Qin An found that he had entered a spatial maze, which looked no different from the real space. The same blue sky and white clouds, earth and rivers, all the visual effects exist, but he flew for more than ten minutes, and it should have been far away. , But after a closer look, it seems that it is still in place, and the surrounding scenery has not changed much.

Levitating motionless at a height of one kilometer from the ground, Qin calmed down and felt the energy magnetic field around him, confirming that this was indeed a maze.

So where is the exit?

Closing his eyes, Qin An could smell the texture of space in the dark. His body slowly dissipated and finally became invisible. It turned into flowing air and merged into the wind, fluttering for several meters to an invisible entrance.

A majestic energy suddenly rose, sucking in Qin An who was in a state of invisibility.

Qin An only felt that the world was spinning, his body quickly fell, and finally landed on a huge spring bed. The moment he bounced up, he saw a thriving world of wild beasts.

"Hi, dear human brother, hello! Welcome to Godzilla, this is the reception place of the brutal orcs, I am Aegean, your guide, please come with me!"

She was talking about a beauty with a height of about 1.7 meters, naked skin in bronze, and a curvaceous figure. Compared with the real human race, there was a not too prominent horn on the top of her head.

Qin An flashed to stand on the ground, and immediately continued to look at the world of brutal beasts.

This is a big square. There are many orc children playing chasing and playing in the square.

The square is surrounded by tall buildings. Although the exterior is old, the decoration inside is good.

Qin An once left Hanghai City at night to fly around and watch the scenery, so he recognized this place at a glance.

This is no longer a labyrinth world, but a real space in the Giant City Xinghai Square in Guangnan Province!

The so-called Giant City does not live with giants, but Keminia Erlund!

There are many races of sword spirit stars, and Elunte is one of them.

Elunte's life form is very special, it is a parasite of all things!

Their original form is like a wandering cloud, a mass of pale white, which can have any shape.

However, they cannot always exist in this form, and must look for the parasitic subject.

There is no limit to the choice of the parasitic subject of this kind of thing. The so-called parasitic of all things means that it can parasitize on anything.

Big trees, stones, buildings, cars, life forms, rivers, wind, clouds, air and more!

Once Elent is incorporated into these substances, a material element that is more active than the sword Spiritual Qi will diffuse in the host, giving them souls and turning them into living creatures.

Nine years ago, the Elents walked out of the gate of time and space and appeared near this giant city. At that time, the giant city was a gathering place for wanderers, because it was named after the giant zombies.

Elunte entered the city and chose many hosts, including those who have no supernatural powers.

Therefore, in recent years, the Giant City belonged to the Keminya Clan Elent. The empire had negotiated with them several times, and finally decided to give them complete autonomy, but it had to be subordinated to the empire’s administration, which was regarded as an independent city.

After the barbarians descended from heaven, the city was directly controlled and became a colony.

Qin An recognized Xinghai Square, and naturally knew where he was.

Slightly frowned and glanced at Aegean, Qin An said coldly: "The defense level of Guangnan Province is very high now. What is the maze magnetic field I experienced before?"

"Hehe, that is the protective barrier of the power space opened by our Lord Beast King. Quang Nam Province is already surrounded by energy. No matter where you enter Quang Nam Province from any direction, the exit will be the Godzilla City, which is the previous one. Giant City, Godzilla means giant in our savage beast language."

"Haha, in other words, this Giant City is equivalent to the reception desk for your brutal beast race? All outsiders will eventually arrive here?""Yeah! We have not been here for a few days, but we have greeted a lot of foreign races. They originally wanted to steal the information of the brutal beasts. Now they are here as guests. We can exchange information with them, and now you too Become one of them. We know each other for two days and answer each other’s questions of interest. After that, if you want to leave, feel free to leave, but leave the area of ​​Quang Nam Province. How should the savages outside treat you? Irresponsible! If you want to live in Giant City, we welcome it. I am the Heavenly Horse race of brutal beasts and the only herbivorous race in the brutal beast race. Therefore, Giant City is an inclusive city. We welcome any foreign race. Hope to live in peace with all visitors. Our beast king once unified the huge savage beast continent. Her force is naturally strong, but she also has a heart of tolerance. Now we have come to the earth, which is small and chaotic. Although the empire seems to be very powerful among the indigenous forces here, it has not done much! The Beast King is a true king. She will end the chaos of the earth and completely unify the whole earth. This is what we do. The contribution this planet is about to make."

Qin An felt a little surprised when he heard this.

I didn't expect that the Beast Emperor had such ambitions.

Her savage beast race has always given humanity the impression of being extremely sturdy, ferocious, and bloodthirsty.

But now in Guangnan, which is already the administrative capital of brutal beasts, they have such a gentle reception window.

What this means is obvious. What the Beast King wants to do is that those who follow me prosper against me will die, which is why she must protect her great ambitions.

