What if we experience something like this?

All you can see around are strange alien beasts. Although they can transform human form, they feed on raw meat. They don’t wear clothes every day like beasts. Men and women blend freely in the wilderness. If they don’t agree, they can make a big shot. Kill the same kind directly!

This is a barbaric world. As a human being who has been baptized by civilization for many years, how can we survive in such a barbaric world?

Fang Dazhi has to think about such problems every day, which makes him feel tired.

Death is simple, it's just a momentary thing.

But facing the choice of death, how many people can regard death as home?

Hearing Haranda's haha ​​laughter, Fang Dazhi trembled all over, finally looking at the twelve human beings.

At this time, they had been tied to twelve wooden stakes by vines, and they were lined up one by one.

Six men and six women, the expressions on their faces are different at this time.

Fear, sneer, cry, dumbfounded, closed eyes, smile, laugh, scold, lose, think, observe, helpless!

With twelve people and twelve expressions, Fang Dazhi could see clearly at a glance.

So what was it like when I was caught here? Is the look on his face different from them, or is it one of them?

Walking slowly, Fang Dazhi first stood in front of the woman with a look of fear.

She is very beautiful, with white skin and no blemishes. There are twelve-color patterns on her chest, which proves that she is a ten second-level realm upgrader.

In terms of appearance, she is more like an earthling.

"Are you afraid?"

Fang Dazhi asked gently.

He wanted an answer only if the woman said she was afraid, or nodded slightly.

Because Fang Dazhi was in the same mood at this time, he needed comfort, and he needed a comrade in arms.

Fang Dazhi thought in his heart, if this woman is also scared, he might be able to plead with the orc masters and let her go! Let her be a company with herself, and they will be servants and dolls of the orcs together! At least he would not be alone anymore.

"No! I'm not afraid!"

The woman's expression looked like she was scared to death, but she still trembled and said no!

She had heard the conversation between Hadalan and Fang Dazhi just now, and knew that this man was a traitor, a guy who had become an orc running dog.

She is actually very scared. The orcs here are all naked. She feels that the terrifying lower body of the male orcs makes her full of fear. She is afraid that she will be raped by them. It must be a very bad experience! So she actually looks like death at this time, because death is the best result. So she was only afraid of what would happen to her, not of Death, which was fundamentally different from Fang Dazhi.

Although a woman seems to be the least courageous of all, her willpower and loyalty to the country are not weak at all.

Do not! I'm not afraid!

After saying these four words, the woman suddenly felt that the traitor in front of her looked Damn it. So she took a sip, making Fang Dazhi's face full of saliva.

Fang Dazhi was stunned for a while, then suddenly broke out, his face flushed, and his hands stepped forward to pinch the woman's neck.

"Smelly woman! I have been bullied by those leopard beasts these days, what are you doing? Ah? You want to bully me too? Didn't you hear? All twelve of you are mine! I can torture you to death I can torture you to death! Do you understand? You understand? Are you not afraid of? What are you not afraid of? I am not afraid of me? I am not a little deterrent, am I? I won't make you feel scared, am I?"

Fang Dazhi's voice grew louder and louder, like a madman.

The woman was pinched out of breath, but the pain and the suffocation in the throat diverted her attention and made her less scared.

She spoke hard, struggling to speak in Fang Dazhi's hands.

"You...better die!"

"Let me die?"

Fang Dazhi was frightened by the woman's eyes suddenly becoming fierce. How could this be?

This woman was obviously afraid to die just now, so why was she not afraid of it all of a sudden?Is she going to die by herself?

Can I die?

Do not! can not!

In order to survive, he has given up his dignity and everything, how can he die?

By the way, what did the orc master tell him to do just now?

humiliation! He wants to humiliate these humans! Let them succumb, so that they can't be proud!

Yes, I have already succumbed, I have given up my dignity, why can they be so fearless under the same rules? Doesn't that appear to be cowardly? Is he the only coward? Everyone should be a coward! Everyone is!

Thinking of this, Fang Dazhi suddenly let go of the hands pinching the woman's neck, and took a step towards retreated. His face became gloomy and his emotions calmed down.

"You weren't afraid of death? Why did you look so scared just now?"

Fang Dazhi looked at the woman straightforwardly, like a mentally abnormal lunatic.

He moved forward again, pressed his body against the woman's body, then put his mouth close to the woman's ear, and asked repeatedly:

"Tell me, what are you afraid of if you are not afraid of death?"

Because the distance was too close, Fang Dazhi's lips had already touched the earlobe of the woman when he spoke.

The woman's heart beats rapidly because of Fang Dazhi's touch, the blood flow in her body increased, and her body began to tremble.

Fang Dazhi clearly felt the changes in the woman's body, and then his eyes were rounded, and a wicked smile hung on the corners of his mouth.

"So you are afraid of being touched by others? Hahaha, what is this place? This is the home base of the master of the orc! The orcs regard inheritance and food as the two most important things in their lives! In their eyes, you are nothing but you. It's just a mother beast. Do you think you can escape this fate? Oh, no, right? You are still food, and they will eat you after mating with you, do you know? Are you not afraid of it? "

After listening to Fang Dazhi's words, the woman's body was already bloodless, two lines of clear tears flowed from her eyes, and the fear in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

She is scared, she is so scared to death!

