Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1664 Weak Water Three Thousand Plus 1

"Honorable guest, my name is Qianshui!"

The slim woman stood in front of Yaotian and Huayue with a smile on her face.

Yao Tian Huayue glanced at each other, very surprised, not knowing what this woman was going to do.

"You are from Tianyin City, right? There was a zombie virus spreading on the battlefield on the Sanyue Lake before. If my news is good, it should be the work of the two?"


Both Yaotian's faces became cold at the same time.

"Are you a savage orc?"

Yaotian asked casually and was ready to take action.

Huayue stretched out her tongue and licked her lips. There were many people here, and they were all her targets for infection.

Just when they had some thoughts in their hearts, the woman called Weak Shui shook her head.

"No, I am not an orc, I am Elent!"


This time Yaotian finally reacted and looked at the woman in front of him in surprise.

Elun special weak water?

This is a celebrity, Yaotian didn't even think of it before.

On the Star of Sword Spirit, there is a long-lived ballad about the dead sect.

The gods of death do not meet each other, and there is no fate to meet.

The two dragons play in the water lightly, and the water has stained the sky.

Three seniors are incompetent, and their relationships are often broken.

The four women chaotic the sky, the world is an abyss!

This song is about ten masters including the Sect Leader of the Dead Sect.

One of the four females is called Weak Water, and it is exactly an Elent.

The whereabouts of this weak water is very strange. She possesses an entity and can parasitize into any object as a soul, but she especially likes to parasitize into the water. Well, as a faithful believer of the Dead Sect, the name Qianshui is actually widely circulated in many continents of Sword Spirit Star, and the talk has changed.

You must know that the faith of the dead is to deprive others of their lives and to kill others for pleasure. In fact, even if this weak water is not gone and weird, no one has seen her before, and all the people who have interacted with her are dead! Her killing behavior has also attracted some law behemoths, but the final result is that these law behemoths were not spared, and they were all killed by weak water. There are also rumors that because the weak water killed too many behemoths of the law, so once called the behemoth of the god-level law, that is the supreme law of the sword of the spirit star!

Of course, all this is just a legend, and no one actually believes that there is such a powerful person in the world.

Yaotian frowned slightly when he thought of this.

The current snobbery of the Dead Sect is in Europe, and their ambitions are not small, and they have already gone to war with God's Domain.

So if the woman in front of me is the weak water of the dead sect, what is she going to do when she suddenly appears? Could it be that the death sect also arranged people in the orc?

"So, what do you want to do?"

Yaotian didn't plan to do anything immediately, and opened his mouth to explore the purpose of weak water.

"Since I have come to meet the two, I naturally want zombie viruses!" This sentence uses the Mental Energy communication channel.

While speaking, she raised her hand and put it in front of Huayue.Huayue was a little confused, picked up the weak water hand, then raised her head and smiled, and at the same time opened the Mental Energy channel to speak.

"Your death sect's intelligence capabilities are really strong. We just made a small incident on the side of Sanyue Lake, and you found it. Then, do you want me to bite you?"


"But you will become a zombie if you are bitten by me! The super zombie virus I carry has been tested, and I have not encountered any creatures that can tolerate it so far. Are you sure?"

After speaking in her heart, Huayue gently dropped a kiss on the back of the weak sailor, then raised her head and looked at the weak water's eyes playfully.

What Qin An saw was such a scene, but they had always used the Mental Energy channel to speak, so Qin An didn't understand what they said.

Weak Water and Huayue looked at each other, using Mental Energy to say:

"Then you can test it on my body, maybe your zombie virus has no effect on me."

After hearing the other party's words, Huayue frowned and looked at Yaotian.

Yaotian thought slightly, then nodded.

With permission, Huayue immediately took a bite on the back of Weak Shui's hand, and a clear blood mark appeared on the back of Weak Shui's white hand.

At this moment, Yao Tianhuayue didn't realize what was wrong with doing this, because they didn't understand weak water.

