As soon as Qin An arrived at Qin's house, he had already grasped the situation here.

It was really unexpected. I didn't expect Xuebao and Zuowei to be pregnant at the same time, and the Qin family was about to add two children together.

Qin An felt that he should be happy.

Now that he was determined to be the reincarnation of the Qin Family Patriarch, and his memory showed signs of slow recovery, Qin An felt that he might remember everything one day and become the true Qin An.

So now that two female dolls are pregnant, it means that I have added another...two granddaughters!

Although Xuebao Zuowei has just become pregnant, Qin An can still use Mental Energy to sense the gender of their baby.

It's all right now. From now on, the seventh father of the Qin family will become the ninth princess.

Speaking of Qin An’s sons, it’s really useless. Daddy is a professional family for giving birth to sons, Qin Qicai, Qin Beichen, Qin Potian, Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, Qin Sanchuan, Qin Huxiao, Qin Fangzheng, Qin Xiaotian, Qin Tianbao, Qin Busheng. One vote is all boys.

But why do they only know the baby girl when it's their turn? so stupid!

Qin An despised the boys of the Qin family, and then quickly shuttled through the Qin Mansion, and finally arrived at the courtyard of Canghai Yuqing City, which was where he was going to come tonight.

In the courtyard, little Loli Qin Haiyue said something, and was casting a spell on the little clay figure among his opponents.

Qin An was very curious, and didn't know what this girl's ability was.

Zhu Lisana is a member of the sea tribe, deep-sea mermaid beasts, known as natural nanny, they will remain breastfeeding all their lives, so Qin Haiyue, the little girl is still not weaned, and the relationship with Zhu Lisana is better than her mother.

Canghai Jade Qingcheng is a sword god who has lived for a long time. In order to restore the strength of the sword god, she obtained the original gene through artificial insemination, and finally gave birth to Qin Haiyue. But she didn't know how to be a mother at all. Later, when she came to the Qin family and stayed with the three wives of the Qin family, Life, she finally had some maternal instincts.

Nowadays, Yu Qingcheng will try to get along with her daughter as much as possible when she is okay. Although she is still studying, the mother and daughter have blood thicker than water, so there is a tacit understanding between each other.

Yu Qingcheng lying on the couch slightly twisted her lower body.

She is now wearing very casual, barefoot, tight white trousers on her legs, and her upper body is just wearing a white hurdling vest that is also very tight. It is already charming and enchanting to move casually. All that should be missed is missed. The clothes are tightly wrapped, and the shape and beauty are more prominent.

Standing in the courtyard invisibly, Qin An was attracted by Yu Qingcheng's movements, his face changed slightly.

He is also a man after all. Although his EQ for a year makes him not too concerned about women and love, his emotional quotient has also increased rapidly as he gets along with Ding Haitang and with the return of two memories. Have a pair of eyes that appreciate beauty.

There are many categories of women’s beauty. The most unbearable thing for men is sexiness and coquettishness. At this time, Yu Qingcheng lying in bed scratching her head is the most vivid interpretation of these two words. Of course Qin An will be a little embarrassed when she sees it. Breathing seems to have become a little more anxious, it is completely a natural reaction.

At this time young Loli Qin Haiyue's spell was finally cast.

"Boss, boss! I am Haiyue, come back to life! I will

The land of the earth seal sword god inheritance gives you a body,

The water inherited from the sword god of the sea gives you breath,

The blood inherited from the blood master sword god gives you blood,The strength of Nanshan Sword God’s inheritance gives you bones,

The body of the super body sword god inheritance gives you muscles,

The thought of inheritance of the sword god of Wannian gives you mind,

The inherited face of the Red Leaf Sword God gives you a look,

The inheritance power of the Xuantian Sword God gives you life,

The legacy of the ghost sword god grants you rebirth,

The Shadow of the Phantom Sword God’s Inheritance gives you Movement Technique,

Dear boss! Hurry up and resurrect, be my lifelong friend, be my eternal partner!

