"Sit on my West Pavilion bed, take off my war robe, and wear my old clothes. When the window is decorated with clouds, the mirror decals are yellow... Women, you still have to know how to dress yourself with accessories, so you guys Orcs may not know what love is at all, because you have not concealed it, you don’t understand women’s pretentiousness, and don’t understand the sincere emotions between male and female apart from continuing offspring..."

The reason why Qin An said this was because he remembered the stories of ancient monsters and ancient gods that Yaotian had told him.

The ancient god abandoned the ancient demon and followed a human woman away, afraid that it was because he understood what love was, did he fall in love with that human woman?

At that time, the ancient demon still had the mentality of a barbarian orc, and couldn't have any attraction to the ancient god at all.

"What are you doing? What are you talking about?"

The demon was a little nervous, because Qin An took out a comb at this moment and combed her hair.

"I'm talking about Mulan's poem. The first thing that Hua Mulan did after she went home after twelve years of war abroad was to take off her shirt, put on women's clothing, comb her hair with appliques to restore her femininity, and wait for her to walk out of the house to see her former comrades-in-arms. People were stunned at that time, and they didn't know that she was a daughter after twelve years of walking together..."

Qin An told the story of Mulan while combing the demon's hair. This story is not long, but Qin An's vivid and vivid narration, so this time I will talk about it for a long time.

At the beginning, Yaozi focused his attention on Qin An's hand holding the comb, but later he was completely attracted by the story.

But after hearing the story, she curled her lips and said, "Huh, is that man stupid? After being together for twelve years, he didn't even know that Mulan was a woman?"

"Haha, does he have any abilities? Our ancient people are very ordinary creatures. Mulan deliberately dresses up and pretends, so it's possible that he wasn't recognized. Okay, let's see how your hair is?"

The demon was reminded by Qin An and looked at himself in the mirror, then slightly stunned.

Her hair is usually not taken care of, let it grow, and cut it short when it is too long. Although it is smooth, that's it. The beauty and ugliness of people in the world of brutal beasts is actually divided by strength, and appearance is only a small aspect.

After Qin An helped Yaozi comb her hair, he used the heat of the palm to scald her again, making her look a lot more foreign.

The demon has never seen himself like this before. Does it look good? How does it feel weird?

After watching left and right for a while, the demon was going to get angry. She was angry that Qin An used storytelling to attract her attention, and then made her look like this.

Qin An stood opposite the demon and took out all kinds of cosmetics.

"Don't move, you are beautiful, but your face is too quiet, I will help you with light makeup, so that you will feel very different."

Without waiting for the demon's refusal, Qin An has already taken out an eyebrow pencil to trim the demon's eyebrows.

The demon felt that his whole person was not good, and he didn't know what Qin An had spent on his face with that pen. She can't move at this time. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if Qin An's painting is not allowed to paint her like a big face?

The demon coughed pretending to be calm, and then pressed his voice with a gloomy face and said, "What the hell are you doing? I heard that women on earth like makeup. Our wild beasts don’t have such a hobby, and never do it. Stop it, don’t turn me into a weird look. Tell you kid, I don’t know how many years I have lived, and no one has ever dared to do this to me!"

Qin An was a man with fast hands. He ignored the demon's resistance. His quick movements didn't take much effort. The eyebrows, eyelashes, silkworm, blush, highlights, chin, etc. were all painted for the demon.

After that, Qin An took out the diamond necklace and earrings from the Interspatial Ring and put them on the demon, before moving away and smiling:

"Okay, dear demon master, take a look at the image I designed for you, are you satisfied? Oh, by the way, you still lack a set of fitting clothes!"

Qin An's voice fell, and a set of red cheongsam had been put on the demon's body.

Qin An also found a pair of red high-heeled shoes from the Interspatial Ring and put them on the demon himself.

After the demon looked at himself dressed up in the mirror, he was completely stunned. The woman in the mirror...is it himself?...

The savage beast territory outside the space was in chaos, and Ziyang had already told the story of the queen's trapped space.

The Four Heavenly Kings had just put down the zombie riots on the southern side of the lake in March, and had to rush back to the beast capital to discuss the queen's trapped space in the sky.

The blood-slaughtering king Long Xiao, the bone demon king Lu Liang, the Fazu king Sinan and the only mother heavenly king palace sparrow gathered together, and Ziyang, the violent beast king, was also present.

These are five handsome and explosive men, and they won't necessarily attract many little fans in the human world.

It's just that the atmosphere between the five people is not good at this time, everyone is gloomy, thinking about their own thoughts.

Finally, Ziyang broke the silence and said: "Now that the Lord Beast Emperor is trapped, our battle with the human army will continue. Can we not have a commander?"

The four heavenly kings looked at each other for a while, and then the cold-faced palace bird said: "Ziyang Emperor, you should take care of your wild beasts. As far as I know these days, there have been wild beasts preying on common wild beasts. If it happens, this kind of thing is not allowed by the Ancient Demon Emperor!"

Ziyang looked at the palace bird with a smile, did not speak for a long time, and finally shook his head slightly and sighed:

"Hey, you are loyal to the ancient monster after all, but now she is trapped in the sky, do you still have to wait for her?"

