Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1678 Attacking Ziyang Beast Emperor

The human head is a wonderful thing, it can make different conclusions about what it sees.

At this moment, what the poor little black spot saw was:

Alguri asked Sizebet to hold her in his arms,

Instead of

Nishizabeth held Alguri in his arms.

There is an active and passive relationship.

In fact, the fact is the latter, Cizebet is a strong hold of Cizebet, and Cizebet is reluctant.

Heizi Jinbao thought of Cizebet's willingness to be held, after all, she had always liked Cizebet's appearance so much.

Then the misunderstanding was born.

Jin Bao felt that he was really a waste, and he had already given up. Why did he still have some hope? Why on earth did he jump out to find Alguri?

The face that was originally black became darker, but it looked like an old African black.

Jin Bao didn't realize how cold his own voice was, but Alguri felt it, and only felt that he hadn't been frozen to death at all.

"Let's eat."

Just leaving three words, Jin Bao turned around and left.

Alguri watched Campbell's shadow disappear in front of him, and then reacted, turned and pushed Nishizabeth away, and then kicked him severely. Nishizabeth was accidentally kicked and fell to the ground.

"Why are you holding me suddenly?"

Algure jumped straight, and the sudden look in Campbell's eyes from surprise to despair just now made Algure very heartbroken, and to be more precise, it was a little heartache.

She felt that she might lose Jin Bao, a good friend and good brother! This is not what she wants, nor can she accept it.

Ignoring Nishizabeth, Alguri ran into the room like a gust of wind, and saw that the three men had already started eating and drinking inside. The food was delicious and rich as a banquet.

Qin An came back in time. He didn't want to see Alguri and Cizebet being alone for too long. It would be self-defeating. The only purpose of leaving Cizebet was to make Campbell and Algouli in this triangle. Really see yourself clearly in love.

"Come on! Lord An! I will toast you again!"

Qin Potian was obviously also emotionally complicated. Although he digested the fact that Qin An was Qin An, he couldn't let go of it.

"Come on, drink. This wine should have been in the space for a long time, but the space is still and frozen, so the taste should still be mellow. I didn't look at the space very much before, and I really didn't care that there are so many good things in it."

"Yeah! An...I..."

Qin Potian said that his eyes were red, and he was a little excited inadvertently. After all, he was still a child under twenty. Qin An knew what he was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Well, didn't you say it before? I only have a memory of more than a year, so you just call me Master An. The name is kind and solemn. I like it. Let’s not be sad. Come on, drink, and sleep after drinking, and we have to deal with zombies when we get up. ."

"Well, good! An, cheers!"

Qin Potian really shed tears, and Qin An felt a little in his heart. This was the first drinking between father and son. All his emotions were sublimated inadvertently. Thinking of the bizarre events that happened to him, how could Qin An still maintain Calm, seeing Qin Potian crying like a child most often, his eyes also turned red.Campbell naturally comforted him. At the same time, thinking about his own and Ruyi Scepter, thinking about his parents, Campbell also began to weep. Come back, women go fuck the ball, never love it again!

Algure sat nervously next to Heizi, and for a while, he poured alcohol on him, and then he stabs Jinbao's waist with his fingers, but Jinbao completely treated Algulli as air and ignored her at all.

Algure felt extremely embarrassed. At this time, Nishizabeth walked in slowly, and he greeted everyone with a smile. If he looked at him before, he was humorous and lively, but now it just feels like him. Too frivolous.

The banquet ended in Qin An and Qin Potian's excitement, Jin Bao's forgetfulness, and Alguri's grievance.

This process has nothing to do with Cizebet, because no one paid any attention to him. Qin An was very kind to Alguri and poured him wine several times during the period.

Alguli was a little cautious towards Qin An, mainly because Heizi and the Qin family macho Qin Potian respected him very much. I really don't understand who this is from the Qin family? It is said that the Qin family is in charge of four wives, so the identity of this man really makes people look at the flowers in the mist, I can't even think about it.

After eating and drinking, Qin An took Qin Potian's hand and continued to chat about family affairs. Mainly Qin Potian wanted to talk to Qin An about the Qin family's situation in the past few years, how much his brothers and sisters missed his father, and talk about some information about the dead sect. Qin An actually knew many things, but he listened to Qin Potian happily again. Of course, there were some things that Qin An didn't know, so he didn't understand until after listening to Qin Potian's account.

Perhaps the father-son relationship on Mental Energy fluctuated and had an effect. Qin An and Qin Potian talked for a long time without any sense of disagreement. In the end, they even lay on a bed to talk, just like a pair of confidants who haven't been good friends for many years. I don’t know how long they talked, the two big men who were trapped by family relationships finally fell asleep slowly. When Qin Potian started snoring, Qin An, who seemed to have fallen asleep in advance, opened his eyes and looked at Qin Potian’s eyes. The face is exceptionally kind.

He remembered some memories again. When he died on the west coast of United States, he heard the voice of a little boy calling Dad constantly! The voice was full of despair, anger, and inescapable emotion!

