"What you said is all right, but you must not forget a premise. The barbarians need to eat meat. They must eat all alien life forms. This is the basis for their survival. Having this basis as a support means that It is impossible for them to cooperate with any race. Unless you have a way to solve the food problem of 50 billion orcs! Even the beasts on the savage beast continent will also be teleported, but at least they have not come at this time, and have already crossed dozens of earth. The billion orcs already desperately need a lot of food."

Qi Rou directly pointed out the crux of the problem.

Yes, the billions of orcs waiting to be fed, if they consider from the standpoint of the Beast Emperor, Qin An feels that he should also give orders to eat up humans.

The most confusing thing is that the orcs don't eat plants, they only eat meat!

Where can I get so much meat for the orcs to eat?

Qin An's eyes swept across Fang Jiaoyan's body inadvertently.

At this moment, there are two buttons on her, which makes the white and deep shadow on her chest all exposed.

Fang Jiaoyan was also careless. She was so haggard that she still wondered whether she had exposed her flesh. There are two types of women. One is deliberately revealing just to attract others' eyes, and the other is unintentionally revealing. Fang Jiaoyan belongs to the latter kind of attraction at this moment.

Turning his head a little depressed, Qin An struggled for a while, then his eyes suddenly flashed!

"Perhaps, is there a way to solve the food problem?"

Qi Rou raised her eyebrows, looked at Qin An's face, and smiled: "If the food problem of billions of orcs can be solved, then there is a possibility of cooperation between the human race and the wild beasts!"

Qin An nodded, and thought for a while before saying:

"This matter has to be considered for a long time. Now that Qin Ling has not succeeded in taking over the imperial defense system, the orcs are still at an advantage. If we talk about cooperation with them, we may not succeed. Therefore, the battle of the five-city defense line will continue. Wait for the orcs to be beaten. After I'm afraid, I will get half the result with half the effort when I talk about cooperation! Haha, I finally figured it out!"

Qin An laughed happily.

Qi Rou looked at Qin An with a smile on her face.

"You guys have a lot of spooky ideas, so what are your plans now? Where are we going?"

"Return to Hanghai City! The response of the eight cities here is naturally arranged by the Empire! The only thing I need to care about is the little Hongye. Turn around to arrange for Qin Lu and Qin Yan to go to her to protect him in secret. Let's go back to Hanghai now. I have More important things must be done! Make meat for the brutal orcs!"

Qin An's voice fell, Qi Rou had called Qin Lu and Qin Yan out of the villa space according to his request, and Qin An asked them to travel ten kilometers north immediately, and Qin Yana and Adadilan stayed together over there.

After arranging bodyguards for the little granddaughter, Qin An drove north at full speed and returned to his home in Hangzhou City within 2 hours.

Let Haitang be responsible for arranging accommodation for Qi Rou and others. Qi Rou was very dissatisfied with the broken houses in Qin An's house, so she paid for someone to tear down and rebuild it.

The construction engineering team in the apocalypse is very efficient. It takes no time to build a building for a meal. Like building blocks, Qin An didn’t want to see the appearance of his new home, but directly killed Qin like a gust of wind. Home, planning to start the own meat hunting plan.


It didn't rain in Hanghai City, and it was a clear sky. The stars flickered under the dark curtain, two moons were already hanging in the sky, and the third moon was rising.

The four ladies of the Qin Mansion have their own independent courtyards, and each courtyard has a long-standing soundproof magic array. This is normal. After all, everyone wants their own independent space instead of being monitored by some people occasionally.

Canghai Yuqing has just eaten a star night meal, and it is still far away from the night. She has nothing to do and lies on the couch in the yard basking in the stars. By her side, the eight-year-old Qin Haiyue is accompanied by her nurse Zhu Lisana. Playing in the mud... It's just that her gameplay is something other children can't imitate. As the daughter of Qin An bloodline and the daughter of the sea, Qin Haiyue already has a super heaven-defying ability.

It took a long time to mix the soil in his hands with water, and Haiyue finally squeezed it into an ugly clay figure.

"Julisha, do you think I can successfully make a finished product this time?"

