Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1702 Break Through The Memory Cage

Conan Baird was excited at this time, he felt that everything went too smoothly! He even thought that Wei Hong was actually a lovely girl.

Take a look, how cooperative is she?

Originally, Horton would not be able to take action on this occasion, but because Wei Hong ran out ignorantly, Holden could only move forward. Otherwise, Wei Hong’s father would complain that Holden ignored his daughter’s life and death. Whether red is dangerous.

Conan Baird's plan in the melee can finally be opened.

Let's get rid of the confidants that the old guy can trust first, if he can find a chance to let the BOSS kill the old guy, then he can laugh to death.

Yes, you should let Fengqi do it when you are in Xiwa, turn on the taunting ability and take the BOSS to the old guy. As long as the old guy is attacked several times and let people see him, he can secretly start and let the owner surround him. Old guy chopped it up! People will have an old guy killed by the boss! Ha ha!

The more Conan Baird thinks about it, the more it feels smoother, but Wu You thinks in his heart.

It's just that things didn't go as smoothly as he thought. Horton is still a cunning man. He is always surrounded by a large group of bodyguard players. Once he sees the BOSS approaching, he will immediately dodge.

Horton didn't forget to care for the red color, but he would not come forward by himself, but gave a loud order to Conan Baird to bring the red color back.

This made Conan Baird cursed in his heart, but there was no good way. Now that there is a large crowd, it is impossible for him to kill Horton directly.

This BOSS strategy battle lasted for three full days, and the three forces were already taking turns in the battle, otherwise it would be really hurtful, and the enemy would be too fierce.

Elite BOSS has one-tenth of the blood left. Players have become more and more professional. They attract small BOSS, move, and then besiege the elite BOSS. When should they leave and when should they send their skills in groups, the time gap control is just right. A model, completely mastered the laws of BOSS.

Qin An and Yaozi had recovered their dark attributes. They never made a move. They hid ten kilometers away from the battlefield and spied on the center of the second floor of the Rabbit Cave.

After the return of the dark attribute, Qin An was able to observe the situation more clearly, and finally locked Conan Baird and Horton, and found that the Horton family seemed not to be in harmony. Perhaps the reason why Xi Wa was murdering in the dark was to clear Horton's wings?

Qin An couldn't see through the matter until the end, so let's continue to observe.

In three days, Qin An also accidentally found the correct way to open the demon.

"Qin An, is there any meat in your package?"

In the process of getting along, whenever the queen of Tsundere wants to lose her temper, Qin An will take out a piece of fragrant meat to eat, whether it is grilled sausage, steak, roast chicken, delicious duck neck, etc. The queen is willing to eat these things.

Qin An is very generous, a woman wants him, and he has no reason to refuse as a man.

But she has a lot of appetite.

So after giving a little bit, she quickly ate up her bones without vomiting, and asked again.

"That...is there any meat in your package?"

"Hey, I'm not too full!"

"Qin An, how many delicious things did you put in your package?"

"Hmm, spicy, salty, and sweet meats are all liked!"

"Your craftsmanship is amazing!"

"I feel very happy to eat these things!"

"From now on, I will tell the people that Beast Cangtian thinks that the meat should be cooked and seasoned before it tastes good!"

Maybe it's been a long time with Qin An, Qin An's politeness also infected the empress.

So I always ask Qin An for food, making the Queen feel a little bit shy.

In this case, the Queen thought that she should treat Qin An well, which is a kind of return.This was nothing at first, but the problem is that the demon child has a very good attitude towards Qin An. She is the second person in her life besides the ancient gods. If you know that the demon child’s life is long indescribable, then you can see how Qin An’s status has reached today. high.

Therefore, when a group of people was trying to fight the BOSS and threw their heads and blood, Qin An and Yaozi went through a three-day honeymoon period.

After the honeymoon period, they got along more harmoniously, and it happened imperceptibly. Neither of them felt it, or they thought it was logical. This is the most terrifying place.

After breakfast, Qin An stretched out a big lazy waist.

There is a mountain of bones here, and Qin An has alchemy a house behind the mountain for two people to live in.

"Hi, Qin An, how is it?"

"It's almost time for us to play, and the monster's blood has one tenth left."

"Ah, it's finally over, these two days are really boring! Qin An, come on to the bed, let me hold a meeting and smell you by the way."

Qin An jumped onto the bed generously and embraced the demon in his arms without feeling embarrassed at all.

Qin An thinks that the demon child is a beast, so she also regards herself as a beast. In this case, the two animals rubbing close to each other means that they feel good, and naturally they should not be in the same bed as a human being.

The demon still looked unpretentious, hugged Qin An tightly and took a big mouthful.

"Ah, it's so fragrant, Qin An, when will you let me take a bite?"

"...Are you hungry again? The meat in my space is about to be eaten by you. It seems that I need to add something if I find an opportunity."

"No way, you will eat it up soon?"

The demon looked sad.

"Don't worry, we can catch the ingredient monsters and make more of them and put them in the space. I have a lot of seasonings. If there are ingredients, we can make anything delicious."

