With a sad sigh, Fei continued:

"In short, this poor old man had no one to send him to death until she died, so she became a zombie? Because she was reluctant to leave this world.

I was terrified, and the old lady rushed towards me, her skin pale and her eyes pale and hollow.

At that time I could only run because she still made a roar in her mouth, which was very scary!

The entire nursing home was in chaos, and the dean immediately organized the staff to rescue the old people, and gathered the old people who were not zombies into a large room on the top floor.

Yes, we soon discovered that those monsters are zombies, as long as they are bitten or caught by them, they will also become zombies.

This is a very frightening thing, so everyone will be afraid.

We were trapped just like that, one day, two days, three days.

Some people can't bear it any longer, everyone understands that there will be no rescue at all!

The young and strong began to find a way to escape, and no one paid any attention to the old people.

I actually want to run, but I can't bear it. The old people are good to me on weekdays. How can I leave them behind?

So I stayed, guarded in the nursing home, accompanied the old people, watching them die one by one for various reasons.

In the end, only Wang Uncle and I persisted in surviving.

Wang Uncle is in his sixties, he has a strong physique and is usually funny and humorous. He used to give me the impression of being helpful, like making friends, and caring for me!

It was an early morning one month after the eruption of the last days. We had almost eaten our food. I was awake in a daze from starvation, and it was still dark.

When I woke up, I wanted to get up, but what shocked me was that I was tied up by a rope and my clothes were taken off. Wang Uncle was stroking me back and forth with his trembling hand.

Do you know what Daoist sex is?

Do you understand the inner heart of own? "

Fei's voice suddenly became sharp when he said this, almost shouting at Qin An and Qin Potian.

The two men looked at each other, Qin An didn't realize it, but Qin Potian was a little emotional.

This is because Qin Potian is really a simple fellow, and he will always be touched when facing such tragic stories about human nature in the last days.

"The king Uncle, who looked very cheerful in the past, said to me afterwards.

In fact, he has been lonely and lonely. His wife has been dead for more than ten years. He is old. No one regards him as a normal person. People call him old man, old man.

Everything about him is related to old age.

On the bus, he is often given up his seat. In fact, he feels that Own is in good health and does not need to be seated.

But his hair is indeed gray, his back is indeed a little hunch, his skin is indeed rough and wrinkled, and his eyes have been turbid and dull by the years.

Sometimes, he looked into the mirror and looked at the people in it, without even knowing who it was and what the corrupt guy had to do with himself.

The first time Lao Wang met me was in the corridor of the nursing home.

He opened the door that day and saw that I was bending over to wipe the floor three meters away.

I wore a pair of white tights that day. I'm not a beautiful woman, but my body is really good, especially my legs and buttocks. So I like to wear tight white trousers, because that will show that my legs are longer and my butt is more straight.

The brilliant squinting light in the eyes of Lao Wang at that time was what he said, but I didn't see it.

When I slapped a hand on my ass, I quickly turned around, only to see an old man who seemed to fall and had to hold my ass.Hehe, I didn't have time to think too much, so I went forward to support him, lest he really fall to the ground.

It was a very kind face. I still remember the frustrated expression on his face and the disappointed look in his eyes.

It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul, but for an old man, his eyes are already hazy, and you will never see his mood from his eyes.

He is actually full of lust, but what I saw was just an old man who almost fell and was upset!

‘Hey, I’m old and useless! Girl, thank you! Without you by my side, I might have fallen to death! ’

He spoke very sincerely, and his voice was weak, leaving me unaware of it.

‘Master, look at what you said! How strong your body is, your muscles are not worse than that of the young man, are you dizzy with high blood pressure? ’

I am very concerned about the inquiry.

The old man praised my kindness so that I don't have to worry. I still think that he is a kind old man. In the days I get along with him, I even take care of him like a grandfather.

The end of the world broke out, and it seemed that everyone was going to die in the end.

Lao Wang watched the people around him die one by one, and the beast in his heart finally awakened.

That night, he stayed up all night, lying on the bed tossing.

He and I lived in the same room. In fact, everyone originally lived in this room, but in the end they either ran away or died.

Finally, he couldn't bear it, and got up to find rope to tie me up, and then took off all my clothes a little bit with scissors.

I should have been awakened by him in the middle of the journey, but the food was scarce in those two days. I ate all the energy-rich food for him. I was so hungry and dizzy, so I didn't notice it at all.

Just like that, although I struggled and begged hard, the crazy old man still regarded me as his plaything. He wanted to pursue the greatest pleasure when he was dying!

Two days later, we were about to starve to death. There were zombies everywhere near the nursing home, and we could not escape even if we wanted to.

