Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1697 Rabbit Cave

After losing the dark attribute ability, Qin An and Yaozi could only use the system ability to fight. At this time, there were still eight or nine thousand people in the valley. Most of the others died and the other half fled.

The rest of the people blushed because of the fierce battle, and suddenly saw two figures appearing, and immediately surrounded them, and no one in a hurry could even see their looks clearly.

As the so-called double fist is difficult to rival with four hands, the two lost the dark attribute ability, and the blood line of the battle with the system ability plummeted.

Players in the combat state can see each other's health bars.

A player with not very strong attack power slashed Qin An, and 100 drops of blood flowed out, which was considered a critical strike.

The player found that he had cut almost one-thirtieth of the blood in the opponent's health bar with a single stab. He was immediately overjoyed, knowing that the boss is really weak in defense, so he shouted out the results of the own, which attracted more Many players rushed to Qin An frantically.

Qin An and Yaozi had no choice but to retreat, and decided to find a place to hide.

The players were all dumbfounded when they saw the monster turning around.

The BOSS just now was so awesome, they were all scared away. The monsters have the ability to raise their hands and take the lives of people, so why didn't they fight?

"I see! Their group attack ability must belong to the system attack ability, so after being killed, they will be resurrected by the system. And his own real ability should not be much stronger than ours. Just two attacks have already cost us here. Most of the people. Brothers, the system can't completely kill us, then the meaning of the game itself will be lost! Although there is a problem with this game, we are trapped in the virtual game world, but everyone should also know that from the beginning to the end. Some settings have not been changed and are perfect, so the system will definitely give us a game experience of killing BOSS with equipment! Don't be afraid, I think this guy is waiting for us to kill now, go!"

In the team, an officer yelled out his opinion.

People think it makes sense. The original timid is no longer timid. Everyone swarmed and followed the tall horse. Unfortunately, the speed gap was not small, and it turned out to be unable to catch up. Under the command of the officers, everyone can only spread out to form an encirclement, and the boss must be killed.

The Jin Ge Iron Horse Hammer that the demon had just robbed could summon the mount, and this mount was able to ride on two people.

The speed of the horse was so fast that the demon rushed along with Qin An, and soon escaped the encirclement and entered the dense forest.

As the horse flew up, Qin An quickly used the blood bottle to restore the blood volume for himself and the demon.

The demon's face was full of anger, she had never been so embarrassed before.

"What the hell is this ghost system? Even if you kill many people at once, you will be punished?"

"Okay, let's hide from the enemy's edge first, and then go back and kill them!"

Qin An was also a little suffocated, he was almost killed by a group of player skills just now!

"But where to go to hide? Although this valley is not small but not big, we were chased inside by them, there is really nowhere to escape...Stop!"

When the demon was talking, he suddenly realized that a very short old man appeared out of thin air, and hurriedly told the horse to stop forcing him.

"Is this an NPC? When was it here?" The Yaozi was surprised, and Qin An frowned.

"Two, are you looking for the rabbit's cave? I heard that it was the rabbit's hermit's den. This kid built a huge underground building there, which is full of money beauties. Of course, it is also in crisis. If you want to go in, , Can I help?"

Demon Qin An glanced at each other and suddenly realized.

No wonder they haven't found the Rabbit Hermit after living here for a long time. It turns out that this is a copy.

Qin An agreed to enter without hesitation. After that, Qin An and Yaozi only felt that there was a flash in front of them, and the scenes changed into a cave.

"Warning, the player has entered the rabbit cave map! Most of the monsters here are 20 elite level, and will not refresh after being killed. The cave has 3 floors. After clearing the 3 floors, you will encounter the rabbit hermit. Killing him will get countless treasures. You can also find a map leading to the outside world! The level 20 boss map here is in hidden mode. Once the strategy is conducted, you will get a huge reward, and it is also dangerous. Is the player sure to continue walking?"

Does this need to be said? Of course it has continued, and now there is no retreat.Soon after Qin An and Yaozi entered the cave, more players also discovered the npc. When everyone heard of the hidden mission, they were all excited. Now it seems that the rabbit hermit's group killing ability has disappeared, so if you find him, you will definitely be able to kill.

At this time, they still regarded Qin An as a rabbit hermit.

Conan Baird and others were not injured in the previous battle, because they always came to the back.

Wei Hong felt a bit boring, so after entering the rabbit's cave, she asked to leave the team to look for the rabbit hermit. Anyway, everyone is scattered now, and it is impossible to search the map if it is not scattered.

Yes, the first floor of the Rabbit Cave is very large, and there are criss-crossed high walls. These walls form a huge passage with a width of 10 meters, and all the passages are combined to form this underground labyrinth.

Conan Baird thought for a while and shook his head: "This labyrinth seems to be very big. We still don't want to walk around casually. We should keep the formation and move slowly towards the intersections. What I mean is that our three camps are now There are about a few thousand players left. They should walk one by one. The distance between everyone and everyone should not be too far, so that we can become a net rolling in the maze, so we won’t get lost. ."

