Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1662 Reasons for Betrayal

"You still know a lot. As far as I know, you should be in the Sanyuehu area at this time. Are you looking for me when you appear here now?"

Qin An was not talking, and transferred own Mental Energy away from the opponent.

Any nonsense at this time is superfluous. The key question is how to do it?

Do you rush over to find the other party to do it?

Qin An was not confident that he could beat him. Whether he was the demon sky or the emperor, it was a huge challenge for Qin An.

However, Qin An must face it, watch these two men stubbornly, and finally must do something to give Qin Potian a chance to leave and report to the Beast Emperor. This matter is very important, and it is related to the survival of the human race and the beast race.

Thinking of this, Qin An said to Qin Po Heavenly Dao in his heart:

"They should invite us to the banquet. Po Tian, ​​remember what I said, find a chance to leave, and then tell the Beast King what happened here. I only hope that the Beast King is not so arrogant and can understand everything! Don't bother us!"

The second half of Qin An's sentence is a sincere expectation, but unfortunately he is destined to be disappointed, because now the Beast Emperor has arrived on a small island in Nansha, lying naked on the beach enjoying the warm sunset.

She really did not act as the Shou Shou shopkeeper because of the incompetence of the Beast Emperor, but her status was too high.

Her purpose in unifying the Barbarian Beast Continent was to wait for that male beast to have nothing to do when he was on the Barbarian Beast Continent, and to hand over many things in the empire to the Four Heavenly Kings. Now she came out of the mountain when the earth's situation was too unexpected.

Knowing that the earth is so small, she didn't think it would be difficult to unify one earth. Just wait for her tens of billions of wild beasts to arrive, as long as they rush around, then they can naturally smooth everything out.

The little human race's desperate resistance these days really showed their strength, and the Beast King recognized it.

But what's the use? Once her army of brutal beasts all arrive, that terrible number will make all the forces here fearful.

I think I have arranged everything, and the Beast Emperor feels that he really doesn't need to worry about it, so it is understandable to let himself spend a little holiday and rest.

If Qin An knew that this damn mother beast went to the beach to bask in the sunset, he would be fainted with anger.

At this time, Aegean sent someone to send news and asked Simeng to take Qin An to the banquet.

Qin An had originally thought that if Aegean came in person, he might be able to kill her so as not to make trouble in the back.

But this seems to be impossible. Aegean must have been operating in the brutal beasts for many years, so he doesn't even know how many lurking personnel the dead sect has in the brutal beast clan.

Today's Giant City situation is very complicated. It is easy to kill an Aegean.

Leaving Simeng's yard, Simeng quickly transformed into a unicorn horse-shaped creature with brown-black hair, looking very handsome and robust. Dlavina also changed immediately and became a leopard beast. This little female leopard is just a little girl from an ordinary savage animal race, and the Heavenly Horse animal is a noble. There is no way.

"Two, come on, we will take you to the banquet site, it must be very lively there!"Si Meng uttered words in the form of a horse, which looked strange.

Qin An and Po Tian did not hesitate. They jumped on the backs of Simeng and Delevena respectively. After that, they ran swiftly, reaching the so-called banquet venue in no time, faster than the car on one side. quick.

After standing on the ground, the two people of Simeng turned back to Qin An and Qin Potian in human form, reaching out to take their arms.

Qin An had seen the situation here before, so seeing each other at this time just frowned, without any other expressions on his face.

Qin Potian's eyes turned round at once, because the situation in front of him at this time was really all sorts of sentient beings, which made Qin Potian a little unacceptable.

"How can this be? Where do these people come from?"

Qin Potian hurriedly asked.

"Hmph, isn't it you humans, the prisoners of war who were captured by us on the battlefield mountains and willing to surrender! Same as that Fang Dazhi! Look at them, how ugly they are!"

Dlavina's face was full of contempt.

Si Meng shook his head slightly, then smiled and said:

"Don't mind, Dravenna is not a nobleman, so she may speak more directly and not politely. What she means is that you humans can actually be as real as our orcs!"

Qin Potian couldn't understand what Simeng said, so he shook his head and said, "What does it mean to be as real as your orcs?"

Simeng seemed to think that Qin Potian was a little stupid, and she didn't bother to explain to him, so she continued to lead the three of them into the venue.

There were many stalls on the periphery of the venue. In one of the stalls, a man was eating special food, and the food he was eating was obviously human flesh.

"Sir, is this roasted human leg delicious?"

"Haha! It's delicious, I like cannibalism the most! This thing is more delicious and not greasy at all!"

"Yes, I also think human flesh is delicious, but I heard that in your empire before, eating human flesh was not allowed?"

