After Qin An threw the demon child into the air, he opened up the ground seal space in the meatloaf area where the Scarlet Corpse King changed.

This guy can quickly merge and regenerate as long as he encounters a living body or a corpse. The demon's attack caused Mental Energy damage to him, but he obviously hasn't killed him yet, and he is still gathering. A large virus zone was formed, Qin An established an alchemy ground wall to cooperate with the ground seal space to block it, and then used various abilities to attack the meatloaf.

After the huge meatloaf was attacked by the demon, it was already soul-stricken, and the inspiration was lost. Although it still had a good offensive power, it had no sense of direction in the offensive.

Its body kept bursting, and the sputtered flesh and blood could no longer hurt anyone, because there was no one else in the enclosed space of Qin An's land seal.

The best attack weapon Qin An can use to face the huge meatloaf is flame. Suddenly, the ground seal space was flooded with flames. Under the burning of the flames, the transformed meatloaf monster of the Scarlet Corpse King let out a stern roar, which made people sound a little numb. However, only Qin An himself could hear this kind of roar. Because of the barrier between the ground seal space and the alchemy wall, the outside had no idea what was going on inside.

The demon was a little angry, how could she not be angry, she had never experienced the embarrassment of being thrown away.

Being angry is angry, but at this time, there is no time to pay attention to Qin An, more zombies are surrounded, so powerful as a demon can only start to kill the zombies.

The zombie attracted by the Scarlet Zombie seemed even more crazy, especially when Qin An burned it with flames.

Therefore, although Qin An is dealing with the strongest monsters, it is Yaozi, Yaotian, Shennong and others who are really suffering.

The demon didn't take it too seriously at the beginning, but in the end, he completely smashed his eyes, just thinking that Qin An Damn it, if it hadn't been for Qin An's blocking just now, she would have completely killed the big meatloaf.

While cursing Qin An in his heart, the demon gradually regarded the zombies as Qin An, and only felt extremely refreshed to kill.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, the zombies were almost killed, and Qin An finally used his own power to drop the flesh biscuit of the Scarlet Corpse King's transformation.

However, the crisis has not been resolved so far. The Giant City within the dome of the sky is full of zombie virus blood fog. These mists have reached a saturated state and cannot spread out in the confined space. There is new outside the sky of the sky. The air entered, but the air inside could not get out, so in the end the concentration of poisonous components in the air was still fixed. Even the demon would not dare to expose to the air for too long, let alone others.

What's more entangled is that even though the Scarlet Corpse King was killed, there were still a lot of zombie viruses hidden in his body remains.

These viruses Qin An thought of many ways but failed to eliminate them. In the end, he could only collect all the viruses and enter them into the alchemy space where the Scarlet Corpse King was previously imprisoned.

At this time, Qin An’s dream space was able to be activated again, and everyone was brought into the dream space by Qin An’an.

After a great battle, Shennong and Qin An temporarily put aside their previous grievances. Everyone is trapped. It is not that there is any insoluble hatred of life and death. They also know that each other is super strong, naturally. Need to find trouble with each other. The Eleven Dark Ghosts now only left Shennong and Yang Youji, making them sigh.

After a day of rest in the dream space, everyone had to leave, and Qin An had already built an air castle during this period.

The main structure of the so-called air castle is an alchemy wall, and the upper window is closed with an energy barrier, and no outside air is allowed to enter.

The days became peaceful, and in a blink of an eye it was ten days.

The demon was disappointed, the spirit of the Supreme Divine Curse did not wake up.Then Ziyang used other spells to invade the Supreme God Curse, and he didn't wake up. Why on earth?

For ten days, Zang Qin An was still studying the zombie virus left in the Red Blood Corpse King’s body. These things seem to have combined the characteristics of Elent. If the alchemy wall contaminates them for too long, they will be infected and even become mobile. Biological structures that like to eat meat.

No way, Qin An could only re-use the alchemy wall to block the super virus again and again.