"Well, as you wish, the zombie virus is given to you, how does it feel?"

Huayue raised her head again and looked at Qianshui, observing her state, and waiting for her next move.

"Hahaha! So delicious, is this a zombie virus? Ah, really comfortable! ... Weak water contains three thousand supreme toxins, but I have never been in contact with such a substance, curious, really amazing! "

Weak Shui's body trembled, and it looked as transparent as if he had taken a drug.

"I am Elunte and a believer in the Death Sect. Two people, isn't your purpose to spread the zombie virus? Hahaha! Then in this giant city, let me help you. Weak water body It's all the water in this city. You gave me the virus. Then it was like poisoning the water in this giant city! I will combine the weak water three thousand supreme toxins contained in my body with the zombie virus. I'm very curious. What kind of monsters will they create in the end? And if this kind of monster bites two, will you be poisoned and become zombies? Hahahaha!"

A burst of rampant laughter suddenly resounded throughout the square, and the weak water immediately became the target of everyone's attention in the closer distance.

Yaotian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Xiaoshui's target included himself and Huayue?

Facing Weak Shui's crazy laughter, Yaotian felt despised.

She is the main god, how could she bear such contempt.

So she made a sudden move and hit Qiang Shui with a punch. The energy contained in this punch was extremely powerful, and it was the energy that could directly kill the sword god.

But Weak Water was not killed, her body burst suddenly after being attacked, and then numerous water droplets flew out.

These water droplets covered an area of ​​more than 100 meters. People in this area, except Yaotian and Huayue's strong physical defenses, were not injured, and all the others were shot through the skin by the flying water droplets.

When the water droplets entered people's bodies, a powerful super virus proliferated rapidly, instantly controlling their souls and transforming their bodies.

The skins of these people all burst open, and the flesh and blood seemed to be burning. This fire ignited the muscles under the skin. After that, the flesh and blood churned and exuded a scorching smell. The monsters transformed at The next moment all turned out like beasts. Screamed, and then went to bite people and everything nearby, they are super zombies!

far away,

Qin An, Qin Potian, Si Meng, Delevena, Fei, and everyone on the square were all attracted by the riots over there.

"What's wrong?"

Si Meng's face changed drastically, unaware of the coming crisis.

Qin An can be said to have witnessed the whole story with his own eyes.

It seems that this weak water is not the maid of the Aegean at all, maybe she is the one who really controls the Giant City, right?

After Aegean and the black detective decided on their action plan, they left the room and sent someone to inform Qin An that they would come to the banquet. Weak Shui followed her humbly, without saying a word.

Weak Shui is a super master and can open up the Mental Energy communication channel with Aegean. So they communicated secretly, and then Xiaoshui took the shot himself. What was their purpose?

Qin An quickly searched for the traces of Aegean and found that she had already boarded a plane out of the city at this time! And this giant city, which is regarded as the reception window of Guangnan Province, suddenly opened an energy shield after Aegean left.

The energy magnetic field set by the Queen of Brutal Beasts covers the entire Quang Nam Province.

This energy magnetic field has several characteristics:

The entire Quang Nam Province's sea, land and air exits are all closed, no matter which direction they come from, they will eventually be teleported into the Giant City, which means that the Giant City is the only way to enter Quang Nam Province.

Heavenly Horse orc clan is in charge of Giant City, and Heavenly Horse orc patriarch Aegean has a handprint rune given by the Beast King. With this rune, the entire Giant City can be sealed, so that the people inside cannot go out. This is called the Vault of Cangding.

Then after Aegean was gone, Weak Shui began to spread her super virus that was fused with Three Thousand Toxins of Weak Shui, which meant that their purpose was to slaughter the city! The target includes not only Qin An, but also Yaotian and Huayue.

You know, Giant City is not an ordinary city. The predecessor of this city was ruled by Elunte, and Elunte is a living body. Weak water can not only infect the weak water 3000 super zombie virus to humans and orcs, It can spread it to Elent.

