Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1644 Five City Generals

Qin An felt that he must be a kissing master.

As a super power person with the ability to monitor the entire city's perspective, Qin An has never kissed much in his memory, but only had a few times with Ding Haitang, but in fact, he knows about kissing very well, and he can even open his perspective. Directly observe the tongue-tip interactions in the mouths of men and women who kiss.

So Qin An originally thought he was a master, but it was only at this moment that he realized that he was a weak chicken.

This mysterious woman is too hot, she completely conquered Qin An with a fanatical technique, so that Qin An at least failed to summon the courage to push her away.

Time passed slowly, and after a full ten minutes, the two people's mouths separated, and then they stared at each other.

"You are very professional?"

Qin An felt that as a man, he should say something at this moment, otherwise it would be too low.

"Well, I don't deny this, but don't worry, my mouth is not a little bit of vermilion. You may not believe it when I say you are the only one."

The woman's voice fell, and she turned away coolly.

Qin An didn't stop it, but he locked it. As long as she didn't leave Hanghai City, she couldn't escape own surveillance. He wanted to see where this mysterious woman was Sacred!

After stopping for a while in the alley, Qin An turned and left and continued on his way home.

There was nothing unusual about the woman, she walked to a small room of 60 square meters on the side of the commercial street, which should be her home.

Qin An quickly checked people within a radius of 500 meters centered on the woman, and at the same time spied their minds, and learned some basic information about the mysterious woman.

Her name is Ya Xi, and she has lived in this separate room at No. 1045 Middle Street, Hanghai City for many years. It seems that after the reconstruction of Hanghai City, she has information about her. As for where she lived before, no one knows. This woman's life is very single, she has never contacted people, and her appearance has not changed in the past few years, but she really does not seem to be a supernatural person. She doesn’t go out to work, but she seems to have some money, because she often goes to the nearby vegetable market to buy a lot of delicious food. It can be said that she is a foodie and is famous in the vegetable market. She buys whatever is expensive and delicious. After going home to cook, the craftsmanship seems to be pretty good.

Qin An only investigated the information. It was already very difficult. Ya Xi had no friends and no one knew her. Even if Qin An could snoop on the thoughts of everyone living nearby, he could only see this.

Ya Xi was telling the truth... She really should have never kissed anyone, because no one really knew her nearby.

This is a bit strange. Why are things that have not been done so professionally? Could it be that she has the same ability as herself? Can you see the state of the city? That's why I learned the superb skills?

Qin An was puzzled. He walked slowly and was shocked when he reached his home. He actually saw a rectangular castle. The so-called castle was actually a circle of courtyard walls with a height of ten meters. This huge courtyard was enough It has a length of two hundred meters and a width of one hundred meters.

The reason I was so surprised was that the compound was not owned by someone else, but his own mansion.

Qi Rou was very awkward. Not only did she push the old broken houses of Qin An's house, she also spent a lot of money to buy many places nearby.

Even if it was a civilian area, the land price was not expensive, but Qi Rou paid a high price. Many people hated their slow running and failed to sell their house at a high price.

After demolishing the nearby houses, the space here is naturally very large. As the chief designer, Qi Rou hired the most efficient mechanical armor engineering construction team, and it took two hours to build a building that can accommodate hundreds of people. The mansion where people live here.

The mansion has three layouts: the backyard, the middle hall and the front hall.

The backyard is used for living, the middle hall is used for eating activities, the front hall is naturally used for hospitality, and there are also many guest rooms.

Qin An was really surprised. I didn’t expect Qi Rou to be such a life-like woman. The house she designed is not only well laid out, but also very meticulous in part. Although the exterior prototype has been built due to the huge project, the interior has not been decorated, but the house is large. It seems to have the atmosphere of home.

Qin An's mood improved, and he entered the mansion to find Qi Rou who was busy, and smiled:

"Look, there are only a few of us? Such a big house is wasted!"

