Human thinking is often imprisoned by the limitations of our cognition.

The ignorant is fearless.

Some things that have not been experienced are often considered impossible by some people and should not happen.

So once you hear and see these things, these people will make comments on these things, and there will be a group of trolls on the Internet.

They use their own code of conduct to comment on others, but they don't know how ridiculous this behavior is.

Qin Potian had already ran out because of the weird things here, but he didn't run far. Although Heavenly Horse orcs don't eat meat, their strength is still good.

A group of Heavenly Horse orcs surrounded the escaped Qin Potian and warned him that the Giant City was a safe area. If you make trouble in the safe area, you will never see the Beast Emperor, and you will be strangled with all your strength.

Naturally, Qin Potian was not afraid of these orcs, but he was afraid that he would not see the Beastmaster. What should he do? In the end, he could only ask the other party to change his place to live, where the toilet could not be Elent.

Naturally, Qin An also made the same request to Aegean. His purpose of coming this time was to find Qin Potian and then to see the Beast Emperor.

Entering the interior of Quang Nam Province, there is less than 1,000 kilometers away from the beasts near the sea in the south. It is estimated that it will not take long for Qin An to start the speed state. The problem is that since the Beast King is so good at space abilities, he will Can't you find yourself breaking through the level?

Or is it still the situation of touching brutal beasts for the time being, since this is the intelligence station of brutal beasts, since they have the awareness of collecting intelligence, it shouldn't be difficult to understand the harm of zombies? And since the Beast Emperor is a person with the world in mind, wouldn't he realize the terrifying nature of the zombie virus?

After some negotiations, Aegean was still very talkative, agreed to Qin An's request, took him out of the hotel, and then went to the center of the city with Qin Potian.

Most of the people living in the city center today are Heavenly Horse orcs. This savage beast race is known to be peace-loving, so they do not participate in the battle deployment of the savage beasts and belong to the civilian staff.

Heavenly Horse beasts are actually nobles, but they are so numerous that they can't be compared with the sixteen nobles.

The noble beast species of Brutal Beasts grow closer to humans. Before, Life was fixed in several administrative provinces in Brutal Beast Continent, which became a more civilized way of life, which was very different from ordinary Beasts.

Qin An was really surprised when he arrived in the Life area belonging to the Heavenly Horse beast. The architectural style here is peculiar, but they are all exquisite. It also has the characteristics of Western architecture. All the buildings are brand new and the materials are mostly wooden. These orcs have just arrived on Earth for ten days, and it is not easy to be able to build a large life area on such a scale.

Qin Potian kept looking at Qin An along the way, his eyes full of surprise. He had been to the Fang family with Weng Lan and others before, so he had some impressions of Qin An. He knew that this man Qin An received more attention from several mothers. The specific reason is unknown. Several brothers thought it might be the reason why the Fang family’s child was renamed Qin An.

Later, after leading the Qin army with Tang Yu, Qin Potian temporarily put the matter behind his head, and he did not expect to meet Qin An again here.

After they were arranged to live in a peculiar wooden apartment, Qin Potian visited Qin An's room.

At this time, the Aegean has already left, leaving space for the occupants in the room. It is said that there will be a banquet for a while to entertain the many foreigners who have come here these days. Qin Potian is taken care of by Delevena, and Aiqin also arranges for Qin An an orc maid, her name is Simeng.

Put a pot of rich and fragrant black tea on the coffee table, and the beautiful and generous Heavenly Horse Orc smiled and said:

"Two guests, I know that people on the earth like to drink tea. Before, a frontline material team escorted the trophies back to Guangnan and passed through here, so I got some tea. This house is my home. It’s just been built for a few days. I live alone on weekdays. Today, two human noble guests and an orc, Little Sister, came here. Then I will take out these teas. You can taste it."

Qin An was still calm, but Qin Potian was a little uncomfortable.

Before the two sides fought in battle on the battlefield, now they are treated warmly at the rear of the orc, and a private maid is also arranged. Although this has the meaning of surveillance, it is still somewhat unacceptable.

The savage beasts don't wear clothes. Delevena beside Qin Potian is a sexy big beauty, but the dream of taking care of Qin An is a petite, lovely and elegant temperament.

Qin An is calm on the surface, but in fact, he is a little embarrassed. How can he have a sense of seeing and prostituting with his son?Two decent men sitting opposite each other, two naked women with each other, if they are placed before the end of the world, wouldn't it be the scene in the night market in the big city?

After taking a sip of tea, Qin Potian finally spoke.

"I met you in Fang's house. The mothers are very interested in you and very kind, so I came over here without any kind of courtesy. I don't know what I should call them?"

" can call me Qin An."

Qin An thought about it, and it seemed most appropriate to call his name directly.

"No, Qin An is my dead father's name taboo. You can call that name, and I won't feel awkward, but let me call you Qin An directly. I can't do that!"

