Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1679 Killing Zombies

Recklessness and enchantment are all unknown, so I don't know why Ziyang went crazy suddenly, laughing so strangely and unpleasantly.

Ziyang's voice fell and shot at the same time, leaping forward and punching to enchanting. Enchanting knew that Ziyang had the power of imprisonment and couldn't avoid this punch, so he threw a punch to greet him.

After a strong energy collision.

The enchanting was beaten up and flew far away.

Recklessly seeing the enchanting being beaten and yelling, he rushed over.

Ziyang's blow ended but he did not make another move. Behind him were many masters of the violent brutal orc race.

Compared with enchanting and reckless, these people are slightly inferior in single strength, but they are not much different. A group of people surrounded by enchanting and reckless is naturally not an opponent.

Within a few rounds of fighting in both directions, the two were besieged and beaten into the bounds of the sky.

Ziyang laughed in excitement, then raised his hand to summon a red spell card, which was the curing of the spell!

Curse curing is a kind of spell card that reinforces the magnetic field of space. It can be used multiple times and can make the space's confinement ability Ascension to the extreme.

Ziyang has been cured by the curse for many years, and he knows that the Beast Queen has the supreme curse of the sky, so he has been waiting for this opportunity to kill the Beast Queen. Although he had only arrived on Earth, Ziyang already had some understanding of the information here.

Today’s orc territory simply cannot accommodate the entire savage beast race. The beast queen is the first to teleport, and the other two beasts have not yet come. Then this is the best time. As long as the ancient monster is killed, Ziyang can have the savage beast empire. So, controlling the territory here in advance is tantamount to controlling the lifeblood of the brutal beast empire!

The curse was solidified in Ziyang's hands and burst instantly, the red energy halo waved up, merged into the invisible sky circle, and then lost all appearance.

This dark sky circle has already been solidified, Ziyang has carefully studied it, and done some experiments, and it is certain that even the ancient demon should not be able to get out of it! In the future, he can reinforce the dome of the sky every once in a while, then the ancient demon will be trapped in it forever.

Also, he just learned from Kuroto Yukou that the zombie virus that is circulating inside seems to be very powerful, and this is also available. The Azure Sky is a one-way space, even if it is reinforced, people outside can still enter. When the time comes, spread the news that the ancient monster is trapped, and then describe the abnormal crisis of the situation inside, then he should have a way to attract the orcs in.

Ziyang looked up to the sky and laughed endlessly. After being suppressed by the ancient demon for so many years, he could finally stand up!


Yaozi lay on his side, and opened his eyes to see Xia and Jones who were taking care of Luo Xia, as well as lying on the bed not far away looking at own Yaotian.

She slept before, mainly because of boredom and gasping, feeling that she was really good. Her temperament, she even allowed Qin An to kill the human traitor without killing him! Because of this mood, she found a bed to sit on to make herself angry, and finally fell asleep, and now she woke up because of the energy fluctuations of the sky above the sky.

Is this a reinforcement spell?

It Ascension the power of the supreme curse of the firmament of the blue sky, the demon let Mental Energy leave the dream space to touch the space barrier of the firmament of blue sky.

Can't get out?

After a slight stunned meeting, the demon child slowly sat up from the bed.

It seems that the purpose of the user of this reinforcement spell should be to deal with himself. If he didn't understand himself, how could he use this method to trap her in it? who is it?

After thinking about it, the demon's eyes showed a murderous intent.

She thought, besides that Ziyang, would there be anyone else besides Ziyang who had the courage to challenge herself?

Humph, careless!

But Ziyang would be wrong if he thinks that he can be trapped to death with this method.

Although it is indeed not easy to get out depending on the situation, it is not absolutely the case.You must know that the Supreme Curse of the Sky is the only one known by people on the Sword Spirit Star so far. It has always belonged to the Yaozi. Therefore, the secret of the Supreme Curse is that only the Yaozi himself Know well.

The Beast Emperor Ziyang certainly didn't know this secret, so he was not wise at all to use the method of the sky firmament.

Thinking of these monsters' expressions became much more soothed, waiting to see the show, Ziyang didn't know that he had encountered a hot potato!

I didn't know how to deal with the dome of the sky opened by the Aegean, but now there is a way to solve it, just wait! Waiting for the sleepy soul to wake up.

The Yaozi thought that these expressions finally became soothed, and then set his gaze on the Yaozi, and asked angrily: "Why are you always looking at me?"

Demon Tian has indeed been watching Demon Child, because he always thinks that this woman is very special. It seems that she has a mysterious attraction on her body, which makes her want to stop. Even if she is a woman now, she still has a heartbeat after seeing Demon Child. It feels weird.

"I just think you are special and make me feel kind."

Yaotian doesn't like to make rounds and corners, so he tells the truth.

"Special? Kind?"

The demon child nodded slightly and said, "This is also normal, because you and I should belong to the same origin. Let me ask you, have you ever been in the Barbarian Beast Continent?"

