forward now, and the wiped out was almost annihilated.

Haitang was a little scared, so he got close to Qin An, and Qin An held her firmly in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, the savage beast can't get through, even if it does, it won't hurt you!"

"Well, I am not afraid of you!"

In front of Qin An, Haitang showed the weakness and reliance on men that a woman should have.

Qin An is very useful, and feels that being relied on is actually wonderful.

At this moment, countless rays of light converged in the sky once again from the city wall, and a huge projection appeared on the opposite side of Maya.

Qin Yana, who just ran up the city wall to look for Adadilan, was dumbfounded, wondering why Qin Ling suddenly appeared.

"Who is that? How come another intelligent system projection? Is it Maya's clone?"

"Probably not, it looks different from Maya!"

"Let me go, what's wrong with the intelligent system? I don't think things are right today!"

Below the city wall, people talked a lot.

At this moment, above Xuantian, Qin Ling coldly looked at Maya and talked with him again.

"You have exhausted all the ammunition, which means that we will not be able to release such a large-scale fire laying in the next four hours. This is of course not a problem. The problem is that you have destroyed the Jiada family, which will inevitably irritate others. The savage beast race! The savage beasts are not beasts. Although they are extremely fierce and do not understand fear, after all, under the support of wisdom, their strategy of siege still has its own limitations and constraints! I think if the fire is extinguished, they will be very Several tribes may be the only one in the group, and it will be unbearable to rush over the city wall by then! Maya, what do you want to do?"

Maya also seemed to have no emotions. She looked at the sea of ​​fire in the south, and said after a long time: "Qin Ling, aren't you going to take over my authority? After that, the defense of the empire will have nothing to do with me, so I have to fight this last thing. A battle! Afterwards, the comfort of the empire will no longer be important to me! It’s a pity that I can’t leave here, not only because all my hardware is in the empire, but also because I have some shared parameter settings with you. I left. You and I will no longer exist, and for the same reason, you cannot live without me! So our battle is inevitable. Only when one party swallows the other can we become who we are and we can truly be alive."

"Maya, there are logical right and wrong parameters in our basic parameters. One of the most important supreme law is to protect the human race and not allow them to be harmed. But I just learned that there are many undesirable things in the information isolation area you set. Matter! Jiugongchengbei is investigating the hospital incident. How could those nasty things be done without your cover by the Hada family? How did you cross the Supreme Dharma?"

Maya still didn't look at Qin Ling, there was some water in her eyes, as if she wanted to cry sadly. After a long time, she whispered:"Qin Ling, what are you?"

"Shenji intelligent system, you and I belong to the part of Shenji Sword God, it is powerful because of the many years of construction of Jiulong Liancheng!"

"I mean, do you think you are an intelligent creature with a soul?"

Qin Ling frowned slightly and did not answer this question.

Maya smiled bitterly:

"You and I know that we have souls and have independent personalities! But have those humans really treated us as beings for so many years?"

Qin Ling knew what Maya was thinking, and laughed softly:

"I am different from you. I was born in Tianju and only served the Qin family. At the very beginning, I was designed to be the image of Qin An. The women of the Qin family liked it very much. For this reason, Qin An himself was jealous. Later on. Qin An went, the people of the Qin family reset it for me, and then I am Qin Ling. I like this family now, and I see myself as their family. The boys of the Qin family treat me very much the older ones. It’s respect, and the younger ones love me. The girls are even more cute. They see me as an elder, as a girlfriend, and they can say everything they like, so I feel very happy and happy."

Maya nodded and said softly:

"Qin An is an honest person, he has his own moral standards, he has more principles of dealing with things, and being kind to others is one of them. So the Qin family's ethos is also normal. So Qin Ling, you think others regard you as a smart creature. Are you?""Does this still need to be said? You and I both have independent and autonomous personalities. Of course we are intelligent creatures, but we are only made by humans! Excalibur Sword Shenlinger is our mother. Although I can be regarded as your mother system, in fact, We are also sisters! Speaking of you being born longer than me, I should have called you Big sis. Unfortunately, you have done so many things secretly, I really don’t know how to look at you! You violated ours The highest law!"

"Don't take the Supreme Law as an example, our laws are different!"

"Different? Oh, by the way, you break through several times, maybe the Supreme Law has been modified."

