The starry night is deep,

Xiangyue fell to the western sky at this time, emitting a mysterious blue light under the stars holding the moon. The moon that originally belonged to the earth was also in the sky to the west at this time. Now it is the beginning of the month. The moon just shows a crescent and looks very pretty. Feiyue exudes a pink shimmer from a position very close to the ground, looking extraordinarily beautiful and alluring.

The beauty of Bankong in March is always so beautiful. This is a kind of welfare that nature has given to life on earth after the disaster of March.

In the dome of the 87-meter-high city wall observation deck south of Giant City, Qin An is frowning and looking at the southern stars, not at all seduced by the beautiful scenery of the sky in March.

During the day, they fought all the way to try to see if they could escape from the Giant City, but when they got here, they found that they couldn't get out.

Qin An was a little depressed, but also shocked.

What is the identity of this brutal queen? The energy magnetic field she built can actually trap herself? Although Qin An is not good at using space abilities, he has relatively good defensive abilities against space abilities. He stole all the golden hoop rods in Adadilan's space at the beginning!

Hey, this world is really in crisis.

Moving his nose, Qin An smelled the stink on his body.

I don't know how much corpse fluid is hanging on the body during this fight. Fortunately, in addition to the weak water, other zombies still have to rely on the corrosive mucus on their teeth to break their defenses, so as long as they are not bitten, they will not be infected.

At this time, the city finally became much quieter, not that the zombies had been wiped out, but that most of them had already begun to sleep.

The Giant City has 300,000 orcs, and 30,000 or 40,000 captured human captives. In addition, there are even more of Elent, the number is more than tens of millions. Their souls occupy all kinds of objects. If they don’t move, no one knows. Something is Elent. After a few hours of the zombie virus disaster, there are not many orcs and humans left alive, that is to say, Erlunte has not been completely killed by the zombies, many of them are evasive, at this time they are hundreds of distances from Qin An’s location. In a fruit shop outside a meter, there are a lot of elent fruits hidden. I really don’t understand these elent fruits. Isn’t it afraid of being eaten if they are parasitic in the fruit? Or does it mean that the meaning of life for them is the moment they are eaten?

"Hey, would you like to sleep? It should be safe at this height. I can come to watch the night."

Qin Potian crawled out of the room connected below, looking still in spirit. He was a mutant. Now the Four Soul Swordsman had the strength of the Sword God level, so naturally he wouldn't feel tired at this time.

"You don't need to sleep, you don't need to be tired, it's just a bit tangled. I originally wanted you to leave this city to find the Beast Emperor, but now all your plans have come to nothing."

"You can't blame you, no one thought that this kind of accident would happen, how did the zombie virus spread? How come the whole city is full of zombies in a moment? Fortunately, you and I are pretty good on this journey. , Otherwise it’s impossible to reach this place at all, but this invisible energy shield is too overbearing. My power claims to be able to shatter the space, but it can’t break this energy shield.

Qin An sighed and told Qin Potian about the weak water. Qin Potian knew the whole story and was shocked for a while.

The two of them sat in the wind on the dome of the tower and stared at Xiaoyan, Qin Potian said depressed: "So what should we do if our heart is in my heart?"

"What else can I do? Think of a way to break through this protective shield and go out. This is a weird thing. I found that people can come in, but no one can get out. I am almost resting now. You will be here for a while and look down. A few women, since it's fate to be in trouble together, I want to look around while the zombies are dormant. Maybe this energy shield has a weak point, but we haven't been able to find it."

"Well, it can only be so."

Qin Potian nodded, then took a curious look.

"It stands to reason that you are not much older than me. Why do I feel that I always feel obediently in front of you? If it seems unnatural, I would like to listen to you. Brother, just tell me, you What is the relationship with my mothers?"

Qin Potian finally asked the question in his heart.

Qin An was stunned, frowning and thinking, and then felt that there was actually no need to continue to conceal it.

Since there is time now, and time is empty, it should be fine to tell him.

Thinking of this, Qin An cleared his throat before solemnly said:

"Do you know what my original name was?""Fang Xiaobao, the idiot of the Fang family, is quite famous in the south of the city. After Dage and I left your house last time, Dage asked someone to investigate and found out that you changed your name to Qin An a year ago, and also It's not stupid, this thing is a bit weird."

"Yeah! I didn’t know why I was a fool before, but my Spiritual Sense suddenly woke up a year ago, and I didn’t remember anything. I called myself Qin An directly, so I changed my name. This year I have been exploring the origins of own, and you should have seen it too. My ability strength is pretty good. This is what I have after my Spiritual Sense attribute, Hongye Flying Daggers, Spatial Teleportation, stealth ability, Spiritual Sense, etc. I can use the skills of the Forty-Nine Sword God, besides that, I also have many other abilities. Then based on these, I became interested in your Qin family, because I used the ability of the Spiritual Sense to understand By the time, Qin An in the home where the Qin family died also possessed these abilities. I don't think this is a coincidence. I think my soul probably belongs to Qin An!"


