Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1649 Luo and Xia

"Will you agree?"

Tang Yu looked sideways at Qingcheng.

"I haven't figured it out yet, but Qin An's ability to think of me makes me very touched. Maybe I will make some sacrifices for him. You know, after all, he is Haiyue's biological father."

Yu Qingcheng raised his head arrogantly, very arrogant.

Tang Yu rolled his eyes, not beautiful anymore.

Her position in Qin's family is also very embarrassing, although she did have a relationship with Qin An, and Qin An is also the only man in her life, when Qin An did not give her a promise, there was no child between them.

Hey, this Jade Qingcheng is really lucky. Qin An had so many wives back then, and only Qiu Jinse was the one who could give birth, and many others had their stomachs frozen as if they were frozen. How can she succeed in artificial insemination? No reason!

The depressed Tang Yu raised his hand and took a sip of tea, ignoring Yu Qingcheng.

It is located 400 kilometers south of Hanghai City and is named Sanyue Lake.

The Sanyue Lake is very large. It is a large lake formed after the crimson twin moons descended after the Earthquake. It is also the largest inland freshwater lake in the Kowloon Empire, with a deepest point of 600 meters.

General Tang Yu’s camp was established one kilometer from the north of Hubei. There are less than one million left of the three million people and horses arranged nearby. They have already fought with one of the four patriarchs of the blood-slaying king Long Xiao. A fierce battle. The Talon Orcs, Wulang Orcs, Yagu Orcs, Leopard Orcs, and Zombie Orcs, who came from the direction of Heavenly Palace City, have now become the little ones of the Celestial Beast clan, and they are working to charge and entrap the camp.

The orc siege strategy has a characteristic. After fighting for two days, it will take a day off to eat. Their food is the human and orc warriors who died on the battlefield.

The war is cruel, and there is basically no way to play on both sides, because there are too many orcs, any battlefield strategy will be resolved by the huge number of orcs.

Two million soldiers died on the human side, and the orcs might die more than ten million.

But the Orcs didn't hurt their bones at all, but the Humans couldn't bear this kind of loss.

Tang Yu knew in his heart that negotiating with the Orcs was the only way out for the Humans.

The Temporary Palace is a simple large pavilion with curtains hanging around to block the sight of outsiders.

At this time, the north curtain was opened, and Qin Potian strode in.

"Hey, it's a headache, two mothers, the orcs are eating again, the battle is over, should we take a rest? And do we need to retreat in our camp? The tide of the beasts that we have broken up is regrouping. , It seems that a large number of reinforcement savage beasts have arrived in the south, and the flying shark orcs in the sky will also invade from time to time. The water of Sanyue Lake is stained with blood. The soldiers have a heart of fear. I will execute them today. No less than a hundred deserters, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight the next battle!"

Qin Potian drank water while talking. He had just stepped down from the battlefield. At this time, his whole body was full of Blood Qi.

Tang Yu and Qingcheng looked at each other, then they smiled together.

"Baotian, we must fight in the next battle, and we must win!"

Tang Yu's self-confidence looked like a queen.

"Yes, the human race has been retreating steadily, and the entire empire has lost confidence. Even if we finally shake hands with the orcs, we must fight a beautiful victory, otherwise how can we be confronted by the enemy? The orcs admire the strong? , They will be in awe only if we are strong enough!"

Yu Qingcheng's momentum was no weaker than Tang Yu's.

"The problem is that there are only one million human troops distributed on the north side of the lake in March, but the number of enemies in the other three directions of the lake is at least tens of millions. The difference in strength between the enemy and the enemy is too great! How can we fight win?"

Qin Potian really didn't have much confidence."Well, everything is with me and you, Qingcheng mother, what are you worried about? It's time for us to go and kill. What do you mean Qingcheng?"

"Well, let's go out and have a look. These savage beasts used to live in the savage beast continent. It is estimated that they have never seen our sword god. Now on the earth, although the sword god is no longer so noble, the chaotic space-time magnetic field is added The laws of the earth have created many super fetishes, but after all, we were all legends. In the Star Mountain of Sword Spirit, the Blood Lord is like the Canghai. They are all powerhouses who regard life and death like grass and mustards. How do you say that earth phrase? "

"The tiger doesn't show off his might, do you treat me as a sick cat?" Tang Yu responded to Qingcheng with a smile.

