Yaotian was shocked and dumbfounded. He had never known these things the emperor said before.

The emperor looked up at Feng Shui Compass, the palace's big top star, and said nothing but the situation in his heart.

He used to unify the six nations on this planet and created a great cause, but now he has the entire galaxy world in mind!

"Okay, okay, I said a lot of useless things at once. Oh, yes, Yaotian, what news did you say when you just came?"

Yaotian seemed to wake up suddenly and hurriedly said:

"It's a message from the Kowloon Empire."

"Oh? But nostalgic?"

"No! It's about the brutal beast battlefield! They said that a strong human race rushed into the brutal beast camp to kill the Quartet, and the power they used was very similar to that of Qin An!"

"Qin An?"

The emperor's slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened.

"Impossible, isn't Qin An dead?"

"Yes, I was incarnation of Aimo lurking beside Qin An back then, just to protect his body, and I witnessed Qin An's death at the hands of a hungry man! But the news came that I felt that the person's ability was indeed the same as Qin An's. , And it seems to be much stronger than Qin An back then! What's even stranger is that his name is also Qin An!"

"There is such a thing?"

The emperor thought for a long time, and then said: "Although I don't need Qin An's body anymore, this kid is the blood of me and True Huo. He has terrible potential and unpredictability. You can go there for yourself, Yaotian. , Go over there and see what's going on! Besides, I originally wanted you to do a big thing for me!"

"Big thing? What big thing?"

"Naturally it is a wild beast! This kind of race used to shrink in the wild beast continent. I don't know much about them. I only know that the queen of the orc race is a powerful existence, and the whole race of the wild beasts is not sword repair, but they are all different. Can be strong! I want you to help me

Halfway through the conversation, the emperor suddenly silenced, then opened the Mental Energy defensive space, and at the same time let the twelve female bodies under him fall asleep.

After doing all this, he lied in Yaotian's ear and whispered, telling her the own conspiracy.

Yaotian smiled ascending and nodded frequently.

Russia, the capital of the Black and Gold Empire, in the palace in the center of Sagalos,

The queen of the undead and the ghost will play chess against each other while listening to the latest news from the Kowloon Empire.

"Qin An is resurrected? Humph! This person killed many undead people in the past, and later died on the west coast of United States. It has always been a happy thing, so if he really resurrects, I will let him die again! Ghost general, dont you agree?"

The undead queen spoke with her lips, very Tsundere.

"I have sent a message to Shennong, Yang Youji and the others! The eleven ghosts are not very obedient now, all because of Shennong and their growing strength, but these eleven people are resurrected because of my power after all. Yes, as long as it is not too difficult, they should still do it for me."

"You are really wronged by the Lord God, and the people of the tribe didn't listen to you."

"This is no way. After all, this is not the Star of Sword Spirit, and the power of my Lord God has weakened a lot. It's not just me."

"Okay, I don't want to take care of your business. In short, I should investigate Qin An's affairs clearly. I think it would be very easy for Shennong to kill him if he takes action. I don't want to waste too much energy over there. Let's concentrate on dealing with Wu Puppet and God's Domain!"

"God's Domain? Are you going to shoot against Europe?"

"Yes, anyway, now that God's Domain has been beaten by Death God has no power to fight back, and Death Sect, Black Gold, and Heaven Seal can be regarded as an alliance. We naturally have to cooperate with Death Sect to eliminate God's Domain as soon as possible! Wouldn't we be able to have more? Resources and territory? This world will be divided for a long time, and it will inevitably become a three-legged pattern. Today, we are friends with the dead sect and Tianyin. If we can't make it tomorrow, we will become an enemy!"

The ghost general smiled, he knew the ambition of the woman in front of him, but the road seemed a bit difficult.As said before, this place is not the Star of Sword Spirit after all, and many things have been out of control and prediction.


The undead queen suddenly fell behind.

The ghost was stunned for a moment, then frowned, thinking hard, and finally shook his head helplessly: "Hey, I lost!"

