"What? Zombie virus?"

Guo Sihai, who was talking with Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse in the Qin family, turned pale after hearing Qin Ling's report.

There are billions of savage beasts in the south, and the time-space gate is still sending savage beasts.

If all these wild beasts are eventually infected and become zombies...but it will really be a disaster!

They will become the most terrifying zombie super legion on earth!

These alien creatures originally have abilities, which means that after being transformed into zombies, they will all be zombies with abilities!

"Weng Lan, this is a big thing! It's terrible! I will return to the imperial capital to hold a meeting, and then send someone to send a letter to the Beast Emperor! We cannot solve this unilaterally. We must make the Beast Emperor aware of the terrible zombie virus. Sex, and then ask her to treat it positively!"

Weng Lan and Qiu Jinse nodded in a hurry, Weng Lan said:

"Sihai, go quickly! By the way, Qin An and the others are still fighting with the enemy's supernatural powers, do you want to stop?"

"Hey, let's talk about it later, now I must first meet to study the zombies, and it must be kept secret! Qin An and the others can attract the attention of the people in the battle ahead, so don't say anything for the time being. I will try to see if I can use those Hadas. The Eudemons contacted the Beast King, and if possible, I hope the Beast King can know this news as soon as possible! The truth is right, and now only the Beast King can prevent the crisis from erupting and expanding."

When the voice fell, Guo Sihai hurriedly left, only feeling a terrible headache.

At this time, Qin An and Lu Liang, Huo Qilan and Long Xiao, as well as Tang Yu, Yu Qingcheng, and many corresponding clones and the kings of the eight races have been inextricably beaten, and the sky is dim.

It has to be said that the kings of the eight major races are very powerful. The blood master sword god Tang Yu and the sea sword god Jade Qingcheng are completely at a disadvantage when fighting with them. Fortunately, the help of Huo Qilan's clone can suppress the opponent.

And the battle between Huo Qilan and Long Xiao was a match for each other from the beginning. Although it became more and more fierce later, it was impossible to see who was stronger and who would lose.

As for Qin An and Lu Liang, there is nothing to say. Qin An's offensive power is strong, but Lu Liang's defense is invincible, and any type of attack is useless against him.

And Lu Liang's attack was just average, and naturally it did not cause any damage to Qin An.

Two people come here to fight for dozens of rounds. Qin An no longer wants to fight. It is estimated that this fight will not end until the starry night falls, the dark night ends, and the bloody night rises to the sky will not end. So what is the need to continue?

Inadvertently, Qin An turned on Super Hearing and heard the riots taking place dozens of kilometers away, and his face paled.

Has the zombie virus flowed into the brutal animal group?

All fools know that wild beasts are social animals.

They live in groups like humans, they are divided into households.

Not long after crossing the earth, all the savage beasts are crowded together, without basic living conditions, there are more than a dozen savage beasts that may live within ten steps, one straw mat next to one straw mat, and some Simply transform into a beast and lie on the ground to rest.

That is to say, the orcs have good physique, and the relationship between male and female is relatively simple and direct. If humans live together in such a dense group, I don't know how chaotic it will be.

Then once the orcs living in groups are infected by the T virus, it will be really terrifying, and it will be an unstoppable doomsday wave!

"Qin Lu, Qin Yan, you come to deal with him, I have other things to do!"

Qin Lu and Qin Yan came with Qin An. They had been standing by the side before, watching the changes in the battle.

These two people are really unlucky, and they finally became the sword god, and finally they met Qin An, then Qi Rou, Wu Xiaoxiao, Zhong Hongcui, and now they saw the blood master sword god, the sword god of the sea, and more. What was terrifying was that he also encountered Huo Qilan who surpassed the existence of the sword god level.

Then the enemies who fought with these people were also very tough, and none of them were weaker than the two of them.

For those who have just become the sword god, there is a stage called the accumulation of the godhead. After the godhead is developed, the sword spirit can be summoned for a longer time and the fighting power will be stronger.