Qin Haiyue is calling you, have you heard my heart? "

After a series of spells, what made Qin An stunned happened.

That little clay figure suddenly emits the light of the colorful sword Spiritual Qi?

What's the matter? Qin Haiyue estimated that he was at the level of a soul sword repair, how could he release a dazzling sword Spiritual Qi by making a clay figure at will? And this clay figure... is it coming alive?

Qin An could feel that the clay figure was releasing a powerful force, and this force even caused a little wrinkle in the nearby space. While releasing its power, various strange changes are forming inside it. Gradually there are blood veins and bones, and finally the surface of the clay figure is also changing. The rough soil slowly softens, and it turns into a shape like human skin. .

In the release of the colorful light sword Spiritual Qi, the clay figure broke out of the cocoon, reborn, and became a five-centimeter tall man with matte skin.

How could Qin An not be surprised and squeeze the mud into an adult? This is the ability of creation! Known as the highest form of rare power on the Sword Spirit Star, the nine main gods can be called the nine main gods precisely because they have the ability to create things. Moreover, after the appearance of this little clay figure, the light sword Spiritual Qi was released on his body. What do you mean? Could it be that this is a villain of the sword god level? impossible! Qin An couldn't believe it.

"Oh oh oh! It succeeded! I succeeded! Julesana, mom, look! My boss was finally made, and my children will have the boss in the future! Haha, she is so beautiful, as good-looking as I am !"

Qin Haiyue bounced, the little clay figure seemed to be unable to speak, but he could feel Qin Haiyue's mood, so she was bounced on the palm of her hand, seeming to be very excited.

At this time, the door of Yu Qingcheng's house opened, and a group of villains rushed out. They were so cute and exquisitely carved. After they appeared, they bounced around Qin Haiyue happily, seeming to celebrate that she finally made a powerful Guy.

Canghai Jade Qingcheng was also shocked at this time, and it took a long time to react and said:

"Damn it, it turns out that you have awakened so many inheritances of the sword god. Ah... I never thought that you, an IVF baby, could inherit so many old father's genes... this is a sword. Is it a god-level doll? I really did it by you, Qin Haiyue, my mother now has to admire you and feel that she is old. Your first ability is too heaven-defying, if the sword god A doll with a level of strength can be squeezed out by you. Then in the future, if you become a sword god, don’t you want to be invincible and the world? Okay, well, from now on, your sword will be called Nuwa! Doesn’t the earth have that legend? I look forward to you becoming a Nuwa Lord God in the future!"

"Oh! Great! I am the main god of Nuwa! I can make a doll with the strength of the sword god! It's great! Mom, I'm going to tell the good news to Weng Lan's mother!"

"Haha, go, but you don’t want to be too proud! This villain was created after you made a thousand villains, which shows that the success rate is very low! And your villains have lived a long time now. There are still more than 30 of those thousand villains. You have to feed them well and don't all die again then."

"No! I can feel that as my ability improves, their lifespan will be longer and longer! Mom, I once heard a soldier say that giving him a woman he can create a race! Hey, Now I don’t need women, I can create a race! Isn’t it amazing? I will call them a little human in the future, okay?"

A black line appeared on Yu Qingcheng's forehead, and she decided to secretly investigate the guard who guarded her house. Who was so unabashed and talked about men and women in front of her daughter. She was not over ten years old. .

At this time, the innocent and innocent Qin Haiyue has no interest in continuing to chat with Yu Qingcheng, because her mother-in-law is originally a cold personality, she thinks it is better to brag with Weng Lan's mother, Tang Yu's mother, and Qiu Jinse's mother. Their reaction will be stronger and they will definitely praise her to heaven!

"Okay mom! I really want to leave, this good news must be shared with many people!"

After that, Qin Haiyue seemed to be afraid of Yu Qingcheng's retention, but she didn't even wait for her consent to slip away, and all the villains followed her on twitter.

