"I'm going to take the third road from the left! This road looks better!"

Weihong made own request.

Conan Baird, who was thinking about the conspiracy, frowned and shook his head:

"We still have to wait until the follow-up troops come over. I don't know how big this maze is. If it gets messy, wouldn't it be wrong if we get lost?"

"How can you get lost? Didn't all of your people diverge? Signs will be placed wherever we walked. I saw those signs. They were very clear and pointed. Even if we got lost and followed those arrows, we should be able to find them. The place of departure. Dear Conan Baird, are you a coward? I don’t want my future husband to be a coward."

"Okay, okay, then we'll take the third road on the left, there's really no way you can do it."

Conan Baird finally figured it out. To get rid of Horton's illusion of accidental death, he had to find a place where no one knew it.

Now he just wanted to find such a place, and then waited for Horton to find it.

The bounty hunters he hired should be enough to kill Holden. This is the real reason why he hired bounty hunters. These people actually contacted him before they came to the game world, and served outside the game. The deposit was paid, and the second deposit was paid in the game.

Horton would never imagine that he would use this opportunity to spend his family resources to hire bounty hunters to kill his patriarch.


Really been waiting! After these bounty hunters killed Horton, he was asking the Own Guards to kill all bounty hunters.

Before Zach gave him the main attention and said that he should reduce his wings to win the trust of the old guy.

If everything can be done this time, there is no need to do this kind of thing. I really look forward to it.

While planning, Conan Baird generally made a choice, and his choice was to follow Wei Hong's proposal and take the third road from the left.


Qin An and Yaozi broke through many levels, and finally reached an open area. This is a circular space with a diameter of 5 meters, with a path that is only one meter wide on both sides. There are no monsters in the circular space, but it is suitable for rest.

More than ten hours have passed, and Qin An and Yaozi’s blood bottles are basically used up, but the various equipment and sword soul fragments in Interspatial Ring have been made up, including several pieces of silver and a Poison Master’s skill book. Blue blood holy light.

This is a book of hidden vocational skills. After the Poison Master is cultivated, he will forget all the skills he had before and become a Holy Light Poison Master, a kind of nurse who can provide healing to people.

This is naturally a good thing. Qin An decided to save it, and then learn it for him when he meets the right person, and then become a team-leveling trio, and rushing into the group of monsters is a violent killing.

After running around for a day, Qin An and Yaozi were a little hungry, the dark attribute could not be turned on, and the food in the Interspatial Ring could not be taken out, which made their stomachs growl constantly.

The demon had been looking at Qin An for a long time, her back leaning against the wall, she looked very lazy and charming.

"Qin An, you look delicious."

"...Smelly girl, we have been together for so long anyway, don't you want to eat me?"

When Qin An's voice fell, the demon had already crawled over like a civet cat.

She knelt on the ground with her legs, supported the ground with her hands and crawled slowly, swinging her waist during the action, Qin An could imagine her ass upturned and enchanting at this time even if she looked from the front.

And it was not without the scenery in front. She crawled on her knees, her clothes falling and her neckline wide open, Qin An could see the white on her chest.

It's not that Qin An has never seen the demon's chest, but this looming feeling is more exciting.

Qin An swears that he is really not interested in the demon, or that he actually doesn't have much thoughts about any woman now.

However, as a man, Qin An is still gorgeous, and naturally, he did not intentionally give rise to the feeling that he should have as a man.

Embarrassingly put his hand between his legs, Qin An himself didn't know if he wanted to comfort or cover.

"What are you doing here?""Why not, I'm just a little hungry, and your taste is delicious... Beast Cangtian said that eating behavior is a great thing, because this is the only thing that we do almost every day but never get tired of. Pieces!"

While talking, the demon had already climbed onto Qin An's body, and her face was close to Qin An's.

"You know? I've never been hungry. This is the first time, and it feels bad. You...let me smell it, right? It's..."

"Wangmei quenches thirst?"

"Well, the word seems very appropriate, it's almost what it means, so don't resist, let me smell it."

The demon was really very close to Qin An, and the distance between her lips and Qin An's lips was only ten centimeters.

Qin An could smell the taste in her mouth, which seemed very sweet.

This should be a psychological effect, because the demon's appearance matches Qin An's perception of beautiful women in his aesthetics, so it is very comfortable to look at her, and this is the reason for this sweet feeling.

"Maybe I can give you a hand? You lie on me face to face like this, making me uncomfortable."

"Qin An, do you want to teach and train with me? I have never taught and trained with male animals in my life, not knowing how long. On. To use the metaphor on your planet, mice can fall in love with cats, but cats will never want to give birth to a mouse. Since there is no interest in giving birth to offspring, then education and training is naturally meaningless. It’s strange. I don’t think of you as a mouse now. You are obviously not very strong, right?"

