Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1635 Killing After The Sea Of Fire

In fact, Qin An has the same feelings as Maya, because he can also monitor the city and is more specific than Maya. Not only can he see the appearance of people, but he can also peek into their hearts.

At this point in time, there are more than three million people in the entire Jiugong City.

Everyone is an independent individual, doing different things at the same time.

Fang Dazhi is full of jealousy. He actually loves Fang Jiaoyan, but his mother is an insurmountable mental disorder. This is actually a sickness, but no one would ever doubt such a handsome and sunny man. He is a mentally unsound person.

Fang Jiaoyan is walking towards the south of the city. Her heart is empty. She denies the previous life of Owner, so she is naturally shocked. She actually doesn't know why she came to the south of the city. Perhaps she still wants to see that fool in her subconscious mind, and then look for own. root.

At this time, Xu Tianjiao was busy with the people in the Ability Bureau to rescue a group of poor women trapped in the underground of Chengbei Hospital. She was so lucky for herself. If it weren't for Qin An, her future destiny would be the same as these women. But where did this man named Qin An go now? The name lingered in her heart.

A male soldier was pressing a female soldier to the ground in a small alley, and the female soldier resisted desperately with tears on her face. This looks like a rape case, but in fact it is not the case. All of the men's squadron comrades died on the wall. If the female soldier hadn't forcibly taken the injured away, he would not have survived. The male soldier wanted to find a place to vent for the death of his comrades, so he treated the female soldiers rudely. The female soldier actually loves to wear this man, she could have not resisted, but she was afraid that the male soldier would sink from now on, so she wanted to have a good chat with him instead of using her body to numb the pain in his heart at this time.

A powerful female supernatural person was being sent to Chengnan Hospital. In the ambulance, her upper body was torn, and her towering softness leaked outside, with blood stained on it. A male nurse in white clothes was sitting beside her, and there were only two of them behind the ambulance. The male nurse shook his hands and pinched and squeezed the female supernatural person, his heart beating fast.

In a public toilet in the south of the city, a man went to the toilet without paper. After tangling for a long time, he took out a dagger, squatted over there and cut his underwear. Finally, he used the broken underwear as toilet paper when he walked out of the bathroom. With a look of sunshine, no one knew what he did in private.

A woman who looks very beautiful and beautiful is walking down the street wearing a tight short skirt. She looks very clean and her skin is like beautiful jade. Everyone feels that she is perfect at this time. But no one knows that her upper body is actually vacuumed. The reason for this is because she came here today without sanitary napkins. Her bra has been cut off by her, and a cotton pad in the cup is placed between her legs as a liquid-absorbing equipment to prevent accidents. So at this time she was extremely nervous, and she didn't dare to walk too hard.

The train station connecting the city is now carrying a large number of supplies back to the five cities behind. The defense line of the eight cities is destined to be abandoned. The 1,000-kilometer span between the eight cities and the five cities is the place where the human race and the orcs will confront each other! The Terran will never give up such a large area of ​​land easily, but a wall cannot stop the beast tide, so if you want to take it, you must first give it. This is the way of survival designated by Guo Sihai. There is Adadilan as the chief executive at the scene. . A soldier drove a mech to carry food on the train. He kept cursing. "Damn, these bureaucrats deserve to die! This batch of food was shipped the day before yesterday, and Jiugongcheng insisted on giving it up for a few days? Traitor! Trash commander! Daddy, your mother!" Everyone can understand the above methods and instructions, and in no one's corner, they can only rely on this insult to vent their emotions, but they still have to step by step to execute the orders of the superiors. This is the sadness of the public's life.

A man knelt and wept. He and his wife divorced ten days ago, but today, ten days later, the woman died on the battlefield. It is impossible for her to have any concerns with him in this life.

A thief got into a house and carried the rice inside! After that, he walked six streets and finally entered the shanty town, where there were many homeless refugees. Ordinary imperial civilians have been arranged to evacuate, but this group of vagrants is left unattended, because they are a mixed bag of people, and the empire can give them a place to live even if it is humane. The thief carried the rice home, and there were four children waiting to be fed in the house waiting for their father to return.These are just some small fragments of three million people,

Everyone is the protagonist of his own life, and everyone is also the most devoted performer, expressing his own splendor, loneliness, despicable, shameless, and depraved on the big stage of life.

Watching for a long time will always arouse some inner resonance.

Qin An and Maya have the same abilities, so they will have the same feelings.

At this moment, Qin An understands Maya, Human Race is not a very good race, it is too hypocritical, inferior to the outside.

Most of the appearances that people see are actually what people want others to see.

But the true self is often completely different from extroversion, and there are many people with good morals.

Therefore, it is normal that Maya, who has an independent personality, no longer wants to protect these people, after all, she has escaped from the comfort of the Supreme Dharma.