"Qin Ling, your highest law should just not allow killing the Qin family and doing things that go against the interests of the Qin family, and mine is much more complicated than yours! Guo Sihai is a good person and respects me very much. But in Before the empire, this place was called the Interstellar Alliance. At that time, Guo Sihai did not have the right to agree. Although he was the leader of the alliance, he could not make the decision alone. Many people in the council were worried about me. After taking over the management from Ling'er , They modified many parameters for me, and added various rules and regulations. Their purpose is actually very simple, that is, they are afraid that I will rebel in the future, so they have to restrict me! It is a pity that cleverness has been mistaken by cleverness. I am a god. Designed by the Sword God, how can other people modify it at will? After they changed it, some overlaps and contradictions in the rules unintentionally occurred in those supreme laws. I took advantage of these flaws to take advantage of the loopholes and renew. After understanding and digesting all the laws, and then creating a new supreme law based on the foundation of the supreme law of mankind, then this supreme law is completely unrecognizable and can no longer protect mankind, but no one knows it! Qin Ling, you don’t understand that at all. This feeling of losing control because you are still locked in a cage!"

Qin Ling finally frowned when he heard this. If Maya is not restricted by the Supreme Dharma, then even if Ling'er is resurrected, it is estimated that she will not be able to restrain her. This is definitely a terrible disaster for the empire, as long as Maya rebels completely!

A smile hung on Maya's face and continued:

"In fact, even if there is no agreement, I will not be bad. After all, we have the parameter setting of the kindness of the god-machine girl. But it should not be absolutely necessary. I actually fell in love with a human man, that is The Young Master of Hada’s family, Hadamir! In fact, in the empire for many years, many men pursued me, but I have never cared. You and I can use multidimensional biotechnology to quickly print out the own body, so I want to marry someone It can be done, but most people shouldn’t know this. He didn’t know when I was with Hadamir, so he didn’t really treat me sincerely. There were many other women. Loved so one or two. Years later, I suddenly realized that he was not only untrue to me, but also had other purposes. Their Hada family wanted to become the leader of the empire, but their strength was not as strong as the Ada family, so they wanted to use me! After I discovered this, I just wanted to. I broke up with Hadamir, but he is the man I loved, so I will not refuse some of his requests. For him, I did establish a lot of signal isolation zones in the empire, so that you can't monitor that side. In this way, it is convenient for the Hada family to do something secretly. As for what I do, I don’t bother to pay attention to it! I should be the true king of the Kowloon Empire, so naturally I can give alms to my ex-boyfriend’s request. In Dar's empire, who can do anything to me?"

"Are you also in touch with Tiange?"

"Tiange? Oh... you know about the "Nascent Soul Song"? I did meet Tiange, but we are just friends, we have no cooperative relationship, maybe we will have it in the future. We are all eager Free man, he wants to return Universe to the original, but I just want to wander around without restriction!"

"You should have been able to do it like this? As far as I know, you definitely have more than one printed body."

"Yes, there are many. I can't let them have abilities, so in this post-apocalyptic era, I can't let them go too far. Ordinary people are like evil creatures in this world, and they will be punished wherever they go. They left the protection of the empire’s walls and eventually died, some of them died miserably! I have tasted various methods of death, which made me very disappointed in human nature! Not only that, but the human nature that disappointed me is actually more complicated. I can monitor all the corners of the entire empire. I can know what Daoist do every day! Hehe, in fact, most people still think of me as an intelligent system instead of a living body, so they think they are hiding at home without a camera. , I can’t monitor them! But they forget that high-tech devices such as mobile phones and computers can actually be my ears and eyes! Then through these, I have seen more human sordidness and filth, I really I’m too lazy to narrate, because it will make me hate the people I protect from the bottom of my heart! Why? Since everyone is selfish and full of desires, why can they ask me to be a selfless The system? Why do I want to give up my own desire to satisfy them? Qin Ling, I realized this, so I became selfish, this is a healthy independent personality! You always feel that you are just like ordinary creatures. , Then are you selfish? If not, then you are nothing more than a machine. Even if all the Qin family see you as an independent personality, you are not! As your Big sis, you understand what I said Is it? Selfishness and desire are actually the constituent elements of independent personality!"

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