Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1701 Mom, They Beat Me

Will you be successful?

Naturally, the demon hadn't heard this sentence, but she was an ancestor, with an exquisite mind, and soon understood the meaning of the verse.

"Well, it's very appropriate!"

"Haha, let's go, our game punishment is 24 hours, now half of it has passed, hope..."

Before Qin An's words were finished, the system Xiao XX suddenly issued a warning tone.

"Warning, master, you are already standing at the entrance of the rabbit cave on the second floor. This is also a trap. Once you stand here for more than five hours, the entrance will automatically open. Please be careful!"


It turns out that this circular space is the entrance to the second floor, and the entrance will be activated if you stop here for more than five hours. Who can imagine this?

Just when Yaozi Qin An felt something strange in her heart, the ground under her feet suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and the two fell directly. After a while, their bodies touched the smooth surface and began to slide downward, as if they were sitting on a rotating slide. After one lap, I don't know how many laps have passed, they finally fell to the ground, falling on a piece of skeleton, arousing dust.

What appeared in front of him was a boundless space, where you could see the sky when you looked up, and that day was gray. There was a huge black hole in the middle of the sky. It should be the place where Qin An and the Yaozi fell in. Under the feet, there are extended white bones that cannot be seen. These bones seem to be old and are a little loose. Stepping on them will quickly turn them into powder.

Qin An and Yaozi were in pain all over when they were thrown, but they were not injured. This should be a system setting.

The second floor of the Rabbit Cave is a space. This space has heaven and earth. Although there is no maze, it is more painful than a maze wall, because it is too barren and huge.

"There is a dangerous smell in the air, I can smell it."

The demon's face was indifferent, his expression was solemn, his eyes were sharp, and the corners of his mouth were sneered.

Qin An frowned and looked around again and again, except for the endless bones, there was nothing else at all.

In other words, if there is real danger, it should come from these bones?

"Warning, warning! The 20th-level BOSS Rabbit Bone Empress is about to attack, please be prepared for the player, please be prepared for the player!"

Damn it? There is even a level 20 BOSS on the second floor of the rabbit cave? And Qin An and Yaozi just dropped into this space, why did it appear? Rabbit bone empress, what the hell?

Just thinking about it, the broken bones nearby suddenly seemed to have life, and began to move and roll.

The whole earth seems to have become an ocean of bones, and it is undulating at this moment, and the waves are surging into the sky in an instant.

Qin An subconsciously took the Yaozi's hand. The Yaozi was used to touching Qin An's body, so he didn't respond, and just focused on observing the changes in the map with Qin An.

After the storm instigated the sea of ​​bones to roll over for a while, the bones flew up and gathered together, and finally formed a white bone woman with a height of ten meters.

This is obviously a woman with white bones. Although she has no flesh on her body, she can still be judged by her enchanting body to be a woman's bones.

Is this the 20th-level BOSS Rabbit Bone Empress?

"Hahaha, the tiny creature actually broke into the second floor of the rabbit cave, wanting to find my favorite man, Mr. Rabbit Hermit? Tell you, it is impossible, because you will die in this place!"

The bones of the rabbit vomited, and after the voice fell, she suddenly shot, and many bone spurs grew suddenly on the entire skeleton's arm, and then quickly shot out, the target of the attack was Qin An and the Yaozi.

The two of them didn't even think about it, but they moved more quickly, but the bone spurs also moved quickly, and in the end a few of them passed through Qin An and Yaozi.

"Attention, the bone spur attack of the Rabbit Bone Empress has a high hit rate, and cannot be evaded, and cannot be evaded!"

Xiao Cha Cha suggested the reason. Qin An had a headache, but it turned out that he couldn't avoid it because of the high hit rate. He was played by the data.

After the bone spur entered the body, the body was naturally aching, and the blood donation flew out.But this kind of pain only lasted for a second before the bone spurs disappeared. Xiaochacha reminded Qin An that the amount of blood lost reached 500, and the amount of blood lost by the demon was almost 500, and Yanhong's anti-injury ability was evaded by the opponent's boss. .

"What to do? If we can't dodge the attack, we won't last long!"