Yaotian frowned and shook his head:

"Forget it, I don't know where I came from. When I have the memory, I am already the Demon Sword God!"

"I have also heard of the name of the Forty-Nine Sword God, but you have never been to the savage beast continent, so I have no intersection with you...In fact, I also think that there seems to be some familiar flavors in your body. Do you have a beast form?"

"Yes, now my body is a resurrected body, but my Mental Energy originally had three forms, one transforms humans, one is a beast, and the other is the ultimate combat state. On the Sword Spirit Star, I am actually There is another name, some legends call me Demonic Beasts!"

"Four-legged Devouring Demonic Beasts? I haven't heard of this. But you can change your beast form. Since you lose your body, there are still three forms in the Mental Energy element, which means you should be an orc, so Said that maybe you are from a savage continent."

Hearing what Yaozi said, Yaotian hesitated, and finally changed his own ultimate combat state. It was a Hydra wolf beast with a height of 100 meters.

After seeing this, the demon exclaimed and asked:

"Then is your normal beast form a silver giant wolf beast ten meters in length?"

"Exactly, how?"

Yaotian changed into a human form, pulling the sheet over her body from one side. Although she didn't care, she didn't want to expose herself. After all, her life and environment are different from that of the wild beast continent.

The demon sighed and shook his head:

"I know your origin. Among our wild beasts, there is a race called the ancient beast monster clan. This is the Demonic Beasts created at the beginning of the birth of the sword spirit star. After a long period of time, this race has almost perished now. I know that there are only two people still alive. They are called enchanting and reckless. I think you should also be an ancient Demonic Beasts! I just don’t know how you left the savage beast continent or how you became a sword. God’s. Believe in your forgotten memory, you must have experienced many things on other continents of Sword Spirit Star, so you will always become the Sword God."


Yaotian was really shocked now.

How could he be from the savage beast continent?

After a long pause, Yaotian frowned and looked at Yaozi again.

"You know a lot, so who are you?"

"Me? Didn't you tell me? An ordinary angel."

The demon raised his hand to take care of his hair, then sighed and continued: "Don't worry, we will know each other in the future, because you are an ancient Demonic Beasts!"

I didn’t say a word. In fact, the demon is a member of the ancient Demonic Beasts race, but she was special when she was just born. She is an upgraded body in a population, and now she is the only queen in the army of the brutal beasts. .


Time passed by inadvertently, and the people in the dream space finally had to face the zombies outside again.

Among the crowd, Yaotian and Qin An are both powerful Ultramans, the main force in killing zombies.

Qin Potian is the strongest among the remaining people. He is responsible for protecting the safety of others. Xia’s single strength is not strong at all, so she is only responsible for protecting Luo, and the others will report to the group to follow Qin Potian. Behind him, dealing with the zombies they could fight.

This fight does not need a prologue, because the zombies will not leave any time. In addition to facing zombies, the more terrifying thing is actually the poisonous blood mist. Although it has become thinner because it spread to the whole city, it is still harmful. At least Jinbao and others cannot bear it for too long, so Qin Potian Will use heavy punches to disperse the poisonous mist around them, creating a temporary space for people that although the air is thin, but not poisonous.

Qin An's fighting room has run to a building, countless zombies are chasing you, and the number of zombies that die instantly in Qin'an's ability is also uncountable, it is too much.

Opened the perspective and looked at the basement of that building. The eight Shennong people were hiding inside.

Hmph, Qin An doesn't want them to take care of themselves or take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

So he seemed to accidentally drop the golden hoop that hovered in the sky and became bigger.

The power of this thing was so powerful that it directly smashed that building to pieces.

The eight people in the basement can no longer escape, the building is shattered, how can the basement remain intact.

At the most critical moment, eight people escaped from it.

"What the hell is this? Who did it!" Yang Guang's voice was a little frustrated.

"These damn zombies! How weird, look even more disgusting than those damn undead creatures!" Gongsunlan's voice was trembling, she was naturally not afraid of zombies, but some were afraid of disgusting things. These weird guys are really sad. NS!

The other six people didn't speak, Shennong jumped to the top of a nearby building, and the others quickly followed.

Naturally, the zombies will not let go of these new targets. They quickly surrounded the past, but it took less than a minute to fill the outer layer of the building and reunite to the top of the building.

Shennong sat in the Lotus Position at the top of the building, not looking at the surrounding conditions at all, and had no intention of doing anything.

The others stood in different directions under the leadership of Yang Youji and killed all the zombies that rushed up.

These people are not simple, Yang Youji has the power of the main god, and other people also have the power of the ordinary sword god, it is naturally not difficult for many alien alien zombies to kill.

Qin An smirked badly, finally getting what he wanted.

Now he doesn't want to trouble Shennong and the others, so he should concentrate on killing zombies! After killing all the zombies, it is estimated that you will be able to find the three thousand weak waters, right?

While fighting each other, Qin An also went to observe the woman who claimed to be the demon child.

