Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1681 Qin An's Prank

"What are you thinking? Can Canghai agree to help?"

The demon boy saw Qin An not speaking for a long time and asked.

"I will try my best to get her to agree. This is a major event related to the future of the human race, the orc race, and the entire planet!"

At this moment Qin An's expression was very serious, the demon looked at Qin An for a while, and suddenly said:

"Are you a Sword Spirit Star Terran?"

"No, I am an earthling."

"Earth people? How could earth people be so strong? That Fang Dazhi seems to be also earth people. We found that earth people are very cowardly. Those who surrender these days are all earth people."

Qin An moved his gaze to meet the Yaozi.

"Earth is a very harmonious little planet before the end of the world. Of course, this is for your sword spirit star. Before the sword spirit star race came, we were very friendly to each other. This is the civilization of the earth. In this kind of friendliness Nourished by a harmonious civilization, people on earth will certainly not be so wild. Most of the lives of people on earth are short-lived, which makes us cherish life extraordinarily and fear Death. Cowardice is not shameful. I will not choose to be cowardly, but I Don't laugh at anyone who is weak. Even you, if you grow up in an environment on earth, you will be weak, believe it or not?"

Qin An's eyes were a little bright, like bright stars.

The demon looked at Qin An's eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed in his heart.

This man is so calm when facing the owner, he is indeed a strange person, not at all restricted by the female animal breath in his body. She has not had this kind of quiet communication for many years. To be precise, it is a long time ago. Never before in the age, the demon inadvertently thought of him again.

The mood suddenly became depressed. The demon didn't speak, and stopped looking at Qin An's eyes. He sat on the bench and began to look up at the starry sky.

In the courtyard surrounded by alchemy cubes, a square gap was opened at the top. The sky is square when viewed from the bench, and the starry sky is beautiful, just like a painting.

After a long time, Qin An broke the silence.

"You said that if Canghai agreed, the Beast Queen would agree to a truce and peace talks?"

"Maybe it will."

"Why add the word maybe?"

"Besides food, wild beasts also need territory."

"Humans are actually good partners. At least humans have a bottom line, rules, and are relatively friendly. Now the largest human kingdom on earth is the Kowloon Empire, and you are now occupying the entire southern part of the empire! In fact, the savage beasts and the human race are really true. You can cooperate. The Black Gold Empire in the north is under the control of the Undead, and there is the Celestial Seal Dynasty, the kingdom of zombies in the southeast. In the west, the Dead Sect and God's Domain are now inextricably linked. The situation in this world is extremely chaotic. If the brutal beasts can join forces with the human race, I can guarantee you , The world will change because of these two big races. Yaozi, do you want to see a world where there is no dispute and everyone is united and loved?"

"Will there be such a world?"

The demon looked at Qin An with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

She worked hard for many years to turn the Barbarian Beast Continent into a country described by Qin An, but in the end, only the four emperors could rule together, and contradictions would inevitably arise after the division of power. Maybe she and the other three beast kings were simply at odds, so the major races below would have a bloody encounter, and they couldn't manage it if they wanted to.

"The way people on earth govern the world is actually very good, that is, to establish correct values. Every country, every nation, and every individual have different values, and most of the values ​​among the various races of the world are the same. So in the end we can live peacefully on a planet. I think if the beast queen is willing, as long as we are patient enough and work hard enough, the human race and the orcs will eventually run into a value that allows us to live in peace. At that time the world should be calm."

After listening to Qin An's words, the demon was thoughtful, and finally smiled and said:

"You are very cunning. Do you want to use the army of brutal beasts to smooth out this planet's apocalyptic crisis? Do you think our queen will be so stupid that you can't see through your mind?"

"You also said that it is a mind, not a strategy. I am not afraid that the Beast Queen knows what I am thinking, because all I think is what I want to say to her face to face! I have never thought of letting the savage orcs be cannon fodder. , Qin An, on the road to leveling the world, is willing to rush to the forefront to be the leader of the brutal beast army! So, demon, I really don’t want to go to the orcs, all I want is a peaceful world! And now Your wild beasts are like a timely rain to me. If you and me...I mean to cooperate with the Kowloon Empire, then this goal will definitely be achieved!"

At this time, Qin An had some thoughts, and when he was talking with the demon, he remembered something.

In the last life, Qin An established the Azure Dragon Empire. At that time, he was very confident and energetic, and wanted to make a name for himself in the last days.Qin An also remembered that the reason why Qin An was so motivated was Weng Lan.

At that time Qin An wanted to be a perfect man, and then made Weng Lan look at him differently!

Haha, there is nothing wrong with being a bit ambitious.

After hearing Qin An's words, the demon boy frowned and repeated, "A peaceful world? Do you think we can do it?"

Qin An did not answer the question of Yaozi, because for him this question does not require an answer. Regardless of the process or not, if Qin An intends to do this, then he will definitely stick to the end until he succeeds.

