Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1636 The Beast King Appears

How could it suddenly become weak?

Qin An's doubts only stayed in his mind for a moment, and he realized that he was originally a powerful creature with Mental Energy, and it was not difficult to see through some things.

As a heterogeneous species that appeared in accordance with the law of heaven's punishment, Qin An has become one of the creatures most conforming to the laws of the earth today, and is the true master god of the earth.

This can be regarded as a kind of defense and self-regulation of the earth against the invasion of the law of sword spirit.

The earth is a planet with life, Caitlin once guessed that there was actually a very advanced soul life form in the early stage of the earth!

In the long years that followed, the soul life body finally evolved its actual form and became the advanced life on the earth.

Later, there was a crisis on the earth, and some advanced life-building spacecraft fled.

In the end, the huge spacecraft absorbed the Universe dust to form the moon, and more advanced life forms that had not escaped sank into the magma and re-evolved into soul creatures.

This kind of soul creature actually constitutes the original law of the earth and is regarded as the spirit of the earth.

After the time and space gate of the sword spirit star connected to the earth is opened, not only life, matter, but also invisible laws are transmitted.

After the collision of the law of the sword spirit star with the law of the earth spirit, the original science of the earth almost collapsed, and a new science is being born under the guidance of aliens.

Technology can evolve and change, but the spirit of the earth will not be completely swallowed up. After all, the earth is the home ground here.

Then after the new double Galaxy rule was slowly formed, the first main god in the rule was born. He surpassed the sword spirit main god of the sword spirit star, and surpassed many advanced creatures of the sword spirit star. This It's God's Punishment!

Punishing evil in the name of heaven, naturally, the purpose is to protect the new laws of the earth, and it is a new creature derived from the establishment of the new laws of the earth in the post-apocalyptic era!

Humans on Earth are not advanced, but in the long process of evolution, many immune cells have been formed in the human body to resist various invasions.

Compared with the whole earth, human beings are just microscopic creatures, so human beings cannot know that the earth itself is also a high-level life form, hiding in the underground magma in the form of the spirit of the earth. Then the human beings are also part of the life form of the earth. When the law of appearance and energy comes to invade, the advanced life forms of the earth will naturally generate immune cells. Then Qin An, the God of God of Punishment, is the first of these immune cells. A sort of.

Since it is called punishment, it is naturally aimed at sin.

The many savage orcs in front of them were nothing more than ordinary life forms. As Qin An had seen before, there were old people, women, and children among them.

Then these people are not a sin from the perspective of the natural punishment logic concept. Qin An’s killing them is naturally not a punishment. Therefore, they are backlashed by the law energy. Although the physical power level is not too weak, Mental Energy does. It is greatly weakened, and can no longer control the power of the golden cudgel.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

No matter how many immune cells there are in the human body, it is impossible not to get sick.

So once you get sick, you need to take medicine.

After the drug enters the human body, sometimes it cannot act on the target organ of the disease. It is often absorbed by the immune cells or the internal structure of the body in advance, which makes the drug effect less than the expected effect. As the saying goes, things must be reversed. Immune cells exert too much effect and cause harm to the human body.

Qin An, as the immune cell of the earth, is the same. He kills people according to the law and it will be twice the result with half the effort. Once he violates the law and kills some people who have not violated the law, he will naturally become weak, as if he has not absorbed the medicine.

After Qin An understood these things, Mental Energy became clearer.

It seems that at least those who have little combat power cannot be killed indiscriminately. Although the power of backlash does not seem to have a big impact on him, who knows what the end will be if too many kills?

Without much confidence, Qin An began to give up the golden cudgel's super group killing ability, and turned on the group attack skills such as Rain of Red Leaves, to target those brutal warriors.

They are all invaders to the natives of the earth, and these people are definitely more than guilty in the concept of punishment.

In this way, after killing a barbarian warrior for a while, Qin An’s body finally disappeared from so many adverse reactions. Although it has not returned to its best state of heyday, Mental Energy still cannot freely control the golden hoop, but its own strength is The recovery is almost the same, and various discomforts gradually disappeared.

