Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1686 Doomsday Remnant Blood World Opens

What came in was a group of savage beasts. They just broke into the space unintentionally and were quickly infected. When Qin An left, there were no survivors among the group.

Hey, there is no way, the ground is full of poisonous blood, and it takes minutes for ordinary ability players to be infected.

After killing all the zombies, Qin An began to build a fifty-meter-high alchemy wall around the periphery of the Giant City. This was to prevent people from coming in. The Giant City is a city surrounded by zombie viruses, hiding in an air castle. The weaker people are still unable to walk freely because they are afraid of being infected.

Building a wall around the Giant City is a big project. Qin An spent a whole morning to complete a section of the North City, which consumed a lot of abilities, so he jumped on the wall and prepared to take a rest.

Lying flat on the city wall, Qin An watched the white clouds fluttering, frowning after watching for a long time.


How did it happen? Why do the clouds in the sky move so fast? windy?

Qin An stood up slowly and looked up.

The clouds in the sky continued to move at high speed, and eventually gathered together to form a cascading vortex cloud cluster, covering the top of Giant City like a white pot cover. This phenomenon is so abnormal, as if something major is about to happen.

Qin An frowned and watched Fengyun's actions, and within a short while, his face suddenly became pale, because the entire space suddenly trembled, and Qin An felt trembling with the burst of energy.

This is the spirit of the sky...?

Qin An had already learned about the existence of the Supreme God Curse Lingnian from the Yaozi, so he thought that he had regained consciousness. Otherwise, how could such a large energy fluctuation appear in the space?

"No! This is not the Supreme Divine Curse Lingnian! This is a powerful external energy, no wonder the Supreme Divine Curse did not wake up. It turned out that it was controlled by other energy before it was invaded by Ziyang's spell! But what is it? Can you control the supreme incantation spiritual mind?"

The demon in the air castle felt the strange energy fluctuations in the space and spoke with a surprised expression.

After Qin An heard what the Yaozi said, naturally, he also didn't know what abnormality would happen.

After a few minutes, the wonderful energy fluctuations continued, and Qin An felt that he suddenly felt like a spring breeze, the air was so warm, penetrated his body and merged into his soul.

Suddenly, the world in Qin An’s eyes changed. The corpses of the zombies dissolved, the blood on the ground was swallowed and disappeared, and weird plants and flowers grew on the ground, and some wild animals with unknown names appeared. They were established in the enclosed area of ​​Sword God Zombie Virus in Qin’an. The rising alchemy wall began to change and grew into a thirteen-story gold tower.

The bodies of Qin An and the trapped people shrank a lot at the same time. Qin An was very blinded by this change, and then discovered that his super hearing and vision were also affected. He could not find the location of the air castle. This only shows that he has changed. It's too small, and the world of Giant City has become unclear how big it is! Just like the city wall at his feet, it was a city wall before, but now the city wall has become a huge continent. Qin An even needs to turn on super vision to see the boundary of the city wall. The so-called boundary was originally just the thickness of the city wall, only one meter long... …

What exactly is going on? Qin An was completely stupid.

The Giant City world is still changing, more strange creatures appear, more landscape changes, and many buildings appear.

Qin An didn't know what other places were like. The changes around him were enough to shock him, because almost instantly Qin An's side had changed into an empty big city.

There are streets, shops, goods, squares, and some primitive buildings in this city, as well as some weird animals, flowers and plants.

Suddenly, a hollow and clear female voice sounded, seeming to resound through the entire space world.

"The world of residual blood is established, and the primary parameters are set:

The construction of the Remnant Blood Tower is completed,

The Protoss Village has been constructed,

The Mozu Village has been constructed,

The construction of the four major cities is completed,

The task system is built,

The power system is built,


Listening to the female voice like a system broadcast, Qin An feels that the whole person is not good, what is this?

After the female voice was nagging for a long time, another female voice with some Loli suddenly sounded in Qin An's ears.

"An unknown creature is detected, set up as an X-level hidden class, assassin!X assassin's basic attributes,

Power 10000,

Agility 10000,

Dodge 10000,

Defense 10000,

The four basic attributes have reached their peaks,

In order to maintain the fairness of the game, dual-attribute physique is enabled for the X assassins.

The original four attributes are changed to a hidden state, which is called the dark attribute. The player can actively activate the dark attribute to deal with monsters, but the killed monsters do not provide experience for the player, and the dropped items cannot be picked up. You can't kill in the safe zone. When you leave the safe zone, you can activate the dark attribute to kill other players. When you use the dark attribute to kill other players, you can't plunder the opponent's resource space items.

Therefore, the player still needs to participate in the game process with the promotion of the attribute as the main line.

The player’s attributes are currently:

Power 5,

Agility 5.

Dodge 5,

Defense 5,

Because of the influence of your dark attributes, your basic attributes and upgrade growth points are far higher than ordinary players.

I wish you a happy game, now please select a race.

Option one, Mozu.

Option two, Protoss. "

Qin An can put a planet in with his mouth open,

What does it mean? Giant City suddenly turned into an online gaming space?

"Please choose your race. If you don't make a choice within three seconds, it will be randomly assigned to you."


