A five-meter monster suddenly appeared.

It looks like an enlarged version of a beetle, with bone spurs and mucus all over its body, and electric lights flashing on its tentacles. The six-legged crawling is extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye it has rushed into the woods and knocked down a few big trees, creating Louder noise.

In the forest, Nanhai Yuren, Nanhai Qiushuang and others were all awakened, and the demon and others who were sleeping naturally also woke up.

"What's the matter?" Ci'an asked nervously. She was actually a timid woman just like Jingyi. She was not afraid of intrigue between humans, but she was afraid of demon ghosts.

"We are surrounded."

"How come? Don't you have super hearing?"

"Yes, but the problem is that these guys have the ability to hide in the void, and they are also good at besieging. In fact, all the players who run out of Evernight City did not escape the crisis. The monsters just formed a circle of encirclement from the foreign language. It's already formed, and now it's almost time to close the net. We just slept, and most of the nearby players were killed and eaten!"

"Ah? You seem to be familiar with them?" The demon asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, I forgot it originally, but now I remember it. When the physical plateau landed on the plateau many years ago, many people in the Kowloon Empire were killed. Even Vajra and others died in that disaster. The physical plateau of is actually the undead creatures that came across. This is a distinctly structured social species. Some of them are used for attacks and have low IQs, while others are used for command. The smart ones are even stronger than humans. Many. The undead army is very famous. The north has fought with Wukui for several years, and the south has friction with the empire. And for many years, they have beaten the power of the gods without fighting back. So the undead may be our world today. One of the most powerful legions in the world. Of course, it can’t be compared with the Sword God Legion of the Dead Sect.”

"Our Qin family army is also very powerful." Jingyi said unwillingly.

"It's very powerful. Don't interrupt Jingyi... or talk about the Queen of the Undead Legion and the ghost general! I think the Evernight City should have been occupied by the people they sent, but I don't know this is called Who is the woman of Qiye! Since she is the lord of the city, she has the authority to expel any player from the city for an hour, so this makes sense. Why is a city full of players full of monsters? Those monsters should belong to the player, all They are the undead! They still retain the characteristics of cannibalism, and Qiye will be eliminated from the city. These undead creatures hide outside the city and rush to kill people! I don’t know what Qiye is like, they are the subordinates of the undead queen. , Or the immortal queen herself? If the Universe God Stone thing is true, I think these guys who have been hiding behind the big forces will always appear in the game world. And they are already very strong, and it is estimated that the future world will go to this kind of thing. I definitely can't trouble them. So Qiye is probably the undead queen!"

Seven nights?

When Qin An spoke, Yaozi's face suddenly turned pale.

Because she was so impressed with this name, she seemed to have hidden it in her heart for so long.


"Little thing, do you want to go with Big sis?"

"I am not a small thing, I am an ancient god, who are you?"

"I am a woman."

"What is a woman?"

"A woman is me, and you are a man, we can actually do a lot of happy things together!"

"Happy things?"

Little Demonic Beasts has transformed into a human form and can even speak simple words, but she doesn't understand the difference between men and women, so naturally she doesn't know the meaning of this conversation.

Walking forward quietly, opening the gap between the leaves, the little Demonic Beasts saw the ancient god hugging a woman. She couldn't see the woman's face, but she could see that the woman's mouth was biting the ancient god's lips. superior.

The little Demonic Beasts became angry, and leapt out directly, knocking down a large piece of trees.

"Old God, eat her!"

"No, no, little demon, is she my friend?"

"Friend?" The little demon couldn't understand.

"She didn't bully me, she was just doing happy things with me. I am happy because she is special, do you understand?"The little demon didn't understand at all, her intelligence was far from that of the ancient gods!

When the woman on one side saw the appearance of the little demon, her eyes suddenly widened, and a somewhat icy cold light shot in her eyes.

"One night to warm the heart, two nights to sleep together, three nights to watch the flowers bloom, four nights of tears, five nights of grudges, six nights to kill girls, seven nights to travel, this life will never be destined... Hahaha, demon, I didn't expect it to happen. Met you?"

At that time, the little demon was not called Yaozi, so she didn't know what the woman was talking about.

And the woman turned around and left after speaking a few steps. After walking a few steps, she looked back at the ancient god and said coquettishly: "From then on, I will be called Qiye, dear man, do you want to travel this world with me? Huh? I'm waiting for you by the lake where I first met, hahaha..."

After a lot of laughter, she disappeared into the jungle. In the next few days, the ancient god changed his appearance. He seemed to be unhappy, he seemed to have something on his mind.

The poor little Demonic Beasts didn't know anything. She thought everything was the same as before, until the ancient god left and never came back.

She hadn't forgotten all the things, but she didn't want to think about it. In fact, she had a doubt, why did Qiye know the name Yaozi back then?

Later, the reason why Yaozi called herself Yaozi was completely on a whim. After calling it, she realized that the mysterious woman had called her by this name many years ago. It was really weird.

Who is Qiyehui today?