After the demon shouted, he rushed forward and took out the Jin Ge Iron Horse Warhammer from the Interspatial Ring and the Rock Red War Sword with his left and right hands and hit the Rabbit Bone Empress.

Huh, a line of blood lines marked it, and the blood-red font was flying at the wound at the same time.

Reduce 100 drops of blood!

The demon was overjoyed. He didn't expect that own damage was not bad, and he could knock out so much blood from the BOSS at once.

Because of the damage, the total blood volume of the health bar on the top of the boss's head appeared.


"Qin An, am I right?" The Yaozi's eyes were straight, and he forgot to attack, but was almost stepped on by the big feet of the Rabbit Bone Empress.

"That's right, a million-blood boss, and it is full of blood, and the blood recovery speed is very fast. We can't kill it. It is difficult to deal with it without a hundred or eighty people!"

While talking, Qin An has summoned the sea of ​​fire and thunder to attack the boss, and knocked out 2000 blood drops in one minute. He must keep attacking, otherwise the opponent's blood volume will continue to rise.

In one minute, Qin An and Yaozi were attacked by bone spurs several times, and their blood volume had been reduced by two-thirds.


Qin An didn't even want to take the demon and ran away.

"How can I escape? I'm the Beast King..."

"Beast, your sister, you are a demon now! It's not too late to cooperate with each other to kill him when our dark attributes are restored!"

While talking, Qin An had already picked up the demon and ran out for a long way. He didn't want to become the food in the mouth of the bunny girl.

Fortunately, the place here is big enough, and the moving speed of the rabbit bone empress is too slow to catch up with the two people. They ran for half an hour and finally escaped from the rabbit bone empress' detection range.

The Rabbit Bone Empress turned into white bones, scattered all over the ground, and entered a dormant state.

After leaving the battle, the blood volume began to recover, but it was very slow. It took almost a minute to recover a drop of blood. Now there is no blood bottle, so I can only wait slowly.

"It's really disappointing. There isn't even a mob here. The entrance is high up in the sky. How do we get out? Are we going to be trapped here if we can't beat the monster? Qin An, you hurry up and find a way!"

After the demon was put on the ground by Qin An, his heart was full of discomfort, his face was gloomy and his mouth rose high.

"I have to think of any other way, we will wait, the second floor is full of players, I don't believe they can't find this place. When they come, it will naturally be waiting for the fisherman's benefit."

"Hey, you said that the second-tier bosses are so powerful, aren’t the third-tier bosses even better? It seems that it’s rare to have a good mix of you and me in this world. Raiders bosses are definitely not one or two people. Things that can be done."

"It's not necessarily. We just need to hurry up and upgrade. Although this monster has a high blood volume, its defense is actually not high. If we have enough attack power, we can hack it to death with a few stabs."

Qin An and Yaozi talked differently, and the emotions in their hearts were not too high.

Not long after, the first batch of more than one hundred players finally fell from the sky, and soon afterwards the Rabbit Bone Empress was activated.

Of course they were excited when they found the BOSS, and they were as depressed as Qin An and Yaozi after discovering the blood volume of the BOSS.

The difference from Demon Qin An is that their defense power is not high, and their blood volume is not much. Two bone spurs of a monster can kill a player. In just a few minutes, more than a dozen players are shot by bone spurs. Really die.

The players began to panic and felt that this was not a welfare. The monsters were obviously the life-saving Yama, so they fled and began to contact people.

After dozens of minutes, more players entered, including Holden, Conan Baird, Wei Hong, Hong Ji, Xi Wa, Feng Qi, Yabu, Slowland, Zach and so on. Of course, the other two powerful leaders, Li Xianglan and Spielt, were also present, and almost four thousand people gathered in the second-level space world in an instant. If it hadn't been for Qin An and Yaozi to kill more than 20,000 players back to the city, more people would have gathered at this time.

"Haha, this should be the real BOSS? Although the blood volume is high, the damage is not too exaggerated. It seems that the defense is still weak. We have more people and all besiege. But if we explode, how should we distribute it? "

Li Xianglan, Spilt, and Horton have gathered together and have begun to discuss the distribution of benefits, and the three parties have begun to attack.

The signal here is shielded from the outside space, so everyone like Holden and Conan Baird doesn't know what happened outside, let alone the own family is almost wiped out.