"Yes, the managers of the empire are a group of old antiques. They are a group of people from the pre-apocalyptic era. And I was born in the apocalyptic era. When I was a child, I wandered with my parents. There were disasters everywhere, where there was normal food. Eat? But there is one kind of food that can be seen everywhere, and that is the dead! Some stubborn guys refused to eat human flesh, and they all starved to death! My parents are smart people, they not only eat themselves, but also eat them for me, so Our family survived the hardest time in the last days, and later entered the Kowloon City. I have liked to eat human flesh since I was a child, so why did I not allow it in the empire? I am not murdering, I just eat human flesh, and there are many underground markets. They all have a bureaucratic background, and the laws of the empire can’t control them, so they came to take care of us and let us not be allowed to cannibalism! Caught a light sentence and go to jail, if a serious one is sentenced to death! If there is no business, there is no harm. Shit! People who buy it for food, people who sell it for money, we are all small civilians, if the bureaucrats really want to manage, the most damn thing should be themselves! Do you know what the most ridiculous thing is?"

"What is it?"

"Haha, the corpses of those executed for trading human flesh will not be cremated, but some people with status will send jailers out of the city to be buried, but the final outcome is not like this. There will be end times. Merchants bought the corpses from those who dealt with the corpses at a low price outside the city, and then sold them to the black market in the empire at an increased price. The black market divided the bodies of the dead and finally offered them to the cannibals in the empire! Haha, because Isn’t it too ironic to be executed for the crime of cannibalism and eaten again after death? Why does the black market exist? Isn’t there a protector of corruption behind it?"

"Hahaha! Sir, this story you are telling is so vivid that I may never forget it. It’s ironic that the cannibal was eaten by humans in the end! So do you think it’s better to be our orcs? Here, we can To be the truest self, the law does not restrict us what we cannot do, but only asks us how to do what we want to do legally! If you like to eat human flesh, then the law gives you a way to eat human flesh. Under this kind of legal protection, you can be the truest you with peace of mind. Isn't that good?"

"Okay! Of course it does, haha!"

The man burst into laughter, while continuing to eat the roasted human leg in his hand.

Si Meng said goodbye to him, and then took Qin An, Delevena, and Qin Potian with a dazed facial expression to continue walking forward.

"Have you seen? That human being has become his true self, and he can eat human flesh freely! He didn't hurt anyone, because we provided him with a corpse on the battlefield. He is just a person who has been blessed by the country of savage beasts." ."

After the words fell, a group of four people walked through the food area and arrived in front of an arena.

At this time, a crowd of spectators screamed frantically under the ring, and in the ring, a man was boxing with a woman.

The man looked in her forties, while the woman was probably only in her early twenties. She was very beautiful. She had been beaten all over her body at this time. She was lying on the ground and panting, and she seemed to be unable to get up again.

At this time, the brutal beast and beauty referee stepped forward and announced that the man had won.

The man laughed, and was praised by people nearby when he stepped off the ring.

Si Meng walked into the crowd and pulled the man out of the crowd, to Qin An, Qin Potian and Delevena.

"Hello sir, I think you are just so mighty, that woman is probably going to die by you, right?"

"Hahaha! Yeah! That's damn cool!"

"I don't think you are a supernatural person? And neither is that woman?"

"I'm really not a supernatural person, but she is! We were originally from Jiugongcheng and belonged to a unit. I am a logistics soldier who cooks, and she is our captain! Damn, I don’t know how bullish it was before. All kinds of Xs in front of me, I can’t count the number of times I bullied me! Today is a revenge for me!"

"As far as I know, our brutal beasts only accept humans who are willing to surrender, and once they accept the treatment, they will be good. You are about to beat her to death. Did she not surrender?"

"Well, yeah! She refused to be attached to the orc, but I chose to surrender. My only requirement was to let her lose her powers and fight with me. Damn, stinky girl, let her bully before Me! How are you now? I can only be beaten by me after taking supernatural power suppression drugs! Haha, my guide promised me, and then I will arrange this woman and give it to me, so that she will be my pet for the rest of my life Hahaha, it's damn cool to think about it!"

"Oh, yeah! You have been your true self and fulfilled your true long-cherished wish! You are successful, and also happy and happy! So you should be very happy to join our orc family?"

"Of course! We thought that the orcs and us are not the same race, so we were afraid, so we didn't dare to surrender. Now we know that the orcs are good and you are willing to accept us, so why not surrender? The empire always wants to We need to use the law to create a code of conduct for us! But I think you don’t seem to have any code of conduct in your brutal beast social system. Everyone is also happy... Hey, there seems to be a code! You can express it more directly. Feelings, anger, sorrow, and joy, and then more directly pay for these emotions and bear the consequences! I like this, so I am willing to surrender! I also promised to attract people, after a period of time to return to the Kowloon Empire, I believe that with my wisdom and Eloquence, in less than a month, I can get thousands of people to lay down their weapons and join our Brutal Orcs Alliance, haha!"