Yu Qingcheng shook her head and sighed, looking at Zhu Lisana and said helplessly: "This child is awkward. Zhu Lisana, follow up and see, don't let her be naughty, there are those villains, let them not run around and all go back. I stayed in the small home I arranged for them to avoid being trampled to death by accident."

Zhu Lisana nodded with a smile, and then went after Qin Haiyue.

In the courtyard, it seemed that Canghai Yuqing was the only one left.

Lying on the couch, Yu Qingcheng turned over and suddenly looked at the corner of the courtyard and said, "Do you like to peek? You peeked at Weng Lan a few days ago, but now you come to see me again?"

Qin An didn't have any surprises. The woman in front of him was Canghai. It was not surprising to find that Qin An would not be so close to her when he came to Qin's house before. However, Qin An never showed up in front of Cang Hai from beginning to end, but she knew that she was the person who had appeared next to Weng Lan, which still surprised Qin An.

Qin An did not continue to hide, but appeared directly, anyway, he came this time to look for Canghai Yuqing.

"I heard that after you left Fang's house, you took your wife directly to the front line? Why did you come back after turning around?"

Canghai Jade Qingcheng didn’t know if it was intentional, and turned on the couch again, facing Qin An from a stranger angle, which made her graceful posture more fully revealed, which was obviously a seduction. .

The innocent Qin An twitched the corners of his mouth, and suddenly felt that Yu Qingcheng was also quite terrifying. Isn't she the sword god? How come you look so coquettish?

"Hmm... The order to retreat is given, and I will come back first."

"Oh, it's weird. You came back to the Qin Mansion without staying at Fang's house or your own home? It's nothing more than coming to the Qin Mansion. After all, they all said you were the Qin An, but you didn't. Go to the once favorite Weng Lan, instead of visiting your most intimate Qiu Jinse, and not caring for your most indebted Tang Yu, but came to see me?"

"...My memories are gone..."

Qin An's tone was hesitant. According to the information he had, what Yu Qingcheng said was the truth. He really loved Weng Lan the most, and Qiu Jinse was the most intimate, and owed Tang Yu the most, but he didn't remember all of this.

The air in the yard became dignified, and Yu Qingcheng stopped questioning, but closed his eyes, as if he wanted to treat Qin An as the air in the next time.

Qin An stood awkwardly for a while, and suddenly felt a little angry in her heart when she saw Yu Qingcheng's ignorance.

Look at her arrogant look, this is a show for yourself!

Thinking of this, Qin An stepped forward and sat down on the empty seat at the bend of Yu Qingcheng's legs.

At this moment, Yu Qingcheng's legs were bent, her lower body was on his side, but the upper body was flat on the couch, which made her chest upward and her hips protruding.

This is a very round and straight butt, which looks more rounded under the white tights. It can seduce people to death.

Qin An just couldn't hold back, so he stretched out his hand and patted Yu Qingcheng's ass lightly. After patting, he didn't remove the big palm of his hand, and stroked it back and forth several times on the other's ass, only feeling full of elasticity. , And abnormally smooth.

Originally lying calmly on the couch with her eyes closed, Yu Qingcheng widened her eyes, and then paused for ten seconds before jumping up suddenly, her face turned red, and she punched Qin An in the face.

Qin Ansecond flashed a displacement of 30 centimeters, still sitting on the couch, but avoiding Yu Qingcheng's fist.

He was actually a little nervous inside. The hands that touched someone's ass before were sweating, but his face was calm, just a smile.

"Is that little Loli called Qin Haiyue? The name is really nice. And she looks to you, but her eyes and eyebrows are like Qin An. It seems that the fertilized eggs that have not been implanted by mechanical movement are also very good!"

After the nervous Yu Qingcheng hit a punch and failed, he didn't make any more shots.She didn't mean to hit Qin An, but the experience of being touched on her ass was so sudden that she reacted a little bit fiercely.

Seeing Qin An's behavior so natural, Yu Qingcheng calmed down on the surface, but her heart was full of anger.