Qin Lu Qin Yan has encountered masters continuously, and there is no difference in self-confidence and when he is not a sword god, so their godheads did not accumulate successfully, and their combat power is at the level of the early stage of the sword god. Fortunately, the attack power of the Demon Bone King is not high. , So they can fight against it, but it's impossible to hurt others.

The two people didn't reserve either. The other party was a strong man who could fight Qin An, so after the start of the fight, they each summoned their own sword spirits.

After the appearance of the two sword spirits, Aurora Shadow and Yandi, the human audience instantly boiled over.

When they saw Qin An leaving, they called two people out to fight the enemy before they left, and they were all very surprised.Not to mention why Qin An went, can the two followers he casually call out to fight against Demon Bone Heavenly King Lu Liang?

People just had this question, the supernatural being called Qin Lu Qin Yan by Qin An summoned the Spirit of the Sword God!

I fuck!

This turned out to be two sword gods?

People are really blinded by flashes, how can they not talk.

Before, everyone thought that the man named Qin An might have something to do with the imperial Qin family. So just now Tang Yu and Yu Qingcheng appeared in the Qin An Dialogue. People have already seen that the two Qin's daughter-in-laws and Qin An seem to have known each other a long time ago. Naturally illustrates some problems.

And Huo Qilan, the owner of the True Fire Palace, is also a member of the Xiangying clan! This means that she should have the memory of the sword god Yin Yao. Then the Xiangying sword god is a member of the Qin family. Her daughter Qin Jiusi also has a fan account, and many people follow her on the Internet. In other words, even if Huo Qilan didn't care about the Qin family before, now that he has revealed his identity, he will definitely have inextricably linked with the Qin family in the future.

These people and things related to the Qin family have caused people to look at the Qin family again, so now Qin An has randomly called two people to be the sword god? And the sword god that he has never seen before? How could this mud horse not be surprising!

One of the main reasons why Qin An was legendary back then was that he had such a host of sword gods around him.

Now this man, also named Qin An, had just appeared and created two sword gods, which really exceeded people's cognition and imagination.

Qin Anke didn't have time to pay attention to this, and moved quickly after leaving, and it didn't take much time to reach the place where the zombies were.

The disaster situation has spread. The number of brutal zombies exceeds 100,000. The millions of brutal beasts gathered nearby have no rhythm. They don't know whether they should run or kill these zombies.

Brutal beasts also have emotions. They are bound by this emotion, and they can only become more and more miserable, because after the brutal beasts become a zombie, their fighting power will be enhanced, which is two to three times that of their lives. There are some upgraded savage beasts that are more powerful. The frightening thing is that many savage beasts don't even know the danger of zombies, so they eventually become zombies after they approach the zombies.

How to do?

Qin An had the same question as Qin Potian.

There are still millions of savage beasts that have escaped from the rain of blood. It is estimated that there are still millions of savage beasts gathered here, and the overwhelming army of savage beasts tens of kilometers to the south is coming here again.

Unless he can kill all the zombies here, he can't control the spread of the zombie virus at all.

In fact, even if he is X, he cannot kill all the zombies by himself in a short time, and the spread of the zombie virus may even exceed the speed at which he kills the zombies, which makes all the possibilities disappear. .

While hesitating, a woman's voice suddenly sounded by her side.

"Huh! You are so lingering, you are chasing here?"

Qin An looked sideways and saw that the speaker was really the leopard girl Jones, with Fang Dazhi still in her hand.

There was a Hada monster with Fang Dazhi all the time, so the brutal beast queen who was far away in the southern beast capital saw the chaos of her tribe.

"Huh? What's the matter? It's hard for the Daoist army to get here?"

The Queen of Brutal Beasts was a little annoyed, and said to the servants around him: "Huh, it didn't take the slightest advantage to call back and forth, but the Losing face is home! Let Hada Monsters stop the live broadcast, it's really boring! And, here's The four heavenly kings sent a message to tell them not to forget my order. First, protect the man named Fang Dazhi and bring him to the capital! Second, kill the guy named Qin An! Then push me to Peiping and occupy all the land! Since the Human Race dares to counterattack us, the matter of negotiating peace is forgotten, and I will fight until they completely surrender!"

