Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1643 Real Human

Also, Yu Qingcheng's legs are very strong, and the trousers wrapped around it are smooth, and Qin An feels it feels great.

He really just wanted to pat someone’s leg at first, but after the pat, he was reluctant to leave and moved from the knee to the thigh. After touching the target, he said in his heart: “Sure enough, the muscles on the thigh are tighter and more elastic.

Qin An was like a little urchin who discovered a woman's secret, and suddenly became infatuated with Yu Qingcheng's body.

This really can't blame him, it's just a year of soul resurrection. He has forgotten all the past, and consciously thinks he is a virgin man.

It's fine if he hasn't been in contact with women before. Now that he has been in contact with Ding Haitang and Fang Jiaoyan successively, he is slowly feeling the goodness of women.

Qin An seemed to be able to resuscitate it all at once, and it was still very thorough.

Since he is the former Qin An, and he may recover all his memories sooner or later, then these four women in the Qin family should be own? It shouldn't be a big problem for him to take advantage occasionally, right? There is nothing wrong with it, right? Right?

Just when Qin An was crooked, the fiery Yu Qingcheng touched by Qin An gave a cold voice:

"Oh, the memory is gone, but the mind is still smart, I think about it, there seems to be only one thing that can make you come to me!"


Qin An was still intoxicated by Yu Qingcheng's body, and didn't understand what she meant.

"I mean you came to me, should it be for brutal beast food, right?"

Qin An's hand stopped on Yu Qingcheng's thigh, no longer being naughty, and pulled away after a few seconds.

Yeah, why did you slip the number? This is the purpose of his coming here tonight.

With a awkward smile, Qin An looked at Yu Qingcheng's face and said:

"You are so smart that you thought of it."

"No, it's just that Tang Yu has been here before. She mentioned it to me and asked if I could help. I naturally rejected her. I didn't expect you to come here now with a look of excitement. If your powers don't Lost, if you really have been paying attention to the Qin family, the ability of Spiritual Sense should make it easy for you to understand me, so you should know that among the four women, I am the least familiar with you, except for one child. Almost nothing passed. So I think the only reason you came to me so suddenly is that! Other than that, I can't think of anything else..."

At this point, Yu Qingcheng's face became a little darker.

It turned out that Tang Yu, a smart woman, thought of going with herself.

But did Yu Qingcheng refuse?

All of a sudden, Qin An's enthusiasm in his heart cooled down, and he felt that this matter was still whimsical. He could understand Yu Qingcheng, because he was afraid that he might not agree to it.

The courtyard was quiet. Qin An didn't know how to continue. Yu Qingcheng lay there, calming down completely, seeming to be very lazy, but staring at Qin An with embarrassing eyes.

After a long time, Qin An sighed and broke the silence and said:

"Thank you."

"Thank me? Thanks for what? I didn't promise you."

Qiu Jinse frowned slightly. She was very upset by Qin An's taking advantage of her. But now Qin An suddenly became depressed and turned from a little pervert into a little sheep. This made her feel even more uncomfortable, and she only felt a little bit of trouble.

If this man is really Qin An, then he is a special existence after all!

"It's not for that. I thank you when I was dying in my last life... You kept guarding me and tried to save me. I heard that Weng Lan and the children were able to escape. The return of Jie to China is also because of your protection. So I have to thank you anyway."

"You know that...Qin An died, I was by Qin An? It seems that I did a good job with my homework!"

"Of course I know, this is a memory I remembered not long ago, I only think of so much."

Qin An was very sincere at this time. He was really grateful to Yu Qingcheng. This might be the real reason why he felt about Yu Qingcheng after coming this time.

Qin An talked in detail about the details of when he was killed by the hungry man, including the dialogue with Yu Qingcheng and her expression, as well as his own mood at that time.

After speaking in detail, Qin An emphasized:

"Originally, I couldn't be sure that I was Qin An of the Qin family, but when I thought of these things, everything became clear. I must be the continuation of Qin An's soul. It's a pity that so far, I only think of this, only of you."In fact, Qin An also remembered the first meeting with Weng Lan, but he didn't say anything selectively.

Yu Qingcheng was really frightened, turned over and sat up and looked at Qin An in a daze.

"You thought of me? Isn't it Weng Lan, not Tang Yu, not Qiu Jinse but me?"

Qin An didn't expect Yu Qingcheng to be so excited, his expression changed, and he nodded and said yes.

Yu Qingcheng was in a daze for a while, and then finally let out a long breath, with a smile of joy on his face.

How could she not be excited?

In the nine years of Qin's family, she has adapted to the life here, adapted to the people here, and adapted to her new identity.

But she was always struggling with one thing in her heart, and that was her relationship with Qin An.

Tang Yu, Weng Lan, and Qiu Jinse are at least married to Qin An, and she and Qin An are strangers at all, but she was artificially inseminated by Qin An, so she gave birth to Qin Haiyue, so she has a relationship with the Qin family. Tangled up.

