Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1654 Emperors of the Ages

The rosy person is the brilliance of the sky clouds at sunrise or sunset due to oblique sunlight.

Xia Zhi’s incarnation is called Xia Ying. This thing looks like a shield with crystal clear material. It is attached to Luo’s arm and emits the sun-like light. Under the light of this light, there are faint clouds and mist around nearby. It shoots out colorful rays of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple!

Red is the power to tear the sky,

At the place where the red glow flows, everything will be torn apart, ignoring any defense, producing a 100% attack effect.

When Hong Xia approached, Qin An had already felt the mighty power contained in it, and quickly dodged for a hundred meters, then made a fist and smashed it down, and his mind formed a giant fist and smashed towards Luo.

Luo Kong Hongxia floated above her head, forming a mirror-like barrier.

The giant fist was directly torn apart when it fell, and the powerful force generated by the giant fist was also torn apart, Qin An's attack was instantly invisible.

Luo Yuxia, one of the sixteen noble kings, is really strong enough, this red light can attack and defend without any flaws.

After resolving Qin An's attack, the orange clouds thickened abruptly, and then Changhong shot straight towards Qin An like the sun.

Orange is the power to wake things up,

Qin An escaped the attack again, and Orange Xia shot directly on the ground.

The mud suddenly roared, and then a stone man with orange flames on his body jumped out, 5 meters tall, and moved quickly and flexibly to Qin An's side, raising his fist and smashing Luo down.

Qin An really didn't expect this weapon ability to be so weird and so powerful.

It seems that the savage beast family is indeed sturdy, there are four great heavenly kings above the sixteen noble kings, and the beast king above the heavenly kings.

Now that Luo Yuxia, one of the sixteen nobles, is so powerful, what about the four heavenly kings and beast emperors?

Although Qin An didn't think he would lose, but it seemed that he couldn't easily defeat Luo Yuxia, which means that the Realm of these two guys was at least the sword god level.

It would be a good thing if they could really cooperate with them, but Tang Yu and Qingcheng both gave Qin An a headache.

Qin An felt that his own strength should be higher than the ordinary sword god level, but like this kind of large-scale blood rain attack Qin An could not do it.

Although this kind of attack can't pose a threat to the real strong, but among these tens of millions of orcs, although there are many strong, how many real strong are there? Even if there are ten thousand, then the remaining people will be hurt by the rain of blood.

Without even thinking about it, this time the orcs will surely suffer a heavy loss, so it will be even more difficult to discuss and discuss afterwards.

Qin An avoided the attack of the orange fire rock giant when he was tangled, and then activated ground printing alchemy. A metal giant 20 meters tall quickly condensed from the soil on the ground and turned over and jumped up and took the orange fire rock. The giant kicked flying.

At the same time, under Luo De's feet, within a hundred meters of Fang Yuan, dense thorns gleaming with golden light shot out.

Yellow is the power of Vajra,

Luo had already shot up before the stab shot, and Huang Xia swiftly wrapped Luo's body to form a golden armor.

Qin An's golden ground stab flew up and swiftly, and finally all shot on Luo's golden battle armor.


After a series of sounds of metal delivery, Luo did not suffer any damage, and Qin An's golden thorns fell to the ground because they couldn't break the defense.

Green is the power of radiation.

After resisting Qin An's attack, Luo turned his arm, and the shield of Xia Ying became more radiant. Lu Xia stood out among the colorful colors, and then quickly enveloped Qin An's space.

The speed of radiation is extremely fast. Once wrapped by this radiation energy, the attacked person will rot all over, and the power will be weakened.

Qin An did not dodge at all this time, because when the golden armor appeared on Luo's body, he also summoned the golden armor to protect him, avoiding Luo's attack.

Suddenly, a violent wind blew around Luo, and a violent tornado containing strong corrosive air appeared.

Luo dodged, but the tornado flashed along with his movement, and finally wrapped him in it.

The powerful corrosive power combined with the high-energy hail ability caused Luo's golden armor to begin to disintegrate and fall off. It was obvious that Qin An had successfully broken the defense this time.