"It's up to you, it's just a code name."

"Then I will call you Brother Fang, after all, you belong to the Fang family."


"Brother Fang, I didn't expect you to be a powerful supernatural player, but I am curious how did you come to this place?"

"I just accidentally entered the maze, and then came."

Qin An felt that the conversation between the two people was a bit painful. Qin Potian was obviously thinking about what to say to him while he was talking, and he had to think about it when facing him.

At this moment, Simeng smiled and said:

"Haha, you two, it seems that you know each other, but they are not very familiar. It is really a kind of fate to be able to meet in the city of Godzilla in our savage beast territory. Maybe we two will find it inconvenient here. Then let’s go out and leave the space for you! Don’t worry, my house is filled with sound and closed rune, no one will bother you, and there is no annoying Elendt here. In fact, when I was in the Beast Continent, I I have encountered many Elendts, they are insatiable listening, peepers, they will quietly lurking by your side, and then record everything you have said and done! In the end, these The secrets will be gathered together and sent to the dead sect, so Elent is actually the eyeliner of the dead sect. Hey, our patriarch Aegean may think these guys are too weak and irrelevant, so they occupy Godzilla That is, after what you call the Giant City, they all stayed. If I pay attention, they will definitely be killed! The Death Sect is also a group of nasty guys."

"You mean, the Aegean who introduced me is the patriarch of the Heavenly Horse Orcs?"

Qin An interrupted Si Meng here, frowning and asking questions.

"Yes, so this distinguished guest, your identity must be very special, otherwise our patriarch would not show up in person to be your guide!"

Si Meng smiled, but Qin An's face turned gloomy.

Since Aegean appeared, she has been in a simple and simple appearance. She didn't ask about the origin of Own, and was responsive to Own's requests and opportunities, so why did she appear in person?

At this time, Simeng took Delavinna to leave, leaving room for Qin An and Qin Potian.

Qin An turned on Super Sight to find Aegean, only to see that she was in a room a few hundred meters away from here.

Naturally, this room also has a closed hearing system, but Qin An could see through it, and then learned the content of the conversation between Aegean and a man in black through his lips.

"The person I brought in just now is that Qin An?"

"Well, he fought the Bone Demon Heavenly King Lu Liang on the battlefield before, and beat him without the strength to fight back. Unfortunately, the Bone Demon's defensive power is too abnormal, and Qin An can't help him! We see the relationship between Qin An and Qin Family Tang Yu, Canghai Something intriguing. Based on all the information, although this Qin An looks completely different from the Qin An who was killed by a hungry man nine years ago, it cannot be said that there is no contact at all. The hungry man means to kill him directly. Let’s avoid trouble in the future!"

Aiqin frowned slightly and said, "However, if he really has the strength to fight Lu Liang, I might not be able to find someone strong enough to deal with him."

"Hmph, we don't actually need to take action. I have investigated the identities of the two women you sent to receive before!"

"Oh? Who are they?"

"I only know that they are from Tianyin City! They carry zombie viruses!"

"Ah, I see, you mean to use them?"

"Yes! There are only two things you have to do now. First, make the orc queen deaf without hearing any information! If Tianyin wants to deal with the beast king, this is a good thing for us."

"It's simple, I am here as an information station for Brutal Beasts. Originally, all the information was passed to her by me!"

"Well, the second thing is that when the two women spread the zombie virus, you help them to make this place even more chaotic!"

Aegean smiled and nodded: "Well, okay, you go tell the hungry man, I will help him with this! This giant city is different, if the zombie virus spreads here, then here Will become The Underworld! Even the gods and demons cannot survive!"

Qin An was slightly shocked when he saw this.

It seems that Aegean is also a member of the Dead Sect, but has been lurking by the side of the Beast Emperor of the Wild Beast Continent.

So she now controls the Elunte of the Keminya race, which is equivalent to mastering the plants and trees of the whole city. This kind of control is likely to surpass Maya and Qin Ling's control of the Kowloon Empire, which is very terrifying.

According to what Simeng said before, the savage orcs should know that Elent is a force of the Dead Sect, but they should not know that the Aegean is also a member of the Dead Sect. This is very wrong, the Aegean cut off the Beast King’s The source, if you can't make a trip to the beast city yourself, then this incident will be very critical.

But after hearing what Aegean said, those two Tianyin people who spread the virus also entered the Giant City. Maybe I wanted to kill them? Stop the spread of the virus from the source?

Qin An thought about letting go of own super hearing, and was very discouraged afterwards. Almost all buildings here have closed hearing systems, and the effect of own super hearing here is very limited.

I can only turn on the super vision and slowly search for it.

"Brother Fang? What do you think?"

Qin Potian interrupted Qin An's thoughts.