Both Li Xianglan and Spielt felt that Conan Baird's plan was good, so after studying the details, they began to rule out people and horses to pave the way in the maze.

Seeing that Conan Baird ignored her previous opinions, Wei Hong became a little unbeautiful, so she begged Hong Ji to take her to find the boss by herself.

Hong Ji was a little helpless, she knew the little girl's temper very well. He is a good boy when he is well-behaved, but his temper is not recognized by the six relatives! The character is very extreme, and even her father, the man of supreme glory, will be afraid of her temper burst out!

So Hong Ji looked at Conan Baird and said:

"Didn't the monster say that it is already injured and unable to use the group attack ability? That's why it flees. Why don't we spread it out too?"

"Hongji Big sis, I am afraid that the redness will be dangerous."

"No, we only take the road that the soldiers have walked. Don't go far even if you take a strange road. There should be no danger. Look at the nearby soldiers. They are all in groups and groups ready to kill the boss. We Isn't it good to wait here?"

Conan Baird hesitated before nodding and said: "Okay! Then we will walk around, Zach, you are stationed here, responsible for the command and response, let's go to the map!"

Zach nodded knowingly, knowing what Conan Baird meant. The old guy has already rushed here, so this is definitely a good opportunity to kill him. I missed it. I don’t know when he can leave the safe zone or level up the family. field.

After the arrangements were made, Conan Baird took the three Fengqi brothers, Xiwa Xiaoshu, Hongji slightly red, and five hundred personal guards to move forward.

Of course, those guards are walking in front, cleaning up all the monsters they encounter along the way.

Of course there are monsters in the hallway, level 20 bunny jumping.

A small bunny that can bounce, with super high dodge ability. Fortunately, the attack power is not too strong. Although the 500 guards are busy, but in the end no one is killed by the monsters. Killing all the way, there are many 20 levels. It seems that the burst rate of elites is indeed very high.

Just entering the first floor of the rabbit cave is a large open space, which is connected to eight passages.

Conan Baird led the people just choosing to go all the way, and after walking for a while, three fork roads appeared in front of them.

After hearing the report from the soldier in front of him, Conan Baird frowned for a long time before whispering:

"Our purpose is to find the way. When we first came in, didn’t the system prompt say that there is a three-layer space here? If we want to attack the BOSS, we must find a way to enter the third-layer space, so we choose to go all the way. Follow-up soldiers followed the other two roads, placing markers every time they walked, and when we walked all the unknown roads, then the first level of the rabbit maze will be clear, and the caves that enter the second floor will also appear at the time. Before our eyes."

Conan Baird issued orders calmly.

"Dear uncle, you are so handsome that you are so serious when you give orders, I really like it!"

Wei Hong appeared next to Conan Baird at some point, took his arm, flushed and shy.

Hong Ji curled her lips. This little girl didn't look so innocent. Generally, no one could see through what she would think in her heart.

So, she is a scheming bitch who looks cute!

Conan Baird didn't like the reddish touch very much, but he just frowned slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Weihong, your father and you are in a novice village, right?"

"No, how could I come out? When entering the system, the novice village is randomly assigned. We can choose the same race, but we cannot choose the birthplace. But he is so capable, and it is easy to find me. 20 He came to find me personally when I was in the level, and then took me back to the family residence. You don't know, the world outside of novice village is the real world of this game, the scenery outside is infinitely beautiful, and the monsters are also terribly dying! In short, when I was found by my father, I begged him to help me find you. He couldn't find your specific position. Then I asked Hong Ji to go with me to find you. My father is naturally opposed, but you should also know He has never said that I can’t, he can only let it go in front of me. Fortunately, Hongji Big sis is following to protect me. I believe you have all heard of her reputation in the real world. The super genetic person of gene fusion, very strong, enter The game world is just as powerful as a mess."

Conan Baird respectfully smiled at Hong Ji and expressed respect for her.

The bald woman Hong Ji is indeed powerful, and he dare not make a small loss.

What should we do now?

His previous plan was to kill Hong Ji in this valley, and then use Wei Hong to threaten the old guy, looking for opportunities to kill him, of course Wei Hong can not stay. To create the illusion that the old guy and Wei Hong died unexpectedly and tragically in this valley.

Conan Baird knows the strength of the Weihong family, and also knows how powerful her father is.

But after all, he was much younger than Horton, and he still had the heroic spirit in his heart.

Even if the opponent is really powerful, but this is the game world after all, Conan Baird is convinced that as long as he becomes the clan head of the family, he will quickly lead the family to become the dominant player in the game, and the reddish father will let him go to hell. , Can't wait for him to become stronger, but also to destroy him!

Conan Baird is an ultra-masculist. He himself likes men and hates women, and he hates the outdated model like the Weihong family. He knew that Weihong was given birth naturally in October by the mother herself.