My mood began to change. I didn't think that the old man was very hateful or abnormal. I was a little lucky because when I was dying, there was such a familiar stranger by my side.

What I am familiar with is his kind-looking face, what I am not familiar with is his hungry wolf-like heart.

Later, of course we did not die, because a small team passed by, they led away the zombies around the nursing home, and then rushed in looking for food.

Of course there was no food, but they found me and Lao Wang who were naked on the bed.

Haha, do you know what happened afterwards? "

There was a mysterious smile on Fei's face, which made people unable to see through.

Qin An looked away from Fei's face and looked at the stage auditorium on the other side of the square a few hundred meters away, where two women were chatting and laughing while watching the performance.

They are the people from Tianyin City!

Qin An was thinking about how to do it and whether to step forward with it.

The woman who may be Yaotian is a strong one, and the other woman should be the spreader of the virus.

Qin An thinks that the top priority is to kill this woman, but...you Tian's eyes will occasionally sweep to his side, although he is separated from the crowd, Qin An knows that he has been discovered.

This is a dark battle without gunpowder.

I'm thinking about how to make a move. The other party should also be thinking about the next step, right?

In the end, Qin An didn't make any movement and continued to listen to the woman named Fei.

"I originally thought I would be rescued, but I underestimated human nature. After the end of the world broke out for a month, human nature has fallen into an unbearable abyss.

That is three men and one woman.

I still can't forget the sharp laughter of the woman.

'Hahaha! Look, this old man and this woman are all naked! This woman was still tied up, it was really enjoyable! I guess the old man must have played this woman thoroughly, right? ’

When her voice fell, the three men rushed forward, kicked Lao Wang out of bed, and then crazily pressed on me.

I am already weak and weak, and my mind is a little unclear, and the stimulation from the flesh cannot make me sober.

It was a wonderful feeling. I felt that there are obviously many emotions in my own heart, but my body cells have gone on strike. They will not work anymore, and even refuse to transmit the complex emotions in my heart to the brain. So my brain is empty. Let them do it. I can’t cry, laugh, gasp, or talk. My mouth opened slightly, and then I felt like it was about to be torn apart. It's obviously painful, but I don't care about anything, just lie down like that, waiting for Death to come!

Sometimes I think the fate of own is very dramatic, because in the end it was the old man who saved me.

It turns out that he had been scratched by a zombie a long time ago, but he has never been a zombie, but a carrier of the TC virus, but we didn't know such a term at the time.

This is very easy to imagine. When the three men were playing with me wantonly, Old Wang's head awakened and became a supernatural person!

He killed the three men frantically, and then pressed the woman who had just laughed at me on the bed, and then I knew her name was Suya.

Hehe, who is easier to live in the last days?

Not good people, but those who have no morals and no bottom line are easier to live!

Lao Wang became strong because he became a superpower. Although he looked old, he already had the strength to tear a living person.

This was also discovered later. Not only did he become an Upgrader, but he was also an Abnormalist.

I was rescued, and then became Lao Wang's woman with Suya.

He flourishes, because having strong strength is equivalent to having capital.

The end of the world is a magical world. The old king who used to live in a nursing home waiting to die became a hegemon on the northeast land in the first two years. He has an own gathering place, and there are thousands of people under his men. The women in his harem are even more important. There were hundreds of them, and I couldn't catch him anymore, and became a cleaner again, responsible for cleaning his bedroom.

To tell you an ironic thing, my job as a cleaner is still jealous of many women! ? It's just because I can get in touch with Lao Wang's head all the time.

Ha ha!

There was no change in the appearance of Old Wang's head, and he still looked like an old man.

But he has a supernatural power, it is tantamount to a tyrant before the end of the world. Countless women want to climb on his bed. Because of his bed, he can eat delicious and spicy food in the gathering place without worrying about meeting If you are kicked out, you don’t have to sell your body to earn food.

It's just that the woman named Su Ya was very strict on the old Wang, and she would try to get rid of those women whom the old Wang had affection for.

In her words, she can allow Pharaoh to sleep with anyone, but she does not allow Pharaoh to fall in love with any one woman, because then her status will be lost.

Yes, Su Ya is very skillful, very coquettish, and very pleasing to men.

So even though Suya and I were the first two women to follow Lao Wang, our status is very different.

I didn't know how to please men, so I was disgusted by Lao Wang.

The reason why I still stayed is because I was a dream of his pre-apocalyptic era.

Occasionally, Lao Wang would excitedly mention his dream when he was alone with me.