"Oh, I didn't think about anything...Po Tian, ​​I know that your purpose of coming here is to meet the Beast Emperor. If it is not possible, then go ahead! You should have also heard that Si Meng just now. As I said, the Elente in this place is a force of the dead sect, and as far as I know, the relationship between your family and the dead sect does not seem to be very good! The dead sect now has the idea of ​​encroaching on the world, and I am afraid that they will eventually deal with you here. You! They are very capable of collecting information, maybe you have been recognized. So if I stir up trouble with others in this city for a while, I will definitely attract a lot of attention. Then you can go south. !"

Qin An used Mental Energy to talk to Qin Potian. It wasn't that he didn't trust Simeng, but he didn't know if Simeng could be dealt with, whether there was Elunte in this room!

These guys are the host of everything. How can they be discovered by parasitizing them in any place?

Qin An couldn't find out, he just felt a little bit, thinking that there must be a Lundt in this room!

Qin Potian didn't expect that Qin An would actually open the Mental Energy channel to talk to him, and he knew very well about their Qin family, and the tone of his speech was also very aura, as if he was his own elder.

Qin Potian was a little depressed, facing the man in front of him, he really felt a little cowardly. Maybe it's because his name is Qin An, or maybe it's some other reason, but what is it? Qin Potian didn't understand.

"Who are you going to do with?"

"It should be two women, who seem to be the spreaders of the zombie virus. This is also the purpose of my coming here!"

"Yes, the spreader of the zombie virus is indeed two women! But...who is your identity? Are you just a young child of the Fang family? How can you care about this kind of thing?"

"Po Tian, ​​there are some things I can't say clearly! I just ask you to trust me. Judging from the information I have now, I have a constant involvement with your father. Now that the situation is urgent, I don’t have much. Explained! After you go back, you ask Weng Lan, or any of your mothers, and they will tell you the truth."

"Related to my father?"

Qin Potian was completely dumbfounded, staring at Qin An motionless.

Qin Potian and Qin An's feelings are very deep.

As a child of Super Body Liu Ru, Qin Potian had not had his biological mother since he was a child, so he naturally respected Qin An's biological father.But nine years ago, Qin Potian saw his father die with his own eyes.

He was not far away at that time, but he suffered from being besieged by the enemy and unable to go to rescue. This has always been his pain.

For many years, Qin Potian was not smirking and not close to female sex.

He is really not close to female, Caitlin and Ada Suli have been following him for so many years.

After marriage, their husband and wife's life is there, but the quality of life is very average.

Qin Potian doesn't value these things. Basically, sleeping with Caitlin and Ada Suli once a week is considered as fulfilling the responsibilities and tasks of her husband, and will not even consider such things at other times.

Such a pure heart is only due to the hatred in the heart and the inability to let go of the fact that his father died.

With a smile on his face, Qin An began to talk to Qin Potian in a way that didn't make a difference, talking about irrelevant content.

This is mainly to make a look, to show the hidden Eltron in the room.

Qin Potian naturally cooperated. The two only used Mental Energy to communicate. Qin An shared with him what he had learned.

But after Qin Potian learned about the Aegean, he was finally shocked.

Qin An was not idle when talking with Qin Potian, still using his super vision to look for the traces of the so-called two women.

Qin Potian met these two women, and Qin An read his memory, so he also knew their looks.

It took more than half an hour before Qin An finally found their tracks on the open-air square five kilometers away.

At this time, the square has been set up as a banquet scene, many naked Heavenly Horse orc beauties shuttle among them, and most of the guests attending the meeting are humans, and there are actually seven or eight hundred people.

This surprised Qin An, because these people turned out to be prisoners.

They were not treated as food after they were caught, just because they surrendered to the savage beasts and provided all the information and intelligence they knew about the earth.

The intention of the brutal beasts is obvious, to train them into professional intelligence personnel, and then send them back to where they were before.

It can only be said that the savage beasts are very smart, not as brave as they have been on the battlefield before, only knowing to rush forward. And the ambitions of the wild beasts are really not small, they have already begun to plan for the future!

If these details weren't for a trip to Quang Nam Province, I would really not have thought of these details.

So will he and Qin Potian also go to this so-called banquet later?

At this moment, among the two people whose eyes were locked by Qin An, a woman's face suddenly changed slightly, and then she stared at Qin An at a distance of five kilometers!

Huh? Was discovered?

Qin An was very shocked. What kind of strength was the other party to find that he was spying on her?

Under Qin An's gaze, the person's face finally calmed down, and then he chuckled softly:

"This kind of energy is familiar and unfamiliar! It seems to be the Spiritual Sense of the Red Leaf Sword God, but it is stronger than the Spiritual Sense! Peeper, are you the one who claims to be Qin An? You and the Qin An I know, no Do you know if it is implicated?"

After listening to his self-talk, Qin An couldn't calm down and directly condense Mental Energy to talk to him.

"You come from the Sky Seal Sect, and your strength is so strong, I think maybe you are the demon sky, or the emperor?"

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