Qin Potian was completely dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Qin An smiled slightly and continued on.

"Knowing that some time ago, I suddenly remembered some memories. It was on the west coast of United States. There is only the sea beside me. The others are enemies! The hungry man killed me, and then my soul drifted away. I have lost consciousness and have been wandering between heaven and earth. I immediately confirmed that I am actually Qin An from your Qin family, but I still have no other memories. After a few days, I remembered something again. , That was many years ago, in a talent market, I met your Weng Lan mother, and that was the first time I met her. I think the memory of own is slowly recovering, I think maybe one day I can think of everything. When the Duo Ti Biological Nostalgia appeared in the Qin’s family, I happened to be there. It was me who beat Nostalgia away. Before that, I met with Weng Lan. Although my appearance has changed, I have no memory. But Weng Lan said that I can still see my soul through the eyes, I am a little touched...You should understand the story here? Why did your mother go to Fang’s house? It’s because of Weng Lan and They mentioned my things, so they took to look at me. Originally these things were a bit too weird, so I think it’s better not to tell you first, because I am not ready to be a father or a grandfather. It's everything, I told you all today."

Qin An only felt relaxed after saying this to Qin Potian.

Qin Potian continued to be stupid for a full minute and then jumped up suddenly.

"I'm a little dizzy, you mean

Are you my father? ! "


The sultry weather made Qin An sweat a little, and he had to leave quickly, because Qin Potian's reaction was so strong that he almost wanted to get involved with him.

If he was forcedly kissed by this kid who might be his son, then Qin An felt that his fame would be completely destroyed.

So Qin An threw on him for the twelfth time, hugging his neck, and when his lips were less than one centimeter away from the tip of his nose, he turned on his teleportation ability and fled, leaving only a word, let Qin Potian understood and digested the news himself, and then fled and flew into the sky.

Next, Qin An spent an hour thoroughly understanding the energy shield.

It is a semicircle, like an inverted cauldron.

What disappointed Qin An was that the energy of this cauldron was very average, and Qin An could not find any flaws after flying for a long time.

In other words, it is almost impossible to escape, unless the energy shield closes on its own or someone has enough ability to break it.

Then there is no way for him and Qin Potian, and Yaotian and Huayue, who are hiding in the west of the city 30 kilometers away, are obviously unable to escape.

This made Qin An even more surprised, wondering where the Beast Emperor was Sacred! The energy shield she opened was beyond his imagination, and it made the trapped Demon Tian confused over there.

Now Qin An already knows the identity of Yaotian, and also knows that Huayue is one of the five Jiaoyues of the Heaven Seal.

In the previous life, Qin An once killed Shan Yue and Hai Yue, and obtained the Tieyong Nanshan Divine Sword from their bodies. This is not because of Yuanjia Luzhao, but it is indeed due to some fate. He was able to meet them in the orc territory. .

Since he did not find a breakthrough, Qin An intends to fly back to face Qin Potian again. It is estimated that by this time he should have been calm, at least able to speak well and not pounce on himself.

When Qin An flew to a place five or six kilometers away from the resting place, his attention was suddenly attracted by the sound of the building below.


"Alguri, we shouldn't surrender. At that time, we just chose to die in battle. What can we do now? There are zombies everywhere, and we can't escape! Such death is too awkward!"

"To shut up!"

Alguri is a heroic female warrior with strong muscles, a symmetrical and sexy figure, and a beautiful face.

She frowned and spoke coldly to the sturdy, dark-faced young man, her face extremely gloomy.

The black-faced man squatted to the ground in frustration and a little frustration. After that, he said nothing, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Heizi, don't be serious! It was your own choice to surrender back then, can you still rely on our Alguri? What a joke!"

The man who was talking was a very handsome man. He looked at some Westerners of descent. He was a mixed blood named Nishizabet.

Qin An was attracted entirely because of the black-faced young man.

He is... Jin Bao?

Qin An has done a thorough investigation of Qin An in the previous life, including everyone who has a relationship with him.

So he knew that this Jinbao was the son of Qin An's good brother Vajra back then!

Vajra married two wives, one is Liu Wenli and the other is Wu Zhen.

Many years ago, Vajra, Liu Wenli, and Wu Zhen died in the physical plateau. At that time, the Baojindou brothers had been married in the empire. Their daughter-in-laws were the two daughters of Qin An’s other friend Liu Gang, Liu Danna and Liu Danqiang.

These two couples are special because they are mixed marriages.

The two sisters are married to two brothers, and the four live together regardless of you and me.

Vajra was a little unacceptable at this point, so I didn’t like to care about the two sons at the time, and eventually died. Since then, the father and son Deva will be separated forever. But nine years ago, he became a necroman again because of Qin An's physical destruction.

At that time, Jin Bao, as a soldier in the imperial army, went to Quang Nam Province to fight against the invasion of sea beasts.