There are many people named Qiye even on the savage beast continent. The demon child once visited every woman named Qiye, just trying to find the guy who took the ancient god, but in the end they all failed, all with the same name.

Is this the same name now?

"what happened to you?"

Qin An spotted the demon's abnormality and walked over and grabbed her hand.

The demon felt Qin An's breath, and his agitated mood slowly calmed down.

"Qin An, the woman who took away the ancient gods is called Qiye."

The demon hadn't concealed it, she had never mentioned this woman's name to anyone, so it was a top secret, and no one knew about it except the demon.

Now she easily told Qin An.

"One night to warm the heart, two nights to sleep together, three nights to watch the flowers bloom, four nights of tears, five nights of resentment, six nights to kill the virgin, Qiye Samsara to go, this life will never happen again! This is the first and only time for Qiye that year I said something when I appeared in front of me once, and I have not known what it means for many years. Qin An, can you understand it?"

"Is that what Qiye said?"


"This seems to be a love poem. I sent warm care on the first night, slept in the same bed on the second night, and watched the flowers bloom together on the third night. On the fourth night, a woman should be crying for some reason. I know how to feel resentment. I killed a little girl on the sixth night. She should have died on the seventh night. I didn’t get fate anymore. I think this should be about the love story of a woman and a man. Since Qiye said it, then The tragic character should be Qiye herself. She doesn't know who the person she loves is. Why does she want to say this to you?"

"I didn't understand it at the time." The demon thought that Qin An was really smart and could translate these words into vernacular that she could understand. Since it had already started, the demon was not stingy at all and explained all the details to Qin An.

"How is it possible? You were just a little orc who had just transformed into a human form, and had never been in contact with the outside world. Why would Qiye know you?"

"You said she knew me?"

"Yeah, how else would she know the name Demon Child?"

"The key point is that I was not called Yaozi at that time. I unified the savage beast continent. After becoming the beast queen, I used the name Yaozi occasionally to cover up my identity when traveling outside. She couldn't have known it at that time."

Qin An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the demon for a long time before saying: "So, does she know you in the future?"

Ah? How could this be? The demon was stunned.

"Master, still chatting, look around!" Jingyi shouted in surprise.

"It's over, we are all going to die!" The jade man roared.

Qin An naturally noticed that hundreds of undead monsters appeared nearby, and they had already surrounded this side.

The undead are monsters, so they have different settings from humans after entering the game. Some attributes are retained, and the way to upgrade is to swallow, perhaps because of their low IQ. The attributes reserved for them as a compensation system make them stronger than humans of the same level without any equipment, and they can’t actually wear anything. equipment.

Qin An said lightly to the demon child: "Don't think too much, as you said, don't we know everything if we go to the city of Eternal Night and see it?"

While speaking, Qin An raised his hand to summon the Fiery Fire Taotao skill.

The sea of ​​fire ignited a large area of ​​forest. Qin An’s attack power and hits were too abnormal. The undead monster players could not defend against such a strong attack. They would die if they received a maximum of three attacks in the sea of ​​fire, which seemed to be just a large wall of fire. The spell attack makes the heart tremble.

The jade father and daughter and the dozen people around them were shocked.

What kind of harm is this? Exaggerated, right? They competed with this group of monsters. It was really ferocious. How could they be killed by this person at once?

"The group of undead beetles is very large and they have the ability to reproduce very quickly. In addition to this feature, it also has the characteristics of stealth and rounding up. Although I can't feel that there are other undead beetles nearby, it is estimated that there are Countless beetles surrounded us. In the text of the undead, the undead beetles are also called Death's Tooth. When they were in the Hebei Plain military base, the imperial warriors did not eat this thing. There is no need to hide in this place, we go to Yongye City, and we will meet the woman named Qiye."

Qin An's voice fell and rushed out of the woods first, the demon, Cian and the others naturally followed closely.

Nanhai Yuren father and daughter were shocked and followed after the meeting.

Qin An just said that there may be many invisible monsters nearby. In this case, they have no way to retreat. Qin An looked extremely powerful, and they all hoped to be sheltered.

As expected, everything was exactly the same as Qin An had said. Just as he walked out of the woods, a black shadow gleamed in front of him, and hundreds of Death red monsters appeared.

Qin An didn't hesitate to take action, and Ci Jingyi also summoned storm spells to help. Fortunately, the level of these undead creatures was low, around 20th level as a fighter.

Just like this, all the way to kill, the monsters are killing more and more, seemingly endless.

Gradually, the skills were overwhelming, and Qin An could only turn on the dark attributes.

It's a pity that the dark attribute can't really kill these monsters, but can only send them back to the city. But this can resolve the crisis, how can those monsters be able to withstand the skills of these super BOSS.

"Help me, help us!"

The voice of Nanhai Jade People came from behind, and Qin An looked back and found that they had fallen behind and were surrounded by dozens of monsters.

Didn't even think that Qin An directly shot the monster with Hongye Flying Daggers, but did not stop and wait.