Qin An then put aside the distracting thoughts, and began to kill the brutal beasts wholeheartedly. After killing one, he would take out the sword soul stone or the sword Spirit Stones from their bodies.The sword soul stone in this group of guys should also be able to evolve and grow, just like the Xue Yao female clan, Xue Bao, who talked about friends with Qin Dafeng, evolved the sword god stone in his body. This has always been a secret of the Qin family. There are only a few ladies. Know. For this reason, they have basically kept Xuebao in captivity these years, and will not let her appear in front of the masses at all. They are afraid that someone will find the sword god stone in her body and then rob her. If the Sword God Stone is taken away, then Xueer's fate is gone.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, Qin An's killing speed became faster and faster, and he collected more and more sword Spirit Stones and sword soul stones.

At this time, the real master of the orc race finally arrived.

The leopard girl Jones, the dragon beast Pangu, the zombie beast Haranda, the black wolf beast Kanati, and the Agu beast Crotina all appeared together.

Among them, Jones felt the most peculiar.

Look at the man in front of you. Compared with the men of the leopard beast clan, except for being shorter, what is the difference?

After watching for a long time, Jones finally found the difference, and that was the clothes the man was wearing at this time.

It's so funny, this thing on the body jacket is not hot enough? I don't know what the people on earth think!

Leopard Girl Jones thought that dress was an eyesore, and wanted to tear it up!

This man is really strong, who is he? Killing in a savage group is like trying to get something, no one can get close, once he is surrounded, he will lose track and teleport to other places to continue killing!

Is this the super soldier of the human race?

As he stared in a daze, the zombie beast Haranda rushed over with a roar.

"Wow! You dare to massacre my people, you die for me!"

While speaking, he jumped to Qin An's side, and the three big heads ejected a purple-black translucent flame.

This kind of flame has a powerful attack power and has no temperature itself. Once it touches an enemy, it can quickly burn the opponent's whole body, and the sword god-level powerhouse cannot completely defend it.

Qin An's Movement Technique is so fascinating, how could he be touched by this kind of thing.

He teleported to behind Haranda in an instant, and the golden cudgel stood up and fell, smashing at one of Haranda's head.


After a muffled sound, Harlanda's hit head flew directly and exploded, as if knocking on a watermelon.

Jones and the other patriarchs were all dumbfounded.

The body of the savage beast is a weapon of defense and attack, and they all know how hard Haranda's head is.

Now he broke the defense in one fell swoop? How is this possible?

If the defense is ineffective, wouldn't it be impossible to resist as long as the opponent is hit?

"Everyone, don't watch the battle anymore! This kid is a bit tricky, let's do it together!"

Pangu yelled and jumped directly, and the leopard girl Jones, the black wolf beast Kanati, the Agu beast Crotina and the injured Haranda instantly formed an encirclement to Qin An.

Standing in place, Qin An's eyes fell on Jones first.

Leopard girl?

He knows some savage beasts, so he knows the origin of this woman.

I haven't seen this kind of big, long beauties, and they have some very special flavors.

Qin An didn't feel pity for Xiangxiyu, and seemed to think that this leopard girl Jones was the weakest, so she dashed to her and approached her. The wall of red leaves had already shot out of the package before the person arrived.

After a short while, something unexpected happened to Qin An. Jones transformed into a leopard-shaped beast with a length of two meters and five meters, and it directly broke through the wall of red leaves and rushed towards Qin An.

I fuck! The defensive power of this guy turned out to be much stronger than Haranda before.

It seems that she is the stronger one of the five!

Qin An quickly backed away, raising his hand to summon a huge palm to push forward, blocking the leaping Jones.

Jones Leopard's claws moved together, tearing a hole in the huge palm that was a full ten meters in length, and continued to pounce on Qin An.

Qin An could see the sharpness of his leopard claws, so he didn't dare to fight hard, so he dodged and smashed with a stick.

The leopard girl was extremely flexible, with her front paws on the ground, her body twisted one hundred and eighty degrees to avoid Qin An's attack, and the steel whip-like tail had already swept Qin An's legs.