Tianju all moved to the west coast of United States under the leadership of many Qin ladies, including Jin Dou, Liu Danna, and Liu Danqiang.

It didn't matter if they went there. Ninety percent of the people in Tianjuli died in the battle, and only a small part of them under the leadership of the Canghai Sword God protected Weng Lan and Qin An's children from the battlefield and returned to the Kowloon Empire.

Campbell failed to go to the United States because of the mission in Quang Nam Province, and therefore left a life.

Since then, Jinbao's temperament has changed drastically, drinking every day and having fun in suffering.

When the parents are dead, they can be resurrected in the space of the dead.

But now that the two daughters-in-law, own Little Brother, died with Qin An, the Necrotic Space was naturally gone, so no one would be able to come back to life.

Jin Bao's life became gloomy and hopeless.

After the Qin family was rebuilt, Qin Potian originally wanted to get Jin Bao to the Qin family, but Jin Bao was unwilling, because he was decadent and he didn't want to meet anyone familiar with him. This would remind him of his own parents, brothers, and wives!

In this way, Jin Bao became a wanderer, wandering around looking for the meaning of living, until two years ago, he met the imperial soldier Alguri in the south of the Kowloon Empire.

Perhaps time has smoothed out Jin Bao's pain, or perhaps sorrow will be diluted when love comes.

That year, Campbell, who was as dark as his father, fell in love with Alguri at first sight.

So he joined the army directly and joined Alguri's combat team.

In fact, Jin Bao is no longer young, but under the influence of Qin An's symbiosis, he looks like he is still twenty years old, while Alguri was really only twenty two years ago.

Jin Bao didn't dare to tell Algure Own's true age. He was a little shy, thinking that he was an old cow eating tender grass.

Then Jin Bao did not reveal his own background identity. He felt that he actually had no background. He had been a wanderer for seven years, and he has not been in the main city of the empire. It is estimated that the Qin family has forgotten him. Right?For the next two years, Campbell has been with Alguri as a soldier.

Although Alguri was young, he was very strong, at least much stronger than Jin Bao.

Campbell’s temperament follows his father, Vajra. Sometimes he looks stunned. He is not a person with high EQ. After years of wandering alone, his character has become more depressed. Although he likes Alguri, he doesn’t know how to express it.

Alguri doesn't like Campbell at all. She is a face-controller and likes handsome guys, such as Nishizabeth, who has just joined her squadron not long ago.

Yes, in two years Alguri has become a squadron leader from the original squad leader.

In this battle against the Orcs, Alguri and her boss repeatedly requested that they be allowed to supplement their squadron's number.

Later, the above finally met her request, not only added the number of people, but also deployed a peerless man, Nishizabeth.

Alguri fell in love with it after seeing it. She is a girl, but she is a new generation of the last generation.

The girl in the apocalypse is not that conservative, so she and Nishizabet expressed love after only a few days of knowing her. If it weren't for the fact that they had gone to the battlefield to fight with wild beasts before, they might have been sleeping together now.

In the battle just two days ago, Alguri's squadron was besieged by flying sharks.

In the end, the entire squadron, Algure, Campbell, and Nishizabeth survived the hard fight.

There have been rumors on the battlefield that the orcs would not kill the captives, as long as they kneel on the battlefield to surrender, kiss the orcs’ feet and show absolute obedience, the orcs will accept this surrender and be able to save their lives.

At the time of life and death, Nishizabeth decided to kneel down and kissed the feet of the enemy leader.

Under his lead, Alguri, who had originally planned to regard death as home, hesitated.

She is only twenty-two years old, and her life is still growing. She is even a virgin. It's not that she doesn't want to find a man. It's just that she has been leading the army to fight in the north and the north, which is because she has delayed her life for her own career. event.

After hesitating again and again, Alguri surrendered and fell to his knees.

Jin Bao is a man of faith. Although his father has been dead for many years, he has not forgotten Vajra's teaching when he was a child. A man must stand to die and never live on his knees!

However, the so-called hero is sad for beauty.

Seeing Algure surrendered, Campbell was immediately dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.

He stood there, surrounded by a circle of flying shark barbarians, the local chief said coldly:

"Why? Don't surrender? Okay, then kill him!"

Although Alguri has no love between men and women for Campbell, they have been comrades-in-arms for two years after all, and they have class feelings.

Seeing that Jin Bao was about to be killed, Alguri hurriedly shouted out loud.

"Heizi! You kneel down for me!"

Facing Alguri's anger, Campbell's legs accidentally trembled and he actually knelt.

He saved own life because of the woman Alguri, but his dignity completely disappeared the moment he survived.

For two days, Jin Bao had been very depressed and entangled. He didn't even want to talk to Alguri, because he hated himself, hated himself for being so weak, failed to hold on to his faith at the critical moment, and yielded to a woman.

Alguri was also very depressed these two days. In fact, she didn't want to surrender. As a civilian, she struggled for several years before she became the squadron leader.

Alguri often wondered, if there is another chance to choose again, would she wave and kneel down?

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