The concept of a multidimensional universe has become the subject of current research by the Kowloon Imperial Academy of Sciences.

People know that there are parallel worlds, but they cannot open the relevant channels to leave the earth space where they are at this time. The earth's magnetic field is obviously one-way in nature, and alien space creatures can come, but earth space creatures cannot escape.

Then there are actually countless earths in the multi-dimensional parallel universe, and each earth has a unique space-time trajectory. If the space-time trajectories of the two earth spaces intersect, then the gate of space-time will open.

On a certain plane of the Infinite Universe, the earth does not have a pattern crisis, so humanity has been flourishing.

In 5077 AD, mankind has landed on Mars and the moon and began an alien colonization journey.

No way, the population of the earth has reached 30 billion, and natural resources are extremely scarce. In other words, the earth cannot hold so many people on the earth. For more than three thousand years, these constantly normal populations are enough to eat up everything on the earth. Therefore, resources can only be mined from outer planets.

In the context of population blasting, the use of artificial intelligence has made humans themselves regress.

Most people are trapped at home, and there is almost no physical communication between people.

Parents do not need to manage a baby after it is born, because artificial birth has become a history, and men and women can even have children without being together at all. Only need to provide own genetic gene, the machine will create a child they desire. This kind of child's appearance, height, weight, personality, etc. have been extremely well managed by the genetic modification program, which is called a genetic man.

Gene people mostly grow up in artificial intelligence uterine nutrient solution.

The so-called birth is taken by the robot from the nutrient solution and then sent to the childcare center.

When they grow up to ten years old in the childcare center, the children have matured in mind. Even if they don’t need to do anything every day, all kinds of knowledge have been burned into the brain chip, which is like installing in the brain of every genetic person. It is like a supercomputer connected to the main control information transmission system.

In the past ten years when the child is growing up, the average parent will not visit the child, and occasionally people who go to the childcare center to see the offspring will be laughed at.

People think that the genetic mission of own children is completed after the birth, and they don't need to bother at all in the future.

Ten-year-old children are considered adults, because urban space is generally in short supply. These children cannot walk around the streets without permission. They begin to learn the independent life state.

Every child can get a house about 30 square meters in size. There is a bathroom in this house, but there is no kitchen and living room.

Being placed alone in such a space, children can learn about the world through the ubiquitous Internet. Most people in 5077 did not eat.

Food does contain a lot of things that are good for humans, but it also contains a lot of waste.

Then these wastes are accumulated in the human body and converted into feces to be discharged from the human body, which undoubtedly increases the wear and tear of human organs, and this wear and tear can actually aggravate the aging of various human cells and organs.

Therefore, human beings would rather not eat anything to reduce this wear and tear, by injecting nutrients to make the human body directly absorb and develop healthier.

There is a human phenomenon here, because the waste that is eaten is killed, so the excretion becomes very small, and there is only urination on one side. If it is a stool, even if it is a sick state, people will ask a robot doctor to examine themselves.

So since there is no need to defecate, the human digestive system should be degraded. The people who invented nutritive food liquids did not want to make humans look weird after a few years, so they also invented human visceral health care. Some products of the system. So after more than three thousand years, although the life habits of people in this era and the ancients are very different, the body structure has not changed much.

However, because artificial intelligence has interfered too much with human genes, some genetically upgraded people appeared in the population. These genetically upgraded people often have strange abilities, and most of them will be registered and controlled by the state agencies to prevent them from doing illegal things. . The fact is that in the future world, people will often be very angry when talking about abilities, because their personal combat power is very strong, and their existence will destroy harmony.

So most ordinary people are forbidden to reach the age of eighteen. When the law allows children to leave their own home and go to nearby communities, in fact, most people are used to Life alone at home, and they don’t even know after leaving home. How to communicate with people, the body has lost the ability to communicate with people.

The way people communicate in this era is to use virtual helmets.

Lying in the house, virtual images of the human body can appear in any corner of the city. Of course, these phantoms are phantoms, but in fact they are not that simple.

The city master control system will create a virtual simulation form for the whole city. After wearing the helmet, the phantom that appears in the real world will feel that you are actually an entity, you can feel the wind, you can feel the rain, and there will be physical contact with people. Obvious feeling.It's as if people wearing virtual helmets are just brains, and phantoms are real bodies, hands and feet.

This technology is widely used, and the most widely used is online games.

The "Remnant Blood World" of the Doomsday series is an online game developed by the global master control system. Many players deliberately break through their own helmets and wait for the game to start.

This is normal. I heard that the scenes made by the residual blood world HTC are realistic. If you enter, you will have many different experiences. For these people, in the virtual world, they can be anyone and do anything. They Most of them have adapted to the unrestrained pleasure, and entering the game world is obviously the best experience.