"My dear, I think you can do it, come on!"


Haiyue nodded seriously, then tilted her little head to look at Canghai Jade Qingcheng lying on one side.

"The lady over there, don't you want to cheer for me?"

"That little Miss over there, if you can succeed, I will call your mother!"

Haiyue was very depressed, she was deeply irritated, so she gritted her teeth for a while, ignored Yu Qingcheng, and began to concentrate on looking at the clay figure in her hand, focusing all her attention.This time, she must succeed!


In the garden east of the Qin Family Courtyard, Qin Huxiao was reluctantly wandering with Fang Rumeng who was also unpleasant.

The howling mother-in-law Qiu Jinse fell in love with the little girl from the Fang family. The Fang family also gave Fang Rumeng the ultimate order to make her sure to win the favor of the Young Master of the Qin family. , I have the second date in Qin's house now.

Fang Rumeng is really tangled, because the silly boy Qin Huxiao is not her food.

The last time he seduce him in Fang's family was just to prove the existence of own, which was a prank.

Fang Rumeng was unwilling to let her really marry a silly boy.

In fact, Qin Huxiao just looked reluctant on the surface, and more of his emotions were nervousness.

Fang Rumeng is not the type he likes. He feels that he should prefer the rough female soldiers in the army. Compared with the female soldiers, Fang Rumeng is obviously far behind.

But the last time at Fang's house, Fang Rumeng, who was like a lotus flower after falling into the water, made Qin Huxiao's memory still fresh.

I even dreamed of this woman when I went to bed these two nights. How could this be so strange!

With a light cough, mainly to relieve own tension, Qin Huxiao pointed to the front and said:

"Leaving this garden, my Big sis Qin Wenxin's house is in front of her. There is a large watermelon field in her backyard. The main reason is that my brother-in-law Li Watermelon likes to eat watermelons, so Big sis planted a lot of watermelons for him. The land also provided the supply of watermelon for the Qin Mansion, but Big sis is a small pick, it is to count the money with the mansion! The mothers are very strict with our financial management, afraid that we will spend money indiscriminately and become the rich second generation of Tsundere. So the children of the Qin family are actually poor. Big sis sells the watermelon she grows to the mansion. The mothers also say that she is good at doing business! In short, she is boasting and boasting!"

"Oh, then this Wen Xin Miss and you are the same mother?"

"No, she is the daughter of Li Na's mother, but in the battle nine years ago, Li Na's mother and many mothers died with her father! That time, if it weren't for the death sect to release a large amount of power limiting agent drugs, our people would have no defense. , The ending won’t be so miserable! Hmph, wait, it’s useless for them to be mean in the next decisive battle with the dead sect!"

At this point, Qin Huxiao's face became very cold.

Fang Rumeng looked at Qin Huxiao like this and felt very strange, and at the same time a little surprised.

It turns out that this Mumu boy is the most handsome when he is angry? It was fascinating to look at the sharp eyes and look at the face that seemed to be cold to the bones.

Hey, what a pity, a man who is handsome when he is angry, who would like to make him angry?

"Okay, okay! I know that your Qin family has a big vengeance that you haven't avenged! Don't worry, after all, you are still young and there are plenty of opportunities for revenge!"

"I'm young? I'm not young!"

Qin Huxiao straightened his neck to refute Fang Rumeng.

Fang Rumeng accidentally drew his eyes between Qin Huxiao's legs, and then his gorgeous face blushed.


Is he really a sex girl? Why did you think of such a place?

"Pervert! Tap it!"

In Qin Beichen's room, Shi Lida whispered shyly.

The husband and wife Life was originally innocent, but now it's dark yet, Qin Yanan and Qin Yali are all playing in the courtyard. Qin Beichen didn't know what was going on, so he got her into the room to vent?

This is definitely venting, there is almost no pre-existence. Even if they are already old couples and old wives, he wouldn't be so rude, right?

"Hey! I'm going to the south of the city tomorrow! Feed you first, lest you think about Young Master, and people will burn letters to me in two days, please go back to the house!"

