Leaving the city wall, Qin An directly took Yaozi and Weihong to the so-called palace.

Others did not dare to come in, but Qin An had no worries. The three of them would not be found when they entered, so naturally they could not be targeted.

This set of equipment Qin An is determined to obtain, he has realized the importance of system capabilities, how can he not work hard?

The so-called palace is actually not big at all, but it's just a square wall with a length of 50 meters. There are several majestic buildings inside. The flowers and plants planted in the back garden are beautiful and have strange species.

This map was previously closed, but now it is open for missions.

"What to do? Although the palace is not big, it is still rare to prevent everyone from entering. I don't know if you can use the dark attribute."

"So far, I think the biggest taboo of using the dark attribute is that you can't kill other players casually. Try it. If you can use the land seal barrier, you can block it here."

Qin An's voice fell and tried to open the ground seal barrier, then frowned in annoyance.

"Warning, this is a level 30 main mission. The first growth-type equipment was released and cannot be operated with dark attributes! The five kilometers around the palace is a dark attribute shielding area."

Qin An was completely entangled, which meant that other dark attribute abilities could not be used, but how could he win the final victory only by relying on system abilities? ……system? Qin An suddenly thought of something, and he had paid attention to it for a long time. Maybe he should use the system, but it was risky and it did not conform to his Virgin's values.

In the past, the protagonist in online novels would be scolded by readers if they were very virgin, and Qin An dismissed it. He has his own values, he has his own code of conduct, he wants to be a good person in his own consciousness, for which he is willing to be a Virgin.

He really wanted to ask those readers, do they understand the concept of life values? Do they have values?

At this time, Wei Hong and Yaozi also found that the dark attribute could not be used, and they were all helpless.

Qin An thought about it, and finally said his own idea.

The demon looked at Qin An with a slightly reddish look, and frowned, "Can this work?"

"I've thought about it. This may be the only way. If we don't use the system, how do we accomplish this task and finally get the Devouring Suit, I really can't imagine."

The three of them studied for a while and felt that this method could still be tried. Although Wei Hong thought it might be a bit cruel, she also knew the life and death in the game world. Since it was to obtain equipment, she would naturally be cruel.

In this way, they began to formulate perfect action steps.

After all the studies were completed, Yaozi Weihong left the palace to prepare for the plan, while Qin An stayed behind in the palace, observing the layout here, and striving to make the plan seamless.

If you want to accomplish one thing, when all the preparations have been made, the rest is up to God's will.

Qin An found a room that looked very comfortable and walked in. This was the balcony on the third floor. Looking at the courtyard of the palace from the balcony just makes people feel ancient and tasteful.

It is now late at night, and Qin An is not sleepy. When he is alone, he will inadvertently think of many things in the past, many, many.

After thinking about it, Qin An felt a little regretful and sighed again.

He was resurrected from the dead, and he came alive completely, but he completely obliterated Fang Xiaobao.

"Hey, thank you for allowing my soul and body to live for so long. You married a wife, and I will take good care of your family. You can go with peace of mind."

Qin An talked to himself, which was a kind of mourning for Xiaobao.

At this time, a group of people rushed into the palace courtyard, attracting Qin An's attention. Although there is no super vision, Qin An is at the highest point, and here is not big, Qin An can easily see a group of people.

It was Yang Guo and Yang Xiaofeng who ran in front, followed by a group of zombies with player changes.

The couple came here, looking embarrassed by the chase.

This is Realm with no dark attributes. They can't deal with the dozens of intelligent zombies behind, so they can only escape.

In fact, it's mainly fear that is at work. If you are bitten by a zombie, you will become a zombie. Who can't be afraid.

Qin An quickly descended to the first floor, when Yang Guo and Yang Guo were about to rush into the entrance.

"Don't let these zombies come in, get rid of them quickly!"When the voice fell, Qin An had already taken action, a wave of fire and lightning attacked, chasing dozens of zombies who were already dead.

"Qin An, you haven't left the city yet, great!"

Yang Guo's crying lady chirped, trying to come up and hug Qin An, but was pushed away.

Yang Xiaofeng was a little shocked. Whose spell attack was this? It seemed that it was system energy. How could it be so powerful and its damage exploded. The range of this attack is too wide, right?

Turning his head and looking at the man who greeted Yang Guo, he grew his mouth in shock after just one glance at Yang Xiaofeng, and subconsciously said: "Qin Uncle, why are you here? Didn't you say you are on the map of the East? Why? Come to the northern city?"

Qin An was also taken aback when he looked at the woman who was talking to him.

How does she know her surname is Qin? Call him Uncle?

Suddenly, Qin An's face turned pale.

Could it be that your imagination about the Heavenly Horse's trip before Wei Hong is true?

Qin An shuddered at the thought of this.

Quickly cleaned up the remaining zombies, Qin An took Yang Guo and Yang Xiaofeng to the third floor, and before the two became calm, he asked Yang Xiaofeng, "Do you know me?"