Yu Qingcheng would occasionally think, if Qin An comes back from the resurrection, how should she deal with herself?

The idea has become a reality these days. Although Qin An has not been resurrected, Qin An's soul has returned.

Before going to Fang's house, Weng Lan, Tang Yu, and Qiu Jinse all went, only she was left to see the house.

In fact, Yu Qingcheng still had some thoughts in her heart. It wasn't because she and Qin An were unfamiliar, how else could she be left behind?

This kind of mood was very strange. Yu Qingcheng was jealous because of being treated differently. After eating and eating, the problem returned to Qin An. When she thought of Qin An, she became depressed, just because the two people were unfamiliar.

Now Qin An is the first to think of her, this is simply too face!

Yu Qingcheng didn't feel that this could prove that Qin An loved her, but at least she could lift her head in front of Weng Lan, Qiu Jinse, and Tang Yu in the future. Tell them about it, and they must be jealous!

Yu Qingcheng felt happy when he thought of the three women feeling upset that their eyes were not eyes, and their noses were not like noses.

She has been a sword god for so many years, and now she has become a housewife, which has changed a kind of life. She pays much attention to the taste in life, so she is very happy now, especially happy, and finally has the capital.

Qin An looked at Yu Qingcheng's beaming look, and his originally depressed mood improved.

"Hey, look at you smiling, you are a sword god, can you be more reserved! I'm thinking about it, if you disagree, forget it, in fact, I don't want to be nosy, just don't want Hanghai to become a dangerous city, because this is me Home. I’m a comfortable person, and I want to live a little life honestly, so I want to solve the problem of beast tide. Forget it, I’m not troubled by you. Since Tang Yu hasn’t been able to move you, I don’t think I can do it either, right?"

Qin An also showed a regretful expression at this point.

Yu Qingcheng shook his head and said, "Of course you and Tang Yu are different. In any case, you are the father of my child."

"Perhaps I shouldn't make such a request to you?"

Qin An examines own mistakes more deeply.

Seeing Qin An's entanglement, Yu Qingcheng felt a little unbearable in her heart. He didn't hold any grudges at all, and forgot Qin An's little move to take advantage of her.

"Then...Will you let me think about it? This is a big thing, a very big thing, you let me think about it."

When the words fell, Yu Qingcheng fell into deep thought.

Qin An stayed with her in Yu Qingcheng's courtyard for a long time. He didn't quietly leave until Qin Haiyue entered the courtyard gate before returning. In the end, he didn't get any answer from Yu Qingcheng. This matter could only be discussed slowly.

As Yu Qingcheng said, this event is really a big event and requires Yu Qingcheng to make a lot of sacrifices. If she can promise, it will naturally solve the problem of animal tide food. If she does not promise Qin An, there is nothing to say. , Can't be overwhelmed by others.

So no matter how much time Yu Qingcheng needs to consider Qin An, he can understand it, even he doesn't want Yu Qingcheng to sacrifice.

It was originally a hot-headed run, but after contacting Yu Qingcheng, Qin An found that he liked this woman quite a bit.

Ethics is designed here.

If he has no feelings about Yu Qingcheng, he can do everything possible to force her to follow the overall situation.

But if he likes Yu Qingcheng, how could he sacrifice his own woman for the sake of the overall situation?

Qin An firmly couldn't do such a thing.

Running swiftly under the starry night, Qin An wanted to return from the Qin's home in the north of the city to his own home in the south, which actually didn't take much time.

But when he ran to the commercial street in the center of the city, Qin An stopped because he had discovered something a little evil.

This commercial street is overcrowded. The handsome men and beautiful women have not affected their mood at all because of the war in the south. They should still go shopping, shopping, and shopping.

The end times are not their end times. Many people here are born in the end times and have never left the protection of the city wall so far, so they don't know how the end times are in crisis.

The reason why Qin An stopped was to find that a group of people were disassembling the large posters from the wall of the end department store.

The protagonist in this poster is not someone else, but Maya.

The poster finally landed and people cheered.

Several men ran up, took off their pants and ran away from their fellows, and then began to pee in front of Maya's face in the poster.

"Haha, let this smelly bitch eat Grandpa's urine!"

"I want to shit on her face, would you mind?"

"Don't don't, it's ugly! We don't want to look at your black-spotted butt!"

A group of punk-dressed teenagers laughed, and there was also laughter among the onlookers.

News of Maya's rebellion spread around.

Human beings are the most ruthless. No matter how much Maya has given to humans before, and how much she has done for Jiulongliancheng, as long as she rebels, then she will become the most shameless villain.

So these young people figured out a way to insult Maya vigorously.

This seems to be an attitude, a kind of patriotism, but in fact it is just to release the dark and wild in their hearts.

This kind of person is shameful, then the other kind of person is pitiful and even more disgusting.

The onlookers nearby pointed and pointed, and a group of people eating melons were in a good mood.

They didn't have the courage to show their own bird peeing Maya face in the public, but they like to imagine crookedly, watching the crude behavior of those punk boys, they said something wrong, but their hearts were envious of such sturdyness. Life.