However, before Qin An was happy, Luo's body was already flooded with blue light.

Green is the power of space!

This ability is a bit scary.

Qin An only felt that his head was dizzy, and then he and Luo's location had undergone a spatial change, and he was already in a corrosive high-energy hail.

Qin An hurriedly dissolved the power of the supernatural power, even though his golden armor was still damaged, it eventually burst and disappeared.

At this time, the golden armor on Luo's body also disappeared.

He waved the Xia Yingshield, and six blue half-moon scimitars suddenly flew out.

Blue is the power of the blade.

This blue light and shadow flying blade has a very strong attack power. Although it cannot ignore the defense, it can accumulate damage, which means that even if it is offset by the enemy's defensive ability, it can also cause damage to the enemy.

Qin An didn't even think about raising his hand and shooting sixty-four waves of light that swept across the army!

This thing also looked like a half-moon scimitar shimmering with silver light, six of which counteracted Luo's attack, and the other fifty-eight light waves grew and grew rapidly, intertwined to form an energy light net covering Xiang Luo.

A blue light appeared on Luo's body, and he directly teleported away, and then Zixia on his body released a splendid splendor!

Purple is the power of thunder.

Thunder is a kind of momentum, a kind of anger, a kind of ability blessing.

The thunder can be crowned with anger, and the thunder can break the sky!

After the power of thunder was turned on, Luo was truly in a state of combat. His physical ability gained technology Ascension at once. Sword God level attacks could no longer cause any damage to him. Fortunately, Qin An’s offensive ability was far beyond the Sword God level and reached even higher levels. High Realm.

The confrontation between the two suddenly became a bit violent, but they weren't considered as sword repairers, so when they started their hands, they would inevitably deal with the pond fish and killed many orcs.

Qin An's goal was to kill Fang Dazhi to protect the eleven human captives. Under this goal, he could not control the lives of others, not to mention that they were orcs.

After three minutes of fierce fighting, Luo's thunder power weakened, and he was finally unable to maintain a close match with Qin An, and began to be at a disadvantage.

At this time, the people who eat melon are already crazy.

Aren’t these abilities such as the golden armor, the light wave sweeping across the thousands of troops, the spatial teleportation, the high-energy hail, etc., all of Qin An’s fame stunts back then?

It is true that Qin An has been wandering in United States for eleven years, and his soul has been wandering around the world for another eleven years, but his time in Jiulongliancheng is actually relatively long.

For the first time group portals appeared on the Hebei Plain, Qin An had traveled between the city of Jiulong and Shanhaiguan for a few years after the arrival of the physical plateau.

In those few years, he killed countless alien monsters, cooperated with many Union army soldiers, and saved many people.

So Qin An's fame really rose during those years.

Many people saw Qin An's strength during that period, and they still remember Qin An's various powerful abilities.

At this time, in the three-dimensional phantom video over the major cities, people clearly saw the fight between Qin An and Luo. This attracted everyone's attention. Is it really possible that Qin An will be resurrected?

The Kowloon Link City is very big, and the various forces in the Kowloon Link City also have a lot of eyeliners, so the things here have actually been spread to all parts of the world in an instant.

There is a huge palace of the same size and luxury in the Tianyin, a large offshore city in the far south of India.

At this time, there was a sturdy and strong man in the palace drinking wine and lying on the couch.

The so-called beauties on the couch are very extravagant and lewd, which means that there are twelve human beauties with different skin colors and different types are lying naked on the huge high throne, and this strong man who is more than two meters tall is Lying on them.

From time to time, beautiful women would feed him wine and drink with their mouths, and his hands would slowly and forcefully stroke the woman's ketone body under him. His hands were large, and he would occasionally pinch and squeeze hard. The woman was in pain but she didn't dare to scream.

"My lord, there is a message from Kowloon Link City."

A beautiful blonde woman walked naked to the palace hall, less than a few meters away from the strong man.

The strong man smiled slightly and looked at the blonde beauty and said:

"Demon Tian, ​​come, let this king love you."