Yaozi did not continue to ask, because she had already seen Qin An's thoughts on his face.

The yard became quiet again, and the demon's brows slowly frowned.

what's up? Why would she find it easy and comfortable to chat with this human kid?

Is it because she now hides her identity as a demon rather than an ancient demon, then appearing as a demon will not release the orc queen’s magnetic field, so she is more approachable, and others treat her more naturally, so she feels that Easy and comfortable?

The demon who didn't know the situation suddenly heard a reckless voice.

"This kid is disrespectful to you and is still leaning against you. Do you want me to kill him?"

The corners of the demon's mouth trembled, and he was very helpless to the reckless stupid boy.

"I'm a demon, understand? An ordinary savage beast, I don't need you and the enchantment to take care of my business. It's so stupid, I was forced by the purple sun to enter the sky of the sky, and now I can't get out, right? See me looking back. Pack you two!"

Reckless lying in a bedroom in the house, he didn't mind after being trained by the demon, and continued to fall asleep.

Although the estrus period has not passed, but by the demon's side, his desire will be suppressed, and he will no longer change his body and run after the enchanting.

At this time, Wu Lao was sleeping in another room, and this room was originally used by Yao Tian. Wu Lao heard that Yao Tian was also an ancient beast demon clan, so she ran to contact him.

Yaotian was a little embarrassed, and enchanting was lying beside him. The two of them were in the same bed at this time, and then face to face.

Facing the demon of the same kind, I felt this kind of feeling very special.

She has become a sword god. Enchanting obviously has experienced other ways of power evolution and has become a powerful ability player. Yaotian can feel that if she works with this woman, she may not easily win, which means her strength. It is likely to exceed the ordinary sword god.

It seems that the Barbarian Beast Continent is really a magical place. I didn't know enough about it before. Who would have thought that there would be so many masters hidden in it?

"Are you male or female?"

Enchanting finally asked questions after watching Yaotian for a long time.

She really couldn't see through Demon Heaven, it was obviously a woman's body, why did she feel that there was a male scent released in Demon Heaven's body that could touch her own nerves?

"The deity..." Yao Tian said solemnly, and was interrupted by enchanting as soon as he said two words.

"Don't claim to be your deity in front of me. I know something about your nine main gods. Claiming that deity is a kind of Mental Energy suppression of others! I am not someone else, but your clan! Yaotian, can you tell me? Don’t you want to have a real clan? Hey, I like you!"

At the end of the enchanting conversation, Yaotian was caught off guard.


"Yeah! I am a female beast, unlike the reckless idiot, I am already out of the physical comfort of estrus, and I can understand what I want and what I don't love. So I like it at first sight. You, I like the special smell that leaks out of you!"

"What special taste? I have no taste!"

"Yes, I can feel it, that's the taste of hermaphrodite hormones! You have to stay away from that recklessness. He was in estrus recently and saw that you might not want to mate with you."

Yaotian's mouth grew wide, his face turned black, and his whole body was in a bad condition.



Qin An suddenly laughed in the courtyard, which made the demon child unhappy.

"why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, I just remembered something funny."

The reason why Qin An laughed was naturally because he heard the embarrassment of seeing Yaotian. This is really funny. The dignified eighth god is now treated as a ladyboy. Not only is there a little girl who likes him, but the rashness may also be against him. She looks interested, it seems that this guy will be busy in the future.


The demon thinks that the giggly human man looks so annoying, and after a curse, he pauses for a while before bringing up the next topic.

"Your ideals and ambitions are pretty good, but now we are trapped in the orc queen's vault of heaven supreme curse. Do you want to calm the world?"

"Hey, this is also something I'm struggling with, demon Big sis, will you pay attention to me?"

"Big sis? Who is your Big sis!"

The demon is a little bit blasted, and no one has ever said this to her.

The Mandarin of Brutal Beast sounds basically the same as that of Human Race, but there are some subtle differences.

For example, the word Big sis, it has the meaning of brothers and sisters, and has another meaning.

A male savage beast may have a relationship with many female beasts throughout his life. This is to extend the offspring, and multiple choices are to make the offspring better.

Then among all the female animals, there is always one that the male animal loves the most. In this case, the male animal will call that female animal Big sis, which is a bit similar to the meaning of the darling.

The demon child never intersects with any male beast, and naturally it will not be anyone's Big sis, so Qin An's name makes her very unacceptable when she is frightened.

Qin An didn't know it at all, and didn't pay attention to the demon's brutality towards him, and continued his own thinking.

"I can't do anything about this sky, but you are the Queen of the Orc Race. There must be a way for someone close to you? So I leave it to you to leave this side of the matter. Let's do it! Alright, today’s conversation is over, you will be from the Qin An camp! When we go out and turn the beast queen into a jade silk, and then let the brutal beast and the human race become brother races, the Young Master will take you to fight The world!"