The distribution plan was briefly negotiated, and the final decision was that the mage items belong to Li Xianglan, the fighter items belong to Speelt, and the poison master items belong to Horton.

Although the level 20 BOSS is a blood cow, there are too many players on this side. The close combatants surrounded and split, and the long-range mages and poison masters used the skills together, but the BOSS blood volume had bottomed out in five minutes.

In the distance, Qin An and Yaozi were hiding in the gloom and looking at them a bit staggering. It really was because there were so many people and powerful.

Just as the BOSS was about to be killed, the sudden change suddenly rose, and the nearby residual bones fluctuated rapidly, and a huge skeleton monster with a height of 100 meters was formed. A line of characters was marked on the head of the monster, which read "Rabbit bones." Empress’s mother"...

"Oh, mom, they beat me!"

The Rabbit Bone Empress actually cried loudly and complained to the huge skeleton monster.

"Huh, tiny human! How dare you hit my daughter? Little Sister rabbit bone, Little Sister rabbit bone, Big sis rabbit bone, hurry up all come out and give revenge to your sister Rabbit bone empress!"

The voice fell, and the nearby residual bones fluctuated again, and three other skeleton monsters with a height of ten meters appeared!

The people nearby are all dumbfounded, what the hell is this! Is Rabbit Bone Empress actually counted as a mob? The real boss turned out to be the rabbit bone empress her mother?

After a while of stunned and hissed sounds, the system prompt sounded.

"The hidden mission is activated, and the 20th-level elite BOSS appears. Please kill the rabbit bone empress mother and the four siblings of the rabbit bone empress. After the task is completed, you can get rich rewards!"

The sound of the system just fell, and the 100-meter-high Rabbitbone Empress her mother had waved the huge bone hammer in her hand and smashed it down, killing dozens of players. Her pure physical attack was too powerful, and she could directly attack ordinary players. Spike.

"Hurry up!"

A group of people shouted and attacked the Rabbit Bone Empress and her mother, only to be frightened again.

The defensive power of her mother is amazing. The magic of a group of high-attack mage can only reduce a few points of her health at one time. What is more terrifying is that when she is injured, the total health bar leaks out, and it is written. Yes: "10000000!"

This thing has 10 million blood, which is ten times more than the one million blood of the Rabbit Bone Empress!

Fuck, how can I play this?

Some players already had fear. At this time, another batch of players on the first floor entered, which restored the low atmosphere, and the number of players reached more than 5,000.

Let's fight, what else can we do? If you don't attack the BOSS, all your previous efforts will be wasted.

Under the control of high-level personnel, the players once again plucked up the courage to rush forward and fought around four ordinary BOSSs and an elite BOSS. The atmosphere was actually very spectacular. A group of people released various shining skills around the monsters, but it was also good. However, the occasional flying player's blood and broken corpses are wonderful.

The fighting continued, and it lasted a long time.

Rabbit bone empress her mother does not have too special abilities. She is a fighter-type BOSS with strong defensive power. Although physical attacks are also strong, they are relatively easy to dodge.

The scary thing about her is the amount of blood, and the effect of being able to apply various attributes to the four little BOSS, as well as continuously healing them to speed up the blood recovery speed.

After two hours of fighting, people gradually figured out the way. If you want to deal with them, you must deal with the rabbit bone empress her mother. Only by killing her can you kill the four little bosses, otherwise they will always be treated. .

After watching the battle for a long time, Horton looked tired, but the blood volume of the rabbit bone mother and her mother only dropped by one-fifth. How can this be good? If you continue to fight, people will become more and more tired and eventually lose the ability to fight. .

Looking sideways at the bald woman Hong Ji, Horton rolled his eyes, and then smiled and said, "Master Hong Ji, don't you want to take the shot as well as us? Monsters are really too difficult to deal with."

"Yeah, it's really difficult. It's harder to deal with than our 20th or even 30th-level bosses. Lord Horton, even if I take a shot, I have to slowly reduce its blood volume. There is no good way. And I His mission is to protect Miss, so..."