Hmph, it’s said that Qin An is a breed of horse, who is most likely to please girls. It seems that it is true that she actually touched herself directly. The problem is that she is still not sure that this Qin An is Bi Qin An, if he is a fake Wasn't it taken advantage of in vain? The appearance of Qin An in front of him is quite different from the Qin An in his own memory. His skin is whiter and finer, and he looks not as strong as Qin An before, but he has a more elegant temperament, and his facial features are a little more handsome. Also... he doesn't actually belong to that long and weak one, he still has muscles on his body.

If there is anything in him that resembles Qin An in the past, then it is really just a pair of eyes.

Qin An died next to Cang Hai, so Cang Hai was very impressed with Qin An, but the time she spent with Qin An was too short. Although we can see that the two people have similar eyes and look in their eyes, they cannot be determined by this similarity. Have the same soul.

After the depressed standing meeting, Yu Qingcheng finally sat back on the couch again, and then lay down again, as if nothing had happened.

"Well, from the perspective of Qin Haiyue from the child's perspective, I used the Qin family's surname and went to me as the middle character. The last month character was also my favorite. My greatest pleasure back then was to watch the moon reflected by the sea in the sea. Lulu, so I named the child Qin Haiyue."

Seeing Yu Qingcheng calm down, Qin An's nervousness also eased a little.

The reason why Qin An touched Yu Qingcheng's ass was not that he became a pervert after being seduced, but because of his own reasons.

Regardless of who Qin An loved before, the first memory Qin An remembered today was the Death scene when he was with Canghai Yuqing, so he also had some special feelings for Yuqing.

What's more, Yu Qingcheng is indeed the mother of Qin An's daughter, and now she can confirm that she is Qin An, so the woman in front of him is of course his woman.

Qin An, whose emotional intelligence is growing rapidly, is trying to adapt to how to love women. So in the face of this temptation of the Qin family’s young woman, he wants to be as mature as possible, just like those young boys whose young hair has not yet grown. When interacting with little girls, they all deliberately appear to be very mature.

Looking at Yu Qingcheng's sexy body lying next to him, Qin An had a flash of light and smiled:

"I just touched you, and you jumped up to beat me. It should be an unexpected reason. Now you are lying on your sleep again. Are you telling me that you are mentally prepared? Time can I touch it casually?"


After listening to Qin An's words, Yu Qingcheng's face turned red and white, and neither did she get up, nor did she get up, she was tangled for a while.

This bad guy, what she said really made her, the sword god, unbearable!

Had it not been for Qin Haiyue, who had had an IVF with Qin An, Yu Qingcheng felt that she would stand up and kill him at this moment!

Since it couldn't, then Jade Qingcheng had to struggle with it herself.

The reason she lay back was just to show her own calmness, how could it be as complicated as Qin An said.

But the most polite thing is that what Qin An said is quite reasonable. Does own performance imply that others are mentally prepared? Just a word: Come on, uncle, I'm already lying down, just touch it, don't be polite to see Yu Qingcheng's tangled appearance, Qin An laughed haha, raised his hand and patted Yu Qingcheng's thigh gently.

"Don't be nervous, I'm joking with you."

Yu Qingcheng frowned, and said in his heart: Okay, I'm not nervous, but what's wrong with your hand? Why don't you put it on my lap?

Qin An also felt surprised at this time. It was not that he hadn't been in contact with women in the past year, and he had a good relationship with Ding Haitang recently, but he didn't feel much excitement when he hugged Ding Haitang to sleep at night, because with Ding Haitang Together, he was more interested in using mind reading to experience Ding Haitang's nervous and careful thinking about gains and losses.

Now Yu Qingcheng’s mind cannot be detected by Qin An. After all, the other party is a sword god. It takes some effort to turn on the mind-reading technique on her. The other party will know immediately. As long as the Mental Energy defense is turned on, the behavior of spying on the mind is very good. It is difficult to continue.

So Qin An didn't know Yu Qingcheng's mind, and could only judge by her expression. This was obviously another interesting thing. I don't know her inner thoughts, doing things that violated her, watching the changes in his face and skin, is absolutely very irritating.

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