"No, right? One more sentence?"

"If the tiger doesn't show off your power, you treat me as HELLOKITTY? Haha, this is an old saying in the pre-apocalyptic era!"

"Oh yes, that's the sentence. I heard the girl from Wenxin talk about this a few days ago, what is this HELLOKITTY?"

"A pet cat with a round face and a bow tie on the left ear mountain. Very cute. But I don’t like it before the end of the world, because it was created by little Japan. You know, our country is before the end of the world. But I hate RB people."

"Oh, then you can laugh secretly now, isn't that island country already submerged by the sea?"

"Yes, it's a pity."

"You are a good woman, didn't you still say you hate them before? Why do you say it's a pity now?"

"I just hate their government, but I don't hate the civilians. You know, the civilians are innocent, and the people are innocent! From the start, the ***** they took is very beautiful. It's a pity that Aoi and Ozawa , Of course, it's a pity that the big bald head Kato

"Tang Yu, you are so serious, haha!"

It seemed that the two women had a plan to sing and reconcile. The silly boy Qin Potian was frightened, and only felt that being with these two mothers with very strange temperaments was under great pressure. Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse are more normal.

When Yu Qingcheng had a conversation with Tang Yu, they had already taken the initiative to take Qin Potian out, and walked one kilometer south to the shore of Sanyue Lake.

This lake fruit is already blood red, I don't know how much blood is perfused in it. The previous battlefield revolved around Sanyue Lake. More than 10 million people died on both sides. The blood went deep underground and was released into the lake. Therefore, Sanyue Lake became Sanyue Blood Lake.

Around a large lake of blood, the army of human beings and brutal beasts was stationed.

"Po Tian, ​​go to Beichen and tell him to urge the whole army to prepare for battle quickly. We are going to launch a return attack!"

"Back attack? Tang Yu's mother, isn't it a joke? How do we rework? Use a million people to give up positional defense, give up heat weapons, and go to fight the orcs head-on?"

"Yes, that's it."

Qin Potian said unbelievably:

"When do you do it?"

"Not in a hurry, when you see the orc tide routing backwards and absconding, then go chase and beat down the water dog!"

The voice with Qingcheng fell, and disappeared with Tang Yu, without whereabouts, leaving Qin Potian in a daze on the bank.

Could the brutal beast retreat?


Celestial beasts are one of the sixteen noble races of wild beasts, with three forms.

In animal form, their appearance is very cute, like a hairy ball. In human form, they have a figure similar to that of a human woman, but the skin is blue, and most of the facial features are abnormally beautiful, which is indistinguishable from the mountain of facial features. Distinguish their male and female differences. The third form is the spirit warrior.

The Sky Beasts all appear in pairs, one female and one male, one person and one weapon.

They can be transformed into a variety of weapons, and then another person can manipulate the weapon to fight after being transformed into a weapon. This is the spirit weapon fighter.

In fact, the number of Celestial Beasts is not large, but they have a strong combat power. Although their physical defenses are average, they can't reach the Realm of strong physical ability, but their attack power can break through the Super God level, which means they can fight against them. Can't be hit, otherwise even Tiange, Emperor, Real Fire will be injured.

At this time, Luo and Xia, a pair of kings of the Celestial Beast race, are dining with the Talon Beast Pangu, the Black Wolf Beast Kanati, Agu Beast Crotina, the Zombie Haranda, and the Panther Beast Jones.

Luo is the patriarch of the Sky Beast, a male body, and Xia is also the patriarch of the Sky Beast, a female body, both of them can be transformed into spirit weapons to be used by each other, and their fighting power is absolutely sturdy.

Luo and Xia's figures are all of that graceful type, looking like a pair of human twin sisters, but they are male and female, and outsiders will not be aware of it.

Pangu, Canati, Kluodina, and Haranda were in a mixed mood at this time.