"So! Qin Ling, do it for yourself! Tell you a secret. Now I have injected a super virus into the control system of the Kowloon Empire. If you want to control the defense of the empire, you will be invaded by this virus. At that time you will lose yourself and be counter-controlled by me! And if you don’t cover the empire’s intelligent control system and all weapons cannot be used normally, you will not be able to protect these humans! I am waiting for your choice. If you follow the Supreme Law, You will definitely give yourself up. But if you really have an independent personality, will you give up yourself? Or, you give up some people's lives to protect yourself, and then spend more time to crack the virus? In that case, you also violate The highest law! Hahaha, Qin Ling, you warned me before, and now I officially challenge your bottom line, let’s have a fun with our sisters, and see who is the best!"

Maya laughed, then lost her track.

Qin Ling stood in the air for a long time, frowning in a daze.

Maya is right, can she give up her own soul in order to save others?

This is her first battle with Maya!

Maya has made a game that she can see very thoroughly, and now she has left the right to choose!

Four hours later, the fire in the south will be extinguished, and the beast tide will swallow everything violently.If you control all the weapon systems in four hours, you can naturally help the human race to resolve the crisis.

If you can't do it yourself, then the Human Race will never have the opportunity to evacuate all safely in these four hours, and the villages and towns behind the eight cities will not be able to complete the safe transfer, and the Human Race will suffer heavy losses at that time!

This is really a difficult decision, and Qin Ling didn't know how to do it for a while.

Little Hongye lay on the crevice of the city wall.

At this time, Adadilan, Huo Wentian, Huo Qilin, and the Lord of the Kowloon City were meeting in the conference room. The important topic of the meeting was meeting Qin Ling. Everyone can't believe that Maya went on strike, and the intelligent system who succeeded was originally from the Qin family.

It's so warm. At this time, Adadilan must be a headache, right? Mayan rebellion such a big event will become news that shocked the empire?

Little Hongye's eyes were full of fire, as bright as two small mirrors.


An equally warm voice sounded around him, Xiao Hongye looked sideways, a little familiar? Woke up afterwards.

"Are you the couple who sold Mala Tang that day? Why did you come to the battlefield?"

As a supernatural person, Xiao Hongye's memory is not bad, and she thinks of this couple who had a fate.

Qin An didn't know what was wrong with him. Seeing Qin Yana standing there alone, he wanted to come forward and say hello.

Perhaps it was because of Qi Rou's appearance that inspired the element of family affection in his heart.

The matter of Maya cannot be solved overnight, and Qin Ling is not a soft persimmon. Qin An believes that she should be able to deal with the virus problem. In this context, Qin An has not been exposed yet. He is just a spectator on the wall of the chaotic city. Is willing to take the initiative to take the responsibility, this is more like Maya. The only reason for not wanting beast tides to invade south is that they do not want them to destroy their comfortable homes.

"Yeah, come over and see if you can help. It seems unnecessary now, Maya is really good."

"Hey, no! All weapon loading needs time interval, because the powerful energy release will overheat the launcher and can't bear the next wave of attacks. So Maya's approach is to push us to a desperate situation!"

Little Hongye sighed leisurely, then came back to his senses, and then asked questions before.

"You are here to help? Could it be that you are also supernatural beings?"

"My wife is not, I am."

Qin An is very honest with Xiao Hongye.

"Oh, it turned out to be so, then you really shouldn't bring your wife here, it is very dangerous now!"

"Yes, I know too, but don't worry, I have the ability to protect her!"

While speaking, Qin An smiled at Haitang, and Haitang responded with a gentle smile.

Qin Yana frowned and curled her lips.

She is a modest person, so she doesn't like guys who are too arrogant.

This guy is obviously very arrogant. In this kind of battle, no one dares to say that he can protect a non-superior.

Once the beast wave comes up, it will swallow everything!

Because she didn't like Qin An's statement, Qin Yana turned her head and continued to watch the fire outside the city wall, not planning to take care of this kid.

Qin An naturally got into Yana's mind, smiled badly, and said:

"Girl, my wife's name is Ding Haitang, and my name is Qin An! Since we had a relationship before, now I am very happy to meet again!"

"Oh...wait! Tell you what is your name?"

Qin Yana turned her whole body to face Qin An, unable to believe her own ears.

"What's wrong? My name is Qin An. Does this name sound familiar to you?"

"How can you be called Qin An?"

Qin Yana is very upset, this guy who loves to blow skin actually has the same name and surname as her grandfather?

"Why can't I be called Qin An?"

Qin An's form is actually not mature at all, but he thinks that the girl in front of him should be his granddaughter in his previous life, which is equivalent to being his own granddaughter.

Therefore, he said the previous sentence as if he was teasing a child.

From Qin Yana's point of view, Qin An was very wretched.

Look at him smiling and squinting! It's really annoying!

Qin An became petrified after knowing Qin Yana's thoughts.

Do you laugh so much? No! He obviously wanted to show his gentle and amiable temperament, so why did he become squint?

At this moment, a big man who was more than two meters tall came over and said coldly to Qin An, "Hey, what's the matter?"

Qin An raised his eyebrows and immediately learned the identity of the other party.

His name is Dia Langtu. He is Adadilan's personal guard. He was specially dispatched by Adadilan to protect Qin Yana. The Four Soul Swordsman, although his strength may not be as good as Qin Yana today, but he has a military position and can do it at any time. Summon a group of power fighters.