Yang Xiaofeng was still a little out of breath, looked at Qin An in surprise for a while, and then whispered: "I don't know you. You look very similar to the man I have ever met, almost exactly the same. But your temperament is different, he More like a king, and you are more like an ordinary person."

"Who is this person you are talking about? Is it the reddish father?"

"Qin Weihong? Yes, I'm talking about her father Qin An, you two are exactly the same."

Although Qin An had some guesses, he still couldn't believe it when the facts were in front of him. Wei Hong was actually named Qin.

"I ask you, how old is this Qin An?"

"It looks similar to you, but he has lived for a long time. It is said that he was the first genetically upgraded person, and it was thousands of years ago. It was not the age of genetically upgraded at all. I don’t know why he was. Upgraded. Later, when the era of immigrants to Mars arrived, Qin An was actually the first group of Western advocates for immigration to Mars, and an important technological leader in the immigration project. His genes were upgraded in all directions, including the brain, so he created the Universe technology. , Is a pioneer."

Qin An just felt his head hum when he heard this.

That is to say, in another future world in the unfaced space of the earth, the other one himself is not dead. As the son of Qin Shihuang and the alien Qi Rou, his special gene was activated at a certain moment, and then he shined on the earth. Using the upgraded ability and Western technology, he dominated the universe era and lived for thousands of years!

This is really good, more cows than yourself.

However, according to Wei Hong, this Qin An seems to have a completely different personality from his own. He is greedy and lustful, selfish and cold-blooded, and is an out-and-out bastard. He even personally killed his favorite woman, which is Wei Hong's mother! So who is this reddish mother?

"Are you familiar with Qin An?"

"I'm not familiar with each other, but they occasionally move around. Where are you from? You should know that Mars has no concept of a country? But in many families, it is the Qin family's horse head. Qin An often meets some super-gene upgraded people, I am One of them, so I had the opportunity to have a few meals with him, so I naturally knew something about the Qin family."

"So, do you know who Qin Weihong's mother is?"

"Qin Weihong's mother, this is the old calendar, few people on Mars know it, but I happen to know it!"

"who is it?"

Qin An's tone was very urgent. At this time, Yang Xiaofeng had calmed down, and his thoughts had become clear from the chaotic state.

"Who are you? Why are you asking so many questions, and why should I tell you?"

Qin An looked at Yang Xiaofeng who was struggling his neck, and sighed leisurely.

People, after all, are so, personality, unkind, want to figure out the context of things, pay and hope to get the return in exchange, he is so, why not Yang Xiaofeng?

But she didn't think about her current situation.

Qin An squinted his eyes, scanned Yang Xiaofeng and Yang Guo back and forth, and whispered to Yang aisle: "She bullied you so badly before, and you are still reluctant to save you. Now it's all right, after all, it's me. Saved, Yang Guo, do you want the slave to turn over and sing?"

"Turn over? How to turn over?"

"Let this woman be your slave, listen to you demolition every day, let you call it."

"Hey, Brother Qin..."

Yang Guo Xiaoxiao glanced at Yang Xiaofeng, but did not dare to speak timidly.

He still doesn't know if he wants to hang around in Yang's house in the future, if he continues, then how could he offend Yang Xiaofeng.

"Huh, useless dead ladyboy, since you dare not, then she will be mine from now on!"

While speaking, Qin An suddenly moved forward, lifting Yang Xiaofeng and walking downstairs.

In the safe area, the player and the player cannot use the skill PK, but they can fight and fight. The combat power is determined based on the four attributes of strength, agility, dodge, and defense.

Qin An's four attributes are almost double that of Yang Xiaofeng, and it is naturally easy to deal with her.

"You let me down, let me down!"

Yang Xiaofeng struggled, and indeed he couldn't escape Qin An's clutches.

"Where are you taking me?"

Seeing that Qin An was leaving the palace, Yang Xiaofeng finally asked the most critical question.

"Where else can I go? I just saved you and sent you back to the zombie. Anyway, the city is disrupted, and there are countless wise zombies. I heard that the men in this group of zombies are not only very appetite, but also towards women. The demand is also very strong. I can guarantee that you will have been played by a group of zombies without human form, and then you will be eaten. You can imagine that scene. Hey, it’s not that I am cruel, but Qin An’s information is for me. It’s very important. You don’t want to say that you want to bargain with me. I can only do this to you now. Don’t blame me!"

Yang Xiaofeng paled with fright, thinking that he was about to be thrown into a group of zombies, with a heart beating in his throat.

"I said! I will say this, please let me go!"

"Really? Stop talking too much?"

"No, no, what do you ask me to say!"

With a smile on his lips, Qin An took Yang Xiaofeng to the back garden. Now that there are only the two of them here, Qin An is still anxious to know who Qin Weihong's mother is!


The Qin’s Manor is now built on the East China Sea Knight Island, which is connected to the Eastern Fantasy World, and is the junction of the 30-level and 40-level maps.