Fang Dazhi became even more excited. He still stuck to the naked woman's body. This time, instead of lying on the woman's ear to speak, he shouted:

"Tell me, do you want me to find a few male beasts to come over, let them play you until you are off, and then eat you? The process of cannibalism is terrible! Do you see that kind of three-headed monster? They are the most cruel stiff beasts. They will eat your hands and feet first, and you will not want to live! Don’t think that you will faint in pain, because their saliva contains strong acidity. Once it flows into your wound, it will produce strong Burning, the kind of pain I promise you will never feel in your life, you...are you afraid?"

Fang Dazhi was a little hoarse, and when he talked about the best, tears flowed from his eyes and his body was already shaking.

He thought that this kind of ending might eventually be own, so he was also afraid in his heart.

"Afraid... please, kill me!"

The woman finally couldn't hold on, she cried bitterly, and said the word for fear.

"So you are scared too? Then why are you spitting on my face? Bah, bitch! So you are scared too! Hahaha! Have you heard that? She is scared, and she is scared too!"

Fang Dazhi roared and shouted at the orcs around him like a madman.

The orcs were just as if they were watching a drama. Seeing that human woman was terrified to death and begging for mercy, they all found it interesting and immediately applauded.

An orc child asked his mother.

"Mom? Why should humans be afraid?"

"What do you mean?"

"Teacher? Why?"


The orc mother frowned, and shook her head after thinking for a long time:

"I don't know, don't they need to continue their offspring in this way? I also find it strange!"

"Hey, I really don't understand human beings! Look at the way they cry, so ugly!"

"Yes, so they are only suitable for our food."

"Yeah! Mom, I like to eat human thighs, it tastes good!"

"Okay, mother will go back to the battlefield and help you get two!"

This kind of dialogue can be seen everywhere in the orc group, because they really don't understand why the women of the human race are afraid, and they don't understand the human mind under the moral physique of human society.

Sky beast king Luo and Xia looked at each other, and there was not much surprise in their eyes.

Celestial beasts are opposite species, with one female and one male for life, one of them Death and the other will not live alone.

Although they could not understand the fear of this human woman, they could understand that she did not want to be touched by male beasts of other races. In fact, the sky beasts would not allow this to happen, even if creatures of the same race wanted to touch them. To the beasts only belong to each other, this is the eternal truth for them.

At this time, Haranda and the other orc patriarchs had started to eat meat, and laughed at the drama in front of them.

Leopard Girl Jones didn't laugh. She had learned about some human races and was very curious about the social system and ideological status of the human race, so she knew what this woman was afraid of, because in her ideology, men and women were different. This is different from the orcs, there is no difference between men and women of the orcs, and even the advanced ghosts like Luo and Xia are naked and unclothed when they go out. Whether they are beautiful or ugly, no one will have strange thoughts because of their exposed bodies. Every orc has a time of estrus in a day, and when in estrus, they don't care who the other party is, as long as he is strong and brave enough, he can be recognized. Of course, on this basis, different brutal beast races also have some own hobbies, such as the leopard girl Jones, she prefers male beasts of the same race, but unfortunately so far, no male beast of the same race can conquer her. The Leopard Girl Jones is a special existence, a buried master in the lower races!

At this time, Fang Dazhi no longer paid attention to the woman, but walked to her side to deal with the man who sneered.

Now Fang Dazhi's spirit is a bit unclear, he has no fear, and his heart is full of tyranny and viciousness!

He wants revenge!

It doesn't matter who the target of revenge is, as long as you make them humble than yourself!

Fang Dazhi suddenly fell in love with this feeling. The life and death of the twelve people in front of him was in his own hands. He could do whatever he wanted without asking his own mother.

"What are you sneering at? She's already scared, she's subdued, please me! Are you not scared?"

"Huh, what is the fear of death and pain for me? Daddy killed more than a hundred wild beasts, which is enough! If you want to kill, I will follow you! Isn't it just being eaten by that monster? Let him come!"

The second man spoke generously and powerfully, which made Fang Dazhi stunned by surprise, and surprised the surrounding orcs. He didn't expect there to be such a backbone in the human race.

At this time, most of the people in the Kowloon Empire were all applauded.

Yes, the live broadcast of Hada Eudemons has already begun. There are huge mirage-like landscapes above the main cities of the empire. People can clearly see Fang Dazhi's picture in mid-air as long as they look up.

Needless to say, now Fang Dazhi has been scolded for incomplete body, even the eight generations of his ancestors have not let go.

Seeing the cowardly submissiveness of the first woman, everyone sighed in their hearts.

This woman is actually quite brave. People can tell that she is not afraid of Death, but afraid of losing her virginity.

The chaste woman is a rare thing in the post-apocalyptic era, so this woman's soft clothes did not make everyone hate, but only felt depressed, depressed, and sad.

