Before Tang Yu and Qingcheng disappeared in front of Qin Potian's eyes, it was the incarnation blood and water that merged into the water of the Sanyue Lake, and they concentrated on preparing to activate their combined skills to kill the blood rain.

That is to say, this ability to break through the super god level is not a legend. It did appear in the history of the sword spirit star. It is the resonance of the blood master and the mental energy of the sea. The power of this resonance is that it won't disturb Jianshou, so it is unlimited.

When the blood rain came, Qin An just arrived, and directly opened the defensive ability of the Universe Cover for the eleven human captives, blocked all attacks and saved their lives.

"Female leopard, I want to kill him, can you stop it?"

Qin An now disgusts Dazhi the other party so much, where would he talk nonsense with them, and punch Fang Dazhi directly before him.

Outside the Jiugong City, Qin An once rushed into the brutal beast camp to kill the Quartet, and had a face-to-face encounter with the leopard girl Jones.

"It's you!"

The leopard girl Jones immediately became nervous when she recognized Qin An, knowing that this person was a super strong.

Qin An shot too fast, it was too late to escape, Leopard Girl could only stand sideways to block Fang Dazhi behind her, and she stood up and slapped forward.


With a loud noise, the leopard girl Jones was impacted by Qin An's powerful force and stepped back several steps in succession, breaking her arm directly.

If it hadn't been for her to dissolve Qin An's strength with her physical damage, Fang Dazhi would not be spared.

What a powerful energy! He can't be his enemy with one move? The shock in Jones' heart is beyond words.

The melon-eating people of Human Race were all shocked.

Just now, in their eyes, this leopard girl is already a demon god, so who is this man that suddenly appeared? It twisted and misplaced the leopard girl's arm with one punch? This is too exaggerated, right?

The Fang family in Hanghai City started with the owner Fang Yuandong, but everyone in the Fang family experienced a roller coaster.

When it was discovered that the human traitor was the son of the Fang family, the old man Fang Yuandong was directly vomiting blood with anger, and everyone in the Fang family looked pale. Fang Dazhi's performance has made all Fang's family members unable to hold their heads up. They really don't know how to be on the street in the future.

It is estimated that no matter where they are, others will say when they see them: Look, they are from Fang Dazhi's family!

Yes, the Fang family, which has a place in the empire from now on, will fall completely and become the family of Fang Dazhi, a traitor to the empire.

Just when everyone was desperate, the fool of the Fang family appeared, and with a arrogant attitude, he punched the seemingly invincible orc beauty.

The people of the Fang family all saw the opportunity of the Fang family to preserve their prestige and status at this moment.

Father Fang Yuandong didn’t have time to consider why Qin An appeared there, and why he possessed the ability to repel orc beauties. He almost roared, “Kill him! Fang Qin’an! Killed this in the name of Fang’s family. traitor!"

He shouted hoarse, blushing, ignoring the image of the owner of his own family.

Driven by him, the people of the Fang family also began to shout, hoping that Fang Dazhi could be killed by the Fang family, so that they would be able to make up for it. As for whether the fool was called Fang Xiaobao or Fang Qin'an, it didn't matter.

Qin An in the orc camp seemed to have heard the call of the Fang family. He didn't stop after knocking the leopard girl Jones back and wounding him, and his body quickly flashed forward and took another shot.

Jones naturally did not hesitate, and immediately transformed into a leopard form after being injured.

This is a feline beast with a length of more than three meters. It looks very similar to a leopard. It has white hair all over its body, its saber teeth are barbed on its back, and its tail burns with silver flames. All the injuries on her body after the animalization also repaired itself quickly.

Behind the leopard beast, Fang Dazhi had long been scared like a hot pot ant, with blood oozing from the bottom of his eyes, his face was pale, and his lips were purple and trembling.

Traitors are most afraid of acquaintances. The Qin An who appears now is of the blood of the Fang family, and is also the man Fang Jiaoyan used to be.