"How come? Since you like this place, we will settle down in Hanghai City in the future. We will live here most of the time, so we should make good use of it. I have thought about it. Then let the Qin family’s wife and children also Come live, everyone has fun together! Oh, yes, there are Fang’s family members, then you can see who will live here. I have a preliminary understanding, the quality of Fang’s family does not seem to be high, so if possible, only let you The biological parents and brothers of this body can come, but if the horrible people let them come, I will look upset."

Qi Rou looked like a mistress, making Qin An laugh.

"Also, don't think too much, let Life be simple, Life can treat us mortals well!""Are you a mortal?" Qi Rou looked at Qin An and smiled slightly.

"Why not? No matter how powerful we are, we still have to eat and sleep, go to the bathroom, and have seven emotions and six desires. The difference from ordinary people is that we can better control the destiny of own, but this is only relative. Our destiny is different every day, if we don’t experience it, who can know it! Okay, I won’t be lyrical anymore, my dear Qi Rou, since the house has been built, I’ll take care of the decoration myself! Oh right , Be careful of the panda next to you and run, I found him hitting your attention, if necessary, I can help you teach him!"

After speaking, Qin An laughed haha ​​and turned around to leave.

But as soon as he walked to the steps, Qi Rou's words made him step on the steps unsteadily, and a big horse came to him.

"I think that kid is quite interesting. Qin An, we should be regarded as the relationship between mother and child in the final analysis? I think you should know this, so you will warn me of what I said earlier. You are afraid that I will find it back for you. Come to a stepfather?"

Qin An is really dying, so he decided to look for a chance to study that chest hair quickly and quickly, if it is convenient, he wouldn't mind strangling him to death.

At this time, Ma Liang had obtained a separate room, located in the middle hall, only ten meters away from Qi Rou's bedroom in the backyard, with only a small garden in between.

He sneezed twice in a row, then frowned:

"Who is talking about me? Is it the beautiful god? Hey, let's concentrate on the codewords, things outside of women! The bane of my heart is also the bane! As a post-apocalyptic literati, I can't be so vulgar! "

As soon as his voice fell, the door was pushed open, Ai Yu walked in with a bowl of fried rice.

"Mr. Ma, you didn't come over for dinner before, my host Qi Rou specially asked me to give you some food!"

"Ah! So considerate? Haha! Thank you very much! Aiyu Big sis, I am the favorite to eat the food you make! It tastes good when you look at it! Also, don't call me Mr. Ma, it seems so strange, called My panda is ready, or call me Xiaoliang, hehehe!"

While talking, Ma Liang, who was still a poor literati before, has turned into a transformation.

He jumped to Ai Yu's side, took over the job, and rubbed Ai Yu's hand a few times at the same time, which was considered a good advantage.

Ai Yu didn't mind, she was not a little girl on the earth, but a young woman who had lived for so many years.

As a mother of two children, as a widow who has lived alone for many years, it is a trivial matter for others to get cheap.

It's just that she thinks Ma Liang is too wretched and doesn't like it.

After the meal was delivered, he retired, leaving Ma Liang himself in the room to continue his thoughts.

Qin An got up after the fall and heard the arrogant laughter from behind. How did he feel that Qi Rou seemed to be a silly girl?

Of course, Qin An also saw the wretched Ma Liang at the same time. If he could become own stepfather, then Qin An vowed to die.

Ma Liang and Qi Rou are really matched. They are different species at all. Can Chang'e and Zhu Bajie really have a relationship?

Feeling dizzy and shook his head, Qin An stopped thinking about it and started to manage the house decoration himself.

He asked Zhong Hongcui to accompany Ding Haitang to purchase furniture and electrical appliances. For this reason, he also gave Ding Haitang a large bag of Spirit Stones. Ding Haitang was stunned for three minutes without responding, wondering when he became a rich woman.

Both Xiao Dalongdan followed Qi Rou and went out to make coolie.

After Ding Haitang and Zhong Hongcui had left, Qin An was busy going around and found the silly girl Wu Xiaoxiao standing next to own.

Qin An was a little afraid of the girl, because she couldn't hold the rein.

"You are Qin An, right?"

Wu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin An with a smile.

Qin An cautiously returned a smile.

"Yes, I'm Qin An, are you...Wu Xiaoxiao or Wangyou?"

