Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1703 Mysterious Reddish

Conan Baird does not believe in the existence of this kind of technology. Although Kronen technology is indeed very developed in the future world, it is still immature to integrate many excellent genes and combine with fertilized eggs to create superhumans.

The biggest problem is that all creatures created after gene fusion are indeterminate, that is, they cannot become human forms, and end up becoming monsters.

So Conan Baird couldn't believe what Xiwa said.

"Haha! It's impossible! I also think it's impossible. I just tried to do this at the beginning. I happened to know a geneticist on Mars. He has been doing this kind of work. Originally, he himself thought he would make it. A monster came out, but when this baby was born from my body, everyone was shocked. She was a cute little girl, not much different from humans! But when she grew up, the little girl gradually showed Her supernatural abilities, first of all, she can change her facial features at will, and she is powerful, her body has powerful self-repairing ability, and the blood is in a conjoined state, even if it is injured, the blood will not flow out, because they are in contact with the girl’s body. They are connected together. Her appearance is no different from humans, but the structure is actually different from ordinary humans, because her blood has the characteristics of thick conjoined one, so she does not need blood vessels..."

Xi Wa narrated loudly with excitement, his face finally turned a little crazy.

For twelve years, she endured it for twelve years, but arranging everything, but because of the powerful force of the Horton family, she dared not do anything.

Now, entering the game world, everyone has returned to the starting line.

The genetic upgraders of the Horton family are no longer so powerful, and they also need to upgrade from scratch.

So Xiwa actually gathered a lot of people on his side. They were all family members of pregnant women who died in the past, and they were all waiting for revenge.

Now that the opportunity suddenly came, Xiwa naturally responded!

In fact, Xi Wa thought of a strategy as early as a year ago. She tried to catch the man's daughter Wei Hong, and then let her own daughter Yashan replace Wei Hong.

Yashan fulfilled his mission, not only found a way to get to know Conan Baird, but also reached a marriage with him.

Xiwa has been studying how to use this chess piece, and finally has today's layout.

In fact, Xiwa is not satisfied with this layout, she thinks Yashan should have a greater effect.

It's a pity that in the end she found that the man was taking precautions against Yashan, so she could only activate Yashan in a hurry, using Wei Hong's identity to come here to attract Horton from the safe zone first, and then kill them all.

Xi Wa looked terrified after telling the true origin of the reddish red. She knew how brutal the own revenge plan was. Many women and children in the Horton family territory were naturally innocent, but the order she gave Xima was all punishable. kill.

Xi Wa felt that she was a woman of God. She actually wanted God's protection, because she knew that she had been dazzled by hatred and knew what kind of killing she was doing.

She used to be a simple little girl, the girl who ran and sang on the grassland with croissants was exactly her!

In any case, the ending she wanted had appeared, and she slowly walked in front of Conan Baird and Horton. She found that Conan Baird seemed to be shocked, but Horton was still so calm.

"Is it older, Horton, aren't you afraid now?"

West Malaysia is a little curious.

Holden let out a breath, and said faintly: "There is nothing to be afraid of, this lady, I am very curious. I can understand that you want revenge. It is normal for you to regard Weihong's father as an enemy. After all, he is indeed a bad one. Guy, the human-faced beastly heart is straightforward. But are you really ready? I caught Weihong and found someone to be a stand-in. Can you bear the revenge from that powerful family of men?"

"Outside I must not be able to bear it, but this is already a game world, and the map space is unfamiliar. Why should I be afraid of him? Besides, his daughter has been captured by us for a year, and then he was brought into the game and hidden. In a very remote novice village, how does the man dare to treat us with her as a hostage?"

Holden laughed and shook his head: "It's a pity, you only know that his precious daughter is dying, but you don't know that this girl named Weihong is actually a real strong! He is so strong, and his daughter is so strong again. How could it be a straw bag?"

As he spoke, Horton's face became gloomy, and then his old face changed, turning out to be a woman, and another redness appeared!

what happened?

Xi Wa retreated a few steps in shock and couldn't believe her own eyes.

Yashan was also shocked, her mouth opened and she couldn't believe the facts before her."Hmph, this Miss originally just wanted to see what tricks you were going to play, but I didn't expect to seek revenge from the Holden family. As for the effort so much? After entering the game, I left the village where you were imprisoned and came here. After killing Horton, the old man changed into him, waiting for your conspiracy. I know you have arranged many people in the Horton family! The result was a bit disappointing. It is idiotic to use these methods to deal with that man! Tell you, if he hadn't promised me not to trouble you, you would have all been killed long ago, and still want revenge? Go dream!"

The really reddish mouth rose up, and his tone felt a little irritating.

Around Xiwa, Yalin and others still couldn't believe that Horton in front of them turned red.

"It's absolutely impossible. I have contacted the guardian Weihong brother, you can't escape!"

Xi Wa stubbornly elaborated his own ideas.

"Yeah, there is indeed a reddish over there, but it's just my clone. I said, I'm a super strong!"

When the voice fell, the reddish body flashed suddenly, and then burst open to shoot out hundreds of blood drops.