The blonde beauty turned crimson and frowned:"My lord, you know I'm a man's heart

"Haha, of course I know, but your body is a woman now. Dage naturally likes it. You know, I like all beautiful women!"

"My lord, in the history of the earth, you are not scornful to women. The women in your palace have no reputation at all."

"That's the wisdom of this king! This king has made a long-cherished wish since he was a child to be an emperor with a long history! Otherwise, why do you think I should build such a luxurious cemetery of terracotta warriors and horses for myself? Why is it useless? The Great Wall of China? This is not made for me or for my country at all. What I want is to keep them in the traces of history and be admired by future generations! Hey, it was also very unfair in that era. The son loves his sensuality. Dogs and horses can be regarded as an elegant anecdote, and if an emperor is addicted to female sex, he will be regarded as faint! This king naturally does not leave such a reputation in history, so although he has made many women, he will not be Outsiders tell! It’s just that there is no impermeable wall, and my reputation for lust has spread. For this reason, I used to burn books and confess my own books! People think that the purpose of burning books and confucians is to go to the Six Nations. Actually it's not right, I just want to get rid of my notoriety and erect my face of heaven!"

As the strong man narrated, Yaotian had already climbed onto the bed of meat and lay down in the man's arms.

"Hey, Dage, I have been following you for many years. Now that I have arrived on Earth, there are powerful abilities everywhere, and the prestige of the nine main gods is not the same as that of many years ago.

"It doesn't matter, the nostalgic fusion body now needs to swallow the last two awakened primitive bloodlines, that is, the little girl from the Cheng Gang and Qin family. If it can swallow them, it's natural. Even if it can't, I can already use the nostalgic body to resurrect. Once I have a physical body, then this world is mine!"

"Dage, on the side of the Immortal Queen

"Huh! Don't mention her! A two-faced and three-sword character, this king didn't know her existence when she was in the star of the sword spirit! Now she is well, and the undead clan is differentiated from the king's system, and the king is empty and the snake, Hooked up with the god of death in an attempt to profit from us and build her own power! I don't believe how much trouble she can make!"

"Dage, this woman is not easy, all ghosts have been subdued by her, and now she is like a dog by her side!"

"So what? The power that Wu Puppet took to the North Pole with his tribe to establish, isn't that woman worrying now? Even Wu Puppet can't deal with it, and still wants to fight this king? Go dream! This king is worried now There are only two people, one is Tiange hidden in the dark, and the other is the god of death who has established power in Africa...The god of death is really a headache! I knew him when he was in the Star of Sword Spirit. He believes in death and has attracted many believers. He has powers all over the continents. He has not appeared in strange tracks a few times. I suspect that he is also a main god, and his strength may not be under me, real fire, and heavenly song! I am a sword The father of the spirit, real fire is the mother of the sword spirit, and Tiange is the son of the sword spirit. The three of us are life forms born with the sword spirit star. In fact, when we were born, many other things appeared in that heaven and earth. The creatures, but they appear between the wandering souls and the heavens and the earth, and there are no legends left, but they are also very powerful existences, such as this god of death, I suspect that was born at that time, and the ancestor of the seven beasts! "

"The ancestor of the seven beasts? What is it? Why have I never heard of it?""Well, no one knows, maybe five people besides me and Zhenhuo know. Tiange should actually be the child of me and Zhenhuo, but he merged with the original energy of the sword spirit, and it was there when he was born. The hatred for us, because the arrival of real fire and I changed the laws of space, absorbed and plundered the original energy of the sword spirit! Then when Tiange was born, seven souls split out, and I have been searching for these seven souls for many years. I have always learned that they do exist and are extremely powerful. They are the ancestors of the seven beasts! They are the ancestor of Magical Beasts, the ancestor of Demonic Beasts, the ancestor of divine beasts, the ancestor of ancient beasts, and the ancestor of flame beasts. The ancestor of the curse beast and the ancestor of the magic beast!"

Yaotian was a little shocked, this news was indeed the first time he heard.