After more than ten days of research, Qin An came to some conclusions.

Three thousand Ruoshui zombie viruses combined with Yang Guang's body to form a super god-level zombie virus.

This virus has strong infectivity and can fuse organisms into a new zombie species. These zombie species have super cell binding ability, and they are very difficult to be killed, because there is no brain structure, which means nothing. The fatal shortcomings. The super god-level zombie viruses are very small, they are pink and bright in Qin An's eyes, but ordinary people with vision abilities can't see their existence at all.

Qin An was very worried. If this super-god-level zombie virus was allowed to spread, it would really cause chaos in the world.

A few days later, three days of heavy rain fell outside the dome of the hidden roof. The rain fell, making the earth that was originally blood-red and dissatisfied with the corpses become muddy, but the rain dissipated the blood mist, and the mist merged into the rainwater to the ground. There is no strange smell in the air.

In the air castle, ranked according to the strength of the strength, now live Yaozi, Shennong, Yaotian, Oyuki, Qin An, Reckless, Enchanting, Xia Yu, Luo, Jones, Campbell, Alguri and Nishizabei who have been in a coma. special.

I have to say that Xi Zebeite was lucky, and several masters joined forces for three days and three nights to kill all the zombies, otherwise Qin An originally planned to let him die.


In the early morning after the rain stopped, there were Rosy clouds in the sky, and Qin An climbed up to the open top floor of the air castle and held the crevices of the city wall to view the scenery.

The sound of footsteps sounded behind him, and then Shennong's voice came.

"This day finally turned blue."


Without looking back, Qin An paused and asked what he was interested in.

"We are not acquainted with each other, Shennong, can you tell me your story? According to historical records, you existed between 3245 BC and 3080 BC, that is, Emperor Yan, who was born in Lishan between 5500 and 6000 years ago. It is also the sun god in ancient Chinese legends in Suizhou City, Hubei Province. The world respects you as the "King of Medicine", "The King of Five Grains", "The Emperor of Five Grains", "The Emperor of Shennong", and the "Emperor of Earth". One of the emperors, the legendary inventor of agriculture and medicine, said that you taste all kinds of herbs, teach medicine and farming, and take charge of medicine and agriculture. You can bless agricultural harvests and people’s health. Later generations will be regarded as guardians by medical clinics and medicine shops. God. I am very curious about your story."

"Haha! I also heard these legends after I was resurrected, so I went to study history and understood my place in the hearts of future generations. I am actually not Shennong, my real name is Luyan, and I am the sixth Yandi of Shennong. Shennong Shi was a tribe in the Stone Age. The first patriarch was Shennong, followed by Linkui, Cheng, Ming, Zhi, Lai, Luyan, Li, and Yugeng. Then none of the eight Yan emperors actually met the later generations about Shennong. According to legend, in the eight generations of the Shennong clan, the Shennong clan did discover many herbs and pioneered some agricultural crops. The last eighth Yan Emperor of the Shennong clan was a figure of the same period as that emperor. After the rise of the Emperor Xuanyuan, the The Eighth Emperor Yan fought with the Chiyou people. In the end, the Xuanyuan clan unified many tribes, which was later called China. These histories are somewhat different from the time, but they are similar. In other words, what you think of Shennong is not a single person, but a tribe of the Shennong clan. As for Paying for herbs is not to find medicinal materials, but at that time it was difficult for people to obtain food. We could not catch wild animals, so we went to gather wild grasses to eat. After eating for a long time, we would know which ones are poisonous and which ones can heal pain. The legend of the late stage."

"It turns out that this is the case, then I'll call you Shennong. There is no barrier to communicating with you. Could it be that you were all smart at that time?"

"No, the people at that time were naturally not smart enough. After I was resurrected, I had the power of ghosts, so I will look at you like normal people when I turn on my mind."