"Hmph, the sky of the sky was released by the ancient demon emperor. She was able to go in and out freely, but she was trapped this time. If it wasn't for someone to make trouble, it would be really a strange thing!" There is something in the words.

The Blood Slaughter Heavenly King breathed solemnly, and then he said: "Ziyang Emperor, the palace sparrow is not clear enough, I'm here to ask you, is it you who is the one who made the ghost? If you want to deny it, please swear by the beast heaven!"

The smiling face on Ziyang's face finally faded slowly. He looked at the palace bird, then at Long Xiao, Lu Liang, and Sinan, and then said in a cold voice that couldn't be colder:

"Well, I swear in the name of Beast Cangtian, the ancient demon emperor... is indeed trapped by me in the curse of the firmament of the sky. She has been a brutal beast emperor for so long. How many years have been on the Spirit Star? Under her high pressure, the brutal orcs have lost their wildness. I don’t know what the brutal beasts will be like in the long run! So I will trap her and become the first in the brutal beast empire. One Beast King! Now I told the truth, four, if you can't use it for me, if you can't obey me, then you can challenge me?"

Ziyang Emperor's eyes were even colder, his eyes still did not leave the four heavenly kings under the ancient demon.

The values ​​of the savage race are naturally different from those of human beings.

At this time, the four heavenly kings were actually full of hatred for Ziyang, because he trapped the ancient demon emperor with despicable means.

But the four here simply don't have enough strength to challenge Ziyang Emperor.

According to the convention of the brutal beast race, the upper ranks need to be determined by challenge. It is the so-called winner and loser. Since the ancient demon emperor has fallen, if the four want to deal with the Ziyang Emperor, they must challenge him. !

The four of them looked at each other for a while, and the palace bird and Long Xiao stood up at the same time, facing the Ziyang Emperor impolitely, and then the palace bird said:

"Emperor Ziyang, we can't beat you, but our tribe will never accept you as our king. Therefore, our four great clans and many affiliated races announced their withdrawal from the Brutal Beast Empire Alliance! No one will be able to issue orders to us in the future. , Unless the Ancient Demon King comes out, of course, if you want to start a war against my race, then come! We are not easy to insult!"

Long Xiao nodded, which was the same meaning, and then left with the palace sparrow.

Ziyang looked at Lu Liang and Sinan, and said faintly:

"What about you? Are you leaving or staying?"

Sinan frowned and said: "Ziyang Emperor, I can stay and recognize you as the emperor, but you must ensure that the violent beasts do not invade my race, and you must also ensure that we are not allowed to participate in the civil war of the brutal beast race. Of course, we can go. The North is fighting against the human army!"

"That's what I meant." Lu Liang nodded slightly and spoke.

"Haha! Okay, that's okay, then you can go to the north, but I think the palace sparrow and Long Xiao will also lead his tribe north. Since they are about to leave our brutal beast empire alliance, they are naturally enemies. It's food! I will let my people hunt in their territories, and the war will break out! If you don't want to be implicated, you must be very clear with them. You should know how cruel savage beasts are on patrol and hunting!"

Sinan Luliang raised his brows slightly, and looked at the arrogant Ziyang with disapproval.

The violent brutal beasts are indeed very powerful, but the brutal beasts of other races are really not soft persimmons. Now that the ancient demon emperor has fallen, the Ziyang emperor wants to seize power.

It seems that in this land in the future, it is destined to be turbulent! And Ziyang is by no means a good kind, so he let Long Xiao and the Palace Sparrow leave so easily, which means that he has to act on the whole family behind them, and the forces of Long Xiao and the Palace Sparrow will face the test of life and death!


On the top of the air fortress in the sky-topped sky, a enchanting shout attracted everyone.

"What's wrong?"

Asking recklessly and nervously, Enchanting pointed her hand at the demon, and looked recklessly sideways, and then was shocked along with the enchanting, Xia, Jones, Dlavina and other brutal orcs present. The few humans present were also amazed, and I didn't expect that the demon would be so impressive when dressed up.

A pair of red high-heeled shoes, smooth thighs, red tight-fitting cheongsam with a tight buttocks on the top. The hair is still black, but Qin An has burned out small waves. Although the makeup on the face is not rich, it is very delicate. The highlight looks more straight and straight, and the long eyebrows are raised, because the eyeliner and the silkworm set off make the eyes more round and flexible. This is completely different from the natural beauty of the demon in the past, and it is a different taste.

Yaozi didn't understand everyone's reaction. She looked at the enchanting and frowned and asked:

"Aren't I weird like this?"

Enchanting is the demon's personal maid. She has been with the demon for many years, so her feelings are naturally good and nothing to say.

She walked a few steps forward to the demon's side, circled her around, and then started to speak in surprise:

"My lord, you...you look good! This dress is pretty good, I want to wear it too."

The demon was speechless looking at the enchanting performance, and originally planned to be angry with Qin An, how could the enchanting think that she was good-looking? How does this weird appearance make her transform into a beast form? Although she hasn't transformed for many years, the orcs should still wear no clothes!

