Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1704 A Man From Otherworld

Fiktor, Bu Yi felt like he had taken a roller coaster once, and he seemed to have walked through the gate of time and space again.

When they were down to earth, they had already reached a so-called novice village.

The people here are all very strange, they are all talking about wise zombies, monsters, equipment, upgrades and so on that they don't understand.

Fiktor and Bu Yi looked like Moebi, and wanted to grab their tongues and ask what was going on here, only to find that they couldn't do anything with people because the place under their feet was a safe zone.

The two are just ordinary abilities and do not have dark attributes, so they have actually become ordinary people, but the two of them didn't realize it.

Hiding in the corner and discussing it, Fiktor and Bu Yi decided to follow the player to the outside of the city. It seems that outside the city can be done.

After searching hard for a while, they found the target, two seemingly flimsy guys.

As soon as they left the city, the two immediately attacked, trying to catch them. Only then did they find that the ability had disappeared, and they couldn't beat them at all, and they were caught back.

The next story is actually a bit boring. The two boys wanted to be impolite. Fiktor blushed and threatened not to mess around. They had many companions outside of Giant City, and they might rush in at any time.

As soon as the two heard it, they became solemn, and sent them directly to a huge manor in the wild.

The two were tied up and escorted to a tall house in the manor. They met the man sitting on the dragon chair.

This man is very handsome. By his side, two stunningly dressed beauties were held in his arms. One of them helped him dig his ears, and the other was feeding him fruit.

When he saw the two people who were escorted in, there was a seemingly sunny smile on his face.

Standing up, he walked slowly down to Fiktor and Bu Yi.

Bu Yi was looked at by his eyes, and his face gradually turned red.

This man's eyes are really beautiful and seem to have magical powers. When she looks at her, she can't help her heart beating faster. What is going on?

"I heard you are from outside?"

The man asked suddenly.

Fiktor and Bu Yi looked at each other and understood the man's intentions.

Bu Yi lowered his head, and Fiktor said coldly, "Hmph, do you want to know what the outside world is like? You group of traversers don't seem to know anything, haha, daddy won't tell you!"

The man frowned slightly, then suddenly turned around and swiped down with one hand. A bright silver short knife appeared in his hand. This knife was extremely sharp and directly cut off one of Fiktor's arms.

This is a manor built in the wild, not a safe area, so men can kill the killer.

After Fiktor broke one arm, his health bar dropped to half, which he didn't notice.

What is unbearable for Fiktor is the kind of pain. All the feelings in this world are connected with the real world, so a broken arm will naturally hurt.

"Come on, this is a blood bottle. After drinking it, your blood volume will increase, but your arms will not grow out immediately. According to the system settings, there are actually hospitals in every big city, and some NPCs in these hospitals can help you recover. Physical injury."

When the voice fell, the man forced the blood bottle into Fiktor's mouth. When his blood volume was almost full, he shot again and cut off Fiktor's other arm.

After doing this several times, Fiktor's legs were gone, and only one body remained. He looked exceptionally terrifying. He looked like a four-legged tortoise shrouded in a shell.

Bu Yi saw Own's man being amputated, and was both frightened and excited.

"Don't touch him! You villain! Don't touch him!"

After calling the meeting, Bu Yi found that he could not stop the man, so he prayed instead.

"Please, let him go, I said, I will tell you everything you want to know!"

Bu Yi was actually begging for mercy when he cut off Fiktor’s arms, but the man still didn’t stop, until he cut off Fiktor’s legs, he waved his hand, and this cruel method seemed to him. Normally, he didn't have any peculiar expressions on his face, he was still so plain and handsome.

No longer paying attention to Fiktor, the man came to Bu Yi and looked at the tearful woman who was kneeling on the ground."You are beautiful, I like your neck, it's long. Also like your eyes, it looks so pure?"

While speaking, he pulled Bu Yi up from the ground, then hugged her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips.

Bu Yi suddenly found that he couldn't understand this terrible man.

Why can his face be so calm? He just treated his own man crazily and cruelly, how could he still do nothing like this?

The other party's indifference and plain concession Yi was extremely frightened in her heart, and her body trembled.

A warmer smile appeared on the man's face at this time. He untied the rope that bound Bu Yi, then hugged her in his arms, and left the Great Hall directly to the bedroom behind, ignoring the painful person lying on the ground. Body.

The decoration of the so-called palace is a bit strange, completely wooden structure, varnished on the floor, carved with hollow patterns on the walls, a corner of a large bed on one side, the bed is covered by light gauze. Because the wall is hollow, the wind from outside can blow in and drive the light yarn to slowly dance.

The man put Bu Yi to bed, and then began to take off her clothes.

Bu Yi's body trembled a lot more, but she did not resist. She was 10,000% sure that she did not have any ability to resist in front of this man.

After taking off all of Bu Yi, the man began to kiss her on the neck, from top to bottom to the belly.