After Qin An casually said a choice, his body disappeared, and he reappeared in another city, and only a pair of black underwear was left on his body! All the clothes are gone!

The city as a whole is dark and black, with many church-like buildings, and it looks like it occupies a vast area. The so-called wide is actually relative, only because the entire Giant City world has shrunk now, so the new space world will be so big.

"Hello master, I am your smart panel assistant system XX, you can change my name, and then you can contact me with your mind at any time in your heart. Doomsday series multidimensional space online game "Remnant Blood World" is about to be available to 200 million players worldwide at the same time Open, the players have not yet entered. You have become an X assassin. Do you want to get some quests to upgrade first? Only by doing the quests can you grow up slowly, so that you have the ability to leave the village to fight monsters!"

Upgrade Daguai?

This f*ck is really the world of online games!

Qin An only felt that she had pain in the balls, her kidneys, her stomach, and her butt. It hurt everywhere, and she was about to collapse.

He doesn't want any tasks.

After activating the dark attribute, Qin An rushed across the black city, and in a short while, he went out into the wild.

There are many monsters in the wild, and Qin An can even see the health bar, level and name on top of these monsters.

Really f*ck fuck!

Qin An turned on Hongye's Flying Daggers ability and shot all wild monsters within sight.

Little XX reminds again:

"Hello master, because you used the dark attribute ability to kill mobs, the system judged this to be a cheating behavior, so it does not provide you with any experience and drop items, and your level is still level 1. You can try to go first Do the mission Ascension level, and then..."

"To shut up!"

Qin An was annoyed by this Loli voice, and she shut up after she started to speak.

Quickly crossing the cross-country ground, Qin An heard a faint sound from behind him.

Turning his head to look, I saw that the mobs who had just been killed by him were all resurrected again. This f*ck is the legendary refresh! Grandma Caota!

Continuing to sprint forward, Qin An stopped when he reached a forest and couldn't even walk in, as if there was a barrier in front of him.

Little XX's system sound started saying:

"Hello Master, in front is the Woma Forest. Only players above level 20 can enter through NPC teleportation. You can find the NPC at the entrance of the Woma Forest to chat. He will have a mission to post to the warriors in the Remnant Blood World!"


Which country's game is this, it is actually necessary to enter the map with a level restriction? Grandma Caota!

Qin An really wants to scold his mother!

In desperation, Qin An could only calm down, and said to Xiao XX: "Accept the task."

"Good host, you can return to the demon novice village to find the wonderful girl at the entrance of the village, she will release the first mission for you in the world of residual blood!"

Qin An didn't talk nonsense, and quickly returned to the demon novice village, killing all the mobs in seconds on the way.

At this time, many NPC characters appeared in novice village, with bright silver names floating above their heads so that Qin An could distinguish their identities.

There are no other players in the city, and Qin An doesn't know if there will be other players.

After running in the city for a while, Qin An also understood a little, he felt the energy fluctuation of the space gate of the labyrinth world.

Over the years, the Space Gate of the Labyrinth World and the Space Gate of the Star of Sword Spirit often send alien and alien creatures to the earth. In fact, most of the creatures that come out of the Space Gate of the Labyrinth World are human beings. This may be because the earth's environment is still more suitable for humans after all. The reason for biological survival.

So obviously, a huge maze world space door must have opened, sending an online game world system to enter the sky of the sky.

When the online game system is transmitted, it should have some kind of conflict with the spiritual thought of the supreme god curse. In the end, the online game system won. It may even have integrated the spiritual thought of the supreme god curse. It was invaded by other spell card powers and didn't show up. It didn't release some energy until the online game system completely started running for the demon to feel.

If this is the case, it would be a bit of a headache. Is it necessary to clear this online game and defeat the final BOSS to escape?

Under the modification of the online game system, here is no longer a city, but a huge world.

Qin An kept under his feet while pondering, and finally found the wonderful girl at the entrance of the demon clan’s novice village. She was very enchanting and wore very few clothes. She walked lazily around the entrance of the village, seeming to be basking in the sun. .

"Yeah, brother, what are you doing? See you running panicked, haha! Slow down, be careful of falling!"

As soon as Qin An walked to her, she began to speak, and she looked exactly like a real person, with a northeastern accent that made Qin An almost vomit blood.

"accept mission!"

Qin An spoke directly and simply.

The wonderful girl seemed to be taken aback, and then quickly looked around, before she stepped forward to talk to Qin An.

"Big brother! You are the first player to take over the task! Are you the rising star among the demons?"

Qin An rolled his eyes, but could only nod his head.

"Great! I finally waited for you! I have a letter here, sent by a soldier on the border, let me find a way to send it to the Empire! Only the village chief can contact the Empire in this remote mountain village. That old man, it is reasonable to say that the matter is urgent, I should send it personally, but... Hey! To be honest with you, I actually have a leg with that old man. Although it is broken now, his wife has always held a grudge against me. In my heart, I don’t dare to approach the village chief’s house within 100 meters. As long as I’m close to the old woman, I’ll hit me with a broom! There’s no way, I can only wait for the especially demon boy, it seems that it should be you ! Give you the letter, go to the other end of the village and send it to the village chief, he will..."

