Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1705 Hermit City

"Why did you enter this game world? It's actually 5077 AD. If you are in 2059, there will be a span of more than three thousand years between us! Do you think this is amazing? In 2059, Logically speaking, you should be an old man, right? Well... I mean, I heard your previous conversation, it seems that you have been an adult from the beginning of the end of the world in 2015, so the end of the world will experience more than 40 Years later, you should be old. As far as I know by 2059, the earth technology is not as advanced as we are now... Hi Qin An, do you have a wife? I mean is your wife still alive? ... How many children have you given birth to? I heard people say that women in ancient times were able to give birth to triplets, and it is also possible to give birth to quadruplets. Did your wife give it to you? Give birth to triplets?"


Weng Lan gave birth to quadruplets to Qin An.

However, one of them should be made by the genes of the Emperor Sword God, or the original pregnant woman should have been triplets.

Why did Wei Hong mention the triplets? Is this a coincidence or is it deliberate?

Qin An felt that things had become more confusing, and at the same time he was sure that Weihong must have known own in some way. The reason why she ran to herself to make dog skin plasters was not because of own charm, but because of a mysterious reason. what is it? Qin An couldn't understand.

As the day passed, I walked all night long, and when the day broke, the surroundings were still covered with bones. Just when the three of Qin An were desperate, a white light flashed in front of them, and an NPC appeared.

"Congratulations, player, you have shown enough patience and friendship after the death of the Rabbit Bone Niang Niang family. The door to the hometown of the rabbit hermit will open to you! Please note that it is a map that can only be entered at level 20. The portal returns to the novice village where you were before, and you can also directly return from the novice village to the main city on the new map. The hometown of the rabbit hermit has continuous mountains, and the big city surrounded by mountains is called the hermit city. The masters in the hermit city, the rabbit The hermit is hiding in it. He belongs to the BOSS you need to attack. Once you find him and kill him, you can get absolutely rich rewards. This is a hidden plot task. The rabbit hermit is the only one and cannot be resurrected after death, so don't be killed by other players. Kill it first. If that happens, the hidden plot missions and rewards will disappear completely. The Hermit City is one of the northern cities in the world of residual blood. Players from the sixteen novice villages nearby will eventually find a way to enter the map of the city. The map is now deeply poisoned by zombies. , Go find the player "painful traveler", it will give you clues about the rabbit hermit. Important reminder, the painful traveler is not an NPC, everyone you meet after entering the map may be a key person, so be sure to Try to identify! Do you want to open the hidden mission and enter the wild area of ​​the Hermit City, the hometown of the Rabbit Hermit, connected by the third-level tunnel of the Rabbit Cave?"

Damn it!

It turned out that the third floor of the so-called rabbit cave was connected to a big map. After Qin An was surprised, he did not hesitate to enter. Yaozi and Weihong did not refuse. In a flash, they appeared among the mountains and the surrounding scenery was strange and beautiful. , But Qin Angang found out that there were all zombies all around, and the zombies had level marks on their heads, ranging from twenty first-level to twenty fifth-level, they turned out to be monsters!


On the fifteenth day of the first year of the residual blood calendar, in the zombie jungle on the east side of the Hermit City, Qin An, Yaozi, Weihong had reached level 29.

Weihong finally became a member of Qin An's team after enduring humiliation in every possible way, as the servant of the Queen.

No way, the demon needs someone to take care of. After being a queen for too many years, she needs someone by her side to be drunk by her.

This person should have been Qin An, but the demon son found that he couldn't get angry with Qin An, so Wei Hong became a suitable candidate.

Qin An was very entangled in this matter. He was too worried that he was reddened, but he felt that he could not let her leave before he understood her. He killed directly and felt that the unsolved mystery in his heart could not be put down. I can’t bear it, it’s not Qin An and Our Lady, but Wei Hong is really too clever. She and Qin An and Yaozi team up to fight monsters and won’t ask for any good things. Even if she behaves very resentful, fools look at it. It came out that her purpose was definitely not equipment or anything else, but Qin An.

I couldn't find out what she wanted from Qin An, so Wei Hong went to please the demon child.

Although Yaozi was scornful, she was not stupid, and she knew that to guard against Wei Hong, the more she inquired about Qin An, the less the Yaozi would not say, making Wei Hong entangled every day.

They spent the past few days in this strange atmosphere.

However, in the last one or two days, Weihong has changed from her previous eagerness to calmness. She suddenly put away all her curiosity and did not ask anything. This made Qin An even more curious. Qin An really wanted to follow her up as she did, but in the end she gave up. There is no intention to say that Wei Hong has come out.

I haven't been to the Hermit City for a few days on this map. At the beginning, there was no one in the city. Later, many players arrived in the city. Qin An, Yaozi, and Wei Hong were busy leveling up, and they were farther away from the Hermit City.

Wei Hong, the Poison Master, is very pitiful. He has only one skill, which releases poison gas to lower the monster's defense. If you fight monsters by yourself, it is basically useless, because her system's attack power is too weak.Together with Qin An and Yaozi is very useful. The three of them cooperate with each other more and more tacitly. Although they need more and more experience to upgrade, they keep changing maps, and the leveling speed has not slowed down.