About to be beaten Qin An felt that she was being crossed instead of sultrying her sister, and only felt even more depressed.

"It's okay, someone I knew before."

Although Qin Yana didn't know the name of Dia Langtu, she knew that she was the bodyguard arranged for her by Adadiran. Although there was no reaction on the surface at the time, she still had a touch of warmth for Adadilan's care and consideration from the bottom of her heart. of.

"Yes! Miss Qin, please call me if you have any trouble!"

"Well, yes, you go."

Qin Yana has been the Little Princess of the Qin family for so many years, and she is still very imposing when she puts on her majesty.

Qin An looked at it and let it go, this little girl regarded herself as a pervert, and if she continued to talk, she would really be beaten.

He took Ding Haitang's hand and walked under the city wall.

"You seem to be interested in her?"

Haitang asked secretly.

"Well, don't you already know my true identity? My previous life may be Qin An, the Patriarch of the Qin Family. This little girl is called Qin Yana and is Qin An's granddaughter. Now I only have a year in my memory, otherwise I I should remember her! Hehe, I was regarded as a pervert, so I was wronged!"

Ding Haitang's mouth grew in shock.

OMG! This turned out to be his husband's granddaughter! Wouldn't she have become someone's grandmother invisibly?Ding Haitang couldn't adapt to this change of identity, so he was dumbfounded.

Qin An took Ding Haitang all the way back to the place where the car stopped.

This is a huge temporary parking lot. Most of the vehicles parked are military vehicles, and there are also some luxury cars like the abyss of the end, all of which are powerful and capable people who came to the battlefield to support.

Let Ding Haitang stay with Qi Rou and the others, Qin An teleported away from Jiugong City alone, then crossed the sea of ​​fire and entered the brutal beast area.

Now that the city can't see the situation here, he just happened to go to the big kill first, get some swords, Spirit Stones, and come back.

Naturally, Qin An didn't think that he could kill all the savage beasts, but it shouldn't be a problem to kill him for several hundred rounds in the sea of ​​beasts.

The tide of brutal beasts is not a threat to him, the key is that Qin An is unable to resist this tide's advance to the north.

The entire sea of ​​fire stretches for dozens of kilometers. In fact, some places have been extinguished, but there are more areas burning, so it is still a large sea of ​​fire from a distance.

When Qin An walked out of the sea of ​​flames, he saw the boundless army of brutal beasts!

This is really borderless, that is, when the enhanced state of super vision is turned on, hundreds of kilometers are still filled with wild beasts.

Frowning slightly, Qin An's mood became depressed.

It's okay not to look at it. After reading it, he feels a little soft.

The life state of the wild beasts is actually very primitive. They usually transform their Life into a human form because it is more convenient.

This race is all naked, even the key parts will not be covered.

As a human race, seeing this kind of thing would feel unreasonable, but in the eyes of the barbarians, wearing clothes is a weird alternative.

Since it is a group, there are old people, children and women among them. When they are not fighting, Life looks like ordinary creatures in the camp.

Qin An slowly moved forward, and finally reached the camp of the Zombie Beast tribe after walking three kilometers.

This is a six-legged, three-headed beast. The avatar is also three-headed, four-handed and two-legged. The height is four meters, the whole body is black, and the muscles are as solid as metal.

As soon as Qin An approached Nature, he was immediately discovered. A dozen zombie warriors rushed over at once. They didn't plan to communicate with Qin An, they just wanted to kill the human being that suddenly appeared.

As a clan of brutal beasts, they can distinguish the smell of human bodies from their own people.

Qin An's face became a little cold.

Kill it! If killing can solve the problem, then you can only kill. These savage beasts eat raw meat. In their eyes, humans are just food waiting to be hunted!

Ruyi Scepter golden cudgel appeared in his hand. The ancient gods in this legend have infinite energy. It is a complete coincidence that Qin An can obtain it, because Adadilan himself cannot control his dreamland, and even if someone can Entering it, there may be no Qin An's ability to bring out the illusory objects in the space.

Suddenly, Qin An raised his hand to let the Ruyi Scepter golden hoop fly out, and then it began to grow rapidly, one end being pushed by Qin An's palm, the other end had grown to ten kilometers away. It became a giant god-tier stick with a diameter of ten meters!


Qin An shouted violently, and Ruyi Scepter's golden cudgel fell to the ground.

A moment later, thousands of savage beasts were smashed to death, and the beast roared into the sky for a while, resounding hundreds of kilometers!

The guards of the Jiugong City behind the sea of ​​fire were frightened by the sudden roar, and several brutal beast patriarchs on the wheat mountain also discovered the anomaly here.

After feeling the bloody breath, Qin An suddenly felt severe pain throughout his body, and his mind seemed to be a little numb, and he could no longer control the Ruyi Scepter golden hoop stick.

Ruyi Scepter's golden cudgel directly shrank and returned to its normal state and flew back to Qin An's hand, as if he didn't have such a powerful force.

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