So the protagonist involved in this memory is naturally Qin Potian at that time.

A deeper emotion than just now emerged spontaneously, and Qin An had some impulses! Hurry up, hurry up and remember everything, because only in this way can he be regarded as his true self!

While Qin An and Qin Potian were chatting happily, in the bedroom of the other room, the sunspots Jinbao and Alguri were quiet to death.

Campbell originally planned to talk to Uncle and ask his parents about Little Brother, but after eating, he was called by Alguri to clean up the leftovers on the table, and then he was taken into the bedroom here.

Hey, the atmosphere is too quiet. What the hell is this Alguri?


"What are you doing, don't talk!"

Alguri spoke to stop what Campbell wanted to say.

Damn it!

She wanted to explain to Jin Bao, she was just assaulted by Nishizabeth, so she hugged her together.

But Alguri couldn't figure it out again, why did she explain to Jin Bao? Why is she why? Important things should be recited three times in my heart! Jin Bao is not one of hers, and she feels that the sunspot is not his own food, so why does she have to explain to Jin Bao?

Algure was lost, so she stopped Kimber when he was embarrassed to say something.

I don't want to listen to him!

Alguri felt that she could not listen to Jin Bao at this time, she had to think about it, what exactly she wanted!

The room continued to be quiet, and Alguri's eyes fell on Jin Bao.

The man who had cut his hair and shaved his beard showed a young face, really...so young.

It’s said that Qin’s family all have an ageless appearance. I heard from them before that Jin Bao’s true age is already 30, but he looks like 20. Qin Potian and their Uncle are also very young, that is to say. The rumors are true.

Hey, Jin Bao is actually not ugly, but when he met him, he was too shabby, so the initial impression was not good. In the following two years, he was also sloppy and has never cut his hair, so his impression of him has always remained. In the initial stage.

Alguri looked at Jin Bao's face and slowly became fascinated, only to feel that he was familiar and unfamiliar.

They were inseparable for two years together, and it was impossible to be unfamiliar, but at this moment Jin Bao was unfamiliar to Alguri.

The entangled time passed slowly, and Jin Bao was obedient. Since Alguri would not let him say, he would not say. At first, he was still sitting on the bed. Later, he simply fell asleep on the ground regardless of his image.

Haha, Jinbao was fidgeting in front of Alguri before, and it turned out that it was a good thing to let go once he decided to let go, he could be so unscrupulous. Before falling asleep, Jin Bao thought about these things and only felt happy, so after falling asleep, he put on a sweet smile on his face.

I don’t know how long it took, Algure found that Campbell was really asleep, a little annoyed, she rushed to the bed to pull the stupid big man up, but saw the smile on his face, and she didn’t. The facial features that I have cared about.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a tall nose. Although his mouth is not small, it fits well with other parts of the face.

After watching coldly for a while, Alguri muttered to herself softly.

"This little black man, what did he dream of? He laughed so happily?"

After watching for a long time, Alguri finally sighed a long sigh, stepped forward and lay directly beside Heizi, unknowingly she also fell asleep.

Campbell may have noticed the heat around him, so he frowned and moved his body, placing a hand on Alguri's body.

Alguri obviously felt that Campbell’s arms were heavy. She wanted to escape in her sleep, but she moved backward several times but couldn’t leave. She knew that in the end she found the right way, that is, not to lean back, but Go forward.

Rolling down his body unconsciously like this, Alguri rushed into Jinbao’s arms tightly, unable to feel the weight of his arms anymore, and of course it was very comfortable to be held tightly by the strong chest, Alguri’s face finally calm.

Quietly in the room, only the breathing of the man and woman sounded from time to time.

Qin An frowned slightly when he saw the two embracing in the next room.

They are actually a natural pair, and it seems that this matchmaker is almost done. In fact, this incident is mainly attributed to the three of Vajra and his wife. They met Jin Bao after their resurrection, which made the present Jin Bao more open-minded, more confident, and more gentleman!

Maybe Algure doesn’t understand it, but it’s the truth. A man’s appearance is important. When it comes to attracting and retaining a woman, it’s the blood and personality of the man. The previous Jinbao didn’t have both of them. See After his parents, his man's nature is returning, and the natural magnetic field has also changed, and his attraction to women is no longer the same.


Outside the dream space, the city is still full of zombies at this time. It is already noon. Although the bloody poisonous fog in the air has not dispersed, it is already thinner, but there are basically no living people in the city at this time. After that, only the people in the dream space and the Shennong Bagui hiding in the basement are left.

In the Giant City, which is south of the Vault of Sky, the guards of the Beast Queen and the maid are fighting.

This fight is of course not a real fight. There is only one reason why the enchanting has to deal with recklessness, and that is reckless estrus...

Enchanting and reckless belong to the same race, this race is called the ancient beast monster race, and it is now about to become extinct. To be precise, the purest bloodline is left reckless and enchanting.

The appearance of the ancient Demonic Beasts looks like a huge magic wolf. It is more than ten meters tall and has a body length of several tens of meters. The hair of the whole body is silvery white, which is very powerful and majestic.

