Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1682 Worship of Ten Thousand Corpses, Scarlet Corpse King

What the hell?

how so!

Why did Campbell see himself and Nishizabeth together again?

I really don't blame her. Whether it was the last time or this time, it was Nishizabeth who harassed her, okay?

Algure almost kicked Cizebet out of bed, then stepped forward and kicked him twice in the stomach.

"Do you want to die? Dare to do something to my old mother?"

"Alguri, I don't have one! I just..."

Where did Alguri listen to Nishizabeth's explanation, and quickly kicked him several times.

She is really mad, she has no feelings for Nishizabeth, and her feelings are not deep at first! How can you compare with the black boy, if because this guy offends the black boy, they can't become friends in the future, and the black boy can't be as good as before, then you will lose a lot!

Realizing this, Algure didn't even have the mood to continue teaching Nishizabeth. She hurriedly left the room to chase Sunspot, and kept chasing into his bedroom.

Jin Bao was a little excited.

After all, he had been in love for two years, and said that it was not easy to let go. He thought he could already, but when he saw Cizebet and Alguri hugging on the bed, he still couldn't stand it.

Jinbao locked the door instantly after entering the room.

This is an act of protecting oneself. Once a person's heart is fragile, he always likes to hide in a closed space.

And just after the door was locked, the door was kicked open directly after a loud noise, and the heroic Alguri stood in front of the door.

"Heizi, what are you doing!"

Alguri's voice trembled a little, and Jin Bao had already sat on the sofa, his face was gloomy and expressionless, but the pain in his eyes could be seen by fools.

Is he... very hurt?

Algure walked in quickly and squatted down in front of Jin Bao, so that she could see Jin Bao's dejected face.

"Heizi! Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Nishizabeth and I. Just now, and before, we all misunderstood in the dream space, listen to me and tell you in detail..."

"Alguri, stop talking, okay? No need to say anything!"

Jin Bao feels that he is too useless, look at Alguri, is this chasing her to comfort her? is this necessary? He saw it!

And in the final analysis, Alguri didn't need to explain anything to himself, they were just comrades-in-arms.

This was the case two years ago, and it will not change two years later.

Seeing the solemn sadness in Heizi's eyes, Alguri felt more uncomfortable, so she resolutely opened her mouth to explain.

Finally, Jin Bao broke out, and he suddenly stood up and roared.

"Alguri! I said, I don’t need to tell me anything! What can I tell you? I tell you very clearly! I have loved you for two years, I love you occasionally domineering, loving your nerves Da Tiao, I love to watch you eat the food I cook, and listen to your occasional nagging! I admit all of these, but now all of them are over! I will not draw a line with you in the future, we will still be friends, I Yihui will help you unconditionally. Although my strength is low, I can dedicate everything to you. All of this is because you are my good friend and comrade-in-arms! That’s all, you know? So you don’t need it. Explain to me, because we have no other relationship, I am not the type you like, nor the man you will fall in love with, so I won’t stop treating you as a friend just because you are with a man. What else do you want to explain to me?"

Such a fierce Jin Bao was strange to Alguri, and she was stunned.

This is the first time that Campbell confessed to Algure in such a sure and serious tone, making Algure a little confused about the situation.

The most important thing is that Jinbao is not a confession at all, but a farewell!Alguri seemed to say something, but Jin Bao said it very clearly that she would be regarded as a very important friend in the future as before, but that was all. So if I don’t want him to be an own man, I really don’t have to explain it anymore!

When did his eloquence become so good for this dead sunspot? And his fierce appearance is actually...very attractive...

While Algure was thinking carefully, Jin Bao had already got up and pulled her up from the ground.

"Well, I really don't need to explain anything, the problem between us is not Sizebet at all, this is the essence and root cause."

Jin Bao's momentum finally stabilized, and his tone of speech was not excited, but calm.

Algure let Campbell pull her out of the room, and then stood at the door in a daze, frowning, thinking.

Heizi is right. The problem between them is not Cizebet at all, but whether she will fall in love with him?

If not, why would she explain?

Thinking about these words going around, Alguri felt a headache.

After a depressed tangled meeting, she looked up at Heizi's door, raised her hand to push, but finally stopped, turned and left.

She had to think about it, and think about her and Heizi's future.


Qin An is a little proud. Although he has only one year of memory, he has super information gathering ability, so he is considered a polymath.

Love is a strong attachment, closeness, yearning, and selfless and all-encompassing emotions between people.

He can intuitively understand the inner world of Campbell and Alguri, so he knows very well that the two people are actually used to attachment, closeness, and attentiveness to each other. In other words, they should be able to love each other, just because of Campbell’s previous weakness. I had some idiot emotional intelligence with Alguri, so there was no spark of collision. Then, with Nishizabeth mingling back and forth between them, the two were finally willing to face each other's feelings.

As a matchmaker, Qin An felt that the mission was over, and then he would see if they could achieve the right results.

Xizebet is no longer useful, and he will no longer be able to hold on to the next battle with the zombies, because no one will protect him.