"But in fact, the people at that time were not stupid. In the later generations, our Life period is called the Neolithic Age, and this era is a historical stage from the heyday to the decline of the clan commune system of primitive society. The so-called decline is actually progress. At that time, our farming and animal husbandry had already gained momentum, and we were no longer solely dependent on fishing, hunting and gathering. In fact, it was interesting to think about it. The Shennong clan paid great attention to invention and creation. With endless enthusiasm, for a long time, we would kneel down on the ground on rainy days. We thought the gods were angry with us. Later, some people discovered that they would not be punished by the gods if they didn’t kneel down, so they learned to avoid the rain. The desire to find a job is like a rapid spread of the plague among the ethnic group, because some people know that they want to take shelter from the rain, and most people later learned. In order to avoid the rain, we also began to try to get some tools for sheltering from the rain, such as houses. Although it hadn't been produced at that time, we have already built some shelters for shelter from the rain. Those shelters are becoming more and more complicated. We found that they can not only shelter from the rain, but also shelter from the wind and rain... These processes are for you. It may be easy to understand, but it may take us ten years, decades, or even longer to learn this! The process of civilization is not worth mentioning in history, but for us it is exhausted and we can’t feel it. of."

After hearing Shennong's words, Qin An slowly nodded, his face solemn. After a long time, he sighed and said:

"It's really not easy. China has a history of five thousand years. It has experienced primitive times, slave times, feudal times, short modern times, and today's end times. Every era is not simple... Shennong, you really You want to be the running dog of the ghost general?"

Shennong had listened calmly, but his face became gloomy after hearing Qin An's words.

"It's so ugly. What is a running dog? I just miss his kindness for resurrecting me. We entered the territory of the Kowloon Empire this time and never thought of going back."

"But you are the Emperor Yan among the three emperors and five emperors of our ancient ancestors. The current regime of the Kowloon Empire is the continuation of the regime in the pre-apocalyptic era, and is the inheritance of the descendants of Yan and Huang. The Black Gold Empire has been controlled by the alien undead, and has been established in Russia several times. Invade the country. As the ancestor of our descendants of Yan and Huang, you don't work for future generations, but you still help outsiders? It really makes me ashamed."


Shennong was stunned, slightly embarrassed. He understands history, but he spent most of his life in the Black Gold Empire after his resurrection. He had never contacted a few descendants of Yan and Huang, nor had he exposed his own identity, so he really didn't mean the fact that he was the ancestor of the family.

"I dare to pack a ticket. If you return to the Kowloon Empire and tell people that you are Emperor Yan and Shennong, it will definitely cause a nationwide shock, and then countless people will want to come and look up to you! You will become an idol of the whole people and a native of the earth in the Kowloon Empire. The god in my heart!"

"What you said... is really exaggerated."

"It's not an exaggeration. Although the Fourth Apocalypse is now, although the larger proportion of the population in the Kowloon Empire is aliens, our national army is still terrestrial after all, so the culture of the earth has been passed down, and there are still many The children claim to be the descendants of Yan and Huang on the Internet, which is enough to prove the importance of your Yan Emperor Shennong and Emperor Xuanyuan."

Qin An also mentioned many stories about people's belief in China and Yanhuang in the pre-apocalyptic era. Shennong was a little passionate about it.

"So, Brother Shennong, since you didn’t plan to go back to the Black Gold Empire, follow me in the future? The Kowloon Empire needs your protection from the old clan. Believe me, only in the Kowloon Empire can you find the value of your own existence. . And that Yang Youji, I think he seems to be colder and less talkative, but he listens to your words very much. Take him back with him. Although he is not as famous as you, he is also the first of the descendants of Yan and Huang. people......"

Qin An said with great emotion.

He is obviously scoring thugs, and she has been living peacefully with Shennong Yangyouji these days. If he did not take advantage of this opportunity to pull him into the Kowloon Empire, he would be a little sorry to Guo Sihai.

