Having lived for so long in the last days, Qin An naturally had no fear of zombies.

Today, more than 80% of the people in the Hermit City are still ordinary humans from the future world.

The future world is indeed technologically advanced, but after all, no aliens have been found. It has always been the contact between humans and humans. When seeing those green-faced fangs, yellow-toothed giant teeth, and scarlet-blooded zombies rushing over from a distance, The players on the wall were all dumbfounded and trembled.

"Don't be afraid! We have system archers. Their attack power is strong and can help us resist most zombies!"

When a leader shouted to appease the defending player, the system archers standing in a row in front of the city wall also attacked.

They have the ability of group archery, and each round of shooting can emit eight arrows shining with golden light.

And every arrow that flies out can shoot a dozen zombies, which is indeed full of power.

After the zombies were shot and killed, various medicines and equipment were exploded. These things have the attributes of public pickup. Any player can pick them up, but there are groups of zombies rushing up there, people wanting it. I can't do it when I go out.

These equipment will eventually disappear after ten minutes, and the players are both sorry and excited.

Although the equipment will disappear, there are still many monsters. They can always wait for the last wave, right?

Because of the excellent performance of the system's archers, the players are not so scared. Instead, they all look forward to it, hoping that they can get rich in this zombie siege.

Qin An came out of the tavern with Yaozi Weihong, and he was already drunk, but not too drunk.

"Where to go now?"

The demon asked, thinking of the vegetable market in his heart.

"Go under the city wall, I'll pick up those equipment!"

Qin An's eyes are sharp, and the ability to control objects can play a big role at this time.

Although space capabilities are now limited, fortunately Qin An's storage space for Apocalypse is still available.

The three of them sprinted all the way, and instantly reached the bottom of the inner wall of the city wall.

Opening the perspective eyes, Qin An looked at a distance of a hundred meters away. The zombies have no idea how many dead, and the golden equipment on the ground is piled up all over the floor. The most of them are gold coins and potions. , Sword Soul fragments, and various equipment.

Gold coins are the main currency in the system. In fact, they have more uses than sword soul fragments, but the function is obviously better than sword soul fragments. Qin An is not picky at all and picks it up quickly. After half an hour, his storage space is actually full. NS.

Qin An could only take out the gold coins to teach the demon child, and ask her to go to the gold shop to change to the digital mode, so that the gold coins don't need to take up space after the replacement.

He took out the ordinary equipment and gave it to Wei Hong, and asked her to go to the market to replace the sword soul fragments.

Nowadays, the price of these equipment is still very expensive, because too many players enter the game, so no matter what kind of equipment is in short supply.

After surviving such a busy life, Qin An's package eventually piled up with sword soul fragments. He could only synthesize them into sword soul stones, so as to save space.

The zombie siege battle lasted for five hours. When the starry night reached its peak, the sky full of stars illuminated the earth like day, but it was still dark.

This kind of scene is very strange, as if looking at the Universe on the moon.The ordinary zombies have all been shot and killed by the system's archers, and a group of players whizzed out of the city, but found that there were not many equipment on the ground, and blood bottles were everywhere.

How did that happen? I clearly saw a lot of equipment exposed just now.

All players were puzzled, and there was no time to think too much at this time. The system announced that the second wave of zombies would come in five minutes.

When you put away your compassion for the world, people can actually be very happy.

Qin An is like this now.

In his eyes, most people on the wall are game characters. Their lives and deaths have no meaning or value to him, so they can naturally become indifferent to indifferent.

The warning horn on the city wall sounded again, and the people picking up the equipment outside hurriedly returned.

Soon after, jumping zombies of different levels appeared!

"There are still them!"

Qin An was a little surprised. It seemed that the system was somewhat affected by the earth's energy and magnetic field, so this kind of guy appeared.

Jumping zombies move fast, their evasion ability is naturally high, and their defense ability is also good.