Hey, it seems that my previous thinking was wrong. If you want to fight with the wild beasts, you are seeking skin with the tiger. The queen of wild beasts has the whole world in her heart!

Following the Aegean through the square, Qin An felt very upset. He felt as if countless pairs of eyes were staring at him.

This is not surprising at all. This is originally the site of Elent, which means that everything nearby may be alive, even the land underfoot.

It feels really bad to be watched the whole time like this.

Qin An and Ai Qin finally came to a big hotel. What made Qin An feel at ease was that Qin Potian was already in this hotel called Haijiao Tianya.


"Hey, I really want to kill! When will I see the Beast King?"

"Just wait. This is the Giant City. All outsiders have to stay here for two days. If you want to see the Beast King, you need to tell all your secrets! Of course, you can Not to mention, but the Heavenly Horse people will always have a way to know everything! Therefore, this place is the information center of our brutal orcs people. We understand the world and the earth through this place!"

"Hahaha! What a joke, since you are so good, you should know the terrible zombie virus?"

"Huh, what's terrible! We all believe in the Beast King, she will be able to save those infected! So even if they become zombies, they are also members of our brutal beasts! I think you told me all the way about zombies The virus has already been known to the Beast Emperor, she will naturally have a solution!"

"What an idiot thought! Zombies are zombies, creatures that have lost their souls. How can they be your people?"

Qin Potian shook his head helplessly, speechless for the woman Dlavina in front of him.

Moreover, Qin Potian had other entanglements.

After all, he is a young man who has just grown up. Under the education of the classical thinking of the Qin family, he is also a gentleman.

I didn’t have to rush all the way before. Now when he arrives in this Giant City, he is taken to this hotel to arrange a room. The picker also asks Dreyvena to take care of his life and live with him tonight. ?

Ah... these are all small problems, the big problem is that these savage beasts don't wear clothes!

Delevena is a little taller, but her figure is perfectly proportioned, she is definitely a beauty.

Alone men and widows live in the same room, and the other party is still a beautiful woman without clothes. Why does this make Qin Potian feel so embarrassed?

He didn't dare to see Drevenna at all, he was guilty!

But the room was so big, Delevena was sitting on the sofa in front of him. Even if Qin Potian didn't want to look at it, the light from the corner of his eye would occasionally run over. How could this make him not entangled?

Hey, it would be great if you brought Caitlin, she would definitely be able to come up with an idea for herself, what to do now, whether or not to rush!

Qin Potian has two wives, Caitlin and Ada Suli.

Both of these women are older than Qin Potian, and they have been with him since Qin Potian was only nine years old nine years ago.

In the old society, there were wives and mothers.

Some large families have children who lost their mothers when they were young. As fathers, they will marry an older wife to take care of the life of the children who lost their mothers.

Then the child was actually taken care of by his own wife. After many years, a woman who was a mother and a wife will reconcile the man who grew up. A man will rely on and respect this eldest wife all his life, because she was loved during his childhood. Memories, and things related to childhood, are often more precious.

Ada Suli is okay, she has not been mature since she was a child, and Qin Potian is at best a sibling.

Caitlin did mature to death from a young age, and Qin Potian's feelings for her became much more complicated, respecting her and avoiding love.

So in the current situation, Qin Potian hoped that Caitlin would watch by his side. He was not a fool, but in fact, he was not that kind of too smart. He really didn't know how to do it after thinking about it.

Getting up from the bed he was sitting on before, Qin Potian walked into the bathroom.

What you eat is five grains, even if you are a supernatural person, you have to excrete it.

The bathroom here looks the same as the restroom of the human race. There is a sink, a toilet, and toilet paper next to the toilet.

Qin Potian eased on the toilet ruthlessly, wiped his butt and put on his pants as he was about to absorb it, when he heard the voice of a woman speaking from behind him.

"Wow! Sir, your excrement is really the most delicious food I have ever eaten! How many days will you stay here?"

I fuck!

Qin Potian was so scared that he almost fell to the ground, what's the situation? Why are there women in this bathroom?

Looking back quickly, everything is normal, no one.

Could it be that he is an invisible ability person.

"Who? Who is it? Come out?"

Qin Potian shouted loudly.

Dlevina was attracted to push the door in.

"What's wrong?"

"There is a woman here! It seems to be invisible!"


Dlavina looked around curiously, but did not see anyone.

At this time, the lid of the toilet suddenly changed, and a bulge appeared on it, eventually becoming a beautiful woman's face.

"Hey! It's me! My name is Su, and it's Elente."

Delevena glared at Qin Potian angrily, and then said:

"Isn't this giant city controlled by your human race before? Don't you know Elent?"


"Yes, parasites of all things, they can be parasitic on all dead things, and they can also be parasitic on Mental Energy's less powerful cargo."

Qin Potian suddenly realized.

He had heard of Elendt, but he had never been to this giant city, so he didn't react.