Shi Lida immediately stopped Qin Beichen's movements when she heard it, and asked in surprise:

"What? The defense of Hanghai City has been settled?"

"Yeah! Weng Lan's mother has promised to Guo Uncle that Hanghai City will be guarded by the Qin family and will never let the brutal beasts leap forward. The official confession has been given, and Tang Yu's mother will be the general of the moat. I have taken the position, the storm is coming!"

"Then you still have the mind to do this with me?"

Shi Lida jumped up from the bed, and she didn't care that she was still naked.

"I'll get you some clothes quickly, what else should I bring? Get some Sanxian steamed buns, don’t you like to eat them by myself?

Qin Beichen was very helpless and said depressed:

"My dear, I'm only going from the north to the south, and I'm not on a long business trip. Do I need so much trouble?"

"That's not necessary, or should I go with you?"

"What are you going to do? Yanan, who will take care of Yali? Especially Yanan, she is still paying attention to the nostalgia. Although Weng Lan's mother arranged a large number of masters to protect nearby, but you did not follow your mother, I again How to rest assured?"

Shi Lida finally stopped being busy, and sighed: "Really, the nasty orc tide! I really didn't expect that the eight cities ahead would collapse so quickly."

"No way, the Maya rebellion, if it weren't for Qin Ling, we might be even worse!"

"Hey, it's quite tangled."

Shi Lida walked to the bed and Qin Beichen enthusiastically pulled her to bed.

"Okay, okay! Don't worry about the outside affairs, but think about how to raise children in the future, and how to satisfy your man tonight!"

"Qin Beichen! You vulgar man! Why didn't I see it when I was young? You are a soft-shelled turtle with a refined appearance and a rough heart! Ah! Be soft!

In the end, all Shi Lida's complaints turned into gentle and soft breaths.


Qin Sanchuan gasped a little bit quickly, because he was angry.

"Huh! Yabao this...this prodigal child! Didn't she go with Mu Chen? Why did she lose it?"

By his side, Annie, Mulan, Mu Xiaoci, and Li Suoqiu were all eating melon seeds.

Anyway, Annie Big Sister is here. Even if Qin Sanchuan becomes angry with Qin Baichuan, he can't do anything with his wives, so let him roar for a while.

Mulan, Mu Xiaoci, and Li Suoqiu didn't buy Qin Sanchuan's account at all.

"Anni, you also know Mu Chen. Although he is not stupid, he is not smart. It takes minutes for our Yabao to get rid of him. Mu Chen has found Yana and sent me a message saying that Yana seems to be around him. There are two powerful men who are secretly protecting, so he wants to find Albemarle. It is estimated that the girl should be around here! Albemarle and Yabei are of the same nature, so I think it’s time to find her a husband’s family, you Seeing that Yabei has been married to Lanshan in the past two years, he has been much better!"

Mulan calmly talked with Annie, not going to see Sanchuan.

"Yeah, Yabao is still a little bit smaller, but it should be looking for someone. I think it is reliable, Xiaoci, Suoqiu, you two also have snacks. After all, Mulan and I are at home on weekdays, and you two have soldiers. There are many people who walk outside and come in contact with them."

"Don't worry, Big Sister, wrap it on me!" Mu Xiaoci was bold and generous.

Li Suoqiu's personality is much calmer, and he smiled and said: "We will pay attention to it, and the two Big sis don't worry!"

Qin Sanchuan was really tangled when seeing the calm appearance of the four women!

It is said that there are three women in one drama, how can these four women become solid four corners?

These years, they get along well, and they seem to be good girlfriends, but their relatives can't intervene in front of them occasionally.

Shouldn't it be that they were jealous of each other in order to get more attention from themselves?

Why is this kind of bloody drama has nothing to do with you?

After entangled extremely, Qin Sanchuan sat back on the stool to continue entanglement, and at the same time worried whether his own baby daughter would be in danger.

Qin Erhe was more entangled than Qin Sanchuan, because he couldn't figure out Zuowei in front of him.

In nine years, both of them have grown up as adults, Qin Erhe is romantic and suave, Zuowei is sexy and enchanting.