System archers can no longer completely shoot them quickly.

Ten minutes later, the first batch of jumping zombies had already rushed under the city wall.

The remote player hurriedly turned on various skills and attacked the zombies under the city wall.

Fortunately, the zombies are not immune to these skills, and a large number of them died within a short period of time. They failed to attack the city wall, but the follow-up zombies continued to flow, and the players could only continue to release their skills.

Fortunately, the corpses of the zombies after death will be recovered by the system.

Naturally, Qin An was madly collecting equipment and sword soul fragments. Gold coins were no longer in favor. Those weapons and equipment that could be exchanged for sword soul fragments made Qin An reluctant to discard it.

As a result, Yaozi and Weihong became more busy, constantly traveling back and forth between the clothing store and the city wall. The starry night passed and the night came, and Qin An's pocket was filled with fragments of the sword soul once again.


Yang Guo was lying at this moment, feeling very upset.

Hey, forget it, although he is embarrassed, but at least he is safe in the family afterwards, and the group of rabbit brothers Young Master will not want to fuck him again!

Damn, damn Yang Xiaofeng! Feng Shui will always take turns, and when Young Master becomes famous in the future, he will also ride you on the streets!

Yang Guo crooked maliciously. At this moment, someone kicked the door open outside, making Yang Guo jump up from the bed. Seeing that the person was Yang Xiaofeng again, he immediately became more frightened. I'm talking bad about her in my heart, why did she break in? Is there a mind-reading technique?

"Let's go slave, go to the front-line city wall, ordinary players are a little strenuous, they need dark attribute hidden professionals to support, use real strength to destroy the zombies, although this can not gain experience and equipment, but there is no way. Hey, originally I still want to go there early to get some experience, but the group of family members who gave the order did not allow me. Are you angry?"

"Dear Miss, do I need to go with you too? I'm just a low-level player, and I don't have good equipment..."

"Nonsense, I have made you my slave today, of course you will follow wherever I go!"

Yang Guo felt that he was about to cry, he didn't want to face those terrifying zombies. Just as a slave, he couldn't resist Yang Xiaofeng.

In the dark, Yang Guo could only wear good clothes and go out with Yang Xiaofeng.

The Yang Family Courtyard is very large, a bit like an ancient palace.

Now there are very few combat players left in the courtyard, and they all go to fight and defend the city wall, and most of the rest are Life players.

Yang Guo walked behind Yang Xiaofeng, looking at her figure, her buttocks were curled up, more than sexy, but too petite.

But petite women are also good, at least it takes a lot of effort to fiddle with, Yang Guo feels that he is a genius, has begun to fantasize about various poses, and can't help but laugh wretchedly.

"What is the ghost laughing at?"

Yang Xiaofeng was thinking about what was going on, but when Yang Guo interrupted him, turning around was just a kick.

Yang Guo was so angry that he didn't dare to speak, so he had to bear it.

As she was walking, Yang Xiaofeng suddenly stopped because she found seven people in the aisle ahead. They all just wore system shorts, their bodies were pale and dull, their cheeks were not fleshy, their eyes were gray, their teeth protruding, and they looked very vicious.

Without being too panicked, Yang Xiaofeng coldly smiled and said, "I knew you would sneak into the city and destroy it. You thought it was why Miss stayed at home and didn't go to the city wall. Originally, I was waiting for you guys, why can't you be so uncomfortable? How angry? If you endure it for a while, we might think that you dare not come. When all the hidden professionals with dark attributes leave, won't your chances be greater?"

The saliva of a zombie headed by that was dripping down. He was originally a human, but now he has become a zombie. He looks very ugly as a ghost.

Looking at Yang Xiaofeng who didn't care, his face raised a sneer.

"Why haven't you thought about it, we are here specially waiting for you? This time the main force of the siege is of course the system zombies, but we also received the task, as long as we can capture a large system city where humans live, we can. Build this place as a zombie kingdom! Haha, so we are bound to get it! Do it!"