In this way, the closed giant city will become a Moro The Underworld.

Qin An hadn't realized all the situation at this time, but he had some insights in his heart, guessing that the enemy's purpose should be to infect the whole city.

Suddenly, near the demon sky, the ground began to tremble violently, and then a huge mouth appeared on the ground. This mouth is three hundred meters long. The material element of the mouth is of course mud, and the teeth in the mouth are Rock that looks very hard.

The ground turned into a mouth, so the rows of seats originally built on the ground and the group of people who had just turned into zombies were swallowed immediately. If it weren't for Yaotian Huayue's powerful running fast, they would have to Swallowed.

After swallowing a lot of things, the big mouth began to squirm and chew quickly. The chucking sound and the bright red blood flowing out of the big mouth were shocking. The blood was produced by the swallowed person being chewed.

After just chewing for a few seconds, the big mouth suddenly opened, and then the things in the mouth were ejected like a blowout. They soared into the sky more than a hundred meters high, then spread out, and when they landed on nearby people, they were strongly corroded. The sexual minced meat will quickly corrode into the opponent's body, and then the three thousand weak water super zombie virus will spread quickly, creating more zombies.

This big mouth is also Elunte. He is a life form formed after Elunte's soul parasitizes into the earth. It is infected by absorbing water droplets from weak water. After that, he loses his rational soul, transforms into a fighting state, and swallows its side. everything of.

In a short instant, hundreds of people have been infected as zombies, and they spread wildly around, infecting more people.Qin An only feels a headache. A Heavenly Seal master who spreads the zombie virus is already very difficult to deal with, and now there is a crazy weak water of the dead sect. How can this be done?

For the present plan, I can only kill the zombies in front of me first, otherwise there will be no place to stand in this giant city.

Qin An thought of this and moved forward quickly, and began to kill those infected one by one.

Although they are super zombies infected by the super zombie virus, most of their strengths are not too strong. They may be terrifying to ordinary abilities, but they are acceptable to Qin An.

At this time Qin Potian also started, and Huayue and Yaotian were not idle either. There were more zombies surrounding them, and more diverse types.

Elunte is an omnipresent life form. The earth can become zombies, and some of the tables and chairs can also become zombies. They have just come into contact with water droplets made by weak water bodies. Therefore, the situation at this time is a bit funny. The tables, chairs, flowers, and bonsai that were placed nearby at the venue before were all personified, and a mouth full of sharp teeth appeared on the body, and then went crazy and rushed towards Yaotian and Hua. moon.

As a heterogeneous awakener, Huayue couldn't control these Elent zombies, and Yaotian, as the main god, didn't even dare to try to be bitten by these things.

So they hurriedly shot, activated the ability to kill all kinds of weird things nearby.

Qin An rushed to the location of the incident and killed many zombies. His super hearing was turned on, monitoring the situation of the whole city, and his face became extremely solemn.

Weak Water is a super powerful Elent, her soul is connected with the water in the city, or the water in the city is actually her body.

This is also the reason why she absorbed the zombie virus, but did not become zombie, because her body was originally divided, she can use the power of the soul to control the zombie virus in a part of the water, and then keep some harmless water for the own soul in it. So as not to be infected. For weak water, only a small glass of water is enough. Most of the water bodies in Giant City are still infected.

At the same time, these corrosive three thousand weak water superviruses began to spread. People who drink water become zombies, and those who are in contact with water become zombies. After that, they will madly infect other people, just like the previous analysis. In the same way, striving to be the Giant City instantly became The Underworld, no place is safe, because Elunte is everywhere!

The earth, toilets, telephone poles, cars, houses, tables and chairs, bananas, cucumbers, carrots, electric fans and more!

These things usually seem to be dead, but as long as they are parasitized by the soul of Elendt, they are living organisms, and there are cells in the body.

The origin of the zombie virus is a super active energy substance, which needs to continuously swallow and absorb all kinds of fresh cells to evolve.

Therefore, the infected elente objects will look for those uninfected elente objects.