After being rescued by Qin An that year, Zuowei was directly sent back to the Jiulong imperial capital, and then tossed back to China, where he lived in Qin's house. And Qin Erhe can be regarded as a long-term love.

Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, Qin Sanchuan, and Qin Xiangming are the children of Qin An and Weng Lan.It's just that Qin An hadn't become a supernatural being when Weng Lan was pregnant, so they didn't inherit Qin An's supernatural bloodline.

Sanchuan’s daughter Yabei, Yabao had good luck and got the inheritance of the emperor.

However, these quadruplets are all mediocre and can only be regarded as ordinary abilities. Among them, Sanchuan has the strongest ability. Gale, Erhe, and Xiangming are weaker, so they only help Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse on weekdays. , To deal with the family's internal affairs.

Zuwei's mother died of ghosts, and she was already sensible at that time.

Therefore, she hates the ghost tribe over the years, and often shed tears when she thinks of her mother.

I don't know what's wrong today, and Zuowei feels very sad again. He has been crying for two full hours after Starry Night.

Erhe is now Zuowei's real cohabiting boyfriend. Seeing Own's woman crying with the rain, he naturally wants to comfort him, but he seems to cry even more sadly when he comes to comfort Zhuowei. How can Erhe not be entangled.

"Wei Wei! I beg you! Can you stop crying? I am sad to watch you cry! You can't let a man like me cry with you, right?"

Zuowei seemed to feel very wronged and sobbed:

"What's the matter? Why can't you cry with me? Afraid of losing your face? Tell you! I just want to cry! Cry to death!

Facing the unreasonable Zuowei, Erhe was at a loss and really wanted to commit suicide.

At this moment, Qin Ling's optical image appeared.

Erhe was very embarrassed, and said in shame: "Aunt Ling, aren't you busy on the front line? How come there is still time to come to us?"

"Well, there are a lot of front-line problems, but I am an intelligent system. The Clone Technique was originally my strongest ability. Erhe, I didn't intend to come to observe your private life, but just happened to hear a slight cry. Sound, so I checked! Wei Wei is a little unstable now, because her body's hormones are very disordered."

"Hormone disorder?"

Erhe was slightly startled, and Zuowei stopped crying at this time, of course because he was not as embarrassed after seeing Qin Ling.

"Yeah, to be more blunt, I found out that she is pregnant. It seems that it is time for you to have a wedding! It happens to be with Gale and Xuebao!"


Qin Erhe and Zuowei were dumbfounded, then they faced each other and continued to be dumbfounded. The news was really shocking!

"Haha! Wife, great, why are you pregnant! I am Qin Dafeng finally going to be a father, haha!"

Qin Dafeng received the good news from Qin Ling two minutes earlier than Qin Erhe. At this time, the room was full of circles, like a madman.

Xuebao has also grown into a dignified lady after nine years.

In Qin's family, she was well protected. No one here pays attention to her. Otherwise, how could she live so comfortably with the Sword God Stone?

I didn't understand when I was a child, but the older I understood, the more I understood Xuebao was really grateful for the kindness of the Qin family.

However, there is still true love between her and Qin Dafeng. At the tavern of the Xue Demon Girl, Xue Bao had already seen Qin Dafeng pleasingly.

"Hate! Who is your wife!"

Xue Bao was coquettish and his face was flushed.

"You! You are the mother of my child, and of course my wife!"

Qin Dafeng ran to Xue Bao happily and winked at her.

"Sorry! Really, I haven't gotten married yet... Then you say, when do you want to marry me?"

"Hey! I'm going to talk to mom and tell her that she is going to be a grandmother!"

"Stupid! Sanchuan's Yabao, Yabeike are so big, my mother has long been a grandmother, and still use you to show off?"

"It's not the same! The Sanchuan family belongs to his family! Our family belongs to our family! Believe me, my mother will be happy to hear this news! You work hard, the Qin family is already the seventh princess, this baby must be I'm going to give birth to a son! By the way, I forgot to ask Maya just now, what exactly are you pregnant with!"

Since talking about this, Qin Dafeng realized that he had ignored the key issue, so he was very upset.

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