What is going on, this person was originally a fool, but he did not expect to become a super superpower? She had the power to beat the leopard girl Jones back with a single punch. If it wasn't for Jones' protection, wouldn't he be killed?"Qin An! Fool! This is the place of the orcs, do you want to kill me? Come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

Fang Dazhi yelled loudly. At this time, he was already in a mess, but he didn't know what he was yelling at all.

But his shout shook Guo Sihai, everyone in the Qin family in Hanghai City, Cheng Jiayao and He Tianyu, and everyone in the empire.

Qin An?

This mysterious man with terrifying strength is actually called Qin An?

When people were puzzled, Qin An and Leopard Girl had already fought three times, each time the Leopard Girl would be beaten into the air, and on one occasion he almost broke the energy shield that the Leopard Girl opened for Fang Dazhi.

Nowadays, the rain of blood is still underground. Without the protection of the protective cover, Fang Dazhi's ability level may not be able to defend for even a minute.

"Bump!" With another punch, the Leopard girl repelled more than a dozen steps, after which Qin An raised his hand and shot a large red flying leaf, the target of which was Fang Dazhi.

"This is Red Leaf Flying Daggers!"

"It is the early ability of Qin An, the predecessor of the legendary empire, the leader of the Qin League!"

"What? Will use Qin An's abilities? The name is also Qin An? Who is his true identity?"

"Is Qin An resurrected?"


"Absolutely impossible! Qin An has been dead for nine years. When I participated in the Battle of the West Coast, I saw him die with my own eyes..."

People in major cities are all talking about it. In fact, some young people don't know Qin An, they just know that there is such a person in the short history of the empire.

As a result, many people began to ask Qin An's story.

Insiders vividly talked about Qin An's fortune in occupying a small prison, and later traveled to the United States to find his wife, and obtained many legendary stories of the sword god inheritance.

In this story, Qin An's devotion and affection are the key points. He dedicated himself to leaving his own wife for many years without forgetting. His affectionateness has intersection with many women, so he has a group of wives and concubines around him.

In the courtyard of Qin An's home, Ma Liang's eyes were bright when he saw Qin An's powerful shot.

He turned his eyes around and thought for a long time, and finally ran to Yin Yao with a flattering smile.

Yin Yao was sitting on the couch and was watching the performance in the sky, when she suddenly realized that there was something beside her and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Why? You laugh so cheaply?"

"Hey, Little Big sis, my novel has written that Qin An went to see Weng Lan and planned to have a showdown with Guo Sihai. The codeword equipment you bought for me is very powerful. I have written two or three hundred thousand words. !"

"Oh, it's good, keep working hard and show me what you have written when you have time."

"This is natural, but...hehe...haha..."

"Say something directly!"

"I want to publish it online, but Qin An won't let it!"

Ma Liang lowered his head in annoyance, put his face on Qi Rou's arm, and gently rubbed it, acting like a puppy.

Qi Rou laughed irritably when she saw Ma Liang's movements.

"Hehe, so you want you to intercede for you?"

"No, no, that's so troublesome? I mean, you just approve me to upload to the Internet. As long as you approve, Qin An will be a little upset, so why can't you do it? Look, now Qin An is already there. The people of the whole country have shown their faces. If I upload the new plot to the Internet at this time, there will be many people who will come to see the first-hand information. People must be wondering how the people who have been dead for nine years are resurrected? Haha, Everyone is reading my book. When that happens, I will be Ma Liang, and the screen name of the Panda Run will become popular? Little Big sis, you know, it has not been easy for me these years! I have written this book for many years. There was indeed a lot of nonsense at the time, but then I revised the manuscript several times, just to try my best to be realistic on the basis of ensuring the plot of the story. This book is like my child, and now I finally have a chance to let it My child is exasperated, will you bear the heart not to help me? Please!"