The Immortal Queen laughed like a silver bell: "Hey, playing against men, I have always been a winner! You are a man, and the emperor is a man. The god of death is said to be a male creature, and Tiange is also a man! I am! How do you feel that when the final game comes, the ultimate winner will be me? Hahaha!"

In a small village in the pre-apocalyptic peninsula area in the southern part of the Kowloon Empire, Life is home to hundreds of human wanderers from the Star of Sword and Spirit.

The hungry old man, the god swallowing the sky, lives in seclusion here.

This Heaven-Swallowing Sword God claims to be longer than the time when the Tenth Sword God Nightmare became a God, but he belongs to the Dead Sect, so he has never walked on the Sword Spirit Star Continent, so he is naturally unknown.

The hungry old man killed Qin An originally to take Qin An's body so that he could devour Qin An's power.

However, Qin An's body disappeared during the melee, and the hungry old man has not figured out whether the body was damaged and torn during the war or was snatched by the Qin family.

In these years, the hungry man had actually been to the Qin's house once, but he was locked in by two majestic energies just as he approached.

Those two energies are strange, and powerful enough to shock the hungry man.

Therefore, the hungry old man did not dare to stay and fled directly.

He wondered if the strong man of the empire passed by the Qin family at that time? Happened to find the trace of own?

There is no fear for the hungry old man of the Qin family, because he thinks this is a declining family, Qin An is dead, so many strong powers inherited from the sword god have died, the real strength of the dead sect is strong, and what is there to be afraid of? of.

It's just that the mysterious masters of the Kowloon Empire make the hungry old man afraid to take it lightly.

For example, Huo Qilan in the True Fire Palace, this woman passed through the Sword Spirit Star shortly after Qin An's death, and then entered the True Fire Palace. She lives in the simplest form on weekdays, and when she appears, she is also covered in red sand and is protected by Mental Energy, so no one knows her appearance or any information. The hungry old man also went to the True Fire Palace, and had an experience with this Huo Qilan once. In the eyes of the starving man, oneself can be regarded as a real powerhouse who can contend with the nine main gods, so a small Palace Master of True Fire, but a believer of True Fire Sword God, he is definitely a powerful existence in front of her. , But that time he was repelled by Huo Qilan, and he recovered after being injured for a long time. If it is late to run, he is likely to hang in the real fire palace.

In other words, Huo Qilan is an existence whose strength has truly reached the level of the Lord God.

This is a bit weird. Before, the Hungry Man in the Star of Sword Spirit had heard of Huo Qilan’s reputation. He only thought that she was an ordinary member of the True Fire Clan and inherited the position of the True Fire Palace. He even felt that the three major ones in the True Fire Palace Elder's strength should be above Huo Qilan.

But the facts were obviously not the case. Huo Qilan was as powerful as a flash of lightning, blinding the hungry dog's eyes.

So this is strange, why is such a powerful Huo Qilan not prominent in the Star Mountain of Sword Spirit?

In addition to Huo Qilan, Gravel Heaven and Immortal Palace are also legendary.

The legend of the gravel sky has existed since ancient times, and it is not a miracle, because he unified the entire eastern continent and was the first king of the eighteen eastern continents.

However, his deeds spread widely selfishly, but he himself disappeared on the Star of Sword Spirit for many years.

This time he dedicated his life in the empire, it is impossible not to attract the attention of various forces.

Now that it can be true, this gravel sky has also become a sword god, although he may be a sword god soon, but no one dares to look down on his strength.

Because Lilitian had the strength to fight for hegemony with the main god when the Four Soul Sword was repaired, otherwise he would not have agreed with the eighteenth human continent instead of other main gods.

The character of the fairy palace is too mysterious.

No one had heard of his name before again.

The hungry old man went to the Tiangong Mansion to investigate, but was trapped in the Mansion for nine days and could not escape. He didn't even see Tiangong's own hair.

There are not a few people who want to see the mystery of the heavenly palace, but the final outcome is that they were trapped in the mansion of the heavenly palace for nine days before being released.

The Heavenly Palace does not seem to kill people easily, but his name and mysterious ability allow those who came to spy and were released to teleport away. Therefore, many high-level powers know the existence of Heavenly Palace, but the people of the Kowloon Empire treat this person. The most unfamiliar.