Now, seeing that the second man questioned by Fang Dazhi is so stubborn, of course they will be restless.

In the imperial palace, Guo Sihai is already going crazy, and he can see the picture of the sky, so he knows that they can't continue to exist. Now human beings are already weak. If they are so humiliated by the enemy, it is estimated that the next battle will be There is really no way to fight.

"Qin Ling, I think this should be the direction of the heavenly beasts, and the general over there should be Tang Yu! Let her find a way to switch the video from the source, we can't stop these ghost-like translucent wild beasts from playing this kind of energy in the sky. Attribute video!"

"King, I have just contacted Potian just now. He said that Tang Yu and Qingcheng are no longer there. He thinks that the two sword gods are going to personally strike a fatal counterattack to the enemy, and they should do it soon!"

Guo Sihai walked anxiously in the courtyard for a long time, and finally felt that the wild could only do so. After all, the front-line generals knew best about the frontline matters. He only hoped that Tang Yu and Canghai Yuqing could quickly end everything. He must also do something, yes, hold an emergency meeting to study it!

Thinking of this, Guo Sihai walked out of the palace in slippers and asked the minister to call the matter.

In the base camp of the orc camp in the southern part of March Lake, Fang Dazhi was stunned for a long time, and he didn't react until Haranda told him to continue working quickly.

He was really shocked because of the righteousness of the man opposite.

This feeling is like myself!

Wasn't he also such a sunny, handsome man with a sense of justice?

But now, he is nothing, just a dead body who betrayed his soul in order to survive.

"Are you really fearless?"

Tilting his head, a tyrannical mood appeared in Fang Dazhi's eyes.

"Huh! Why, don't you believe it? You try?"


Fang Dazhi abruptly raised his hand and slapped the man severely.

At this time, Fang Dazhi and the twelve captives were all limited with abilities, so although his slap with all his strength was not as good as the slap, it was still fierce on the face of a man with the same limited abilities. An anthurium print appeared on the opponent's face.

The man was stunned for a few seconds, then struggling to shake, and at the same time shouted in his mouth:"Hit me? Come on! Grandpa doesn't hurt! You hit me!"


Another slap in the face!

Blood shed from the corner of the man's beating mouth.

After that, Fang Dazhi started beating non-stop as if he was possessed by a demon.

Three times, four times, five times, six times...Finally, work started around, and the man slapped one hundred and thirty-eight in a row.

After stopping, Fang Dazhi felt that his hand was numb, and his palm was red and swollen.

Looking at the man again, his face became more swollen, and it turned purple, bulged so high, and bloodshot on his cheeks.

For a full minute, the audience of the Orcs and Humans did not make a sound. Everyone was waiting, waiting to see if there was anything wrong with the man who was beaten.

The man has been beaten up, his eyes are no longer sharp, and the sneer on his face has disappeared.

Fang Dazhi gently fumbled his own palm, looked at the man and whispered:

"You let me hit casually, so I hit, does it hurt?"

The man nodded in a daze, he couldn't say a word at all, he was still confused.

There was a frantic smile on Fang Dazhi's face:

"It hurts, isn't it? My mother beat me like this when I was young. If I'm not obedient, she will keep beating me in the mouth! That bastard woman has a strong desire to control! I've been scared by her since I was a child! Because it really hurts to be slapped in the face, isn't it?"

The man did not respond this time, his body was shaking.

"Actually, this fast-paced beating is not terrible, because after many consecutive beatings, the nerves on your face have adapted to the pain and become numb! You can no longer feel the pain! Now I stop and let You have adapted to the pain, so if I am doing something to your face next, do you know how it will feel?"

As he spoke, Fang Dazhi raised his hand and gently slapped the man on the face for fear.


The man shouted in pain, his face was completely swollen, and now it would feel hot even if the wind blew, let alone being slapped.

"Does it hurt?"

Fang Dazhi's voice was very gentle.

In this kind of gentle questioning, the man actually gave up his defensive heart, and subconsciously spoke softly:



Fang Dazhi quickly raised his hand and hit three times in a row before roaring:

"It hurts? Then you still pretend to daddy? Does it hurt? Does it hurt three times?"

The man originally thought that he could get rid of the more pain temporarily, but he didn't expect to get slapped three times in a row.

He really hurts. This pain stimulated his nerves, affected his mood, and triggered his reflex tears.

So he cried out and got out of control.

Fang Dazhi stepped forward and grabbed the man's hair and shouted sharply:

"Tell me! Are you convinced? Do you want to obey all my orders? Bow your head to me like that woman? If you dare to say no, I will put a needle in your face a hundred times! !"

The emotional wall collapsed after the man who was still awe-inspiring crying, and the tears became more turbulent.

He thought he could be fearless, but when he was tortured, he was so unbearable?

No, slapping is not considered torture. The man believes that if he dares to persist, the man opposite will definitely make him worse off.

He is afraid of pain! He never knew, but he was really afraid of pain!

"I... I served it! Stop hitting me, I'm afraid!"

The man trembles and cries more violently.

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