And Qin An’s words really touched Shennong. As a resurrected ghost, he was originally a duckweed, unable to find his connection with the world, so since the Kowloon Empire is the bloodline of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and he is Emperor Yan, Why should he be an enemy of the Kowloon Empire?

This is a very serious question!

Shennong's eyebrows furrowed, and it took a long time to say to Qin An, "You mean, I'm going to be welcomed to the Kowloon Empire?"

"Of course! You are asking nonsense."

The corners of Shennong's mouth twitched, and he said after a long time:

"Okay, then I'll go to Yang Yuji, talk to him about this, see his opinion, and give you an answer later."

Shennong turned and left after speaking, and disappeared in a moment.

Qin An breathed out and continued to look at the rainbow and the rising sun, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a swell.

"Huh, you are such a cunning fellow."

Qin An didn't need to look back to know that the person came was the demon, and without talking to her, Qin An also knew the meaning of the demon Huazhong."I'm not cunning at all. I just told Shennong the fact that whether he is willing to join our camp depends on his own choice. This time the change is very big. Nine of the eleven ghosts died. Shennong's two days ago. He is not in a high mood, and he needs to change a way of life, so returning to the Kowloon Empire is definitely the best choice for him and Yang Youji."

The demon was barefoot and undressed at this time, she walked to Qin An, Qin An's gaze was inadvertently attracted by her, the sun and rainbow that were born suddenly lost their beautiful colors, and they were all compared by the demon.



The demon glared at Qin An, but still did not react afterwards, and said:

"I'm a demon, not a fairy! Qin An, I'm too tired these days, and I haven't come to look for you! Why did you grab me and throw me away when you fought against bloody zombies that day?"

"It's all the past few days, why haven't you forgotten it? I think the own space ability can trap him. At that time, all the nearby zombies came over. I am afraid that it will release the virus and infect the ordinary zombies nearby and become the sword god. Level upgraded zombies, so I let you leave, and then trap it yourself. It turns out that I did that to the death right. If I didn’t trap the Sword God level zombie virus, how could you kill the zombies in the whole city so easily? ?"


The demon moved her wrist, but she has been in a state of exhaustion the past few days.

Killing zombies is easy for her, but the problem is that there are too many zombies! For three consecutive days and three nights, she has been using her abilities continuously, which is more tiring than working with the other three beast kings on the Sword Spirit Star Savage Beast Continent!

The demon is actually not satisfied with Qin An's explanation, but she has been irritated in the past few days that the spirit of the sky above the sky hasn't appeared, so she doesn't want to argue with Qin An, she is also tired.

Suddenly, a set of white silk and satin spiritual underwear appeared, wrapping the demon.

The demon rolled his eyes, and said in an aura: "Wear me again!"

She was very irritable and hated Qin An's practice of getting a set of clothes on her without her permission.

Just about to reach out and tear his clothes, his hand was already grabbed by Qin An.

"Don't move, look at yourself, don't you feel good in your clothes?"

Qin An took out a large vanity mirror from the space and stood in front of the demon. The demon quietly looked at herself in the mirror, and then frowned, only to think that the appearance of own was a bit obedient. After all, she was not comfortable with human outerwear. .

With a smile on his face, Qin An took out a lot of things from the Interspatial Ring, which turned out to be all cosmetics.

Walking to the demon child, Qin An said lightly:

"In the gratitude of the people on earth, wearing clothes is not only for shame, but also for beauty. Maybe you orcs don’t care about beauty or ugliness, but we humans care! And you happen to be a peerless beauty in the eyes of beauty! I don’t Don't admit it, you are indeed full of allure to people without clothes, but you are actually more attractive when you wear clothes!"

While talking, Qin An was already applying a light foundation to the demon's face with a brush.

The demon was a little dazed, and she didn't know for a moment whether she wanted to knock the man in front of her away with a punch. She should have done this, but looking at Qin An's black eyes close at hand, she was a little stupid.

This man is so weird, he is really not affected by the breath of his female beast king? Why can he be so calm?

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