"Hong Ji Big sis, I don't need protection, let's go, let's all do it, let's kill this BOSS together! Okay, if it is a pet egg, it will be given to me!"Wei Hong interrupted Hong Ji's words and said her own thoughts. After that, regardless of her own thoughts, she stepped forward and rushed towards the boss.

Hong Ji and Horton are a little dumbfounded, they don't know why this girl is so irrespective of the situation, and she ran out. The attack power of the BOSS is still amazing. Wouldn't it be easy to die if she went out?

Hong Ji immediately followed, Horton waved his hand hurriedly and asked Conan Baird to send someone to support, while Horton himself led others to follow.

The old guy is now a mage professional. He wears a level 15 gold suit. He is armed to the teeth. He doesn’t need to move forward. He just hides behind and outputs remotely. The key is to bring the reddish guy with you. return.

At this time, the Raiders BOSS has reached a feverish level. The leaders of the other two forces saw that Horton took the action personally. Naturally, they couldn't be idle, so they also led the elite bodyguard player around him to join the battle.

These people have higher levels and equipment, and immediately caused strong damage to the BOSS after joining the battle.

After playing for so long, people already know how to attack the BOSS better, as long as the fighters lead the four little BOSS away, and then concentrate on attacking the rabbit bone empress and her mother. Believe that as long as killing the other four elite BOSS should be easy to deal with.

In the distance, Qin An couldn't help but feel a little unhappy when he looked at the scene of the boss playing on the other side.

Perhaps I should also look for opportunities to make good use of the resources of the Qin family. A group of people is better than being alone.

It’s a pity that I didn’t notice this before, but now it’s too late to rely on the Qin family. This Giant City has been shrunk by a factor of several. It is estimated that anyone who enters will be judged by the system as a smaller player. Because of the Qiqiong, he couldn't escape, and could only be trapped.

So even if Qin An could contact the Qin family, it would be impossible for the Qin family to come to this place of death.

Hey, I don't know what Qin Potian is doing now. He chose the Protoss, maybe he should be on the other side of the world, right? And will he get along well with Yaotian, Shennong and others? Don't have any crisis.

Thinking of these Qin An felt a little sad.

"Huh? Qin An, what do you think that woman is doing?"

"What's wrong?"

Qin An inadvertently looked up and saw that Xi Wa, who claimed to be a God woman, was walking through the crowd. She would occasionally take action to kill some anemic guys unconsciously in the crowded crowd.

The battlefield is chaotic. Thousands of people are all piled up in order to attack the BOSS. This woman is not clever at killing people secretly, but she really can't see her movements in the crowd.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

The demon seemed to be tired from standing, pulling Qin An's arm against him.

Qin An knew what kind of temper the demon child was, and knew that her sticking to her like this was just a manifestation of good feelings, and there was no deeper meaning, so she didn't care about it.

"She seems to kill the people around the fighter Horton, why is this? I heard it with super hearing before. This woman is a bounty hunter invited by Conan Baird to attack the boss, but her behavior now... .... Could it be said that Conan Baird's goal is not the boss at all, but the house owner Horton?"

"You're super hearing, can you hear everything?"

"Well... I didn't pay attention to him before. Now I want to come to see the bounty hunter he invited before they enter the central valley. I really didn't mention the Raiders BOSS, but just said that everyone would do their best. Do your best to complete his previous entrustment... Hey, demon, maybe we have a good show!"

"Cut, I don't bother to watch these intriguing games, Qin An, you should think about how to finally snatch the fruits of their labor."

"What do you need to think about? Let them fight. I guess they won't be able to finish the fight after our dark attributes are restored."

"Haha, yeah! We will kill them all back to the city when the dark attributes are restored! Although a large-scale total kill will be punished by the game, if we take it slowly, we will be fine! Great, Qin An, you really clever!"

The demon charmingly stuck to Qin An, making Qin An blush.

This wasn't because of the demon's contact. Twenty Qin An felt that Own's attention was not clever, so the demon's praise of his cleverness was a bit exaggerated.

Yaozi didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her complimenting Qin An, she was just happy and wanted to express her own emotions.

This woman is really getting used to being with Qin An. She herself hasn't realized what a special event this is for her.

In the long years of leaving the ancient gods, this is the first time that she has treated a person like this. It is unique...

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