Qin An lay on the bed and turned over, paying attention away, and then frowned.

The problem today is still weak water. The shelter space I made is not absolutely defensive. If the zombies were surrounded before, then when a few people on my side are tired, they will be able to have enough threats.

But why are they all quiet? Is it really because the weak water controls the zombies to be too tired?

Qin An could not convince himself with this kind of rhetoric, so he was full of doubts. He believed that the weak water must be how to deal with the people on his side, because it is obvious that the method of zombie siege is not the best. These people are too strong. , Killing zombies is too easy.


A loud roar suddenly sounded, frightening Qin An, his gaze moved quickly and saw that the hiding place on the other side of Shennong was abnormal.

A 100-meter-high beast smashed into the house where they were located. Its flesh and blood were exposed, with crimson mist floating on it. Although it still maintained its human form, it was too ugly and the bone spurs shot from the whole body had already let him. It looks like it's gone.

What shocked Qin An the most was not the appearance of this monster, but after he roared up to the sky, all the zombies in the city stopped roaring, and after a few seconds, they all knelt down!

You must know that zombies are not spiritual, but as a kind of creature, there are subtle spiritual fluctuations among their species, but they are not obvious.

It's not that Qin An has never seen the corpse king, and has also seen many creatures that can control zombies, but the problem is that this monster appears on the scene and roars and worships the corpses. This kind of imagination has never happened since the end of the world! It was as if the zombies had met their true main gods, and had the wisdom to kneel down together.

At the same time, it was not only Qin An who was surprised, but also the ancestor of Demonic Beasts among the ancestors of the seven beasts!

The demon suddenly stood up from the bench. Although she did not have a perspective eye, she could feel the powerful energy contained in that roar, and thus could feel the existence of this powerful creature.

It's so strong!

What is this? The demon leaped away from the alchemy barrier, and then quickly rushed to the starting point of the energy.

Qin An immediately followed after seeing the demon's action, and as Qin An was enchanting and reckless behind him, Yaotian was also attracted by the powerful energy, and rushed over there to see what happened.


Shennong was shocked when he learned that Di Qing, Li Siye and Yang Guang were all bitten.

What he is best at is the healing ability, so he naturally wants to find a way to rescue them immediately.

But as time went on, Shennong was almost desperate.

Although the viruses in the three people's bodies were controlled by him, he couldn't make them clear.

These viruses are still being upgraded 30 times per second!

Every second!

Thirty times!

After Shennong's detection of these two digital concepts, his eyes became straight.

This is too exaggerated. Three thousand toxins merged with the zombie virus, and a strange chemical reaction occurred after touching the body and soul of the three dark ghosts.

The original three thousand weak water three thousand virus changed into a more strange and indescribable substance. Gradually, Shennong found that he couldn't control these viruses. They were about to take the souls of the three people and turn them into another kind of creatures, which could be zombies or something else.

In desperation, Shennong is ready to remove the bane.

Di Qing was killed by a surprise attack. Li Siye resisted several times and was killed under the joint attack of Shennong and Yang Youji.

Yang Guang had been confused because of the virus, but he was stimulated to wake up after seeing the two deaths before.

"Can't die! This king doesn't care about coming back to life, how can he die? You don't have the right to kill me!"

After screaming in anger, Yang Guang suddenly upgraded. His body grew to a hundred meters in anger, his muscles turned out, and bone spurs pierced out of his body messily. He completely turned into a monster, but the monster was still able to speak. After a roar, he lowered his head and spoke with a heavy metal bass.

"You want to kill me! To kill me! I want to eat you all!"

With a roar, the monster lifted its foot and landed at the location of Shennong and Yang Youji.

The two masters naturally quickly avoided.

The force with which the monster fell with one foot was too strong. Not only did the trembling earth collapse and the city shook, but also a strong tornado was formed, spreading rapidly to the surroundings.

"Hurry up! There is blood from him in this tornado!"

Shennong's voice fell, Shihu and Gongsunlan had no time to escape, they were directly wrapped in the tornado with zombie blood!


A stern cry came out from the tornado. Shihu and Gongsunlan were defeated without any resistance. They were blown together in the tornado, and their skin disappeared under the corrosion of poisonous blood, and their flesh and blood were exposed. The bodies of the two people quickly merged together, forming a four-legged four-handed monster! After the initial shape appeared, the monster's body grew rapidly and enlarged again. The bodies of Di Qing and Li Siye who died before were also included. The growth of the body continued to a length of 200 meters, and the height of 60 meters did not stop, and the appearance changed again. , Become a terrifying creature with four heads, long body, eight hands, eight legs, blood red all over, and bony spurs valgus!

Shennong, Yang Youji, Hu Chenghua's face turned green!

what's the situation? Shihu Gongsun Lan's strength reached the Sword God level, how could he be killed in seconds?

Tang Tang Empress Hu's legs were soft, and her legs were moist. She was actually a little incontinent because of fright. She had already begun to back away slowly.