In Qin An, Wu Xiaoxiao is not crazy, so Wangyou is a lunatic, which is like a double personality.

"Hehe, I am also Wu Xiaoxiao. When I am also Wangyou, Wangyou is the name given to me by the master, of course I can't forget it!"

"Are you the one who is not crazy now?"

Qin An was overjoyed.

"Well, it's not crazy, so Qin Uncle, I came here to get rid of a very important thing for you."

Qin Uncle? What is this name? Qin An felt as if he was having a cold sweat.

"Hey, many years ago, I used to forcefully kiss your son Qin Beichen on the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison. At that time, although it was because of my trance, it was also my intentional emotion. I like Beichen's appearance, so I fell in love at first sight! Returning to Hanghai City this time, it is only a distance from Beichen to the north and south. Qin Uncle, can you make a match for me and let me be your daughter-in-law?"

Wu Xiaoxiao spoke directly, but Qin An was very depressed when she heard it.

Now he can only confirm that he is Qin An, but his contact with the Qin family is still very limited. How can he help Wu Xiaoxiao as a matchmaker?

If Wu Xiaoxiao's requirements are met, then Shi Lida doesn't hate herself to death? Destroyed a good two-person world!

Qin An was thinking, Wu Xiaoxiao's face, who was still speaking normally, suddenly became dull. When Qin An didn't respond, she had already begun to take off her shirt and quickly stripped off.

I fuck!

Qin An was so scared that his face turned green!

This Wu Xiaoxiao is simply a time bomb. He just wanted to be his own daughter-in-law, but now he's stripped off to hook himself up?

Of course, Qin An knew that Wu Xiaoxiao must have been ill again, and hurriedly sent clothes from the Interspatial Ring to help her put it on. After that, she ran away, can't she hide her from the heat?

When the Qin'an family rebuilt their homes happily, the five generals had already taken office, and all the news on the Empire Network was all about these five generals for a while.

The general of Hanghai City is naturally Tang Yu.

And Tang Yu's information on this woman has long been in the empire.

At that time, the queen of the capital of Tang Dynasty, and later the queen of the new Tang forces in Europe, is now one of the wives of the Qin family.

No matter what kind of status, this has witnessed Tang Yu's legend.

It’s not a secret that Tang Yu is inheriting the resurrected body from the Blood Lord Sword God, so behind her is the entire Qin Family, the Qin Family’s one hundred thousand strong with an average strength of more than Four Soul Swordsman, and millions of elves. Treants, dwarves, and Cyan Sword people! The Qin family's masters are countless, not only the Blood Lord Sword God, the Canghai Sword God, but also the disciples of Qin Potian, Qin Beichen, Qin Huxiao and so on.

Therefore, Tang Yu of Hanghai City, as a general, is definitely well-deserved.

Pig's Ear City, located in the original Fuzhou generation, built a huge defensive town by the sea.

The general of Pig's Ear City was named Sha Li Tian. This man was the first brave man of the Eastern human race. It is said that he was also the first king in the Eastern Continent to unify the entire continent. Later, he lost interest because he had been an emperor for too long, so he retired and disappeared.

Therefore, when the name of Lilitian began to appear on the Internet, netizens from the Oriental tribe were shocked and crazy!

Unexpectedly, the empire's background was really rich, and the old god was invited to act as the general.

In fact, there are rumors that Gritty Sky may have been the sword god long ago, but he retired for too long, and he never appeared again in later generations, so there is no way to know his power.

There is also a saying that he became a god during the period of the nine main gods, then this means that he may have the strength of the main god!

The City of Ange is to the west of Hanghai City. It is no one else who is the general of Ange, it is the princess of the Real Fire Palace, Huo Qilan!

This woman is very mysterious, even people in True Fire Palace don't know her. The only information she knows seems to be not a sword repairer, but a powerful fire magician.

Some people speculate that she may be the daughter of True Fire Sword God, but there are also different opinions that she is just a proud disciple of True Fire Sword God.

In any case, the strength of this person should be absolutely strong, otherwise it is impossible to become one of the five major generals.Behind her is the True Fire Palace. After that, Huo Qilin, Huo Wentian and others all want to return to Tiange City to follow her instructions.