Even with the use of dark attributes, there are crises all around, and all he can do is just a matter of effort.

Continuing to sprint forward at extreme speed, and then continue to concentrate on killing monsters, Wei Hong almost died after encountering danger several times. Fortunately, Qin An came to the rescue in time.

Weihong once again witnessed the strength of this Qin An, and couldn't help but feel happy. She had decided to let this Qin An be her own father, and naturally hoped that he was not only kind-hearted but also capable.

After running for more than an hour, they finally entered a mountain. After climbing halfway up the mountain, there were fewer and fewer monsters, and the number of monsters they killed along the way was estimated to be tens of thousands.

At the top of the mountain, all the monsters were completely killed, but Qin An's brows were frowning, and none of his own, including the little girl, Zhen E, was left behind, but the Nanhai Jade was dead, and only the Nanhai Jade was still alive.

"Why, you are so powerful, you can obviously save my daughter and my Little Brother, why don't you save them! You wicked people!"

Qin An only felt that his heart was tired and crooked, and it was not easy to be a good person.

He really tried his best to help them just now, but his team also had to take care of them. There were also undead monsters around him. He was already benevolent, and this old boy was not satisfied.

Forget it, for the sake of his dead daughter and Little Brother, Qin An plans not to care about him.

And now obviously there are more important things to deal with.More than ten kilometers below the mountain, a big black city appeared in Qin An's sight. This should be Yongye City. At this time, various monsters were piled up in the city, and the number was a bit alarming...

My God, the undead legion's moves are so big, how much does it have to be? Ten million? 20 million?

They must have activated a large magic circle to directly transmit undead races from Russia, otherwise how could so many undead monsters enter the sky?

Qin An focused on watching for a long time, and finally found the palace, and saw the pretty woman in a red cheongsam in the square in front of the palace.

The so-called pretty is just a pretty figure, Qin An can't see her face at all, because she wears a strange-looking mask on her face, which can actually shield Qin An's super vision!

Didn't the previous fugitive say that he could see this woman's face? Say how beautiful she is, and why is she now wearing a mask?

When Qin An was puzzled, the woman was dancing, holding a hip flask in her hand, dancing while drinking, her body swaying charmingly, it was impossible for any man to not be moved when she saw it.

Qin An is naturally an exception. His concentration is actually good, not to mention that he is really not interested in women now.

"Sarly east wind and drizzle, there is a light thunder outside Furong Pond. The golden toad bites the lock to burn the incense, the jade tiger pulls the silk and draws the well back. Jia's peeping at the curtain, Han Jusao, Mi Fei stays with Wei Wangcai. An inch of Acacia and an inch of ash! An inch of Acacia and an inch of ash! Hahaha!"

The pretty woman drank a sip of wine, recited a poem, and then laughed like crazy.

Is this... an alien? Why did you recite Li Shangyin's verses? This poem is about the despair of a woman who is deeply locked in a secluded girl who pursues love and is disillusioned. So this should be the pretty woman of Qiye, why is there such a state of mind?

"Qin An, are you looking at me? If you have any questions, come to the city and ask me. There are countless undead creatures in this city. Could you reach me?"

Qin An's body trembled suddenly, and only felt cold in his back!

The other party actually knew that he was looking at her? And why is her tone so weird? As if they knew each other, how could this be?

"Qin An, have you seen her?" The demon's expression finally became less calm again.

"Well, I saw it. It's just that she wears a mask. I can't see through it, so I can't tell what she looks like. This is a strange woman. She seems to know me and even understands me very well, so she brought a The mask of perspective."

"Qiye!" After spitting out the words softly, the demon boy suddenly set off and went straight to Yongye City.

"Devil! Don't get excited!"

Qin An wanted to stop, but at this time, how could he stop the beast queen!

The figure of this woman was like a shock, and it only took a few minutes to enter the city of Eternal Night.

"You guys are waiting here, I'll go and have a look!"

Qin An felt that everyone couldn't enter the city. Who knew if this was a complete set of Qiye?

It's just that the city is a safe zone, so you won't be able to fight even if you enter it?

When Qin An thought about it this way, the demon was already forming a fight with those monsters, and the city could not only PK, but also use the dark attributes.

Qin An was shocked, speeding up and flashing continuously, and finally reached the Yaozi's side.

When he entered the city, the Xiaochacha system prompted the sound to sound: "Dear master, Evernight City has reached the third-level. The city lord has started the full PK mode. In this mode, Death can be resurrected, please Enjoy the pleasure of PK!"

Has reached third-level? Sure enough, it is a local tyrant, Kaitian City is now only a second-level city.

Now the problem is thorny. It can be resurrected when killed. How can the undead monsters that have piled up in the city be killed?

The demon does not have the ability of long-range Spatial Teleportation, her power is close attack.

At this time, the Queen of Brutal Beasts has recovered the momentum of fighting the Brutal Continent. Qin An was still worried about her, but now she is shocked. Isn't this woman too ferocious?

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