Immediately at level 30, in addition to the secret of Weihong's identity that worries Qin An, there is also the character clue "Wandering Traveler" that makes Qin An entangled. After so many days, they haven't even encountered a player, and the quest characters don't know where to go. Where did you find it.

It was another early morning, the sun was just right, and the surrounding scenery was extremely beautiful. Qin An got up early to go to leveling, but the demon was unwilling.

"I practice level every day, I feel that Life is no more fun, Qin An, let's rest and go into the city to buy something."

"Buy something? What do you need?"

"No, I heard Weihong say that their ancient times, that is, your modern times, women often go shopping, the purpose is not to buy, twenty shopping!"

Qin An was dumbfounded.

The demon's face was flushed and apricot eyes turned round.

"What expression, do you think I am not a woman? Or do you think I shouldn't go shopping?"

I didn't dare to answer this, because Qin An really thought so.

The demon is the queen of the orc race, are the queen and the woman a kind of creature? Obviously not.

Looking at Qin An's face, the Yaozi suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart. How could this be?

There will be this kind of emotion that the demon feels very irritable.

So she decided not to think too much, decided to rest today and go shopping!

Wei Hong immediately clapped her hands and applauded. Qin An glared at her, and she stuck out her tongue, her shy look became more and more like a good baby, Qin An was not well.


Hermit City, a prosperous and huge city, the buildings here are magnificent, it looks so unreal, it really is something created by the system, all kinds of ingenious facilities, it is estimated that countless designers will be disturbed in the real world. I can't think of it.

There are already many people in the city today, and Qin An probably understands it. Somewhat unexpectedly, there are not only people in the future world, but also people outside the sky.

After turning on Super Hearing and collecting information for a long time, Qin An understood what was going on.

The news about the Universe God Stone has spread throughout the earth, and the merchants in the apocalypse are very powerful, and they spread the news faster than the virus plague.

Regardless of whether this news is true or not, many outside forces could not sit still, and they began to send people in here to check it out. The horror of the system quickly manifests, all people who enter here will be weak and become players, no one is exception.

This is actually quite normal, a system that even the ancestors and sword gods can't resist, who can do it?

These people will naturally not be able to leave after entering the Remnant Blood World, but every force has some capable people. These people can allow information to be transmitted inside and outside the space, so the news about the Remnant Blood World is communicated in more detail and accurately. Universe God Stone The legend is also believed to be true.

According to the information Qin An has learned, at least Jiulong Liancheng, the Dead Sect, and Ziyang, the brutal beast king, have already planned to send a large force into the world of doomsday remnant blood to fight for hegemony. Their goal is also to attack the final BOSS and obtain the Universe Divine Stone.

Of course, the early stage only sent troops in, the real leader will not appear yet, because they still have to confirm the accuracy of the existence of the Universe Divine Stone. Be cautious. If it is determined next, then all the leaders will personally come to enter the game to grab the Universe God Stone, which is related to the big event in the future.

Qin An's mood is a bit complicated. I don't know who will be dispatched from Jiulong Liancheng? Is it the Qin family led by Weng Lan? And that woman...no, she should be screaming, will Qi Rou come to find herself?

Qin An now recalls his memory and transforms his body into the same body of Qin An in the previous life. Naturally, he misses Weng Lan and others very much.

Although he has dark attributes after entering the game, the dark attributes are somewhat limited, such as the ability to spy on others' minds, such as the opening of spatial abilities. Qin An cannot enter the world of the undead, and cannot resurrect the people in it. It's a very depressing thing.

"Qin An Qin An! Look at how beautiful the clothes are here!"

Yaozi's aesthetics are shifting to humans. To put it bluntly, it is actually shifting to Qin An.

She knows what clothes Qin An likes to look at, so she wants to wear it too.

Before Qin An went to the clothing store, he found that the clothes they sold were quite a few, both in men's and women's styles, and they were really beautiful.

These clothes do not have attributes. After being worn, they will completely cover the shape of the original equipment worn on the body, and are only used for aesthetics.

But beautiful clothes are very expensive, and some require more than ten thousand gold coins.

Fortunately, Qin An's trio team has no shortage of money these days. Seeing that the demon likes it, Qin An is very happy to buy fashion for her and herself.

Seeing that Weihong looked at him pitifully, like a groundhog, Qin An didn't know how to feel softened, so he also bought a beautiful dress for her, and spent a lot of time in the ocean.

Weihong seemed very happy when she received the clothes from Qin An, and she was a little overwhelmed with joy. That feeling made Qin An feel strange again, isn't it just a piece of clothing? Is she happy to be like this?

Qin An didn't understand Wei Hong's thoughts, and of course Wei Hong was not so happy because of a piece of clothing.

She secretly said in her heart: "Qin An's heart is so warm, I like him like this! I really like him!"

After the three dressed up, they continued on the road and wandered around.