So in 5077 AD, whether you are an elderly or a child, no matter where you are in the world, they all liked to play games.

Yang Guo was such a person, so when the Remnant Blood World officially opened, he used his fastest speed to enter and met Qin An.


On the grassland next to Novice Village, Yang Guozheng and Qin An, who had already reached level 5, formed a team to kill monsters.

Qin An is actually sixth-level now, because of the dark attribute, his level-up experience is also a bonus.

After the sixth-level, Qin An’s four basic attributes have been reached

Power 60,

Agility 80,

Dodge 80,

Defense 60,

And the health bar value is turned on. As a mage, his blood is very small, only 100.

The fifth-level Yang Guo's four attributes are still only 25. He chose to become a fighter, so his HP has reached 100.

In other words, Qin An's blood volume was a little abnormal, surpassing the level of a wizard of the same level. In fact, there was no wizard of the same level at this time, and Qin An had already become the fastest-leveled person in the world.

Qin An learned the truth about many things through this man who was more beautiful than a woman, and was naturally shocked and shocked afterwards.

There is a dislocation of time and space that is very frustrating.

It stands to reason that Qin An is already very powerful, at least he was very powerful on the Earth in the previous time and space plane.

He seems to be a giant among the dwarfs, but he is actually still a short in the giant pile.

The earth in another parallel world is actually normal, without so many abilities, and technology is developing on the right track, so neither these future humans or the remnant blood world game master system is not for their original time and space. What kind of perverted and powerful existence is even more incomparable with Qin An's original space-time earth. Now Qin An's earth is a hodgepodge of super planets.

But when the two time and space wanted to fight each other, the system of the outside time and space actually dominated. Even a powerful character like Qin An could not completely escape some of the rules. Now he is trapped in the sky of the sky, thinking I think it hurts.

The game system obviously has the ability to adjust itself. If you turn on the dark attribute and kill too much, the player doesn't know if the system will punish itself? Qin An thought these things were really tangled!

A snow-white rabbit demon over two meters in length rushed towards Qin An, Qin An quickly dodged, and then shot a few small fireballs to deplete its blood a little bit.

It also had to move while beating. A few bites of Qin An by a rabbit would also lose blood.

After a lot of hard work, the Xuebai Earth Demon was killed by Qin An.

The voice of the system assistant XX sounded:

"Pick up ten gold coins, pick up one of the 10 level gold suits of the Bunny Armor, do you wear it directly?"

"What attribute?" Qin An asked weakly in his heart. He was not interested in these bird equipment. He just wanted to figure out when all of this would end. Baby Bunny...what the hell is this cute name!

"The Bunny suit includes seven pieces of armor, leg armor, shoes, weapons, rings, necklaces, and hats. It needs to be worn at level 10. It is the strongest ultimate suit within level 10. The armor can increase 100 defense and 100 agility. Gathering all the parts of the suit can transform into a bunny warrior, and get the permanent ability that doubles the blood volume, so it is very precious! Work hard, the first player who collects the bunny suit in the game can also get a wild manor! "

Qin An sneered helplessly, and gave instructions to Little XX in his heart. A white light flashed, and there was an extra white pony jacket on his body. Fortunately, there were some short white fluff on the cuffs and neckline, which was not too much. It's ugly, but the appearance of wearing shorts underneath and waistcoat on top is a little bit shy.

After putting on the vest, Qin An checked his own attribute. There was no change. The clothes can only be worn, and the attribute should be activated at level 10.

"Qin An, what is this? Have you hit the equipment?"

The coquettish man ran to Qin An and spoke enviously.

Qin An accompanied him to level 5, but it took him a full half an hour, wasted a lot of time running around, and he was familiar with each other along the way. The human beings on the earth in 5077 regarded virtual reality as reality. They do not touch the virtual world normally, but once they enter the virtual world, they are willing to communicate with people because they feel that they are safe in the virtual space and will not be harmed. The most is to withdraw. The virtual world returns to reality.

"I don't know, it's a golden bunny armor."

"Gold level? Oh my god, is it true? This is the most powerful pre-equipment!"

Yang Guo's eyes were blood red.

Qin An curled his lips helplessly. He still couldn't feel what the so-called equipment would be. Now his memory has just recovered. There are still many things waiting for him in the outside world. Where does he have the time to play games?

"Qin An, I am doing good for you. From now on, you must not say that your clothes are of gold level. You can turn on pk mode at level 5. It is not illegal to kill here, even if we can resurrect, but if the equipment is lost. It's not worth it. I'm a kind person, but can't someone else kill you and explode your equipment? Fortunately, the armor will not reveal the combat form when you are not fighting, so others will not be able to discover your secret for the time being!"

"Are you sure you can resurrect when you die?"