Bu Yi was tortured a little stiff, she didn't know what it was? Does this man want to strengthen her?

"I can really tell you everything! We came in from outside, and we received orders to inquire about the situation here, hoping to find out if the Universe God Stone exists, really! I can tell you everything, please. You... let me go..."

Bu Yi paused when she said here, because she was a little out of breath, the man's whole body was flattened on her, and his pretty face was close at hand.

"what's your name?"

"Bu Yi."

"Walking to lead the way, Yiren haggard and love follow! Bu Yi, really a good name."


"Do you have faith?"

"Yes, I believe in death!"

"Oh, it's a pity, I might kill your faith in the future and let you believe in me, okay?"

"Impossible, how can faith be killed..."

When Bu Yi's voice fell, the man's mouth was also pressed, covering her small mouth.

Next, the man and woman on the bed were a little crazy.

In the beginning, it was just a man who was crazy. He was too skillful and knew a woman's body too well.

In the end, the depressed Bu Yi couldn't stand the man's all sorts of teasing, and finally went crazy, letting out a sigh of relief and shouting.

After some rain and cloud, Bu Yi felt a little drunk and dreamy. This feeling is too strange. He has never experienced it with the own man Fiktor. It turns out that they are all right. Men in bed are actually different! She finally believed it!

The man lit a cigarette, which was just driven out. The man is a smoker, and he feels uncomfortable after leaving the cigarette.

He hugged the naked Bu Yi on his body, and the two of them were in close contact with each other. The man took a puff of cigarette severely, and then spit out the smoke onto Bu Yi's face.

Bu Yi coughed, but he didn't feel uncomfortable in his heart. Instead, he received a strange irritation, and only felt that his body seemed to be warming up again.

"Okay, Bu Yi, we can talk about business and tell me everything you know about the outside world. I promised to forgive the man's life, but you will belong to me in the future. This point cannot be refuted."

Bu Yi felt that she should resist, but what qualifications did she have to resist? She really enjoyed the joy just now.

Blushing, Bu Yi finally lowered his head, pressed his face into the man's neck, and began to talk about the outside world.

"This is the earth, but I am not a human race on earth. In 2015 AD, the spiritual Qi upgraded material from an extraterrestrial invaded the earth, and the earth began the end of the world. Later, my planet, the star of the sword spirit, collapsed, and The earth opened the connection channel, and I teleported from the time-space gate to the earth..."

When Bu Yi told the story, the man's calm face finally had some differences, and his eyes began to flicker.

After a long time, Bu Yi finally finished telling everything he knew, while the man fell into contemplation. After a long time, the man spoke softly, as if talking to himself.

"2015 AD... a long time ago! In other words, we entered the game world, and this game world was originally just a city on this earth, and the whole city is called the sky of the sky. The powerful energy cover seals, we are also sealed here, but this world is obviously huge, it can't be a city... Could it be said that this place has been scaled down proportionally?"

"I don't know this. I went to the novice village when I came in, and was arrested by your people shortly afterwards."

"Well, don't worry, this is a place that can make you happy."

The man gently groped Bu Yi's smooth back.

Bouy’s body is very comfortable, but her heart is painful. She questioned herself in the most secret corner of her heart, how could she betray her husband so comfortably lying on a man’s body, lying in a man’s arms Woolen cloth? This is obviously wrong.

"Ah, you said that after 2015, the earth experienced the end of the world, and it has lasted for several decades, and now it is 2059...This is a different trajectory. In my world, the earth has never experienced the end of the world. , And have never experienced aliens...so..."

At this point, the man's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Dear Bu Yi, I really want to know more. Tell me in detail about the story of the forty-nine sword god, and the death god of your death sect, as well as the Kowloon Empire and the Tianyin Dynasty. And the Black Gold Empire."

Bu Yi does intelligence work, so she actually knows a lot.

Now that he had started to talk to the man, Bu Yi didn't intend to hide it, and told more about the things the man cares about.

The two of them hugged each other on the bed and talked until late at night.


Qin An took out the objects and placed them on the floor of the room. It turned out to be full. The demon and the slightly red who had just ran over both had their eyes shining, waiting to watch the attributes of these objects with Qin An.

Qin An felt that he would ignore the reddish follower for the time being, because he was very curious about this woman, and since he couldn't rush to interrogate her, let her slowly observe by his side for the time being.

The most common among all items is actually a potion called the Elixir of Blood Pond.

Each bottle of the blood pool elixir has a blood volume of 10,000. After taking it, it can automatically replenish the blood volume during battle. It can be refilled at a time of 100, and it can be refilled every three seconds.

This is different from ordinary blood bottles, which can only replenish their blood volume when they exit the combat state.

It can be said that this blood pool elixir is a good medicine for fighting monsters and upgrading PK player.

Qin An is very happy to earn part of the Interspatial Ring, and half of the demon.