Qin An smiled slightly at the tangled demon, and said to Alguri:

"You tell this demon-sama about our human affairs, right?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"It's okay to talk about anything, I think Master Yaozi needs a human girl as a girlfriend, so that she can understand humans and understand emotions!"

Qin An has confirmed that the demon child is the beast king, so all his actions are not to make a girl, but to have more contact with this woman, so as to prepare for the future cooperation between the human race and the brute beast.

In Qin An's eyes, the demon is a very poor woman, of course if she is really an ancient demon.

After the ancient demon was abandoned by the ancient god, he had been alone in the mainland for many years, which actually violated the nature of the beast.

As an extremely powerful female beast, I don't know how many male beasts will come into estrus to her, and she should have such a period herself, but she has not had any relationship with any male beasts from beginning to end.

In other words, the ancient demon has an obsession with the ancient gods. If this obsession cannot be dispelled, she will never be able to be a truly independent person.

The way of thinking of the Barbarian Beast Continent has not known how many years it has settled, but it has already formed a solidified form.

If the ancient demon had been in the savage beast continent forever, it might never change.

But now she has reached the earth, and the earth is obviously a totally intolerable place.

This is what Qin An thought before. If the human race and the orcs want to merge together, they must form the same values. So how to change the orcs and bring their values ​​closer to humans? Naturally, we have to start from the ancient monster, because the ancient monster is the incarnation of the beast heaven in Realm.

If the ancient monsters are more like humans, then the people of the brutal beasts will naturally follow suit.

Wearing clothes is just one point that Qin An wants the ancient monster to accept. There are also the emotions between people, the order of the social system, the norms of obtaining food, and the peaceful and friendly way of getting along with each other. It was Qin An who wanted the ancient demon to touch.

A gust of wind blew, bringing a bloody breath, Qin An frowned slightly, turned his head to the north, and there was someone entering the space of the sky!

It is of course not a good thing for people to come at this time. Although the zombie virus in the air has been wrapped in rain and landed on the ground, it is precisely because of this that the entire surface of Giant City is now full of zombie viruses, which means that outsiders are likely to be destroyed. Infection, then broke out and became a zombie."Someone is coming, you can make breakfast, I'll go and see!"

When the voice fell, Qin An's voice disappeared, and he moved quickly to the north.

On the top of the air castle, a few orcs and a few humans didn't feel much about Qin An's departure. They all watched the demon child, lamenting the demon child's extraordinary beauty.

As a supreme female beast, the charm of the demon child could have attracted everyone's attention.

Nishizabeth was squeezed on the sidelines, and Alguri ignored him these days, and Qin Potian and Jin Bao in the human camp would naturally not have a good attitude towards him.

So Nishizabeth can only get close to the orcs.

Not to mention, Na Xia was really worried about Luo who was in a coma every day when Mental Energy was fragile.

Although Shennong helped her use some treatments for Luo, he still couldn't get rid of the danger of becoming a zombie. Xia was anxious, as if she grew wings and immediately flew to the human domain, looking for Gao who could heal her man. people.

So Xia was interested in the human world, and when Nishizabeth struck up a conversation with her, she responded enthusiastically to him.

Nishizabeth is actually not interested in Xia, but she is more in touch.

The real purpose of this little white face is actually the demon.

The demon child's beauty naturally attracted him, and more importantly, he knew from Xia that the demon child was actually a powerful man with a prominent position in the brutal beast race.

In fact, Xia didn't know too specific, but she knew enchanting and reckless, so enchanting and reckless were respectful when they met Yaozi, so Xia could see the clues of some things.

When guessing the true identity of the demon child, she also thought of the Beast Emperor, but she couldn't believe it.

No matter what, the demon's identity is noble, there is no doubt about it.

Nishizabeth became interested after knowing this. If he could get the demon, wouldn't it be better than marrying Alguri?

It can only be said that this kid is a bit crazy, he didn't consider the status gap between himself and the demon, he just thought about good things.

At this time, a circle of people surrounded the demon boy, and Nishizabeth naturally rushed to the most comprehensive, praising everyone to the demon boy, his voice was loud, and the compliment that he said made people feel nauseous.

Looking at the appearance of Cizebet, Algure felt that he was too disgusting, and then he felt more and more blind.

But at this time, the demon among the people seemed unaware. She frowned slightly and looked at the noisiest man around her, and said softly: "You mean, a woman like me will be loved by everyone? As long as she can follow By my side, no one will bear the heart to leave?"

"Of course! Master Demon, just like me, I am willing to follow you forever!"

The demon's face finally became gloomy and became silent.

She thought of the damn fierce beast again!

Back then, he cruelly abandoned himself, and went forever with a human woman!

Humph, what is so good about human beings? Why should I be transformed into a human being, and why should I be dressed up like this by the kid named Qin An?

Coldly glanced at Cizebet next to him.

Nishizabeth was trembling when the demon saw his body trembling, and he couldn't help but step aside.

The demon didn’t pay attention to Nishizabeth, and looked at the enchanting person beside him: “It’s so weird and nothing to look at. Let’s go and see the food Qin An took out from his storage space. I'm really hungry."


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