So apart from these few people, the hungry old man also knows the origins of Xiaoyan and Pink Lan next to Cheng Gang.

These two are actually ghosts!

Xiaoyan's real name is Cleopatra, and she is also the original form of Cleopatra in private works before the end of the world.

Cleopatra VII was born about 70 BC, and was the last female pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty in ancient Egypt. It is recorded in history that she killed herself by a poisonous snake and ended her life. Since then, Egypt has become a part of the Roman Empire.

Cleopatra is talented, smart, witty, good at methods, ill-conceived, and her life is dramatic.

Her soul felt the power of the ghost master and reborn on its own, wandering around with pink and blue companions.

Pink Blue is a ghost from the Star of Sword Spirit. This ghost has a strange identity and was originally the first wife of a ghost general.

It is strange because she was with the ghost generals when they had not become the main god.

The ghost will become a god by a chance, in fact, pink blue has a better chance to become a god than the ghost, but she gave this opportunity to the ghost at the time.

If this is not the case, the Lord of Ghosts might be this pink blue.

Afterwards, Pink Blue separated from the ghost generals, living alone in seclusion, and had no reputation on the Sword Spirit Star.

Xiaoyan Fenlan met on the earth, and then fell in love with each other as sisters and started their journey to the earth.

As the awakened bloodline of King Qin, Cheng Gang has always received nostalgic attention.

Nostalgic tried to attack him several times but failed, because Guo Sihai arranged for him with a good bodyguard.

In the past few years, Nostalgia has collected almost the Awakening Bloodline, and his abilities have also improved a lot, and ordinary sword gods are no longer his opponents.

So two years ago he found Cheng Gang again, killed the six guards around him, and was about to swallow Cheng Gang.

At that time, Cheng Gang's wife and daughter were also by his side. The family was facing a crisis and could not save themselves. The situation was critical.

Xiaoyan pink and blue happened to pass nearby and felt the powerful power of nostalgia, so they came to watch the excitement.

Feeling that nostalgia for innocent killing is not good, so the two shots turned out to be to kill nostalgia.

From then on, they stayed with Cheng Gang, not only as bodyguards, but also as Mrs. Cheng's in the end.

Hungry old man has been monitoring the situation of the empire for many years, so he knows all these things well.

So because of the existence of these masters, the hungry man does not often enter the empire now, because he will actually be discovered every time he enters.

As the chief intelligence officer, it is obviously a shame to investigate personally but leak his whereabouts.

Every intelligent creature has its own hobbies.

The hungry man is an old man, he is not good looking, just delicious, this is the origin of his name.

In his eyes, everything can be used as food.

Therefore, he hides in this mountain village, and his daily life is to collect food nearby, and then wait to start to bring him the latest news of the empire.

At this time, he was eating the leopard girl's meat that had just been transported back from the battlefield of the Kowloon Empire and the wild beast tide. He felt that the taste was average, but he could get the leopard girl's power after eating it.

Although the savage orcs have a great reputation on the Sword Spirit Star, most people don’t know them. Even the hungry man has never eaten a few savage beasts. Of course he wants to eat it this time. .

"Boy, you came back from the battlefield. Tell me, what's the news?"A subordinate dressed as a nocturnal walker stood beside the hungry man at this time, and immediately returned when he heard the question:

"Originally there was no news, but just now, I received a message from my brothers that a man was fighting fiercely with the heavenly beast king Luo and Xia in the brutal beast camp."

"Oh? Huo Qilan? Gravel sky? Immortal palace? Or Xiaoyan and Pink Blue? In my opinion, although there are many masters in the Kowloon Empire, they dare to enter the brutal beast camp to fight against Luo and Xia. Experts, probably only these few people?"