This is indeed a group of Yaozi, she always feels that Qin An has a sense of closeness.

The ancestors of the seven beasts were originally born together, but later dispersed.

Demonic Beasts, sacred beasts, and cursed beasts wandered to the savage beast continent with their wits, but they forgot the other ancestor beasts that were born with them.

As a compatriot of Demonic Beasts, Magical Beasts naturally have some spiritual connections with each other.

Qin An was able to resurrect and become today's Qin An, mostly because of Magical Beasts, so his soul power has the smell of Magical Beasts, which naturally makes Demonic Beasts like it.

"I am really not strong, so I don't fit you well, and I don't want to do that with you. Then do you still want to eat me?"

Qin An felt that a black line had risen on his forehead, because he found that the corners of the demon's mouth had left saliva.

The wet look on this coquettish woman's red lips is very attractive, but she has a heart that wants to eat herself.

"Forget it, the more you smell it, the more hungry you get! It's really annoying!"

Yaozi gave up annoyed and continued to hear about Qin An, but she lay directly in Qin An's arms, relying on her softly.

For the demon, this is still a kind of animal behavior, the mutual dependence of animals is like humans shaking hands together.

The arrogant savage beast king like Yaozi was originally disdain to shake hands with anyone, but Qin An was an exception to her because of Magical Beasts.

Qin An helplessly let the demon child hold him, feeling the richness and softness of her pressing on his chest, feeling a little bit sad in his heart.

I don’t know what the Qin family’s women, and what his well-known wife Haitang is doing now? Do you already know that you are trapped?

It's a depressing situation.

Just thinking about it, footsteps and voices came from a small road connected in the circular space.

"Ah, this maze is so fun! How many forks have we traveled? Do you remember? Haha, because of the marked reasons, we have walked the untraveled road from beginning to end, but still could not find the entrance, nor It should be bad luck to meet the boss, right?"

"Weihong, you have always been a lucky girl, how can you be unlucky?"

"Hate! Conan Baird, I love you the most beautiful words, but I like your beautiful words, which are very touching, just as beautiful as the ballads of the legendary Planet with the poet."

With the voice of speaking, a group of soldiers first appeared and saw Qin An and the demon sitting in the corner embracing each other for a moment. Then they cautiously surrounded the neighborhood and said loudly, "Who are you?"

Qin An and Yaozi didn't run away immediately, because they were really tired of running.

And along the way, their attitude when meeting this group of players is to play first, but not to run.

The demon didn't speak at all, she seemed to be asleep in Qin An's arms, and there was a little bit of the appearance of an orc queen.

Qin An was also very lazy. He raised his head and glanced at the group of people, curled his lips without giving any explanation, intending to passively accept the development of the situation.

Conan Baird and others finally appeared, a close guard guarding Conan Baird's side nervously said: "How does this look like a BOSS?"

"Why? How could the BOSS be like this? Look, they are clearly a couple of players, and they seem to be extremely affectionate. They should have been trapped in this maze for a long time. I guess they haven't found the entrance. I found the way to the second floor, so I’m trapped now. Hey, you look tired, are you already very hungry? Come here and give you some food. This is the scallion pancake I bought in the city. , I am an authentic foodie, there are so many scallion pancakes in the package!"

Wei Hong had already walked forward while speaking, and went to Qin An's side to deliver food to him.

"Miss, be careful!"

Hong Ji followed up and spoke softly, but she didn't stop Wei Hong's movement. She understood Miss's temper and she must do what she had to do.

Qin An raised his head and glanced at the reddish, slightly stunned.

Qin An's dark attributes hadn't disappeared in the woods before, so he actually knew the origins of all enemies, including this reddish red.

Listening to her, Qin An felt that this girl was an arrogant and stupid Miss. Now when I came to Qin An, Qin An looked at him and remembered the change.

This is a strange guy.

She is very tall, about 1.6 meters, but her delicate skin is not like a 16-year-old girl can have.

Qin An has super vision. In his previous experience, he has studied many things that others would not study.

For example, the subtle facial expression changes of a person, such as how many people have eyelashes, such as the age represented by the fine lines of a woman's skin, and the shape of a woman's chest and XX parts...

This last thing Qin An is hard to tell, but he doesn't think he is very dirty.

If a man with the ability to see through can not see through women's clothes to see the other person's body, then this kind of man must be a monster or an idiot!

Qin An doesn't want to be a monster or an idiot, so he often spies on women.

Men are such creatures. They have seen many female bodies, but they will continue to want to see them when they see new products, and they will be stimulated in the same way. In the moral Realm, they may be called perverts and wretched men. , The next three abuses, but for nature, Qin An's behavior is just the instinct of a male creature, and should not be criticized.

Human beings are human because they have thinking and thinking patterns.

The so-called thinking and thinking mode are two different concepts.