The leader of the zombies gave an order, and several nearby zombies rushed towards Yang Xiaofeng.

Yang Xiaofeng didn't mean to be afraid at all, wasn't it just a few smelly mice? She turned on the An An attribute to get them done in minutes.

While thinking about this, Yang Xiaofeng shot at the same time, drew out a big knife and flew up and down, as expected, he killed all the people around him within a short time.

When she killed the last zombie, she looked at the lead zombie coldly and found that he was laughing wildly.

"It seems that you are not afraid of killing people with the dark attribute, do you think you can be resurrected? Now that you are the only one left, I can kill you with the system power! Let you be forever..."

At this point, Yang Xiaofeng suddenly shut up, her face turned pale, and she heard the voice of the system.

"Player, because you killed a human with dark attributes in a safe area, although he will be resurrected, your behavior has caused bugs in the game. In order to punish your behavior, the system will deprive you of dark attributes for three days. And in the safe zone presents a state of red name, this state will make you unable to continue to be sheltered in the safe zone, you will be attacked by other players! After death, all equipment on your body will fall and you cannot resurrect. It is recommended to leave here and hide in the wild. Avoiding the player is your best choice."

"It's impossible! I'm in a safe zone, how could I kill someone? A mistake must be a mistake!"

Yang Xiaofeng felt that she was going crazy.

"Yes, you killed someone in the safe zone! This is because we have a super zombie inventor who created a zombie transformation potion, which can temporarily transform humans into zombies, and the system will also determine the transformed humans as It's a zombie, so you can attack him in the city. If you use the system ability, there will be no problem, but if you use the dark attribute, it will inevitably cause BUG, ​​which is a kind of unfairness for multiple players, so you will be punished by the system! Yang Xiaofeng, we are early Just understand the situation in the city, so I am really waiting for you here! Haha, the purpose is to kill you group of dark attribute players, so that our plan of siege will be much easier, hahaha!"

In the laughter of the leader, dozens of strong zombies appeared.

Yang Xiaofeng’s system level is now only level 23, which is considered low among most players. This is because she feels that her dark attributes are very good, so she doesn’t bother to level up. Anyway, she doesn’t have the dream of attacking the ultimate boss, so why do you have to work so hard? Woolen cloth?

Now that there is no dark attribute, she is simply a scumbag player, and it may be okay to deal with a few zombies, but there are dozens of them in front of her.


When Yang Xiaofeng was in a daze, Yang Guo was not stupid, pulling Yang Xiaofeng and ran away.He could have run first by himself, after all, Yang Xiaofeng was their goal. But the neighborhood is now full of chaos, and there are fires everywhere. There is no such thing as a safe zone between the demons and the gods, and now it seems that there is no safe zone between zombies and humans either.

Well, since this is a deliberate conspiracy of the wise zombies, naturally it is impossible for such a few people to come. It was too late for humans to get the news, so they knew that the wise zombies might plant spies, but they didn't have time to arrange them so carefully. Besides, the plan of the wise zombies was to hide professional players with dark attributes, which was really unexpected.

Faced with such a complicated situation, the cunning Yang Guo didn't think he had the ability to escape, and it would be more appropriate to take Yang Xiaofeng to escape, and she could be used as a shield and cannon fodder at critical moments.

On the other side, Qin An had already known that the whole city would be in chaos, so there was no surprise that it really became chaotic.

All the humans within five kilometers of the zombies who died in siege can benefit all humans, so each player actually gets very little experience, but after all, there are many zombies. After almost ten hours, Qin An finally broke through level 30. You can wear the flame suit.

After personally experiencing this zombie siege, Qin An has deep feelings. It seems that the strength of the Ascension system is the kingly way. The dark attribute is too unreliable. If it disappears, it will disappear. The human beings arranged in the city to deal with intelligent zombies. The elite instantly became A joke, this is really a bit tragedy.