When they were in the Star of Sword Spirit, they had never seen a high-level race like the Sky Beast, so they didn't know what they looked like.

I really didn't expect that, how come the sky beasts, like the leopard beasts, have a completely human appearance? This is a very ugly form in the eyes of the public. Can it be said that this appearance is the mainstream of brutal beasts? So can the sixteen noble beasts have this complete human form? It's weird.

Luo spoke gracefully at this time, his voice was clear and sweet, but he couldn't distinguish the sex of men and women.

"Which is Haranda?"

The three-headed beast Haranda had one head cut off in the previous battle, and now it looks like two heads, which is very miserable.

He is heartbroken with hatred of Human Race.

Dai'er's whole family died outside the city of Nine Palaces. Haranda had a good relationship with Dai'er on weekdays, so this deepened his cruelty to the human race.

Before, he sent someone to talk to the Heavenly Beast King, saying that he wanted to invite Luo and Xia to come out for a nice meal.

Luo Yuxia is the main commander of the army on this route.

After receiving the invitation, they came to the forefront of the south bank of the March Lake, where they met with several other inferior orc patriarchs.

When Haranda heard Luo's call, she immediately left her seat and walked forward and laughed:

"Luo Shen! I have heard the legend of you and Xia Shen a long time ago, and it is a great honor to meet today!"

Xia nodded and smiled, but Luo still said:

"Haranda doesn't need to be polite. We are all servants of the Beast Emperor. We should be called brothers and sisters. The title of God is unnecessary. This time, Lord Long Xiao, the blood-slaying king, personally pressed the formation in the rear. The shark beasts, the blood-slaughter beasts, and the big barbarian beasts have all come out, and cooperate with dozens of races in front of you, vowing to take the five cities ahead and invade the central city of the Kowloon Empire! In the future, we will cooperate together. , And take care of each other!"

Luo spoke humble and unpretentious, and the temperament between raising his hands and feet was very elegant. If it weren't for his blue skin, no one would really think he was a rough orc.

After a slight pause, Luo continued to laugh: "I heard that Haranda not only arranged delicious food for us, but also performed a show? I don't know what it is?"

"Delicious food is naturally a feast for humans. As for the programs prepared, it is naturally related to humans! Luoshen, Xia Shen, I still call you gods, kings of the sixteen nobles, we are not honored to meet on weekdays. Arrived, after all, our savage beast continent is very big, and this earth is too small, crowded and stacked our various races in such a place! Haha, two adults, the humans on the opposite side are powerful because they have many super Weapons, if you leave these weapons in close combat with me and others, they are not opponents at all. So it is really exasperating. We have lost so many people against a group of weak chickens! In order to vent my anger, I took pains this time. I have sent my subsidiary race Hada Eudemons to the big cities of the Kowloon Empire, the purpose is to let the people on their side watch a good show with us!"

There are many sub-races of the Brutal Beast tribe, and some of these races are actually very small, so they were annexed by larger races long ago and became subsidiary races.

The Hada Monster Race is a small, complete beast-like creature like a bat. They can't transform into adults, but they have the same wisdom. This kind of little thing has no great fighting ability, but has an immortal body, because they have no physical body at all, just like ghosts, although they can be seen but cannot be touched. As non-combat savage beasts, the only ability of Hada Eudemons is to transmit video messages, which means that they are actually video telephony used between the savage beasts.

The two Hada Eudemons are thousands of kilometers apart, and everything that one Eudemons can see with the eyes of the other Eudemons can be revealed through the atomization method like a mirage.

When Haranda’s voice fell, more than a dozen Hada monsters with translucent bodies had already appeared nearby. They naturally assumed the role of scene recording. Then the Hada monsters sent to the big cities of the Kowloon Empire would assume the responsibility of playing the video. The function of will broadcast what happened here for all the people of the empire to see.

Luo nodded slightly with interest, and said:"Okay, Haranda, let your show be on stage. Xia and I, as well as the patriarchs who are working, will wait and see!"