The recklessness at this time has changed into this kind of Demonic Beasts, chasing enchanting circles with blood red eyes.

"You pervert! Hurry up and transform back into a human form, or you will look good when the Queen comes out!"

"Enchanting! Don't be like this, I'm very uncomfortable now, can I help out? Besides, you and I are both ancient Demonic Beasts, but we carry the heavy responsibility of continuing our blood! You can help me, okay?"

"I don't want it! Even if there are only two ancient Demonic Beasts, you and me, I won't mate with you. You know I'm tired of the smell on you!"

Some orcs use their smell to identify and find their own suitable mate. The ancient Demonic Beasts is just such a kind of orcs.

This is also very helpless. Reckless wants to be enchanting, but enchanting just can't stand recklessness.

So this person and beast became obsessed and looked so lively.At this time, a group of men and horses came from the west. The number was over a hundred. The headed one was three meters tall and rode an iron camel wolf. If other people would naturally not recognize this handsome and tall man, he would be enchanting and enchanting. Recklessness has been a close person to the Queen of Wild Beasts for many years, so they immediately recognized that this was Ziyang, one of the Four Queens of Beasts!

The recklessness finally calmed down. Of course, he was actually enduring, and the estrus period had not passed. It was just that he regarded Ziyang as an enemy, so he didn't want to make himself too confused in front of him.

Enchanting didn't run away at this time, she frowned slightly, and then bowed to Ziyang to salute:

"Ziyang Beast Emperor, didn't your tribe just arrived? Why is there still Xianxin to come here in person?"

Ziyang narrowed his eyes and looked at the enchanting, then he looked recklessly and smiled:

"Haha, I'm really busy. But I heard that the Little Demon's Sky Sky Supreme Curse was activated? And the Little Demon also entered it?"

"What if you go in?"

A reckless character is straightforward if it sounds good, and if it sounds bad, it is a little stupid. He didn't think much about it, and he just spoke back. It was too late for the enchanting to stop. Although he was calm, there were some bad omens in his heart.

Among the four beast emperors, the ancient demon queen is the respect, and the other three beast emperors are also quite strong, but compared with the ancient demon, they are much weaker.

Just talk about Ziyang in front of him, even if it is reckless, it should not be less powerful than him. Enchanting and reckless will be stronger than Ziyang if they work together, but if they encounter the ancient demon queen, there is absolutely no chance of winning. Because of the absolute overwhelming strength of the Ancient Demon Queen, she can stand tall on the Barbarian Beast Continent, but there are too many populations on the Barbarian Beast Continent, and the place is vast. It is simply impossible for a government to fully control it.

Therefore, there were only four big beast kings in the savage beast continent, but the other three beast kings were all under the jurisdiction of the ancient demon in name.

But are they willing?

Enchanting knows, the answer is no.

The other three beast kings were not in harmony. They occasionally launched some local wars in order to compete for territory. The Beast Queen was very careful to take care of these things at the beginning, and then gradually stopped taking care of them, because of this kind of thing. It's really a lot. In other words, the other three beast kings have selfish motives and are eager to gain more benefits. They are only afraid of the ancient demon queen, so they never look for things in front of her, and only toss around their own territory.

So now on the earth, the space is scarce, and the territory is even more precious. It is difficult to guarantee that the other beast kings will not be distracted, especially this Ziyang. The beasts he sits on are violent and savage beasts, who eat people without spitting out bones. Fierce beast!

Ziyang watched the recklessness and enchantment for a while, and felt that the information he had received was not bad, so the smile on his face became more overflowing.

"Haha! It seems that the little demon really went in! This woman, who has always been arrogant, never has to open her eyes to look at me, what a pity, what a pity!"

At this moment, suddenly a black bird flew from the direction of Giant City and landed on Ziyang's shoulder.

This bird is not simple. Its name is Kuritowa. It appeared in the Star of Sword Spirit in ancient times, so today there may only be such a bird left in the world.

This bird is spiritual and can speak a kind of bird language. The only ability that it possesses seems useless, but it is really powerful, that is, it can fly over any space barrier, even the firmament of the sky!

After Kuritowa settled on Ziyang's shoulder, he began to whisper his name, the tone was faltering, and this was his voice.

The expression on Ziyang's face was even more joyful, and he laughed out loud after nodding his head frequently.

"Hahaha, zombies? Very interesting things! So where is my little demon? Really no living people can be seen inside?"

Kurotowa was twittering again.

"Well, since it seems like this, I need some help to save my little demon, what if she really can't get out?"

"Ziyang Beast Emperor, what do you want to do? This sky is opened by my queen, she can come out naturally, and you don't need to worry about it!"

The enchanting face became severe, she stared at Kuroto Yu, and kept winking at the beastly recklessness around her.

"What do I want to do? Tell you! I have been waiting for such a day for so many years! My little demon finally found his way into the sky, so let me use some means to keep her inside forever Come on! Hahaha!"

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