Thinking refers to what you are thinking about.

The thinking mode is a kind of inertia of thinking that arises after being constrained by various things in the social system, which is very subjective.

Therefore, Qin An feels that he really shouldn’t be criticized. If someone wants to criticize him, it must be caused by the comfortable thinking mode in the social system. People who cannot escape their own thinking mode are often fools or have no longevity. Big kid. The reason why little children are little children is because they still don't use their own eyes to see the world, to feel life with their own heart, and to think completely according to the cultivated thinking mode.

Qin An’s theory has not been mentioned before, because he discovered that in social physique, it is not just a kid, but many adults can’t escape the mode of thinking.

For example, if a man falls in love with a woman, people think that he can send flowers to that woman and write love letters to that woman. This is the right way to pursue it.

However, if the man kisses a woman forcibly, he will be considered a pervert if he does some excessive behavior toward the woman.

The woman in question will think so too, and then she will be angry, she will think that this man is a bad person, very annoying, and should be punished.

And that man is really not bad. All his actions are only because of love. Whether it is pulling her hand or kissing her suddenly, it is the most direct expression of love, but it cannot be influenced by the way of thinking under the social system. accept.

In private, Qin An felt that he was a little incompatible with the current social system.

This is also the reason why he feels very comfortable with the devil these days.

The demon's speaking and acting style is more direct, without a sense of social system restraint, which makes Qin An envy.

In short, in Qin An's mind, he is an upright pervert, supported by theoretical foundation, he can unscrupulously look at the nakedness of those big girls and little wives, and after reading them, he will study the records, and then he will not get tired of it all by himself.

Although he lost his super vision at this time, according to Qin An's rich experience, he still felt that there was a problem with the redness in front of him. She really didn't look like she was sixteen years old, she seemed to be younger, three or four years old?

Ah, maybe people in the future will be relatively late. Qin An feels a little boring when he curls his lips. Of course, he can't use the standards of people on earth to measure the development of Martians in the future world."Thank you, cute little beauty, we are really hungry."

Qin An is not welcome, and after taking a few bites of the so-called scallion pancake, it tastes really good.

The demon was really asleep, and Qin An's chirp woke her up when she was eating.

Slightly opened his eyes, watching Qin An's lips squirming, the demon's mouth rose up in dissatisfaction.

"Huh, are you eating alone?"

"Uh... I swear I thought of you first."

"Then why do you eat alone?"

"Because I think of you, I think a lot. As far as I know, you don't eat anything except meat."

"So you just ate alone?"


"Okay, then you can eat something full, and eat white and fat, if I am hungry for a while and can't bear it, I will eat you! Let you eat alone! Humph!"


Qin An was stunned for two seconds, and finally continued to squirm his mouth, chewing the scallion pancake fully into his mouth.

Weihong heard the conversation between Qin An and Yaozi and found it very interesting.

"Haha, this little Big sis turned out to be a carnivorous animal! This can't be difficult for a real foodie, I also prepared a lot of meat food in the storage ring, little Big sis, here you go, take it!"

While speaking, the reddish enthusiastically took out some meat food from the storage ring and handed it forward.

Qin An just wanted to reach out and take it, but he did not expect that the demon who had closed his eyes in his arms raised up and took his arm.

"Beast Cangtian said that a king should not eat food rewarded by others. Only those pets will be fed without labor and wait for feeding!"

Qin An narrowed his eyes and looked at the calming woman with her eyes closed in her arms. His eyes became a little brighter, and he felt that this woman had many advantages and was very cute.

"Then how did you eat what I gave you before?"

Almost without hesitation, Qin An directly asked the question in his mind.

"Beast Cangtian also said that friends can share food, so I am not accepting your reward, just sharing it with you."

"Do you consider me your friend?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I don't want to tell lies, Qin An, you are a guy that makes me feel like it. It's an honor?"

The demon finally opened his eyes again, looking at Qin An with piercing eyes.

With a smile on Qin An's face, he nodded and said, "It's a great honor!"

At this time, all the people in the circle frowned and shook their heads, feeling unhappy.

They thought they had found the BOSS, but now it seems that this should be a couple, it's really disappointing!

Lovers are not unavailable on Mars and the moon, but most couples, even aristocrats, hide where no one is when they show affection, because such things as show affection are not accepted by mainstream thinking.

Therefore, Hongji frowned when she saw Wei Hong approaching Conan Baird and felt wrong. It was determined by the theme and ideological factors, which was a manifestation of the imprisonment of logical thinking in the future world social system.

Therefore, facing the intimate behavior and dialogue between Qin An and Yaozi, everyone felt a little unacceptable.

At this moment, a trembling man's voice suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"Little demon, apart from that ancient god, I haven't seen you be so close to anyone! Could it be that you have fallen to this level since I left the savage beast continent? The lower creatures are so close?"

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