In the manor, the male host was holding Bu Yi, who was naked, and admiring the moonlight, but Bu Yi's man, Fei Keto, was actually tied up and hung on one of the beams of the house.

After a few days of getting along, Bouy liked this man who was like her fascination more and more.

At this time, Bouy was no longer as shy as she was a few days ago, and she can even bear the hateful gaze from Ficoto. After all, this gaze has stayed on her for several days. I don’t know if the mysterious man has such a habit, even if he and When she was doing that kind of thing, Feiketo was also watching. The shame at the beginning has now become a kind of excitement, Bu Yi himself doesn't know how far she has fallen.

"Master, when did you release him? You promised me."

One night husband and wife hundred days, Ibrahimovic still hopes that Fiktor can leave alive and let her fall alone.

"Yeah, I promised you. But Ibrahimovic, do you think he will be happy if I let him go now?"


"Of course the answer is no. He will not be happy, never will. He will live his life with hatred for you and me, because he cannot avenge himself. He will never have the strength to kill you and me. In front of him, he is not even considered an ant. So, I would rather let him live in the pain and hatred of his life and never get happiness. Would you let me let him go?"

The mysterious man seems to have a kind of magical nature, and his indifferent words made Bu Yi's heart sink to the bottom.

Looking at Bu Yi's face, the mysterious man continued to smile and said:

"If you are really so cruel, it doesn't matter if you would rather let him live in pain, but you Bu Yi, can you convince yourself to forget this man?"

"I..." Bu Yi's tone trembled.

"You can't, because wherever Fiktor goes, he will hate you! He hates you as a slut, hates your betrayal of him, he will curse you all the time! This kind of curse is actually a kind of spiritual energy, it is very small In essence, it can’t have any effect on you. But it will entangle your memory and make you unable to forget this man. Thinking of him, you will be unhappy, you will feel that you are a fallen woman, and you will think that you are unworthy Live in this world! Then there will be no happiness in your life."

Bu Yi's body trembled more severely, and she could even hear the sound of her teeth clashing.

The mysterious man hugged Bu Yi closer, then pressed his mouth to her ear, and said in a softer voice:"Actually, only Death is the best ending for the two of you! He is dead, everything becomes empty, and he will not hate you. If there is a next life, he may be happier. And his death may It will make you sad for a while, but in the following time you will be reborn, you will completely forget this dead man, because he is dead, your spiritual subconscious world will not be afraid of him, will not be afraid of him You can naturally forget to start again together. My dear little beauty Bu Yi, do you understand?"

Abruptly, a dagger was added to the mysterious man's hand, and then it was delivered to Bu Yi's hand.

Bu Yi's hand was trembling, but she still squeezed the knife in the man's grasp.

"Well, now the right to choose is yours, to cut off his rope and let him leave. Or, you can send him on the road with your own hands and say goodbye to him."

So cruel!

It's so cruel!

Bu Yi shouted in her heart, she thought this mysterious man was really cruel.

He defeated own inner defense.

Yes, even if Fiktor leaves alive, will she wash away the guilt in her soul for not seeing him? Even if he can't see himself, will he forget to hate own?

Of course not!

The best solution is really to let him die, so that everyone, everything is free!

But how can she kill her own husband?

They used to depend on each other and lived together for so long.


Life has been so long, is she having a good time?

Although it's hard to talk about unhappiness, Life has no passion at all, just like a piece of stagnant water.

These days are different. This man uses a powerful male breath to invade her body and soul. This kind of infringement scares her, but it makes her feel more exciting. The days with this man are pleasant surprises every day. She used to resemble this kind of life, but now she has it.

Suddenly the body was empty, and the mysterious man had pushed her away from his arms, not hugging her tightly.

"Go baby, make your choice, use the knife in your hand to choose your life. You deserve the best freedom. If you need to pay something for this, I think it's also worth it."

The best freedom?

Bu Yi bit his lip, got out of bed and stood for a long time before slowly walking towards Fiktor who was tied up.

"Bitch, you bitch, do you want to kill me? Bitch!"

Bu Yi felt that he hadn't made up his mind at all.

But in Fiktor's eyes, he had already seen the murderous intent hidden in this woman's expression.

He was crazy, yelling hard and cursing bitterly.

Bu Yi was shocked by his scolding and crazy gesture. She believed that if she didn't do anything at this moment, she might not forget the hatred of Fiktor for him in her life. This picture will become a scene. nightmare.

After running a few hurriedly forward, Bouy said to himself, no! Can't kill Fiktor! He is my man!

The next moment, the sharp sharp knife has penetrated deeply into Fiktor's chest.

On the bed, the mysterious man turned over and lit a cigarette with a coldly smile on his face.

Human nature is selfish!

In order to satisfy their own desires, everyone is an executioner!

This is the real human!

A woman in red walked into the room at this moment and knelt down within reach of the mysterious man.

"Master, I collected all the information and found that the person you care about is dead!"

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