There has been a wonderful scene of a bench chasing a table running wildly on the street, as if this is a fairy tale world, everything has come to life, and it looks shocking!The situation that Qin An and others are facing is that the nearby zombies are killing more and more, and the types of zombies are strange!

From the day to the starry night, there are already various corpses on this square, but the number of nearby zombies remains unchanged, and there are more kinds of them.

This was definitely a very unexpected thing. Although Qin An had changed a lot, he did not expect to suddenly jump out of a weak water.

Can't fight anymore, for the current plan, I can only find a place to hide, and then leave the Giant City to see the Beast King. Only after the Beast King understands all the things here can he think of a way.

But the Giant City was already enclosed by the seemingly powerful energy magnetic field, and Qin An didn't know if he could break through it.

"Broken sky! Going south, we must leave this city!"

Qin An and Qin Potian greeted each other.

At this time, Qin Potian was already sweating, although the opponent was not difficult to deal with, but there were too many.

At this time, beside him, they were still following Dlavina, Simeng, Fei and Qing. If Qin Potian hadn't protected them, they would have been in danger at this time.

Among all people, the most unbearable is naturally Fei.

She has experienced the most terrifying and darkest years at the beginning of the last days. These years, she has lived and stabilized in the city of Kowloon. She has forgotten the suffering of the last days.

Although it was terrifying to fight against brutal beasts in the battle army before, the brutal beasts are intelligent creatures, and she still has the chance to surrender in the most critical moments.

But now facing the zombies again after many years, it reminded her of all kinds of terrible memories many years ago.

"Love! Not afraid! I protect you! I protect you!"

She screamed desperately and looked miserable. She didn't realize that Qin Potian was actually protecting her and killing all the zombies that approached her, but she just circled the place and did nothing from start to finish, so sigh that she She has also served as a soldier, but she is already over sixty years old.

After Qin Potian heard Qin An's call, he also realized that he couldn't continue the fight like this.

He quickly turned around and grabbed Dlavina, who had just kicked off a zombie table, into his arms.

"Hurry up and let me ride you!"

In an emergency, Qin Potian didn't care if he was a little rude.

Dreyvenna was still a little leopard beast girl, and it was not easy for Qin Potian to fight with Qin Potian while remaining calm in the face of such a complicated situation.

After listening to Qin Potian's words, she didn't even think about transforming. Qin Potian took a frantic Fei Yuqing and sat on Delevena's back.

Seeing this situation, Simeng hurriedly transformed, and Qin An jumped onto her back.

"Come on, all the way south!"

"How could this be? Where is our patriarch?"

"Your patriarch? She is clearly the spy of the dead sect. All of this is caused by her and that weak water. If I didn't expect it, she should have gone to see the Beast King. The purpose is naturally to deceive the fool and make her I can't realize what's happening here! When the Giant City is all turned into zombies, when they are released, other unprepared savage beast tribes will also be swallowed by them!"

"Who do you think is a fool!"

"Who else but your Beast King? Hurry up, do you want to be swallowed by zombies?"

While speaking, Qin An slapped Si Meng's butt forcefully. Of course, Si Meng was in the form of a unicorn at this time, otherwise Qin An would be really embarrassed to do it.

Si Meng let out a soft groan, then, without hesitation, stepped on all fours and quickly caught up with the leopard beast in front of him.

Qin An turned his head and looked at Yaotian and Huayue. Although these two hundred and five hundred and fifty were extremely fierce, they were also very busy. From the outside, ordinary people could no longer see them, because the corpses around them were already piled up like a mountain!

The zombies seem to prefer Huayue's body, so Huayue and Yaotian are particularly favored!

Deserve it! I was thinking about sabotaging, but I was calculated by others!

Qin An wanted to figure out the situation at this time, so he didn't have time to pay attention to them, and slapped him hard on Simeng Butt Mountain. Simeng let out an angry roar, and the four hoofs flew up and finally caught up to the front. Leopard beast...

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