Seeing Miao Girl slowly taking out a crumpled letter from her arms, Qin An, who had already been impatient, snatched it, then hurriedly moved to the other side of the village and found the village chief.

Although killing monsters with the dark attribute cannot increase experience, fortunately, Qin An's abilities can also play a role. The task of at least running errands is easy for him and can save a lot of time.

I found the head of the village and sent the letter. The village was a lot of nonsense, complimenting the beauty of the wonderful girl and her skill in bed, and also said how fierce my own fat daughter-in-law is.

Little XX's voice appeared after all the nonsense was finished, and the system rewards were announced.

"Congratulations to the master for completing the message delivery mission, gaining experience value of 50, and the character level Ascension to level 2. Because of the dark attribute bonus, the X assassin has a higher bonus point, which is twice that of a normal player. Your four basic parameters Becomes:

Power 15,Agility 20,

Dodge 20,

Defense 15,

Because you have a fast time to complete the task, the system also gives you five points of basic agility and dodge! Master, do you continue to take the task? "

"Come on."

Qin An replied weakly, and now he doesn't know what to do. He can only proceed according to the system rules. He can't do without novice village, so he can't go to Qin Potian and the others. This so-called novice village is actually very big. Qin An doesn't know if Qin Potian and the others have also entered the game role. Then if they choose the Protoss, they should be in another Protoss novice village, right?

In this way, it took only ten minutes for Qin An to run around the city to reach the fifth-level, and the four basic parameters became

Strength 45,

Agility 60,

Dodge 60,

Defense 45,

Because the time for him to complete the task is always short, so agility and dodge will always have system bonuses.

"Master, congratulations on your successful promotion to fifth-level, now you can choose a career!

The demons have three professions: mage, fighter, and poison, and the gods have three professions: angel, paladin, and bishop.

Because your race is a demon, you can only choose among wizards, fighters, and poison masters. "

Damn, it turns out that the professions of the demons and the gods are different? I knew that I would choose a Protoss. See what it feels like to be an angel. I guess I should be able to fly?

Wei Wei has some regrets, but it doesn't affect her mood too much, because Qin An's mood is very bad at this time.

"Choose a mage."

"Congratulations to the master for becoming a demon mage! The system rewards the skill fireball, you can try to go out to kill monsters and equipment! At present, the master is wearing pants, which is very unsightly. There are some less dangerous monsters on the green wood grassland south of novice village. , Kill them to get clothing and weapons. If you are lucky, you may get Sword Soul Shards! Sword Soul Shards are the real currency of the residual blood world, which can be exchanged for system virtual currency, can also be used to build equipment, or to synthesize Sword Soul Stone, Sword Spirit Stones, Sword God Stone, and the most basic material of Super God Stone! You can now start your journey to the world of residual blood, I wish you a happy one!"

Killing monsters and exploding the sword soul stone?

It seems that the world of online games should be connected with the real space. At least the power of the real world has been sucked into this space. This may also be due to the fact that the supreme god incantation is integrated into the system.

What should I do now? Do you really want to go out to fight monsters and upgrade?

When Qin An hesitated, countless apertures flickered within the scope of the demon novice village. After a few seconds, the light ball slowly disappeared, and men and women wearing only underwear appeared in the light ball.

This is... the player has come in? Qin An was a little nervous. He looked around and found that these players, like him, were humans with noses, eyes, two arms and two legs. I just don't know if they come from the real space outside or the parallel Otherworld.

Suddenly, just less than a meter away from Qin An, a light ball appeared. After a few seconds, the light ball disappeared, revealing a...man from the front? Or a woman?

This person is about 1.7 meters tall, and he is a little short compared to Qin An.

His figure is very thin, but there are muscles on his arms and chest. Judging from his figure, he should be a man.

But his face...

This f*ck is a bit more glamorous than Liu Ru, Linghua, and the demon!

There is no comparison between people. Looking at Liu Ru, Linghua, and Yaozi alone, they are all super god-level beauties, but if you compare these three women together, Linghua might be even better in appearance. The demon is unparalleled in the world, but Liu Ru can only rank third.

Then, if you compare the face in front of Qin An with Liu Ru, Linghua, and the demon, these three women have to stand aside, so the beauty of this person’s femininity is simply unbelievable. It is so unreliable. .

"Fuck! This is the internal environment structure of the Remnant Blood World, so real! Haha...Hey! What kind of drool do you look at the uncle? Uncle dead man!"

Qin An's little heart beat fiercely twice as the beautiful and unreal woman spoke.

This mud horse is really a man. Why does this look make women feel so affectionate?

"Hey, I know the mentality of your men, don't you think I'm too beautiful? But I'm really a man! So don't tease me, or be careful that I kill you! Okay, brother, I'm going to break through! I'm the inside player of this game, so I know a lot! You should also upgrade quickly, after three days, the first zombie siege crisis will erupt in the world of residual blood, novice village, and there will be great equipment and experience for the player! "

After finishing speaking, this coquettish and beautiful man turned around and ran, Qin An was taken aback and hurriedly followed, intending to learn some information from him!

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