Qin An got up while speaking, in a good mood.

No matter what, this demon must be a super strong, although she never talked to that enchanting and reckless, but Qin An also saw their respect for the demon from their eyes. Then the strength that the enchanting and reckless savage beasts demonstrated before killing the zombies is not necessarily weak for themselves and Yaotian. Therefore, the demon must be extraordinary. If there is such a strong person in the own camp in the future, it will be twice the result with half the effort.

The demon sitting on the bench was already stupid.

This damn human man dared to talk to her like this? He even arranged a task for her to lead everyone out of the sky, who did he think he was? Mad! The demon clenched her fists and wanted to use Soul Concentration on Qin An, but in the end she endured it again.

snort! Just let you stay there for a few days, anyway, you are also trapped by the sky of my sky, killing you is totally boring! Wait, you will feel better in the future!

The demon gritted his teeth on the bench and circled Qin An. Qin An walked into the room and lay back on the bed to rest.

Now that his physical strength has recovered more than half, he still needs to continue to sink his heart to adjust his state to the best.

After closing his eyes, Qin An's super hearing was naturally turned on, and all the movements nearby were caught in his ears.

At this moment, Alguri was talking with Narczebet in the room.

They were originally resting in different rooms. After a nap, Cizebet took the initiative to find Alguri, and Alguri also had an account to settle with Cizebet.

"Huh, do you still have the face to come to me?"

The beautiful woman's face was frosty, looking at the handsome guy in front of her, there was no more love in her heart."Alguri... what do you mean by that?"

"You encountered a crisis on the battlefield before, and I ran to save you. Why did you grab my arm and push me towards the zombie monster of the Gorilla Queen?"

"Algure, the conscience of heaven and earth, you misunderstood! How could I push you on purpose? At that time, I wanted to grab your arm and flee with you, but you were rushing forward too fiercely, I I didn't catch you..."

"Nishizabeth, you are so shameless to the extreme! You can say such things? You and I know the situation at the time, don't you? Despicable!"

Alguri flushed with anger, and felt that not only was he blind, but his heart was also blind!

Algure was lying flat on the bed at this time, and she was in this position when Cizebet came in.

Nishizabeth obviously wanted to continue explaining to Alguri, and in order to achieve better results, he walked over to Alguri's bedside.

"Get away, stay away from me!"

Alguri spoke coldly, turned his head and didn't look at the disgusting man at all. Nishizabeth was a thick-skinned man, he didn't mind Alguri's attitude towards him, and still tried to explain.


Qin An raised his eyebrows here, opened his closed eyes, and then a sly smile appeared on his face.

He turned on his teleportation ability and went to Jin Bao's room. The black man had already woke up and was sitting on the bed in a daze. He stood up and said hello when Qin An suddenly arrived.


"Jin Bao, you go to Alguri right now and tell her to take a good rest. Next, we will continue to fight with the zombies. Weak Shui has not come to trouble us now. It is probably because she is thinking of some ghost ideas and must not be taken lightly. ."

Jin Bao was stunned, then nodded and said, "Oh, go now?"

"Yeah, go now. I have notified everyone else. Alguri is your friend, so go and tell her."

"All right……"

Jin Bao was a little bit clueless. What Uncle Qin asked to convey was completely nonsense. Everyone must know the current situation.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, Jin Bao, who was sincere, decided to unconditionally execute the order issued by Uncle Qin.

Qin An had already teleported away at this time. Jin Bao left his resting room and went to Alguri's door. He raised his hand casually and knocked on the door. He didn't expect that the door would open by himself after being touched. This is of course Qin An's masterpiece.

In the room, Nishizabeth was only sitting on the bed and explaining to Alguri. In an instant, Qin An occupied his consciousness with his soul, and then controlled his body to approach Alguri and hugged her on the bed. inside.

After doing this, Qin An's soul left, and Nishizabeth was completely confused. He didn't know why he suddenly hugged Alguri. Qin An had occupied his soul for too short a time, and he could not react at all.

Algure also never reacted. Nishizabeth's movements were too sudden. He was still chattering before, so why suddenly he fell on Own and hugged her tightly with his hands?

The protagonist and heroine of this play have not yet entered the role, and the audience suddenly arrives.

The door opened quickly, and Jinbao stood at the door, and what he saw inside was that Alguri was in bed with Cizebet...Hugging tightly?

Just a touch of his brain, Jin Bao felt an anger in his body.

He is so angry, he really lives to hell, why on earth is he so humble?

With a gloomy expression, Jin Bao didn't walk into the room, and stood at the door loudly and said: "I Uncle said there will be a big battle afterwards, let you all have a good rest, don't worry about losing your energy!"

There is actually a jealous feeling in this sentence, and Jinbao has never spoken to Algure in this tone. The smell of alienation has already made Algure on the boat cry!


Alguri yelled, and the man had already closed the door severely and disappeared in her eyes.

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