Looking at the pitiful look at Own's red color, Qin An frowned and thought, and finally threw a bottle to her.

Wei Hong took a stunned moment, and then said in an aura: "Would you like to be so stingy? You two have divided hundreds of bottles, so why do you only give me one bottle?"

"Weihong, we are not teammates! How do you say? It's like suddenly I was paid, and the amount has doubled compared to usual. I am naturally happy, so there is nothing wrong with giving alms to passersby, do you understand?"


The reddish little face was red, and the cheeks swelled up, which looked very cute.

Qin An ignored her and continued to check the equipment.

Level 30 platinum suit, flame!

The so-called flame suit is actually only three pieces, the flame giant blade, the flame bracelet, and the flame cloak.

The attributes of the three pieces of equipment are naturally super awesome, but the most awesome is their suit attributes.

The flame set can open the fire shield. The so-called fire shield is not simply a defensive attribute ability, but a rage effect activation state.

After the fire shield is turned on, the defense power will be doubled, and the blood volume will directly soar ten times, and the duration can be as long as several days!

This attribute is a sincere bull, especially for Qin An. Qin An is now a blood bull mage. If he has a fire shield, a super item that can increase his inherent health tenfold at once, then he will become a blood dad!

More importantly, the wearing position of this flame three-piece suit is rather special, not armor shoes or the like, so Qin An will wear them without conflict with other equipment, and maybe they can keep wearing them.

Qin An felt that in the future, he should pay attention to equipment that increases blood volume.

HP is actually very important. Why is BOSS so good? Isn't it because the high HP is scary?

The battle in the game world is completely different from the real world. It is difficult to kill the enemy with one move at least. Then the chance of being killed with more blood is much smaller.Continue to read, there is also a set of fighter and poisoner equipment, which are all 30-level platinum suits.

The level 20 BOSS's explosion of level 30 equipment was originally a bit exaggerated, and the explosions were all platinum sets, which had to surprise Qin An.

But it’s okay to think about it. I struggled for three days to capture this BOSS with more than 10,000 players. After being picked up by myself, it is estimated that those players who were killed back to the city would be annoyed.

The platinum suits of the fighter and the poison master are the flames and wind flames respectively, and they are also three-piece suits like the flames.

The attribute of the flame suit is violent, and the attack power is increased by ten times.

The attribute of the Wind Flame suit is ten times the movement speed,

In other words, these three suits are another combination suit.

After Qin An watched the attributes of the three suits, Xiao Cha Cha said in a voice:

"Players wearing three suits of flame, flame, and wind flame can get an extra 30% experience bonus by teaming up to fight monsters and upgrades..."

I go, there is such a benefit?

Qin An was very surprised. It seemed that he was really looking for a suitable Poison Master player to form a team with him, so after level 30, he could fly.

Continue to check, there are a lot of equipment, but these three pieces are extremely good. Unfortunately, the skill book has not been released, but it is also good to think about the three sets of 30-level platinum suits. After all, this is only twenty. If it is not a hidden mission, it is estimated that such three suits will not be able to be produced on the level of the map.

"Uncle Qin An, I am a poison master job!"

In order to let the demon see the equipment attributes, Qin An turned on sharing, which made Wei Hong also see the three suits, and found Feng Yan in it, and immediately jumped up excitedly.

"Are you a poison master?"


"Well, what does it have to do with me?"


Seeing Qin An put away the equipment piece by piece, Wei Hong was very annoyed.

The mouth rose up.

Qin An glanced at the girl. Ever since she appeared in front of him, she has always been weird. The so-called weird actually means that she is very well-behaved.

Qin An couldn't understand why this girl had to pretend to be cute in front of her.

"Maybe if you tell the secret in your heart, I will trust you more. If you don't tell it, then I won't let you follow me all the time. You can do it yourself."

"Secret, I don't have a secret in my heart."

Wei Hong opened his eyes and said nonsense, Qin An naturally saw it at a glance.

Since she refused to speak, Qin An didn't intend to persecute her.

It’s been a few days since I’ve been here, so let’s keep going. This is just the second floor of the rabbit cave. Isn’t there a boss in the third floor?

It's just that now the second-tier boss is so powerful, Qin An feels that he might not be able to deal with the third-tier boss.

Even so, he couldn't stand still. After getting some things to eat, Qin An and the demon began to blindly walk on top of the bones in the second floor space.

Weihong still followed like a dogskin plaster. She had made up her mind that she must not let this Qin An go, and she would follow him to death.

The three people walked for almost half a day, still unable to see the boundary, and did not know where the crossing to the third floor was.

The demon child was a little quiet along the way. She had something on her mind. For a while, she thought of the ancient gods and the little things she had with Qin An these days. She felt very irritable.

The reddish mouth barely stopped and kept asking Qin An questions.

Naturally, Qin An would not answer her.

However, Qin An found a lot of information from the questions she asked, and then became even more confused.

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