‘Baby, you know? When I saw your ass in the hallway, I thought it would be great if I could pat it hard. Later, I was so confused that I actually went to shoot! Haha, did you know how scared I was at the time! I'm an old man. I should be a respected old man. If someone knows my sexuality, how can I survive? I would have no face to meet my son, daughter-in-law, grandson! Fortunately, you didn't notice it at the time! ’

Whenever Lao Wang thought of this, he would be very excited, and then he would go to bed crazy with me.

This is the only reason he didn't abandon me.

Later, the tide of zombies came, we had to abandon the gathering place, rushed into Jiulong Mountain, and met Tang Yu.

Tang Yu is a crazy woman. When I first saw her, I thought she was very different.

Sure enough, my judgment was later confirmed.At that time, Tang Yu had no abilities at all, and Lao Wang even wanted to get her into his own hands.

But in the end Pharaoh failed, and was incorporated by Tang Yu to become her subordinate.

After that, we have been living in Jiulong Mountain. After many years, Jiulong Mountain became the Kowloon Empire, and the old Wang became the elder of the empire, and his identity became even more prominent. I finally took the blessing of him, possessing a sword soul stone, and became a sword repairer.

But my status was gone. The old Wang was tired of me and didn't think of that dream anymore.

His last touch for me is to give me freedom, so that I can go wherever I want.

So I joined the army and joined the army of Jiulong Liancheng. It ended up here.

For so many years in the last days, I have never been happy. My life is entangled with Lao Wang. This is a nightmare that I can't erase in my life.

I have never been in love, nor have I been married. I long for a man who can truly love me, and I long for myself to love me vigorously, but my heart is old. I am more than seventy years old this year. Now, although I look very young, my heart is soaked in this terrible and evil world, and I can't be innocent anymore.

Nine years ago, I believed in Qin An because of his tragic love story with Weng Lan.

Today, nine years later, I actually don't believe in anything anymore, because all the stories are really tragedies and it's so sad. "

At this point, Fei lowered his head, gently kissed the cheek of the child in his arms, and stopped talking.

Simeng smiled and said:

"So when you surrendered, after listening to your story, we gave you a child, a boy, who is from the Celestial Orcs!"

Fei's face turned crimson at once, and the light of happiness leaked through his eyes.

"Yeah! You said that this child called'love' will grow up in ten years, and he was raised by me, and he will stay with me when he grows up?"

"Yes, the Celestial Beast people only love once in their lives, and only love one person! Their patriarch is Luo Yuxia, and all the names of the people in the tribe are pronounced in one word! Now you change your name to Fei, then you are also the Celestial Beast's One member, waiting for Qing to grow up in the future, you will be Fei and Qing! Qing will always accompany you until you die, and he will not live alone. This is the most sincere love, the nature of the Celestial Orcs! So for this reason , Are you willing to dedicate everything you have to the orcs? I mean, for love?"

"I am willing! I am willing to do anything for love! I want to have a life belonging to my own. Love is my hope. He makes my heart young again, and he gives me the courage to live again!"

Fei's tone was very agitated, and his mood was a little high.

Qin An smiled coldly.

The orcs have so many methods, they must thoroughly wash the souls of these human beings, and then sacrifice their lives for the brutal beasts.

Perhaps Fei herself is innocent, but now she has been washed away from her soul and will return to human society in the future, then she will become a virus that wild beasts have planted in human society, and will eventually become a scourge.

Si Meng turned his head to look at Qin An and Qin Potian, and said lightly:

"Everyone has desires. The Brutal Beasts is such a country that can release the desires of life forms! We never force enemies to surrender, but we treat those enemies who surrender very kindly! Don't think that surrendering is a wrong and low-level thing. , We respect every surrender, because they have desires and dare to give up everything for desire! Desire here refers to life, everyone wants to live, and if they refuse to survive when facing Death And give up everything, then such a person is not worthy to live in the world at all!"

"So, what if your orcs also choose to surrender to humans?"

Qin An asked Simeng about his own question.

"Understandable! But as far as I know, no orcs and humans have surrendered so far!"

"Why is this? Don't you have any fear of Death?"

This time it was Qin Potian asking questions.

"No! I said that all living entities don’t want to die, they have a desire to live. And the reason why the orcs don’t choose to surrender on the battlefield is because you humans are too weak, so weak that we can’t You surrender! You know, an elephant will never show fear in front of ants!"

Si Meng's tone at this time was a bit Tsundere, a bit mad.

At this moment, Qin An's body trembled suddenly, turning his head to look at the two people of Tian Yinzong.

I saw that the spreader of the zombie virus was kissing the back of a woman's hand, and this woman Qin An had just met, she was the maid next to Aegean, the head of the Heavenly Horse orc clan!

What is the purpose of Aegean asking this maid to come in contact with the people of the Heavenly Seal Sect?

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