Those blood drops will corrode and penetrate into the other person's skin immediately after touching someone.

This attack obviously has a strong positioning ability. The more than one hundred people surrounding this side, except Xiwa and Yalin, were all soaked in blood, and then began to kneel and cry out, seeming to be extremely painful.

The next moment, everyone's bones and skins have all changed, and more than a hundred reddishes appeared...

"Well, this is my ability. After being soaked with my blood, all will instantly become my clones, and they will change forever and never return, unless they die!"

When Zhen Wei Hong spoke, all the clones took out their weapons and attacked the owner's body. To put it bluntly, it was a collective suicide. When their blood volume was exhausted, their bodies disappeared. After being killed by Zhen Wei Hong with dark attributes, they all returned to safety. Area.

Xia and Yalin were a little excited. Seeing their disappearance, they didn't know if they were really dead. They attacked Zhen Weihong together.

Conan Baird was finally awake at this time, he turned his head and ran, like a bereaved dog.

Xiwa, Yalin also had dark attributes, but compared with true reddish, it was far worse.

Before Wei Hong killed them with his dark attributes, she sighed and said: "Look, I am going to trouble me. It's too calm. Now your real enemy has run away, and you will be sent back by me. Isn’t it a pity for the safety zone of novice village, all previous efforts have been abandoned!"

The words fell, Xiwa, Yalin were killed, leaving a heart full of regrets, ordinary Weihong said, but they are ashamed!


In the distance, Qin An only woke up after falling asleep for a while.

The soul has absorbed all the memories, and he is no longer so painful.

The demon was naturally a comfort, and Qin An was a little embarrassed. He wasn't really sad to cry, but the inadvertent recovery of his memory affected his emotions.

When everything returned to normal, Qin An completely became the real Qin An, and he was still in a good mood.

He didn't have time to digest his own memory, and was attracted by the Infernal Affairs drama staged by the Horton family. He really didn't expect the end of the matter to be like this.

After entering the game, Qin An's ability to spy on people's hearts often fails, otherwise he should be able to see through everything long ago, but it is a good thing not to see through, otherwise the story will not be so exciting.

Wonderful is wonderful, but these things have nothing to do with him. Qin An decided to focus on the BOSS. This should be his concern.

Unexpectedly, after the fight, Wei Hong started to run wildly. It didn't take much time to rush to the alchemy house where Qin An and Yaozi were, and to their bedside.

Qin An frowned slightly at this uninvited Miss.

"You can actually find us here?"

Qin An asked curiously.

This mysterious, reddish Miss doesn't seem to think that it is a great thing to fool Xiwa and the others. After she appeared in the room, she looked at Qin An intently with curiosity in her eyes.

"My hearing is different from ordinary people, so all the conversations between you and this woman these days are clear to me. I know that you also seem to have super hearing. The reason you are here is to pay attention to the boss. Who are you? From another world time and space? I heard you talk about the last days, 20 and so and so in AD, you are not from the past time and space, right?"

Qin An and Yaozi looked at each other at the same time, and there was a glimmer of shock in their eyes. This woman was really amazing, she could guess that they were not in the future world!

Before Qin An could speak, Wei Hong had already sat on the bed.

This bed is a big round bed that Qin An has always placed in the space. It has been a great success. All the women in Qin An have slept on it.

Wei Hong is a little familiar, and with a weird smile on her face, she said, "Is your name Qin An? That's a nice name. I want to be friends with you!"


Qin An is speechless, what's the situation? Peach Blossom?

This kind of thought just flashed in his heart, and Qin An knew that things were definitely not that simple.

"This Miss, your father seems to like you very much. I think since you have been running out for a long time, maybe you should go back instead of just being friends here. If I have a daughter, I will definitely Tell them to stay away from unfamiliar handsome guys."

"Haha, are you a handsome guy? Yes, you look good and have a good affinity with me? Don't you think?"

Qin An frowned and looked at it for a while. The little beauty looked like a budding flower bone. After seeing it for a long time, Qin An's brows were raised, not to mention that there is indeed some eyeball, which is more pleasing to the eye.

There are countless people in Qin Anxiang. After most of his memories return, he can still see some clues from the subtle changes in the girl's eyes and facial expressions even if he can't pry into his mind.

"You should not be malicious to me, and... have we met? How do I think you seem to know me?"

"Hey, not only is a handsome guy so smart, he is awesome! But...I don't know if I know you! Qin An, why don't you tell me? We...know?"

Qin An felt that he had a neurosis, and the girl's behavior was too abnormal.

Searching for his memory, Qin An can be sure that he has never seen this girl, let alone knew him.

Then this thing is strange.

Just when Qin An couldn't figure out his clue, he was a little surprised, and the demon suddenly made a move.

A black ball of light appeared on her palm.

Wei Hong retreated to the corner of the room after being shocked, and said with a green face, "What did you do to me?"

The demon child frowned and shook his head, and said faintly: "The little girl is quite powerful. Soul Eater can't be absolutely lethal to you, but it can also make you worse than death..."