The general of Kasiris was named Xiangong, and this person was even more mysterious, because no one had heard any information about him before.

It was no accident that the empire suddenly dispatched an unknown general.

Everyone knows that this decisive battle between the human race and the orcs is related to the life and death of the empire, and it is impossible for the empire to fight seriously.

So who the fairy palace is and where it comes from makes people very curious.

The general who was stationed in the last big city, Qiushi, was a little surprising, because he was the celebrity around Guo Sihai, and now the important person in charge of administration in the empire is named Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang is a human being on earth, this is a secret that everyone knows.

In the opening story of the book "Dangerous City in the Last Days", Cheng Gang is a villain who antagonizes Qin An, and later became brothers.

So even though he was the former Tianyi Golden King and possessed a very strong group attack ability, compared with the other four generals, his strength background was incomparable.

People don't know why Guo Sihai let this person be the general of Qiushi City, is it nepotism? Deliberately chose an earthling to support the situation?

Probably not. Guo Sihai has worked hard to govern in the Kowloon Empire over the years. It was the star emperor, and he really made the people in the city easy to live and made them almost forget the existence of the end times.

Therefore, Guo Sihai is definitely a trustworthy and capable emperor.

Since Cheng Gang is used, there is probably a reason, right? But what exactly is it? No one can figure it out.

At this time, the highly questioned general was standing on the observation platform of the city wall at a height of 500 meters to the south of Qiushi, looking at the land in the south.

By his side, there were three women with him. One of them was his wife Lin Yang, and the other two women. One of them did not look like a Chinese person. She was unusually gorgeous, with yellowish and white skin, and she had the appearance of a Western woman. Features of the five sense organs. The second of them does not look like a human being. She has white skin, a graceful figure, enchanting blue hair and deep pink eyes.

These two strange beauties have a vulgar name.

The first is called Xiaoyan, and the other is called Pink Blue.

The names are obviously later, so although the two women next to Cheng Gang are not secrets, no one knows their fame.

At this moment, Xiao Yan was standing behind Cheng Gang, breathing hard, she seemed to be a little sleepy.

"My dear, the night is coming soon, should we go back to see how the house is decorated? Let's sleep together tonight, and try to see if the new bed is strong!"

Beside Xiaoyan, Pink Blue smiled and said:

"What's the hurry, we just came here, and the husband is a general Qiushi, so naturally we have to see the situation."

Cheng Gang turned his head and looked at the two women, then laughed loudly:

"Well, Xiaoyan, Pink Blue, you should all know in your hearts that the reason why I can come here as a general is mainly because Guo Sihai wants to reassign you, but he is embarrassed to speak. The state of the housewife is in Life. Now that the Kowloon Empire is at stake, you must take it seriously!"

Lin Yang also smiled and said: "Yes! The format this time is really severe. The two sisters have to work a lot. This kind of military warfare is just not good at it."

Cheng Gang was despised by Lin Yang and immediately felt that he had no face.

However, in recent years, he and these three women have cultivated positive results, and they are very close together. It is normal to make jokes on weekdays and damage each other.

Xiaoyan and Pink Lan looked at each other and smiled.

Xiao Yan said: "Don't worry, I have sent people out of the city to take in the troops that have retreated from the front, and built the first line of defense 500 kilometers away from the Qiushi city wall. Tomorrow I will personally organize the battle. The savage orcs must grab the first prize for her husband and come back!"

Fen Lan said: "Yes, I am responsible for recruiting and training new recruits in the city, and arranging a second line of defense 400 kilometers away. When Xiaoyan and the others withdraw, if the brutal beasts have not been killed, give it to me. NS!"

Seeing the confident smiles of the two women, Cheng Gang nodded in satisfaction. Cheng Gang's strength is clear and trustworthy.

"Then let's go, go to eat, I don't know how my little Jiayao is in Hanghai City. Now that the war is coming, the people in the power bureau will also enter the army? I have to talk to Guo Sihai in a moment. Said Jiayao was transferred to Qiushi City, I don’t know that she is outside

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