The strong man is naturally the emperor. He stroked Yaotian's skin and continued to whisper:

"The ancestor of the magic beast created the rule behemoth, but the rule beast is actually not the strongest rule on the sword spirit star. Above them, there are magic beasts that have almost never appeared in the sword spirit star continent! Nowadays! The ancestor of the magic beast has arrived on the earth and combined with the spirit of the earth to create a new law of the earth! Then the giant beasts of the law and the magic beast on the star of the sword spirit will die quickly, and the ancestor of the magic beast will create a new law Guardian, I got some news. These guardians seem to be called the earth gods, and there are already so many! I could have been a guardian of the laws of the earth, but my abilities are too powerful, not only the originator of the earth, but also a sword. The ancestor of the life of the spirit star, so any law does not apply, because I can create the law by myself!"

The emperor said that Tsundere's light was shining in his eyes, and his big hand squeezed Yaotian's ass.

Although the emperor is now a spirit body, it is also a substantial existence, and is full of energy. Even Yaotian feels pain under this pinch.

Yaotian sighed for a long time. In fact, he always felt that he was a man. He even married a wife and had children before. But as long as he was in front of the emperor, he would be conquered by his domineering spirit. He was bullied.

The emperor did not consider Yaotian's feelings, and continued to speak:

"The ancestor of the curse beast created the spell card. The spirit-level curse card has already made many superpowers on the sword spirit star crazy, but most of them have not seen the real god-level curse. You Have you seen it?"

"Dage, the slave and maid had never seen it before!"

"Hahaha! The little appearance you call a servant is really deep in my heart. Tell you, God-level spells are completely different from spirit-level spells. This king happens to have such a god-level spell, which has the opportunity to let you know. Let me know! Tell you about the other ancestors, the ancestor of the flame beasts, she is the creator of the sword Spiritual Qi. Although some life forms on the sword spirit star are sword repairs, some are not sword repairs, but their bodies are different. With more benefits and the sword Spiritual Qi, Yan Beast can be regarded as the mother of sword spirit in the true sense. She is also an independent existence with soul consciousness, but she is indifferent to fame and fortune. I was fortunate to meet her once, but just took a quick glance. , I will never forget her! That is a beautiful woman, if she can get her on the bed, it must be a happy thing, but it is a pity that I can’t control her, her strength is above me! I don’t know now Has it come to the earth? If the sword spirit star is completely gone, she should also enter the earth through the space-time tunnel? That is to say, this king still has a chance...Then the ancestor of the ancient beast is my patron saint In a sense, he is actually me, but I am not the ancient beast! The ancient beast created the undead, and he hides behind me. I can feel his existence, but I cannot communicate with it. I I dare not communicate with him because I am afraid that one day he will occupy my soul and become me!"

"Oh my god, the ancient beast is so magical? It's unimaginable!"

"Well, the magic beasts, curse beasts, flame beasts, and ancient beasts I mentioned before are all magical, and the ancestors of Magical Beasts, Demonic Beasts, and the ancestors of divine beasts are also magical existences. Divine beasts, Demonic Beasts, Magical The soul imprints of the three ancestors of Beasts have more primitive soul imprints of super energy aggregates, so their existence is closer to the nature of the sword spirit star, and they are creatures that should really exist on the sword spirit star. They have created many The mythical beasts, Demonic Beasts, Magical Beasts, have also created many strange creatures like the ancestors of sword spirits. The ancestors of Magical Beasts have appeared on the earth, but I don’t know what happened. The maze world should have appeared nine years ago. It was opened by the ancestor of Magical Beasts, but later the maze world burst and dissolved into maze gates that appeared all over the world, from which various creatures of different universe planes were teleported, echoing the time and space gates of the star of sword spirit. Let the earth become chaotic and complicated, it seems that everything has been out of control! I have such a doubt, is Magical Beasts dead? Otherwise, how could the Magical Beasts space she created get out of control? There are also mythical beasts and Demonic Beasts, Demonic Beasts, The six main gods other than me were probably created by them, which means that their existence surpasses yours. Do you think they are strong?"

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