"Queen Big sis, don't do this to me! Please!"

Wei Hong immediately begged for mercy.

"Don't get too close to Qin An, or you will be killed!"

The Empress of Tsundere was very satisfied with Wei Hong's performance. She saw her tears coming out and she was retreated so far. She left Qin An's side with great joy in her heart. If she really crushed it, it would be a strong attack on the reddish Mental Energy.

Qin An curled his lips, Wei Hong was obviously pretending to be pitiful, and only a sincere woman like the demon could believe her nonsense.

However, it can be seen that Wei Hong should be really strong, and even the Demon Child's soul-eating attack can't take one move. You must know that the Demon Child's strength is still higher than that of Qin An, and it is an ancestor beast.

Also, after all, these people are from the earth thousands of years later, and the systems they created can be integrated with the Supreme God Curse, which in itself shows that they are not simple.

Qin An was a little curious, but who was the mysterious big figure, the reddish father? Why does Weihong seem to dislike her father?

At this moment, the reddish eyes rolled around, and suddenly his tears broke into a smile."Ah, we have no time, Qin An, please listen to the boss over there, he has entered a bloody and rage state, let's go over there, I will kill the people over there with the dark attribute, you go and fight the boss, although here It's just the second floor of the Rabbit Cave, but this is a hidden mission. It is estimated that this BOSS will definitely explode something good!"

Qin An turned his head and saw that the blood volume of the rabbit bone empress and her mother had indeed bottomed out. It was just that she entered an invincible state at this time, and she also possessed magical abilities. Pieces of ice roars were thrown out to hit nearby players that even her mother did not know.

The Horton family forces have been completely wiped out, and at this time the other two forces added together left more than a thousand people, and suffered heavy losses.

Seeing this situation, Qin An had to ignore Wei Hong for the time being. He picked up the demon and walked away from the alchemy house at the same time that the big bed disappeared. The two were already three kilometers away.

"Ah, awesome!"

Wei Hong was dumbfounded. She had hearing ability to know where Qin An and Yaozi were going. Not long after she teleported away, Qin An teleported twice again, and the person had reached the position of the boss.

This is too exaggerated. Is this transmission ability Qin An's dark attribute?

The reddish eyes flashed brightly, she bit her lower lip, and made a decision in her heart, she must follow Qin An to find out the truth of the matter in the future!

Qin An didn't know that in the future there would be another oil bottle beside him that could not be thrown away no matter what.

On the battlefield,

The demon directly turned on the skills to join the ranks of fighting bosses, while Qin An turned on the dark attribute to kill without saying a word.

The two cooperated very tacitly. After a while, the invincible state of the BOSS was finally broken, and he continued to lose blood quickly, and Qin An had also used the dark attribute to kill more than 300 players back to the safe zone. In fact, he could be faster, but he didn't dare to kill too quickly.

Killing hundreds of players with the dark attribute at one time is not considered cheating, and Qin An does not dare to let the interval between the two releases be too short. After all, losing the dark attribute is still too dangerous. The law of survival in this game world.

In the end, Qin An killed everyone back to the city, and cooperated with the demon child to kill the Rabbit Bone Empress and her mother. In an instant, the BOSS fell to the ground and disappeared, and the colorful objects were scattered all over the place.

The elite BOSS died, and the four little BOSSs also had blood. Qin An and the demon boy quickly killed them, and then burst out a lot of equipment. This time even the demon boy laughed loudly.

Wei Hong finally ran over, her eyes full of light.

"Wow, Uncle Qin An, Demon Empress, can you tell me something..."

Before Wei Hong's words were finished, Qin An had already transported all the equipment into his own package very quickly.

In fact, this is a bit redundant. The system determines that team players collectively attack the BOSS. Which team kills the BOSS last, then which team can pick it up, but other teams cannot do it.

So even if Qin An didn't pick up equipment so quickly, Wei Hong, who didn't participate in the team, couldn't pick up equipment.

In this Raiders, Qin An was a big bargain, mainly because the player's level is very low now, and the dark attributes of Qin An and Yaozi are too abnormal, so they can take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

After the two cleared the battlefield, they hurriedly left and returned to the alchemy house. The little red tail saw that they had teleported away again. They only felt wronged. She finally ran over, and she ran quickly after turning on the dark attribute. But it will take a few minutes!

Depression is depressing, but Wei Hong is not only giving up Qin An, so she continues to run towards the alchemy house.


Outside the sky above the sky, two men in black, a man and a woman, are standing.

They are the spies of the Dead Sect. The male is called Fiktor and the female is called Bu Yi. They are a couple from the human race of the Star of Sword Spirit.

Fiktor frowned slightly, looked at the quiet Giant City, and frowned.

"We have had a lot of spies entering here in the past few days, but none of them have come out. Do we still want to enter?"

"No way, you can't help but obey the order above, go in, just be careful!"

Bu Yi's voice fell, and the man had walked in front and disappeared into the invisible defensive cover of the dome of the warehouse. Fiktor hurriedly followed.....

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