I don't know if this man is trying to please the orc woman Si Meng, his words are very vivid, and the degree of not wanting face is not inferior to Fang Dazhi.

After listening to all his words with a smile on his face, Simeng gave him some so-called guarantees before leaving.

While walking, she looked at Qin Po Heavenly Dao:

"He can abuse people who have bullied him at will, because this is the law of our savage beasts. In order for the people of the tribe to become true selves, we have this kind of law that does not restrict humanity to escort him! You see too! When it arrives, this man is really happy, and it should be said that he is very honored to join our brutal beast family!"

Qin Potian's face was a little pale, he was angry, but he didn't know how to defend.

The empire now has a large population, complex composition, and chaotic management of the lower-level personnel, so it is normal for some violations of the law in the course of policy implementation. So is it possible to defect if there is a defect? Can you give up the own race? Can you give up all beliefs without a bottom line? Of course not!

But the question is, this is true for me, so what beliefs do the working people at the bottom of Life have? They may not have faith at all, so how can they give up?

Si Meng has continued to lead the three of them forward. Not far away is a lawn. In between, several women are holding their small babies and talking and laughing together to eat breakfast.

Si Meng walked over quickly and spoke to one of the women: "Fei!"The woman called Fei raised her head, smiled immediately when she saw Simeng, then got up and walked over.

"Simeng, it seems that many newcomers have come today!"

"Yes! So today's banquet will be very lively. The newcomers need to understand what a real savage beast looks like, and then they have to choose their future life. Qin An, Po Tian, ​​let me introduce to you, she is Fei, She is a powerful four-spirit sword repairer who once killed brutal beasts, but was finally captured by us. When a brutal beast was about to bite her neck, she chose to surrender and become a member of our brutal beast race Fei, you should introduce the child in your arms to all of us!"

The woman named Fei had a reddened face and smiled sweetly:

"How good are you, this is love!"

A trace of fascination flashed in Fei's eyes, looking at the baby called love in his arms, as if looking at his most beloved man.

"Fei, tell me your story?"

Si Meng opened her mouth to guide, Fei was very cooperative, raised her head to Qin An and Qin Po Heavenly Dao:

"I am a struggling woman. I am actually more than seventy years old, but I believe in Qin An, so I benefit from his selflessness and symbiosis, so now I look only 20 years old!"

Ah? Qin An was shocked. He didn't expect this traitor to be an own believer, so he was entangled.

Some netizens pulled out many detailed information about Qin An's death. Among them, people are most interested in how many supernatural powers Qin An has.

As the saying goes, there is no impermeable wall, it depends on whether the person digging the foot of the wall is focused enough.

Finally, someone inquired about all Qin'an's power opportunities and uploaded them to the Internet. Only then did people know that those who believed in Qin'an could have eternal life, and then many people began to believe in Qin'an, especially the people on earth.

But it is not easy to truly believe in a person who has never met.

Therefore, people who want to believe in Qin An after Qin An's death cannot benefit, and this woman named Fei began to believe in Qin An many years before Qin An's death, so she was able to reverse growth and stayed in her 20s.

Hey, Qin An is a little entangled, no wonder God wants to abandon the world who believe in him, just because these world people have already abandoned God!

He is a lousy Virgin Angel, but this own believer has become a traitor. Why is it so embarrassing?

Just when Qin An was depressed, the woman had continued to tell her story.

Her real name is Wu Fei. She was just in her twenties when the end of the world broke out. She was a cleaner in a nursing home.

Wu Fei followed her husband from the countryside to work in a big city. She had no culture and professional skills. As a cleaner, she could earn two thousand yuan a month, which was very satisfying for her at the time.

And she felt that the grandparents in the nursing home were very kind at that time.

On the day of the zombie outbreak, the first zombie she encountered was Grandma Zhao.

Recalling Grandma Zhao, Fei's face showed a look of recollection.

"Hey, the old lady, five sons, and one daughter. They treat the old man well. They can each give her 1,000 yuan in life expenses each month. Then, with the old lady’s pension, she can get it in one month. Ten thousand yuan! That was 2015. Do you know the weight of ten thousand yuan soft currency? Unlike today, the empire's circulating paper currency is not worth at all. Large bills of ten thousand yuan can be seen everywhere, at most I can go to the vegetable market to buy a few catties of cabbage! The 10,000 yuan that year was equivalent to a dozen Spirit Stones today! Very expensive! So the old lady is very rich, and I thought she was very happy at the beginning , Until one day she told me. She has five sons, a girl, more than a dozen grandchildren, and a few grandchildren, but since entering the nursing home, she has not met those family members for five years. Sons and daughters are also old, and they are also busy with their respective children. Grandchildren and granddaughters are busy with their careers, and great-grandchildren may not have such an old man who has ended in her eyes. Blood is thicker than water, but This blood relative will eventually be washed away in the inheritance..."

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