Haranda laughed, and quickly ordered a group of naked and tied human captives to be escorted up. Then he looked at the leopard girl Jones and said:

"Mother Leopard, I heard that you made a human being as a pet, how about it? How about borrowing him for use and letting Luoshen and Xiashen watch the fun?"

Jones was sitting boringly, but suddenly frowned when he heard Haranda talking, then waved his hand and said a few words to the guard next to him.

The three-meter-high leopard male guard turned and left, grabbing a human being over and throwing it among the people within a short while.

This person is no one else, but Fang Dazhi, the captive who was captured by the leopard girl Jones before!

Fang Dazhi looks very miserable now. He has been arrested for several days. Every day Life is in the Leopard Clan camp, watching those beast-like creatures devouring human corpses. He is really afraid that he will be like this one day. End.

Not only that, this human being, who is much shorter than the leopard male, is also loved by the leopard females.

Within a few days, Fang Dazhi had done that kind of thing with more than 30 stout leopard girls.

Although the appearance of the leopard girl is similar to that of a human, she is a little more sturdy. She is generally about two meters and five meters tall, and her body is muscular. There are really not many petite leopard girls with sexy and enchanting figures like Jones.

Fang Dazhi had heard the term "like a wolf like a tiger", but when he really faced this group of tiger-wolf-like mother beasts, he knew how terrifying a woman with strong desires was.

Now Fang Dazhi is almost mentally disabled, and the little brother can't work normally at all.

However, the leopard women have a kind of snake oil on their bodies. This oil is only a kind of spare food for the leopard women, but it is a powerful aphrodisiac for humans.

So even though Fang Dazhi was reluctant in every possible way, he was still busy these days, and now his body is almost dried out. He has lost weight a few times, his eye bags are obvious, his face is dark, his skin is rough, and even his lips are chapped.

After being brought to the scene, Fang Dazhi was frightened by seeing a circle of strangely shaped orcs, where there was still a little bit of strength, he hurriedly knelt on his knees, begging for mercy all the time. The people here didn't say to kill him at all, and he didn't know if he prayed so hard to remind the savage orcs.

Haranda was even more proud to see Fang Dazhi's face pale in fright.

He stepped forward, raised Fang Dazhi, and shouted at him:

"Hey hey, human kid, you are the pet of our patriarch Jones, I won't kill you, don't be afraid to know?"

"Pet? Yes, yes, I am a pet, I am not afraid! Not afraid! Don't kill me, don't eat me!"

"Well, if you don't eat you or kill you! But you have to do things for us!"

"Do something? What do you do?"

"You see, there are twelve of your people over there, six men and six women. I want to humiliate them with you! If the humiliation makes me happy, I will not only not kill you, but also let Jones give you a big reward! But If you don’t do well, I’m sorry, I’ll bite off your fingers one by one! Then use a knife to cut your stomach apart and eat up all your internal organs from your large intestine a little bit upwards! Eat it! At that time I opened your eyes with branches, fixed your head, and let you watch me eat the delicious food in your belly! Haha, what's the matter? I'm scared just saying that? Look at your trembling appearance, it seems I’ve been shocked. I’m telling you that now you have only one choice, and that is to perfectly execute the order I just gave you. Can it be done?"

"Yes! I can, but how can I humiliate?"

"It depends on you! You are a human being, of course you will know your people! Tell you, the humiliation I want is not to beat and abuse them, but to spit them from your soul and make them regret coming to this world. !do you understand?"

"I...I still don't quite understand."

"Hmph, I have heard that human beings are hypocritical, selfish and dirty guys, one on the surface and one behind the other! I want you to inspire such nasty thoughts in their hearts! Just like you, I actually like it very much, although you It's disgusting to be timid, but your performance at this time is quite real! These twelve people all claim to be loyal to the own race. They claim to be faithful people! All I want you to do is to annihilate them. Faith, hahaha!"

Haranda's smile looked twisted and ugly on both heads.

His purpose is of course even more far-reaching. He hopes that in this way, the entire human race will be humiliated and their resistance to resistance will be completely broken, because the pictures here will be broadcast live to all the human beings in the empire for a while! He just wants them to feel the horror and fear of brutal beasts!

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