While speaking, Ma Liang continued to rub Qi Rou's arms with her face to act coquettishly, causing Qi Rou, whose body structure is now closer and closer to humans, to get goose bumps for the first time.

This feeling is so strange, as if the bones are numb.

Qi Rou stretched out her hand unhappily and pushed Ma Liang's head away with a finger.

Ma Liang has a very weird personality. When he is introverted, he can not say a word to others but lock himself in a small dark room and concentrate on writing a book as an otaku, making his beard and face look like a beggar. When he walks out of the house in a shower, dressing and dressing, he can be as cheerful as a flash of lightning, and he can go to chat with any stranger, and quickly draw the distance from the stranger with the affinity that is born in the soul! This is not a hype. Take women as an example. Ma Liang has refreshed his time record of pursuing women time and time again. In the shortest time, he only took a spicy meal and time. He abducted the woman he had just met at the same table and brought home. Beautiful The name is to go sit at home and taste the cooking skills of your own. In the end, Ma Liang managed to take down the woman that night, but what she cooked for dinner was the simplest scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Ma Liang's skill at picking up girls is actually very simple, just a word, dare to start.

For a woman like Qi Rou, let alone know her origins, many men would be discouraged even if they knew nothing about her.

Because Qi Rou is so beautiful and her temperament is too arrogant, most of the men will be killed by her temperament when she looks at her. Where can she even dare to approach?

Ma Liang is different, let alone Qi Rou, but Adana Ren, the wife of the imperial emperor Guo Sihai, is by his side. He also dared to go up and chat with him and ask what he had for dinner? Do you like walking after dinner? Do you want to be together?

He has no fear of women, he often compares himself to a pig, and women are delicious cabbage to him.

It is only natural for pigs to eat food, and so good cabbage is actually very scientific.

Because of this immature theory, Ma Liang can recklessly use his face against the skin of Qi Rou's shoulders to take advantage.

In the eyes of ordinary men, Qi Rou's skin is white and delicate, full of temptation. It is a beautiful jade that cannot be touched easily.

But in Ma Liang's eyes, that's meat. Isn't it a man if he doesn't just play?

For Qi Rou herself, it was just meat, not so sacred and inviolable at all, but some men thought it was difficult for them to stand up to the wind and rain.

It's like some innocent boys look at girls.

In their hearts, this girl is noble, flawless, and can't be tarnished at will.

Little did they know that their goddess had long been secretly hooking in and out of the little hooligans outside the school.

In general, the innocent boys can only become the saddest tragedy.

In short, Qi Rou doesn't mind Ma Liang's touch at all, isn't it just meat? He touched it whenever he wanted, and he didn't suffer.

As expected, Ma Liang was persevering, his head was pushed away by Qi Rou's fingers, and he immediately got started.

He grabbed Qi Rou's smooth jade arms and gently shook his coquettishly: "Little Big sis, please help me. Without you, I won't have a future! My life will stop here, you are me. Bole, you are my second half of my life! This is just one sentence for you. Qin An will never be angry with you and challenge your reasoning, as long as you have one sentence!"

Ma Liang said these words impassioned, and his emotions were obviously very excited.

"Am I for the second half of your life?"

Qi Rou frowned slightly, not prepared for Ma Liang's confession of not wanting face.

"If you update the novel, you will become famous? Then you will feel a sense of accomplishment? Very happy?"

"um, yes!!"

After thinking about it, Qi Rou finally nodded and said, "Well, then you can go to the Internet to update. If Qin An criticizes you... just move me out. This is really not a big deal for him. Anyway, he plans to do it. I went to see Guo Sihai and revealed his identity. Now that he has the consciousness of retrieving the past, it should be a good thing for you to tell everyone that he is still alive..."