Inadvertently, Qin An and Weihong all heard the comments from nearby people.

"These three stupid forks, who have the money to burn, actually buy flashy fashions. Don't they need consumables?"

"I care about them, it's probably the big family Young Master who dare not leave the city, three scumbags! Wait for the zombies to attack the city to see what they do!"

"Hey, look at those two women, they look really good-looking, especially the mature one, they look really exciting!"

Qin An doesn't mind many discussions.

Let them go, the range of the hermit city belongs to the safe zone. Players can't PK here. Although they can do it, their HP will not decrease no matter how they hit them. Qin An also doesn't bother to deal with a group of unkillable players.

"Good-hearted Miss, sir, give me some gold coins and let me buy some food."

A tattered beggar suddenly appeared in front of Qin An's trio, and he jumped off Qin An.There are still beggars in this game?

Qin An really didn't know. In fact, in the world of residual blood, in addition to the six major occupations, there are many life player occupations, such as chefs, beggars, doctors, and so on.

Qin An asked the beggar about own question, and the beggar explained with a smile:

"My name is Pan An. I used to be a mage. Later I encountered a hidden mission and became a beggar. Now I am at level 24! Hey, kind people, if you can give me some money, I can increase my experience as a beggar in return. , I’ll give you some news... Don’t look at my clothes. My tattered clothes are a level 20 golden beggar suit! All my news is from the system. This set of equipment can increase the difficulty of the system’s notification task. ! I think three of them have a very hard task to tell you. I don't know how to say it to ordinary people!"

No matter how you look at it, this beggar is actually like a Rivers and Lakes liar.

However, Qin An is rich now and is not afraid of being deceived. With the idea of ​​finding out, Qin An gave the money to the beggar.

The beggar was very happy. He looked around and felt that no one was eavesdropping before he leaned to Qin An’s ears and said, “Sir, do you remember the zombie siege that took place in various novice villages? That battle was made in every novice village. A large number of zombies, these zombies are different from the zombie monsters in the wild. They have wisdom. They were also players before! To tell you this news, you must remember that at ten o’clock tonight, the wise zombies will launch against the Hermit City. The main attack, their purpose is to occupy this big city, and then eat the people in the city as food! And this zombie siege event will touch a random plot, and the unconscious zombies in the system will also appear if they fail! Respect Sir, if you don’t want to be eaten by the zombies, then I suggest you better go out of the city! Of course, if you are strong enough, you can stay. After all, the equipment exploded by the system zombie siege is very good. Opportunity that can be met but not sought. This ability is also a big task, called'saving the hermit city in distress'"

Ah? That's it, will there be zombies coming to attack the city today? Qin An was actually quite surprised. He didn't experience zombies attacking the city last time in novice village, so this time he wanted to stay and have a look.

After chatting with the beggar again, there was no more useful information, Qin An left with the demon Xiaohong, and continued to be criticized by other players along the way. The topics were almost all about fashion and the two women, and Qin An was directly ignored.

"Do you want to stay?" Yaozi saw what Qin An meant.

"Well, let's take a look. This is the world of remnant blood in the doomsday, and zombies are still a mainstream crisis. Hey, after so many years, how can the earth be unable to get rid of this doomsday?"

Weihong interrupted at this moment: "Uncle Qin An, I really want to hear you talk about your experience from 2015 to now!"

Qin An ignored the reddish color, but trembled slightly in his heart.

He suddenly thought of an impossible possibility!

Why is Weihong interested in herself? Why does she mention Weng Lan and the triplets? Why is she so sticky to herself?

According to the logic that Qin An suddenly thought of, an answer was ready to come out!

It's just... Tai Xuan is strange too, right? how can that be possible? The own brain hole is also big enough, even this kind of thing can be imagined, it is really good enough. Qin An frowned for a long time, finally negating the logic in his heart.

In this way, the three people continue to walk on the street with different moods. To be honest, the urban architectural style of the Hermit City is really perfect. Walking here is like a fairy tale world in a dream, with an unreal feeling.

Suddenly, a circle of people in front of him attracted Qin An’s attention, leading the two women to walk over, before entering the crowd, Qin An had already seen what was happening in the large circle surrounded by the crowd, not only wrinkled Frowning, he saw an acquaintance, the extremely beautiful man he met when he first entered the game, Yang Guo.

Because of Yang Guo, Qin An learned about many things in the future world. Although their relationship was not close, Qin An was still grateful to him, so he took him through the level at the beginning. Later, Yang Guo's family leader issued a summoning order, and Yang Guo returned to the family. He also wanted to invite Qin An to go with him. Qin An politely declined.

Speaking of it, I haven't seen him for a few days. Qin An didn't expect to meet him here, and what was more unexpected was that he was so miserable now.

"Huh? Qin An, isn't this the monster you met when you first entered the game?"


Qin An later discussed Yang Guo with the Yaozi, saying that he was a human. The Yaozi was remembered by the Yaozi, because there was a word "mon" in it, so the Yaozi asked the meaning.

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