"Of course, this is a game! Okay, I will continue to kill monsters. It seems that this equipment is not too difficult to produce. The 5th-level Snow White Rabbit Monster is actually eliminated, and the probability of BOSS and elite explosions Isn't it bigger, haha! Come on!"

The coquettish man Yang Guo said and ran away. Qin An looked at his straight butt and thought of his peerless beauty, and hurriedly looked away.

Damn, do you want to stay away from the kid, but don't be bent by him!

After a daze, Qin An secretly joked that he was ill, and then shook his head. It seemed that Yang Guo didn't know something.

Qin An just heard some nearby players say that they want to quit the game but cannot do it. This means that this place is no longer virtual, so can it be resurrected after death? Not necessarily. If most players have discovered the secret here, it is estimated that people will be messed up first without the appearance of zombies made by the system.

Also, where did the original zombie viruses go here? If it is collected by the system, it will be a terrible thing, which means that the zombies that appear are likely to be heterogeneous elites, and these players will definitely not be able to deal with it.

What worries Qin An the most is the thirteen-story golden tower, which originally contained the Sword God-level zombie viruses, what happened to those viruses now?

Hey, he can't even get out of Novice Village. It seems that if you want to gain more freedom of movement in this space, you need to upgrade quickly!

Thinking of this, Qin An shook his head vigorously and began to fight all the way. When the sun set westward, he finally rose to eighth-level, and Yang Guo and most of them were also sixth-level at this time, that is to say, Qin An was gaining experience. There is also a bonus to the above. Fortunately, different players can't see each other's level, otherwise Yang Guo would be surprised.

After killing all afternoon, Qin An became more and more aggressive, but Yang Guo couldn't stand it anymore.

"Qin An! Qin An, it doesn't work anymore. I'm going to be exhausted. Let's go back to novice village and buy some nutrient solution injections. If you continue to fight, I guess I won't need a rabbit monster to bite me and I will die."

"Nutrition solution?"

Yes, 10 gold coins can be bought for a day. I have not picked up any gold coins this afternoon. Let me see... more than a thousand coins, haha! The two of us are teaming up, so the benefits should be similar, right? "

"Uh, let me see..."Qin An asked the little XX own's advice in his heart, and the result turned out to be more than eight thousand gold coins.


Qin An didn't even want to lie directly, but didn't want Yang Guoxian to be jealous and envy.

Now that Yang Guo is hungry, let’s come to an end. He will come out to kill monsters at night. It is said that at night the monsters’ abilities will be Ascension, but the experience and burst rate will not change. The game pays attention to a restriction of rest design, I hope everyone will not play at night. But for some of these things, it’s just a matter of looking at who is upgrading fast, and who is more awesome. Today is the first day to open some worlds. How can people want to waste their time to rest?

There was no talk all the way, and when Yang Guo returned to novice village and found a food supply shop, there were already many people there.

"how so?"

"Just so! The game announcement says that there is nutrient solution!"

"It's disgusting! What is that? It smells too bad, I want to vomit!"

People roared busily and protested against the NPC brother on the opposite side.

Qin An looked at the shop counter through the crowd, and the food here was quite dazzling, including roast chicken, roast duck, trotters, french fries, burgers, fried rice, rice cakes, bean buns, and water sellers.

Are these foods normal? Why don't they like it?

After a daze, Qin An was relieved.

These guys all grew up eating nutrient solutions, where they understand the deliciousness of real food.

In other words, after the system and the Supreme Divine Mantra are combined here, some settings have actually been changed.

Hey, it seems that these different time and space modern people will suffer from it in the future.

At this time, there were people everywhere in the square of novice village. Qin An and Yang Guo were originally queuing to buy food, but suddenly the crowd not far behind became confused.

"How could this happen? I really can't log out. My little assistant told me that the log out function has been uninstalled, and it won't be available in the future!"

"My little assistant said the same, how could this be?"

"Are we going to be trapped in this world forever?"

"No, no! How is this possible? Don't scare me!"

Some people heard what the people over there said and went to explore.

Yang Guo originally wanted to go, but Qin An grabbed him by the arm and led him to the stall. After buying a lot of food, he pulled him away from the crowd.

"Qin An, why are you holding me? I just asked the little assistant, and she said that the logout function has indeed been uninstalled actively. How could this be?"

"I don't know, but since everyone is like this, what are you worried about? I think maybe people will gather here at night to discuss things that can't be quit. Then the novice village will be overcrowded. We will go out to kill monsters and upgrade. Right. If others study and understand that it is possible to go out, we can naturally go out too. You say yes?"

"Oh, I got it too."

Yang Guo frowned and thought, Qin An glanced at him and hurriedly released the hand holding his arm.

This f*ck is really a disaster for the country and the people, frowning!

No, no, I want to be a straight man, stay away from Yang Guo!

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