Hey, my side is still good, and I have gained a lot of sword Spirit Stones, which is considered to be a fortune.

Qin An combined all the sword soul fragments into the sword soul stone, and then combined all the sword soul stones into the sword Spirit Stones, otherwise the storage space would not fit. It's a pity that the world of the undead can't enter now, or else he can bring back all the women Qin Xiaoyan and the others!

At this time, the fire in the city burned more fully, and the system sound suddenly sounded throughout the city.

"Human players and zombie players, please be aware that the battle for the hermit city has officially started. Within 48 hours, the person who successfully occupied the palace will become the hermit city lord, and the mission of the hermit city palace will open, and the person who becomes the hermit city lord will get level 30 Platinum suit. The suit consists of seven pieces. It has the most powerful attribute of the 30-level suit in the entire area. It is the first growth type equipment. It can swallow other attributes and upgrade the platinum suit and above and add attribute points. The more you devour, the faster the upgrade. The higher the attribute point, so this set is called the Devouring Set. If enough equipment is swallowed, it will eventually become a more powerful attribute set, without a cap! Since there is only one set, then the person who can become the lord of the city soon There is only one, so I hope all players will pay attention. There can only be one person standing on the top of the palace. If there are other people in the palace after the time is up, the task reward will automatically disappear. The Devouring Suit can not only be owned by humans, but also by zombies. It can also be worn and has the same equipment attributes. Players, come on!"

This...this is simply adding to the chaos!

Qin An was not shocked by the perverted attributes of the 30th-level Devouring suit, but felt that the system would create chaos in the work of defending the city.

Sure enough, the families that had been very united were all impetuous.

The world's first growth-level platinum suit, with no cap on equipment attributes, this f*ck can be worn for a lifetime! Too overbearing!

As soon as people heard the news, their hearts grew grass. Before, they wanted to resist the zombies with all their strength, but now they hope to preserve their strength. The siege battle lasted forty-eight hours, and the map of the Hermit City Palace that had not been opened before was opened.

In the end how to do?

The leaders of each family began to gather their confidants to study.

The depressing thing about this is that everyone can't cooperate. The ultimate winner can only be one person. If it is not a relationship of absolute mutual trust, there is no way to unite between different families, because everyone wants to get equipment.

But now it seems that he can't enter the palace immediately.

Even if the time has not arrived, even if the land is occupied, the harmony of people is lost.

Whoever enters the palace first will become the target of public criticism!

While people were thinking about it, the job of defending the city became half-hearted. The higher the level of the jumping zombies went, the higher the level of the jumping zombies. Gradually, some jumping zombies climbed onto the city wall, and those fighters rushed to protect the mage and the poison. Chop and chop down. Some wizards were directly rushed by the zombies because they were too far forward. Other players killed the zombies in desperation, and they would also kill the bitten person.

Qin An shook his head slightly when he saw this place, and said to the demon and Wei Hong next to him: "If people are upset, this team is naturally not easy to take. Look at it, it won't take long for the city wall to fall. When the zombie enters the city, there will be real here. It may become a zombie kingdom. But fortunately, the system stipulates the rules of the game. It is estimated that the person who finally robbed the lord of the hermit city can dominate the outcome of this war. It's just..."

"It's just too cruel. The rewards of the system missions will only be issued when one person is standing in the palace. In order to compete for this growth suit, it is estimated that people will fight inextricably. Qin An, let's talk about it first. You, I don’t want it, I’m going to be rock red again, I really like this beautiful outfit."

"Well, uncle, I don't want it either. As long as you let me stay by your side and trust me enough, I will be satisfied!"

Seeing the generosity of the two women, Qin An was really moved.

Then he will do his part, after all, he is the one who most wants to attack the boss to escape from here, because only by escaping can he see his children who have been separated for a long time!

Yes, it’s been a long time since he died. Isn’t this time long enough?

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