As the two moved, time and space cracks flashed, and a faint cloud floated out. A strange-looking bird came through the time and space magnetic field, and was finally crushed by the force of the powerful twisting space.

Qin An saw the leopard girl's tail swept over, avoiding her sharp edge, and then reached out and grabbed the tail that had been swept away. With his arms hard, the body was firmly anchored on the ground, and the leopard girl was dragged and flew away with a roar. Over a hundred meters away, two brutal warriors were killed when they fell to the ground.

Although the leopard girl suffered whole body pain from the fall, she was not injured, but she had been treated like this since she was a child. She is the strongest Practitioner of the leopard beast clan, and no male creature has ever conquered her.

A roar came out in her mouth, and the leopard girl rushed towards Qin An again after she stood up from the ground.

At this time, the other brutal beast clan chiefs had already started, their defenses were very strong, and their attacking power was enough to break Qin An's defenses.

Qin An flashed and fought with the five people. Ten minutes later, although he had been in the upper hand and showed no signs of defeat, he could not kill one of them!

It seems that these five patriarchs are indeed not in vain.

Since he could not defeat them, Qin An was naturally unwilling to continue wasting time.

He turned on the teleportation ability, and instantly went three kilometers away, and began to slaughter the brutal beasts over there.

This kind of slaughter has no psychological burden. The two armies are fighting. As a human race, it is impossible for him to pity these orcs who can use humans as food.

After the five patriarchs caught up, Qin An once again flashed to fight in other places.

This was repeated for an hour, and the beast tide within a hundred kilometers of Fang Yuan had been completely disrupted by Qin An, and the brutal beast warriors killed had exceeded 10,000!

Although 10,000 savage beasts are negligible for the entire beast tide, the savage beasts are not zombies after all.

They have souls, minds, and wisdom.

All the brutal beasts that have been close to Qin An have witnessed with their own eyes that the overbearing and ruthlessness of this strong human race is beyond description.

As long as he shoots, someone will die, and the forms of abilities are also diverse, even without any abilities, the stick in his hand is the strongest killer, and no one can be the enemy of that stick.

This kind of power surpasses the cognition of the brutal orcs.

It's not that there are no superpowers of this level in the brutal beasts, but on the brutal beast continent, which brutal beasts might rush into the brutal beast group and kill them indiscriminately?

Most brutal beasts have no fear, because they have adapted to the blood!

In the lands of wild beasts, they hunt wild beasts every day, and then rip the caught beasts and eat them in the wild.

Although the racial regulations do not allow hunting between the same species and races of the savage beasts, this kind of regulation is only applicable to the sixty-three big cities of the savage lands.

Because of the integration of society, Life’s individuals in big cities are not so brutal, not to mention that the market economy dominates the food supply. Since they can eat well and eat well without any effort, the wild beasts are not interested in hunting anymore. . However, in addition to these big cities, the so-called rural areas of the Barbarian Continent still occupy a larger area. The barbarians in these places still hunt for sanitation. If the wild beasts are not enough to eat, then it will be a problem to eat the same species. The only way to go on Life.

The barbarians do not farm land or eat plants, which is why they had to attack the human race immediately after they came to the earth.

Billions or even tens of billions of savage beasts are piled up together, and incidents of the same species of different races eating each other happen frequently, and even the king of savage beasts can't control it. If we do not encroach on human territory, if we cannot use human captives as food, then they will eventually starve to death.

Fortunately, the three cities ahead were captured, and nearly tens of millions of people over there provided some food for the savage beasts. After so many days, otherwise a greater riot would have occurred.In short, the life of the beast is very savage, so he is not afraid of adapting to the blood.

But they are intelligent creatures after all, and they will eventually lose their calm when encountering unknown dangers.

In the eyes of Human Race, an existence like Qin An is just a powerful supernatural being.

But in the eyes of the brutal beasts, this creature that has never been seen before is a super evil spirit, and he shocked the hearts of all the brutal orcs with his merciless killing.