At this point, Qi Rou's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"There seems to be another advantage. If the emperor and the god of death know that Qin An is alive, they will definitely send someone to check it out? I don't know if the hungry man who killed Qin An back then will come, I want to get to know him! "

Qi Rou has been in contact with Qin An for a few days and has already had feelings, and it is gradually deepening. She likes this young man and also feels the blood in the memory of her soul. This is the child that True Huo owes the most, so there will be so many feelings in the deep memory, right? Therefore, Qin An's hatred for being killed is also her hatred.

With Qi Rou's permission, Ma Liang immediately opened the flowers, grabbed Qi Rou's white hands and kissed them hard, and then ran to his room, planning to upload his own novel.

"Haha! It is true that the goddess is the best to me! I will definitely do my best for you in the future. After I die, the ants go up the tree and the sluggard pushes the cart! Hahaha!"Qi Rou shook her head slightly and said to herself:

"This idiot, the plot of Qin An's battle against the group of beasts is about to break out, but he doesn't watch it. I won't tell him what happened when I look back, depending on how he writes it!"

"I won't tell him either!" Zhong Hongcui pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Ants go up a tree? Lazy man pushing a cart? What's this word?" Qi Rou has been on the earth for some years, but most of the time before, he was abroad, and he didn't have much contact with people. I really haven't heard of these two. An idiom...should be an idiom, right?

"The ants go up the tree.

****, Five Elements is a gold and also called sitting gold style;

Mulan riding a horse, Five Elements belongs to the fire and is also called the fire riding style;

Chang'e is flying to the moon, Five Elements is of wood type and also called standing wood type;

Lao Lang cart, Five Elements is also called horizontal soil type.

These five abilities are really the five super abilities when a man and a woman share a room! Five Elements are living together and live endlessly. I plan to find a man to study and see if I can use the power of this species to reconsolidate a sword spirit! "

Wu Xiaoxiao's eyes were dull, but her voice was very loud, and she didn't know if she was foolish or not.

Most of the women in the courtyard blushed when they heard Wu Xiaoxiao's words.

Qi Rou was stunned, still did not understand what she meant.

Although Zhong Hongcui was not a person here, he was molested by the Young Master during Qin Beichen's years, so he knew a lot of theoretical knowledge.

She blushed and whispered in Qi Rou's ear. After a while, Qi Rou's hair was angry with the flames, and her face was also slightly hot.

"This kid! See if I won't unscrew his ears next time!"

When Qi Rou's voice fell, Xing's eyes turned round and it was really beautiful.

Sitting there will be sulking, and there will always be a smile on her mouth.

She was a very powerful magister when she was on her own planet before, and no man dared to disrespect her at all.

Later, when she arrived on Earth, she felt helpless here, and she had never interacted with anyone. Even if some men wanted to get close to her, she was scared away by her occasional display of powerful abilities.

What did this Ma Liang grow up on?

He knew exactly about himself!

Inheritance of the true fire sword god, great magician on another planet, super power Qin An his mother!

Just these three identities are scary enough, right? He even dared to play hooligans with himself?

interesting! It's interesting!

Qi Rou was in a good mood, so she didn't go to clean up Ma Liang immediately.


In the brutal beast camp, countless brutal beasts rushed southward.

Killing the Blood Rain did not mean to stop. Every drop of blood rain is a combination of the Blood Lord and Canghai. They are no longer Tang Yu and Yu Qingcheng. The intention of killing makes them ruthless and cold-blooded, their gods are high, everything in their eyes The common people have become ants, and they have to kill all the savage beasts before they are willing to give up, unless these poor worms can escape the bleeding rainband.

Qin An is also in the rain of blood. For a strong man of his level, the rain of blood cannot be broken, and it cannot fall on him at all. An imperial soldier captured.

In fact, everything happened between the electric light and flint. Qin An shot the Leopard girl back several times, and then shot a large red leaf Flying Daggers. At this moment, Luo and Xia shot, and did not give Qin An more chance to kill Fang Dazhi. , Stopped all Flying Daggers.

The spirit fighters fought in coordination with two bodies, Luo still maintained a human form, but Xia now transformed into a weapon.

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