The strength of this woman is very strong. Although she watched casually interacting with the zombies, she did not use any abilities or weapons, but ordinary zombies could not get close to her body at all, as if she would die when she got close.

Qin An felt that although he possessed mind-reading skills and successfully read this woman's mind, all of this might not be true. Could this woman have super mental defenses, so that everything she could see was an illusion?

Qin An's guess was correct, but he didn't expect that the woman in front of him was the Beast Emperor himself!

In the chaotic fight, two powerful savage beasts with the strength of the sword god level appeared again. It was the enchanting and reckless beasts who rushed over.

Soon after leaving the dream space, the demon found the two of them, and had used Mental Energy to communicate with them, confirming that the person outside was really Ziyang.

Although very angry, the demon can only continue to wait, waiting for the sleeping soul to wake up, believing that he can finally wake up after being disturbed by the power of other curses?

The soul in Yaozi's mind was not actually too mysterious.

As the supreme curse, there are no people in it, because the supreme curse itself is a living body!

The demon-shaped figure of this supreme divine curse of the demon is still a very small boy, and the demon calls him Xiaocang.

Xiaocang has appeared several times. This little boy is very unfriendly to the demon, so the demon doesn’t get along well with him several times. This is why the demon cannot fully control the power of the Supreme Divine Curse, because it itself has Independent and intelligent. It's just that the development of the real body of the Supreme Divine Curse is slow, like Xiaocang, not only does he look like a little boy, but he is also very immature in age. No one would have imagined that the Supreme Divine Curse Xiaocang in those days foolishly signed a soul contract with the demon boy just because he ate a bird egg given to him by the demon child.No matter what, today's demon is waiting for Xiaocang to wake up. The Supreme Curse of the Sky is also part of Xiaocang's body and soul. This place has been attacked with other spell cards. How could Xiaocang fail Wake up to figure it out? After understanding his child's temper, he would definitely find Ziyang to avenge him. By then, the dome of the blue sky could be actively closed, and Xiao Cang had the ability to control his body.


The battle is fierce, because the blood has been flying all over the sky, and the broken bones have been stepped into the soil and become the elements of the earth.

The battle is also quiet, because everyone is busy with their own affairs and will not communicate with each other at all.

Except for Xizebet, this little white face was fine at the beginning, but when there were more and more zombies nearby, and when there were more living zombies nearby, he finally collapsed. I beg everyone to look for it sooner. Avoid it in a safe place, this is no way to fight it down! As the war dragged on, he became more and more tired, but the zombies nearby did not decrease in the slightest.

At this moment, the zombies of the brutal orcs who looked like chimpanzees from behind rushed forward.

Nishizabeth hurriedly turned and slashed at the chimpanzee's shoulder with his own sword.

This sword Nishizabet's face was used for breastfeeding, and all his swords, Spiritual Qi, were also released.

It's a pity that the opponent's defense is too strong, this sword can't break the defense at all, and Nishizabeth, who has countered the shock, has taken many steps to retreated.

Algure, who was closest to him, naturally saw this scene, and she also discovered that the chimpanzee-like savage zombie had no intention of letting Cizebet be spared, and had already jumped on it again.

Nishizabeth turned over and jumped up, and then ran in the direction of Alguri and yelled:

"Help me! Help me! This thing should be an upgraded species!"

Alguri didn't hesitate to step forward, because the gorilla behind Cizebet was about to catch up with him.

When Algoli and Cizebet ran to the opposite side, Cizebet suddenly stretched out two hands to grab Algoli's shoulders, and then slammed her body backwards!

"Stop him! Alguri, you help me stop him!"

Alguri was a little dazed.

Her body was completely lost by Xizebet's center of gravity, so she had to continue staggering forward, and had an absolute intimate contact with the gorilla zombie.

At this time, has she been firmly embraced by the other party?

When Alguri thought this way, she looked up, and saw a big mouth of blood already stretched out towards Own's face.

OMG! She was really caught by the gorilla zombies.

Algure struggled to dodge, but the gorilla zombies were so powerful that Algure's hard work did not succeed.

Suddenly, Alguri's brain became a little confused. She felt that she didn't think about anything, but she really called out a person's name: "Heizi!"

In the two years of coexistence, in hundreds of battles, Alguri yelled the word "Heizi" almost every time he fought.

Heizi is not very smart, and Alguri even thinks he is a little silly and stupid.

But in the battle, Heizi was different. She never had to say too much, as long as she called her name, Heizi could understand her intentions, and then provide her with the most timely support in place.

Yes, I didn't think about anything, but she still called Heizi. Does this show that she has him in her heart? It's just that she hasn't realized it?

Inadvertently, a tear fell from the corner of his eyes.

This Mulan-style female soldier didn't know why she was crying.

Is it because of Sunspot?

Or was it because he just ruthlessly abandoned her Nishizabeth?

It seems that no matter which one it is, it is a bit sad. Suddenly, Algulli was confused and sad. Perhaps death is also a kind of comfort? Things in the world are so difficult!

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