"Really? That's great! Haha!"

The demon child smiled happily, and Qin An was in a good mood. He liked to get along with the demon child. This was what he thought in his heart, and he felt it was nothing more.

It's just...Does this kind of liking contain some kind of complicated affection?

Suddenly, Qin An's head began to ache, and the pain came suddenly and intensely.

"This...what's wrong with this?"

The demon was a little surprised when he saw Qin An's face twisted and his eyes were blood-red, followed by a heartbeat of concern.

She seldom felt this way. The Yaozi only cared about things related to the ancient gods in her life, and she would never mind things that had nothing to do with the ancient gods no matter what she said.

Realizing that he was really nervous, Qin An, the demon had a sense of understanding in his heart.

How did that happen?

Could it be that she actually found a man who could replace the ancient god in her own mind? Aware of this, the Queen is adorable...

After Qin An had a headache for a while, light and shadow flashed in his mind, it turned out to be many memories of his passing away!

He thought of Weng Lan, who was struggling to meet but had not been able to be together so far. He thought of Xiaoyan who accompanied him through the early stage of the end times, thought of Liu Xia Lanyue, thought of Thirteen Wolf Riders, and thought of Tang. Yu, think of Wang Cheng, think of his end times!

Although these may not be all, but at least this time there are many things that I remembered, and his women are all remembered.


What a complicated emotion, he couldn't bear it!

In only one minute, all the amount of information exploded in his mind and merged into his soul.

The next moment, he burst into tears, hugged the demon tightly, and buried his head in her very upright breast room, crying like a child.

"Qin...Qin An, what's wrong with you? Don't cry..."

The demon was a little at a loss. She understood the meaning of tears. When the ancient gods left, she would often cry, but she hadn't cried for many years.

Feeling that Qin An's face lying on her chest was still full of tears.

At the same time, Yaozi felt that the tears seemed to penetrate her clothes and touch her heart.

Her heart beats so fast!

Trying to calm down the mood, the demon's hand touched Qin An's head.

"Hey, don't cry, why are you crying? I can feel the strong fluctuations of Mental Energy in your mind, you..."

"I think of many things, really many! It's okay demon, I don't know what's wrong, I just want to cry."

"Remember... the past?"

The demon's heart seemed to be beating more violently, and at the same time there was some loss in her heart.

Why are you lost? The demon child asked herself in her heart, and then asked Qin An another question: "Then you still the Qin An I know?"

Qin An seemed to be able to see through the demon's thoughts, and he nodded and said, "I have never changed from the beginning to the end. I am Qin An, a simple ordinary man...this was the case in the previous life, and there has not been much change in this life."

"Then I don't worry, it's Qin An, so don't cry, be good, Big sis loves you."

The demon stroking Qin An's hair, Qin An's pain became less and less, and eventually became groggy and fell asleep.


Horton was picking his nostrils at this time, and lightly tapped the soldiers next to him, and many of them died.

He sat on a huge bone in the makeshift camp with his eyes closed and no one knew what he was thinking.

The Raiders BOSS battle is still going on, the Horton family rests, and in one hour they will take over for Li Xianglan to continue.

Conan Baird was a little depressed at this time. It was obvious that everything went smoothly, and it also killed many of Horton's confidants. Why did his uneasy feeling arise again?

Is it because of Holden's ease?

Yes, it must be so. Holden was too calm, as if nothing happened. He had just counted the number of deaths.

Another thing is also a little weird. In the three days of fighting, many of my own cronies have also died. Could it be said that this is accidental? Are all killed by the boss? Didn't you tell them to stay a little behind? This is too stupid, right?

Under Conan Baird's restless mood, an hour passed slowly.

A new round of BOSS strategy battle has begun.

The Horton family, men and women, young and old, joined the battle, a total of more than a thousand people, replacing the previous force of Li Xianglan.

In fact, the number of deaths of the other two forces is still higher than the Horton family. Although they are also very cautious, they are still incomparable with the Horton family. After all, they have more important things to do besides attacking the boss. , It is an internal struggle, so no matter how fierce the shouting is during the melee, the frequency of actually going forward is very low.

Ten minutes into the strategy battle, an accident happened. Wei Hong approached the Rabbit Bone Empress and was targeted by the flying bone spurs. Hong Ji was beside her. Just now, she was accidentally hit by the Rabbit Bone Empress by her mother. , If it is a normal player, it will be dead, Hong Ji is also considered to have amazing defenses, but has lost two-thirds of her blood, she is planning to retreat to the back to drink some blood bottles and fight again.

At this moment, Wei Hong was in distress, Hong Ji hurriedly stepped forward to help Wei Hong withstand the attack, only one-fifth of his blood remained.

"Miss, at this time, the rabbit bone empress is at the time of high outbreak, so you can't get too close..."

Before Hong Ji finished speaking, she suddenly paused. She found that own body was paralyzed, and she was unable to move.