Was the real human race like this?

This is terrible, it seems very dangerous to feed such a terrible human race, just like a mouse eating a cat.

Under the chaotic situation, the resistance of the brutal beasts became much weaker, and it became easier for Qin An to kill them.

Because of the fear, the brute beast wanted to run away when he saw Qin An, so he gave up resistance.

The result of non-resistance is to die faster.

After another hour, the entire southern savage beast territory outside the Jiugong City was completely messed up within a few hundred kilometers. The number of savage beasts killed by Qin An is estimated to have reached 30,000!

This kind of result is a bit scary. Qin An is not an ordinary person who has killed 30,000, but an individual with 30,000 powerful supernatural powers.

It's a pity that such results made Qin Ansi unable to be happy, because the total number of wild beasts was not consumed by own killing, and the number of 30,000 was also insignificant to them.

After two hours of fierce battle, the body has begun to get tired, the movements have become slow, and the release interval of the abilities has also become much longer.

All right! It seems that he can only get here, the only gain is that he has got 30,000 sword Spirit Stones, the sword soul stone, which can at least resurrect one or two in the necrotic space.

The sea of ​​fire between the tide of beasts and Jiugong City was still burning, but it was not so vigorous. Qin An found a gap to cross the sea of ​​fire and secretly returned to Jiugong City. At this time, Jiugong City was overcrowded, and the soldiers were watching nervously. Most of them did not see what happened there, but some super-sighted abilities were able to see a person's previous killing in the brutal group.

Because Qin An's movements were too fast, they couldn't see clearly what they looked like, but they knew that he should be a strong human race.

For a while, the soldiers all began to speculate on the identity of the strong man, and they only felt very excited. It seemed that this should be a more powerful person than Huo Wentian!

As for the savage orcs, the frontline battle report was also transmitted directly to the rear.

The people in the Brutal Beast Palace heard that a strong human race had rushed into their camp. After killing 30,000 powerful brutal warriors within two hours, they couldn't believe it.

The so-called royal palace is now built in Quang Nam Province. It is a huge wooden palace that has just been completed.

In the Palace of the Beast King, behind the curtain of the weeping willow, the Beast King and many savage beast ministers sit by the curtain.

After a long period of silence, a voice finally came from the door curtain.

"Long Xiao, I heard that Jones, the patriarch of the Leopard Orc Race, is the mother beast you value?"

The brutal orc named Long Xiao is nearly three meters tall, and his appearance is very close to that of the human race, except that he has blue scales on his body.

"Return to the Beast Emperor, yes!"

"Haha, I have seen the Leopard Girl Jones. She looks ugly in the lower races. But to our higher savage beast races, she is also a beauty beast. You can find her in many lower races. , It means you have a vision!"

"Haha, I think it's pretty good after encountering it, but the leopard girl doesn't know how to promote her, and she doesn't like my Qinglin!"

"Well, of course she prefers people who look the same as her... Now it seems that the human race is not as weak as we thought before, and the inferior orcs are afraid it will be difficult to quickly find the breakthrough! Now there are my four heavenly kings in the Great Hall, and each of you is in charge of the four great beasts! The blood-slaying heavenly king Long Xiao, since your woman is on the front line of the Nine Palaces, why not send a wave of men and horses over there! Go! The prestige of the killer clan will also flaunt your teeth in front of that Jones, let him know how terrible you are!"

"Yes, dear Beast King! I will send the Flying Shark Clan, they can complete the assembly in a very short time, and then fly to the enemy overwhelmingly, a city of Nine Palaces, not to speak big words, as long as the Flying Shark Clan arrives, Calculated based on the time of their earthlings, it does not take ten minutes to slaughter the city!"

The curtain opened, a height of only 1.8 meters, although the body structure is exactly the same as the female human race of the earth, but a beautiful and weird woman appeared, this is the king of brutal beasts, the king of beasts!

"Okay! Get some food for me after the city is slaughtered. A man who wants hardcover, I don't like to eat fat! Women's meat is too fat!"

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