"Don't be afraid! Shihu and the others just underestimate the enemy, just avoid its attack!"

Shennong calmed Hu Chenghua out loud, Yang Youji had already summoned a bow and arrow in his hand, and shot an arrow at the head of the second monster.

The four-headed and eight-handed monster roared at Yang Yuji when he shot, a sound wave formed a substantial wave and rushed, and the shocking arrow shot by Yang Yuji was directly swallowed under the attack of this sound wave, and the sound wave energy Still continue to pounce on Yang Yuji.Shennong raised his hand and summoned a piece of antique thorngrass from the ground!

It was a whole large area, and instantly formed a thorny grassland with a distance of five kilometers.

These thorn plants grew rapidly, entwining the four-headed eight-handed monster and the Scarlet Corpse King.

The monster evolved by Yang Guang is called the Red Bone, because the bone spurs that it extends out of the body are all blood red.

At this time, Qin An, Yaozi, Yaotian, Enchanting, and Reckless five people also arrived nearby. They all saw the situation where the Scarlet Corpse King created a monster after killing the two in seconds. They all grew their mouths in shock. Among them, Qin An was the most shocked. Shock.

He knew the strength of the Eleven Dark Ghosts very well. He didn't expect to kill two of them so easily, so how strong is the attacking attribute of this Scarlet Corpse King? It seems that he must never be touched by him, and the flesh and blood on his body cannot be touched. Once touched, there is a possibility of infection. The zombie virus he carries has been upgraded to an unimaginable level.

Suddenly, the arms of the King of Bone and Bones began to skyrocket, and quickly stretched out to the south, until they reached a small lake five kilometers away over there!

After entering the small lake, his arm retracted, and a woman was already in his hand!

It's weak water!

Qin An was a little dumbfounded. The weak water turned into water to hide, and he couldn't even find her. This bloody Death caught her so easily?

"You are controlling them, and you still want to control me? Who am I? I don't know who I am! But no one wants to control me! I am the king!"

The King of Blood and Bones roared at the weak water, sound waves rushed out of his mouth, and the weak water was shaken by the sound waves and the skin was broken into skeletons, and then the skeletons turned into white powder.

After listening to the King of Bone and Bones, Qin An finally understood something.

It seems that Yang Guang was bitten, and the reason why Xiaoshui stopped the attack must be that Yang Guang was a special existence, so she wanted to wait for him to become a zombie to enhance the strength of the zombie group.

Li Guang really turned into a corpse, but he had undergone a mutation and became a super zombie king. Weak Shui wanted to control him, but when Mental Energy connected with the Super Zombie King, it exposed its own position and was caught.

It's really too strong. The attack power attribute of this super zombie king is estimated to have surpassed the super god level and reached the so-called evil god level. That is the Realm of the first main god Emperor, the second main god Real Fire, and the third main god Tiange !

Concentrating, Qin An did not let go of the smallest detail on the battlefield at this time.

The weak water body was destroyed and quickly turned into water vapor and merged into the space. She is also a super strong, not so easy to be killed, mainly because she has very strong toxic antibodies, so the super zombie king’s blood is not poisonous. Will let her be corpse quickly.

The scarlet corpse apparently found that Weak Shui had escaped, and he roared again in anger, trying to get away from the ancient thorngrass released by Shennong under him.

It's just that the comfort of this thing is really strong, the Scarlet Corpse King and the four-headed eight-legged beast struggled with the Tyrant but failed.

"Roar... all die! All die!"

Although the Scarlet Corpse King could speak, his IQ was obviously not as good as a normal spiritual creature, and his roar was still like a wild beast.

After roaring, he opened his big mouth, a mass of blood-colored mucus sprayed out, and the direction it fell was a group of zombies not far from the river.

The group of zombies quickly fused together after being stained with blood-colored mucus, and it took only ten seconds to form, and turned into a spirit king of blood and bones!

After the King of Blood Bone appeared, he ran in the direction of Shen Nong. Shen Nong was obviously the first target he wanted to kill, because at this time it was the ability released by Shen Nong that contained the first body of the King of Blood Bone.

Qin An finally calmed down when he saw that at this time.

The good news is that Death is not an invincible existence, at least a master of Shennong's level can trap him.

The bad news is too much. The King of Blood and Bone Corpse has rubber body, sonic attack, blood poison attack and defense, and can also summon clones and zombie monsters!

This is a guy who is more terrifying than weak water, I don't know how many times it is. If he leaves the firmament of the sky alive, it will be a nightmare for the earth.

He is a monster that can kill even the Sword God-level powerhouse in seconds, so the ordinary ability powerhouse and the ordinary ability person are as insignificant as dust in front of him.

When the avatar of the King of Blood Bone Corpse arrived at Shennong's side, what Qin An did not expect was that the body of the King of Blood Bone once again made his arms longer and grabbed the weak water from the water a few kilometers away.

Ah...it seems to have overlooked one point. This guy should also have the ability to lock the soul. Once the soul is locked, it should be found wherever he escapes!

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