After the brutal beast queen finished her order, she was no longer interested in the battle ahead.

The four heavenly kings and the sixteen kings have all been sent out, and the army of the sixteen savage beast nobles in the rear has also gone a lot. If you have to worry about it yourself, then she is a bit too tired, right?

Should she forget these tedious things and go see the sea?

The sea of ​​the earth is very beautiful, she can build a formal orc palace on the seashore.

Can't the Sword Spirit Star go back?

If so, it would be a pity!

As a native queen who grew up in the savage beast continent, she has a strong plot of guarding the land and loves the land. This is also the custom of the brutal beasts. Otherwise, the Sword Spirit Star has existed for many years, and the brutal beast family will not be isolated from the world. Personally understand them.

She missed the endless Fragrant Orchid Grassland on the Wild Beast Continent,

She missed her life as a beast running wildly in the field chasing prey,

She also missed the golden iron horse that was used to unify the savage beast race continent in those years, blood stained with yellow sand.

She... actually missed him too!

As the queen of brutal beasts, she actually had another name.

Unknown how many years ago, the Barbarian Beast Continent was just born, there was no life, only the two small beasts.

When they were born, they didn't have their wits, but they didn't understand nothing.

They were originally intimate, they should have been a natural pair.

After spending many years with each other, she originally thought they would continue like that, but... then he left and never came back.

Heartbroken, she has been waiting on the mainland, waiting for the change of seasons, waiting for the vicissitudes of life, waiting for everything to happen, but finally did not wait for the cruel him!

Suddenly one day, she was angry! Absent from a nationality and nameless, she changed her name to the Queen of Wild Beasts and started her conquest.

Time did not know how long it had passed before the savage beast continent was finally unified. After that, the brutal beast queen had no desires and continued to wait for the return of the male beast.

But the swallowing wind suddenly appeared in the world, the continent was slowly being swallowed, and she finally crossed to the earth.

Originally ignorant, she had a little understanding of this planet in ten days.

It seems that the sword spirit race will eventually come to this place, so will he come?

Just build a huge palace here anyway!

I heard that this planet is much smaller than the sword spirit star.

Maybe he will show up when the own palace is built?

Thinking of this, the Beast Emperor's face showed a happy smile.

Because the video communication of Ada Eudemons was shut down, the Queen of Brutal Beasts could not find the abnormal situation in the front battlefield, and the communication channel between the Human Race and the Orcs had just been established, and the Human Race had to send envoys to go through several ground levels from Jiulong Mountain. Arrived in the temporary beast capital south by the sea.

The normal process takes two days, and if it is a hard drive, there will be many obstacles. The country of wild beasts is not only four kings, sixteen kings and so on.

This is a huge country with a population of tens of billions, the depth of which is unimaginable by outsiders, and even Qi Rou doesn't really understand these savage beasts.


Qin An noticed the Hada Monster that was flying away, and couldn't help but lock his eyebrows.

It seems that it is impossible to send the news here to the Beast Emperor through the Hada Eudemons, so it seems necessary for Qin Potian to go south, but will he encounter obstacles on the way? I should follow up and see.

Glancing at Jones coldly, Qin An didn't do anything to deal with her. The most urgent task was to catch up with Qin Potian and travel south with him to see the Beast Emperor as quickly as possible.

"Hey, you are Jones. As the patriarch of the Leopard and Beast clan, I hope you can order your clan to give up immediately to rescue the bitten. This is a zombie virus. If you let it spread, then your race It's over!"

"Huh! This is not caused by you humans! I have already reported that it was two human women who spread this virus! I will not believe you, let alone give up my people! Come on, kill. he!"

This is the territory of the Leopard and Beast clan, Qin An abruptly introduced the original movement technique which was relied on the rapid transmission and was not discovered by anyone, but now standing in Jones and talking, he was surrounded by leopards a long time ago.

Hearing Jones' instructions, a group of leopard beasts all rushed towards Qin An, and Qin An quickly flashed three kilometers away, then turned on its wings and flew south.