"Hong Ji Big sis, this is my ability to paralyze poison, and my blood volume is less than half of the miraculous effect, then, I will send you on the road, thank you for your company during this time!"When the voice fell, the dagger in Wei Hong's hand had pierced Hong Ji's body 7 times, consuming Hong Ji's last bit of blood, causing her to die.

The scene of Wei Hong killing Hong Ji was seen by many people. When everyone was shocked, civil strife broke out in the Horton family.

Zach led more than a hundred people who originally belonged to Conan Baird, Xi Wa led bounty hunters such as Fengqi, and attacked the Horton family player at the same time.

Under the siege and raid of the BOSS and these people, less than 100 of the 700 people belonging to the Horton family have died in less than a minute.

"Zach, Xiwa, Fengqi, what are you doing?" Conan Baird's eyes were red when he reacted, and his forehead was bulging. He couldn't believe what he saw.

The other two forces found that the Horton family was fighting, and they were all dumbfounded, not knowing why.

At this time, Xi Wa shouted: "The enemy came to the door and vowed to slay Hortonman! The leaders of the other two forces, we are going to take revenge, and if you don’t want to fight the boss again, you hurry up and take over, otherwise only 20th of them are left. A BOSS with a blood volume can be beaten in vain!"

Xi Wa's words are true, the Horton family is already messy, and who is still in the mood to fight the boss, the elite boss is already recovering blood quickly.

At first glance, the two forces found that it was not good. They didn't bother about the Horton family's affairs, and hurriedly went around to fight with the boss. Their physical strength was weak, so their blood volume was dissatisfied, and they felt miserable when they came to fight again.

Li Xianglan and Spilt got together and began to study whether to support Horton. After discussing a few words, the two of them decided that it is important to ignore the nostalgia or attack the boss. Once the distraction occurs, it is okay to give up all the work, but how to die to oneself. Those who confessed.

Therefore, at this time, Horton fell into an isolated and helpless weakness. Ten minutes later, his people were killed, and only one Conan Baird was left to accompany him.

Xiwa also suffered damage, and there were more than a hundred people left. They moved away from the BOSS area and surrounded Horton and Conan Baird.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? Who are you? Zach, what's going on? Wei Hong! How did you kill Lord Hong Ji? How could this happen?"

Everything came so suddenly that Conan Baird couldn't accept it.

Some of these people are his confidantes, and some are bounty hunters he contacted outside before entering the game. How come they have not followed own instructions now? They did kill the people around Holden, but they also killed some of their own!

Wei Hong let out a breath and was standing beside Xi Wa. She ignored Conan Baird and said to Xi Wa: "Mom, is it wrong for me to expose it so early? We have to deal with that man."

"It's to deal with him, but you don't have to go back. That man, his daughter is like a porcelain doll. How could he just send a red girl to follow and let you come here? So I think he might have found you. The reason for not revealing his disguised identity is actually to find the real Weihong, and when the real Weihong is found, he will remove you without hesitation!"

"What! Are you really reddish? Xiwa, how could she be your daughter?"

Conan Baird was stern.

Xi Wa looked at Conan Baird coldly and nodded:

"Of course she is my daughter! Conan Baird, today I finally have revenge."

"Vengeance? Who are you on earth?"

"I am Xiwa, the woman of God! Thirteen years ago, I fell in love with a young man of aristocrats on Mars. He took me to Mars and made me a genetically modified person. The following year I went back and forth between Mars and the earth. , Living a carefree life of Wu You until you slaughtered tens of thousands of pregnant women in the prairie. Among them were not only my mother, but also my sisters! From then on, I wanted to seek revenge from you , But my man on Mars is timid and dare not offend you, he is just a little noble! So I can only rely on myself! I will not only kill you, but also ruin your family! In this way can I be a mother of tens of thousands Take revenge on the children in their bodies! I tried my best to get Zac and Simma to your side, and it took me a full twelve years to arrange all of my people by your side! Conan Baird, you really think Weihonghui is so clumsy, did you deliberately follow your routine to help you attract Horton? This is actually my arrangement for the fighters, but it is just to kill you all! Now West Malaysia probably has killed all the people in your Horton family territory. No matter whether you are an adult or a child, none of them will be let go! Fortunately, your whole family has entered the game, otherwise I will leave regrets, huh!"

From beginning to end, Xi Wa would have a calm tone and a cold face.

After saying this, she turned her head to look at Wei Hong, then pulled her into her arms and patted her on the back lightly.

The red eyes were full of tears, sobbing and sobbing.

Xi Wa sighed long, then said:

"This child was born out of my womb. Do you know who her father is? Conan Baird, you killed all the pregnant women and let them smash the corpses in the wilderness. You would never have imagined that I was from those corpses. Extracted their genetic code!


Fusion of these genetic codes into my egg cell, and then combined with the YY chromosome to create a super fertilized egg, so ah, this child is actually the killer of your Chaos family! There are tens of thousands of mothers and children's genes in her genes. She is the masterpiece of my life! "

Xi Wa's face finally became unstable and became a little fanatical.

"How is it possible? How do you combine so many genes in everything to keep this creature in human appearance and intelligence? It's impossible!"

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