"Excuse me, are you an earthling? Many earthlings in the north have never been to the Giant City, so sometimes they will be surprised to see us. The reason why I speak is just to thank you because your stool is very difficult. good to eat!"Qin Potian felt that the whole person was not well, his face turned pale, his stomach was distorted, and he almost vomited out after two nausea.

Delanwena and the toilet named Su all looked at Qin Potian with contempt.

"Earth people, don't be surprised. For you, human stool may be a disgusting thing, but for some species they are delicious food and rich in nutrients.

Most of the ingredients in stool is water, H2O! You have to know that water is the source of life, and it is a goodwill ingredient for any living thing.

In addition to water, it also contains protein, inorganic matter, fat, undigested dietary fiber, dewatered digestive juice residue, as well as cells shed from the intestines and dead bacteria, as well as vitamin K and vitamin B.

Vitamin K is also called coagulation vitamin. It has the functions of preventing bleeding in newborn babies, preventing internal bleeding and hemorrhoids, reducing heavy bleeding during women's menstrual period, and promoting normal blood coagulation. It was first discovered and extracted from animal liver and sesame oil by Danish chemist Dum in 1929 before the end of the earth! My people can parasitize into all kinds of substances. It happened that a friend parasitized into a human computer. This computer is part of the Mayan system and is installed in Giant City. Therefore, I can learn a lot of information through the Internet. You don’t need to do this. be surprised.

Vitamin B is a large family with more than twelve types of vitamin B. It was once recognized by your earth and the world as an essential vitamin for the human body. They stay in the body for only a few hours and must be supplemented every day. Group B is an essential nutrient for all human tissues and the key to the release of energy from food. They are all coenzymes, which are very important to participate in the metabolism of sugar, protein and fat in the body.

Both protein and fat can be converted into energy, so I don’t need to explain to you, right?

There are also inorganic substances, mainly inorganic salts of calcium, iron, and magnesium. After a series of reactions in the human body, they become inorganic salts, so they cannot be absorbed by the human body. But for me, these things can be absorbed. Calcium, iron, and magnesium are good for human body, and it is also good for my body! Although I am just a toilet in your eyes, you should notice how smooth and white my skin is? It even exudes a bright white light, which is precisely because I have absorbed a lot of metal elements!

Of course, the reason why stool is toxic to you humans is that it contains many bacteria, the most important of which is Gram-positive bacteria! This is a large family group, which includes Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus diphtheria, Bacillus tetanus and more! In the pre-apocalyptic era, your earthlings were often sickened by these bacteria, but after the substance of the Spiritual Qi family of swords in the post-apocalyptic era enters the human body, it inhibits the function of all bacteria and prevents you from getting sick easily.

Then these bacteria have not disappeared, they will still be produced in the human body, but most of them are excreted at most!

For me, the essence of the delicious food is actually these bacteria.

From a macro point of view, bacteria are a kind of microorganisms.

From a microscopic point of view, bacteria are actually phospholipids, lipoproteins, glycoproteins, and various polysaccharides, all of which are nutrients!

It’s just that their functionality causes them to be harmful to ordinary humans on the earth, but they are not functional when absorbed by me, because my internal composition is completely different from that of humans, and these bacteria can’t find the space for them to live. , It can only become the nourishment of food and be absorbed by me.

So people on earth, don't think I am abnormal.

The stool in your eyes is actually a baby to me, hehe!

And again, your stool is especially delicious, I hope you can stay here for a few more days! "

Qin Potian finally couldn't listen anymore, dumbfounded and speechless.

He laughed twice, quickly left the bathroom, and ran into the bedroom where he wanted to sit down on the sofa, but he felt twisted again.

"Hey, sofa, wouldn't you be alive too?"

"Ah, my name is Jie, it's okay, you should sit down! We are all kind and hospitable, since I have become a sofa, then I have the obligation to be seated! That...four, Is his ass big? Is it heavy?"

The sofa suddenly shifted the target of speaking.

The bed Qin Potian sat on before made a sound.

"Yeah! It's okay, it's pretty smooth and round! By the way, I actually prefer women's butts, the girl named Delevena, you can come over to sit with me next time!"

"Four, don't make trouble, you are funny, we have no gender differences, how can you discriminate against a man's ass?"

"No, no! Jie, you have misunderstood what I mean, I did not discriminate! It's just that the people who have been in contact with the earth over the years are all earthlings, and now I see the orcs from the star of the sword spirit. Now? I see my fellow! Haha, that's right, because it's a fellow, I invited Dlavina to come and sit."

A bed and a chair started a heated debate on this issue.

Qin Potian couldn't stand it anymore, he pushed the door directly and shouted: "Little master, don't live in this ghost place, I'm going to see the Beast King!"

At this moment, Qin An, who had already been arranged a room by Aegean downstairs, looked at the banana that Aegean handed to him and cautiously said, "In this banana, there will be no Elunte soul, right?"

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