"Canghai and Blood Lord attacked first, killing the sky and blood rain

"Ah? It seems that the legend of the Sword Spirit Star Mountain about the combined sword god skills is true? Haha, the Qin family only has these two sword gods. If it weren't for the protection of the empire, I would have given the Qin family a long time ago. Destroyed! They still want to avenge my death sect. Do they know how strong there are in the dead sect behind my hungry man? Really a group of naive women! Could it be that the blood master of the sea is fighting Luo and Xia? The group attack Luo and Xia may be inferior to them, but Luo and Xia are likely to be stronger than them in a head-on confrontation! Our Death Sect also has some believers on the Barbaric Beast Continent, so I still know Luo and Xia."

"No, the person with the ability to duel with Luo and Xia is not the Blood Lord of Canghai, nor the ones you mentioned before. I investigated, and the identity of this person is very strange. He is from the southern family of Hanghai City. He was a fool before, but now he doesn’t seem to be stupid, and he became a peerless master without knowing how! What’s more noteworthy is that he changed Fang Xiaobao’s name to Qin An a year ago, and he used it in the battle against Luo and Xia. Many abilities are what Qin An was good at back then! What is even more unbelievable is that his strength is super powerful, far from what Qin An could compare nine years ago. My men, Luo Yuxia and Qin An, were able to barely manage them just now. The wind won’t fall, but now it should be dangerous and can’t fight that guy anymore.”


The hungry man was shocked, and when the food in his hand fell to the ground, he seemed unaware.

"You mean, Qin An, who was killed by me back then, may be resurrected? His soul passed through a fool, and now he has the power to fight Luo and Xia without the power to fight back?"

"Subordinates have such suspicions!"

"How is it possible? When I killed Qin An back then, I used the Soul Breaking Curse card! Is there any power that can offset the power of the Soul Breaking Curse card?"

The hungry man couldn't believe it, got up and walked for a long time in the room, then said:

"Well, you go and pay attention to this person to find out his true identity! The Qin family has accumulated strength for many years and has always wanted to avenge Qin An! I am wondering if this will be their strategy, the purpose is to attract me Come out! Hmph, the Qin family is not terrible, but the great masters of the empire have to guard against it. I am not suitable to show up in person now!"

"Yes, the subordinates will immediately rush back to the southern part of the Kowloon Empire to investigate and follow up the matter personally!"

"Okay, you go! If you are sure that he is Qin An's resurrected body, then arrange for someone to kill him! I don't want the people I killed to come back to life!"

The hungry man's facial muscles were twitching constantly, and there was anger in his heart.

In fact, the battle on the West Coast of United States was not a success. Although Qin An was killed and many inheritors of the Sword God were killed, the losses of the Dead Sect and the Demons were also huge.

The curse only wanted to kill Qin An back then, but didn't plan to get involved in a war.

Therefore, the curse counts the death of a large number of people of his own tribe on the head of the hungry man. This is also the starting point of the demon clan and the dead sect's discord, and even now occasionally return to the source of the fight.

Because of this incident, the god of death was very dissatisfied with the hungry old man, because at the beginning, the god of death only wanted the hungry old man to remove Qin An, but he didn't expect to start such a big battle.

Because of this, the hungry old man was transferred from the top management of the dead sect and came here to be the spy leader, which really made him frustrated.

Then all this naturally began with the assassination of Qin An.

If Qin An should survive in the end, wouldn't his sacrifice be a waste of worship!

The hungry old man cannot tolerate this happening.

In the imperial capital, Guo Sihai had already concluded the meeting and asked the participants to enter the command center to pay attention to the madness in the battlefield ahead. Then he hurriedly boarded the Longyan fighter plane and left, hurried to Qin's house and saw Weng Lan.

When the two parties met, Guo Sihai excitedly asked:

"Weng Lan, what is the origin of this man named Qin An, do you know?"

Weng Lan did not expect that Guo Sihai would come to ask about this in person.

She raised her head and looked at the man in the virtual image of the sky who was fighting Luo and Xia fiercely. Then she looked at Guo Sihai and said, "He should be the reincarnation of Qin An's soul! But he has forgotten the memory of the previous life, but I can be sure , The soul living in his body must be Qin An!"

Guo Sihai was shocked, first shocked, then surprised!

If Qin An can be resurrected, that would be great!

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