I can't even think about it, I feel sick when I think about it!

Unobviously, he pulled his arm out of the reddish hand, and Conan Baird's face didn't have a special expression on his face.

The reddish face is also like a good girl, but no one can tell that her eyes are actually a bit cold.

This seemingly silly and sweet woman is obviously not so innocent.

"Well, you ran to me, I must take good care of you, otherwise my uncle will be angry with me. His old man is angry but I can't bear it."

"Hey, I'm only sixteen years old, okay? My father is actually not older than you."

Conan Baird was a little embarrassed and a little angry in his heart.

Wei Hong, this is in disguise, let's say he is old?

When the two people had a conversation, the group had already reached the intersection again, but this time there were a lot of intersections, reaching eight.

How to do? There are not so many subsequent teams, and at least a hundred people will go all the way, or safety is not guaranteed at all.

This labyrinth seems a bit complicated, where is the entrance to the second floor? Where did the boss go?

At this time, Qin An and Yaozi had actually lost their way.

They didn't kill all the monsters on the road, but ran all the way on horseback, only killing the monsters blocking the way, and now they ran to the deep part of the maze.

"Qin An, I seem to be lost? Have we ever walked here?"

Losing the dark attribute for one day means that both Qin An and Yaozi have become ordinary players and can only use system abilities.

Qin An lost his super listening and eyesight with some cute coins. After looking around, he shook his head and said:

"Seems to have been to this place."

"monster!"The demon warned, Qin An turned his head and saw dozens of gray bunny spirits rushing out of the intersection.

Bunny is a 21st-level elite monster with a small body and short furry ears. It looks a bit like a bunny girl.

These guys have average attack power and defense power, but their speed is very fast, and they have special skills and charms.

The so-called charm is a bit painful. Once you get close, you will be naturally charmed by the halo for a few seconds, your mind will suddenly disappear, and you can't help but keep walking forward, approaching the monster, losing the ability to attack, and letting the opponent attack.

Therefore, the demon of the melee profession is very difficult to deal with these bunny spirits, which can be regarded as her nemesis.

But they are not too threatening to Qin An, and here is a ten-meter-wide corridor. Qin An summoned a sea of ​​fire and covered the entire area, allowing the rabbit spirits to jump back and forth inside. Use mass thunder and lightning spells to kill the monsters with residual blood.

Yaozi didn't fight Qin An either. She jumped out of the horse and was only responsible for killing the fish that slipped near the net, and then picked up the equipment dropped by the dead monster.

These equipment fighters are twentieth-level, but unfortunately most of them are bronze equipment, not a single piece of silver, let alone gold.

Because the demon has obtained the Jin Ge Iron Horse Warhammer, the combat effectiveness is already a lot more Ascension.

She can hold weapons in both hands, the rock red war knife in her left hand, and the Jin Ge iron horse war hammer in her right hand. Basically, a knife and a hammer can kill all the nearby residual blood monsters in seconds.

After killing for a while, the two people cleaned up all the monsters and continued to mount and run wildly, looking for the intersection into the second floor.

Sometimes they will encounter some other players. Although this maze is large and complicated, the roads are actually linked together. Even if these people and Qin An are not on the same path, they may encounter them.

It can't be said to be terrible, although Qin An and Yaozi now have no dark attributes, they are still strong enough, and it won't take much effort to meet a dozen people to kill them.

If you encounter too many of them, you will run on horseback, making the player wandering in the maze very frustrated.


In Conan Baird's team, Xiwa and Xiaoshu, who claim to be God women, have been walking together.

Now Xiao Zhou walks more and more smoothly, looking like a normal person.

"Hi, dear, you are a weird fellow."

Xi Wa suddenly spoke to Xiao Zhou.

"Is it weird? I think I'm normal, and I still think you are strange. Didn't you say that your daughter was lost? You didn't go to her, but wasted time here. Is it really to make money?"

Xi Wa chilled slightly, then chuckled softly:

"Hehe, apart from money, of course I want to kill. My daughter is about ten years old...No, she should be twelve now, so she can take care of herself. You know, genetic people are relatively precocious ."

"You mean, your daughter is also genetic?"

"Of course, two-thirds of people who grew up on Mars or the Moon are genetic people. Only those poor and downhearted will give birth to children using the original mother’s way of pregnancy. This is actually quite good. Today's mainstream thinking is no more."

Speaking of this, Xi Wa actually sighed softly, somewhat regretful.

"Twelve years old, that's really not young. In my hometown, many twelve-year-old beings are already adults."

This is normal. Beasts generally enter the maturity stage within a few years. The sign is that they can continue to produce offspring with the opposite sex, but the general IQ of beasts at this time is not too high.

"Adult? Yeah, twelve years old is really not young, and he can do a lot of things..."

Xi Wa's voice gradually became smaller, as if it was intentional or unintentional. Her gaze fell on the little red body that was talking to Conan Baird, and her eyes showed an imperceptible gentleness and love... ....

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