Oh shit! I really want to take off my pants and piss in the public, so that all the women nearby will come to see my big bird!

Many men think this way, but how many people dare to really step forward?

Human Life hides the inner self in the group world, which is actually a group of disgusting beings.

In Maya's words, why does she protect such a real human being? Why should she do this?

Standing on the periphery of the crowd, Qin An slowly narrowed his eyes, his gaze fell on a woman.

This woman was also outside the crowd, not too far away from Qin An, she was wearing ragged clothes, like a beggar.

She is very beautiful, and such a beautiful woman shouldn't be a beggar.

As long as she shows off her coquettish casually, she should have many men willing to let her live Wu You's carefree Life.

In other words, this is a woman with capital, and her body is her capital.

The reason why Qin An noticed her back was really because of the contrast between her appearance and her dress.

At this time, this woman seemed to be a soulless person, walking slowly on the side of the street, without a trace of expression on her face.

Suddenly three men appeared. They discovered the beauty and identity of the woman, and they all smirked after looking at each other.

"Hi, old girl, scavenger?"

A tall and thin man stepped forward and put his arms around the woman's waist. His hands were very dishonest, and he reached into the woman's torn clothes and began to touch her belly button.

The woman trembled slightly, turned her head to look at the tall and thin, and whispered, "What are you doing?"

For a moment, the thin tall man didn't expect the woman's reaction to be so flat.

But then he laughed. Isn't this just fine? If the woman didn't react strongly, the three brothers would be able to eat meat!

Thinking of this, the thin tall man hugged the woman tightly, dragging her body to one side of the alley.The starry night is very bright, but it is not daytime after all. Once people hide in the narrow shadows, people outside cannot see them.

The three men led the woman into the darkest corner of the small alley, and immediately began to take off her clothes, not even in the mood for molesting. They are used to this kind of street game, and they all get to the alley and finish their work directly. They are looking for excitement, but they have never encountered a beautiful national color like this woman. Today's luck is real. good.

The woman did not seem to intend to resist, she was quickly stripped, and the thin and tall one was already riding on her, and he was about to succeed on the base.

At this moment, he caught the thin and tall neck with his hands, and then his neck bone broke and died.

The other two boys wanted to run when they discovered the abnormality, but they exploded and died as soon as their bodies flashed. They didn't even know how they died.

After killing the three, Qin An frowned and looked at the woman on the ground.

Under the faint starlight, she seemed to be a work of art.

The whole body is almost naked, a pair of pink panties hung on one leg, and that leg is long and straight, showing a slender charm.

The other leg was bent, which caused her legs to separate, revealing her privacy.

One of her hands was pressing on her belly, her wrists were red and swollen, and she was squeezed hard by the thin one before.

The other hand was placed horizontally on the ground, because she had been treated rudely, so there were scratched handprints on it, indicating that she should be just an ordinary person, not a supernatural person.

Her facial features are beautiful, especially the soulful eyes that impressed Qin An.

She looked directly at Qin An right now, with no sadness in her eyes, only spirituality, as if the violence that was about to happen to her just now had no effect on her.

Qin An stood condescendingly and stared at the woman for a long time. There was occasional noise outside the small alley, but inside the small alley was quiet as if a world was still in time and space.

I don't know how long it took, but finally the woman lying on the ground broke the silence.

"You really watched it for a long time, why? Are you not interested?"

Her voice was soft and charming.


Qin An didn't react.

"I mean, you killed those three people, but how long did you look at me? What are you doing? Are you trying to save me or keep playing with me?"

"...Haha, I'm talking about this again, I just think your posture is beautiful at this time, so I keep watching! I just woke up a pair of eyes that admire the beauty of women, and it seems that you are not breaking the law, right?"

The woman was stunned this time, but she didn't expect the other party to say so.

"Of course I am not against the law, but am I really beautiful?"

While she was talking, the woman stood up and put on the fallen pink panties generously. Then she looked around and found that her clothes were torn. She could only take off the shirt of the dead man and put it on. She looks like a dress, with two buttons on her body, making her more sexy, mysterious and full of temptation.

Qin An thinks this calm woman is very interesting, because he has not seen this type of woman. As an ordinary woman, she can remain calm even if she is raped.

Ordinary people?

For a moment, Qin An suddenly realized that this woman was unusual, because he couldn't understand her thoughts.

"Speak, am I beautiful?"

The woman packed herself up and walked to Qin An with bare thighs and feet wearing a low-cut loose shirt.

She was only a little shorter than Qin An, so she raised her feet slightly, and her lips were already less than one centimeter away from Qin An's.

"You are beautiful."

What Qin An told the truth, what he didn't say was another feeling this woman gave him.


She seems to be very wild and hot. If it is another man, facing her close temptation, I am afraid that it is already unbearable, right?

"Sir, you are also very handsome, thank you for saving me and killing these three boring bastards for me. This is your reward, please accept it!"

While speaking, the woman kissed Qin An's lips.

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