Fang Dazhi should let him live first, or catching up with Qin Potian first is the most important thing. He went deep into the enemy camp Qin An and was really afraid that he would be in danger.

Flying all the way, Qin An looked at the ground, the remnants of bones everywhere, bloodstains on the ground, this battlefield was really depressed.

The camps of the Manchu tribe are also everywhere. After they recommend a certain distance to the south, they will choose the plains to build camps, and use wooden fences to pile up the city walls to form small circular towns.

Continuing to fly south, I saw the vast army of brutal beasts. These were all follow-up additions. The previous beast tide and human wars have been worn out in the past few days, and the brutal beasts are not lacking in numbers.

Qin An would encounter some flying beasts while flying. Fortunately, these guys were not too strong. Qin An could fight and fight, and if there were too many to fight, he would flash and flee, leaving them behind with speed.

Finally, Qin An flew over Jiugong City, where the heavy rain was still falling, an abnormal river appeared on the ground, and the original river water had already been pushed onto the bank. Because of the heavy rain in the last few days, the geological disasters here are serious, many landslides, and several flood crossings have left the ground full of vicissitudes.

This is also a disaster for most orcs. Some orcs lost their lives in the flood, and the power of nature, these alien species, is also difficult to contend.However, some amphibians benefited from it, because the flood brought a lot of food, and they were moving back and forth in the torrential rain quagmire at this time.

I don't know how long I have been flying, and I was already close to the border of Guangnan Province, but at this moment Qin An suddenly stopped.

Huh? its not right! This place is weird!


"Master, the maidservant seems to be lost."

On the slope of a small hill in Xijiang Province, there is a Doomsday Abyss parked.

Jingyi held the map, frowned and looked at it, but she couldn't understand it.

They came all the way to chase Qin An, but later discovered that Qin An had actually flown south, so they immediately went to Qin's Daying and stole a car to continue chasing.

But even though the speed of the car is very fast, how could it be possible to catch up with Qin An?

And in order to avoid a large number of savage beasts moving on the plains, they are walking the mountain road.

"Hey, just stealing an airplane just now, why don't you remind me."

Ci An looks like she is in her early twenties. She is beautiful and peaceful, very pleasant, like a big girl who has never been married before, where there is a shadow of a queen mother.

"I can't fly a plane!"

"Cut, are you stupid? Don’t you know that all the Longyan fighters have an autopilot system? I see you, it’s because of your driving addiction that you stole the car! What should I do now? I chase Qin An away. Right? Maya said, our Potian is a beast city where we go alone. If there is danger along the way, I see how you can explain to Weng Lan and the others!"

"Po Tian looks silly, people are clever, so there will be no danger."

Jingyi pursed her lips to retort.

Although she is still called Master Ci'an, the relationship between the two is actually like Jimei.

"What's more, that Qin An also chased after him. Master, do you say that this Qin An is really another Qin An's reincarnation?"

Cian took out the dressing box, opened it and took out the red mouth, and gently wiped it on her already bright and beautiful lips, and said indifferently:

"Who knows, this man used to be a freak, and Dou Ze couldn't have crossed to the Qing Palace to bring us two out!"

"Hey, yes! He has been away for nine years, and sometimes he feels bored when thinking of it!"


Cian slapped Jingyi on the head.

"Ah! Master, your queen mother's temper is coming up again, why hit me on the head?"

Jingyi resisted uncomfortably.

"Hurry up and find the road south, don't be a nympho!"

Jingyi was very upset, but she didn't continue to speak and fight because she knew she couldn't talk about Ci'an.

All the cars were dispatched, and Jingyi planned to determine the direction based on the sun.

"Up, north, down, south, left, west, right, east, and the sun is on the left, so this side should be south!"

In Jingyi's whisper, the car restarted.

Ci An still sat there quietly, holding the vanity box, and looking at his already flawless face.

"Jingyi, do you want me to put on some blush?"


Jingyi snorted coldly, and did not respond to the stinky Cian.

This is the normal way they get along now...

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