The method of eating souls can capture even the remnants of zombies, not to mention the undead with a certain amount of wisdom.

The demon rushed into a group of monsters, and countless black balls of light instantly floated around her.

"Be careful of the demon! Don't kill too many groups!"

Qin An, who was following him, hurriedly gave a voice prompt.

Yaozi looked cold, as if he didn't hear Qin An's voice at all.

She raised her left hand, and a golden spell card appeared in her left hand.

Qin An has a strong ability to recognize spell cards, and at a glance recognizes this thing as a magic spell!

The fixed body spell is not an attack spell card, but a super defensive spell card.

After using this spell, you can maintain the current status of your body, resist all attack effects, and keep your body in its current state without any change.

Most of the things brought in from the outside in the game world have more or less changed their attributes, only the spell cards are basically unchanged.

Qin An and Yaozi had discussed this issue in small talk before, and felt that it should be because of the Supreme God Curse the Sky of the Sky.

The game world was originally the product of the combination of the future world game system and the firmament of the sky, so the spell cards are imitations of the firmament of the sky, and have the same energy characteristics as the sky, so they are not controlled by the system and can be effective.

When Qin An thought about this, the demon child had already crushed the curse and set himself, The next moment yelled out in anger.


All of a sudden, tens of thousands of floating black balls of light exploded, and tens of thousands of nearby undead monsters broke and died at the same time, disappearing without a trace.

Even if they can be resurrected again, they will be concentrated at the resurrection point in the city.

The demon's movements were extremely fast. After killing all the undead zombies around him, she used the vitality fluctuations to find the location of the resurrection point a few kilometers away. She summoned a beast bone prison from the air, and it turned out that the entire resurrection point was sealed, and the light and shadow continued. The undead monsters that were killed after flashing were resurrected, but they couldn't leave the resurrection point and were trapped.

Qin An looked at her tongue behind the demon, what a powerful demon!

After using the curse to set her body, she was not affected by the system anymore. Although she killed tens of thousands of player-like monsters at one time, she was not punished by the system to lose any dark attribute abilities.

The magic curse is indeed a good thing. I don't know how many years the demon has lived on the star of the sword spirit. It is not a fool. It is estimated that the curse he possesses is not just a part of the magic? It is understandable if she thinks about it, she used to have a supreme magic spell, so if she wants to surrender other spell cards, it might just be a matter of raising her hand.

In the distance, the pretty woman in the fiery red cheongsam was still dancing in the square leisurely, as if she didn't even know what was happening here.

Qin An knows that the leader of the undead has the ability to share Spiritual Sense with individuals of the race. In other words, the reason why Qiye knew that he was coming must be because of the undead creatures he had killed all the way before. As long as the undead creature sees itself, it will share this information as the leader.

Therefore, at this time, every move of himself and the demon child should be under the supervision of Qiye.

The demon child killed so many undead creatures in an instant with her own power, but this woman was not moved at all. This calmness is really not easy.

In other words, she doesn't care about the life and death of these undead monsters. Is she the undead queen herself?

Only rush to her side to ask!

Thinking of this, Qin An quickened his pace and followed the demon to cooperate with her in battle.

In fact, there is no need for Qin An's help at all. After the demon's firepower is fully activated, how can these little undead monsters be able to defend, and all the enemies blocking her in front of her are instantly wiped out.

The resurrection point is sealed again, and monsters can't get out if they accumulate in it after they are resurrected.In fact, there is not much room for the resurrection point, but all the dead monsters are still resurrected there. There are more and more monsters accumulating in the space, making the sound of wolves crying and ghosts howling, and Qin An saw that some monsters were already crowded. The blood exploded and died, and the system judged him to be completely dead.

It turns out that this is also a way to kill players in the city, provided that the city owner needs to turn on the player's PK mode in the city.

After killing all the way for more than an hour, a bloody road appeared, and Qin An and Yaozi finally reached the square.

Although there are many monsters near the square, they all stand far away in their respective positions and will not take a step on the square at all. This allows two people to face the gorgeous women wearing masks and red cheongsams.

"who are you?"

Qin An and Yaozi asked questions almost at the same time, but the focus was different. Qin An wanted to know if this woman was the undead queen, and what the Yaozi wanted to know was whether she was the Qiye in his own memory.

Qiye looked at the two people, laughed, drank a drink, then laughed again.

"Last night Star last night wind, Guitang East on the west side of the painting building. There is no color phoenix flying wings in the body, and the heart is clear and clear."

This is also a poem by Li Shangyin, taken from "Untitled".

Qin An is really suspicious, is this the undead queen? How do you feel that she is more literary than most of the young people in the post-apocalyptic era, even if she dances and wears cheongsam, she still always recites poetry.

"Hmph, play mystery, watch me take off your mask."

The demon's words fell, and he flew forward, reaching out to Qiye's face.

Qiye stayed still, until the Yaozi's hand was about to touch the mask, Qiye suddenly flashed like the wind, and instantly reached the far north wall.

The monsters around the square boiled all of a sudden, and they all rushed towards Qin An and Yaozi.

The demon was angry, and while killing the monster angrily, he shouted: "Qin An, you chase her, you can't let her run away!"

Qin An still needs the demon's order, and he has already quickly caught up with him.

The woman's Spatial Teleportation ability is obviously better than Qin An, and Qin An only needs one teleport to complete the three sections of her journey.

I don't know if the time interval between this kind of teleportation ability is relatively long, or she has been deliberately waiting for Qin An, sending two people dozens of times to places more than ten kilometers outside the city, but Qiye has not left Qin An too far behind.

Running and running, here is already the intersection between the Evil Body Plain and the Ghost Territory. The seemingly borderless lake is named Luolan Ancient Lake, a map of the water area, and it is also a connection between the Ghost Territory and the Ghost Territory.

When Qin An arrived on the edge of Luolan Gu Lake, Qiye didn't continue running. When Qin An arrived, she was sitting on the grass with a wooden table in front of her. There were wine and meat on the wooden table.

"The game world is beautiful, and the items in it are all-encompassing. It's really good. Qin An, do you have any questions about me? Then sit down and let's talk. That nasty demon will probably not be able to leave Yongye for a while. Cheng, but you don’t need to worry, my undead monsters can’t help her. She is the Demonic Beasts of the ancestor of the seven beasts. There are a few in this world that can hurt her. At the beginning, she was a little beast. At that time I dared not try to do anything with her, not to mention now. Sit down, I personally made all these meats."

Qin An narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman who was looking at him.

Although she wears a mask on her face, her eyes are exposed.

This look was so weird, Qin An felt a little familiar, but extremely strange.

Looking down at the barbecue on the table, Qin An sneered, "I don't eat human flesh, let alone human offal."

The woman sighed and said, "Yes, you are a good person, how can you eat these things."

"You know me well? Who are you?"

"Have you guessed it? I am the Qiye in the memory of the demon, and the undead queen in your imagination. Hey, I have lived too long, so many things may be forgotten, but I remembered some dusty things the other day. Memory, so I missed you!"

"A dusty memory? Thinking of me? Have you ever met me?"

"Yes, Qin An, we not only know each other, but we also have a great relationship. You are a special person to me, you know?"

Qin An is really stupid, he thinks his own life experience is already considered bizarre, his father is Qin Shihuang, and his mother is an alien fire mage. How can this undead queen say that she has a lot to do with herself? How is this possible?

Back then, he fought the undead in the physical plateau for many years, and he had never seen the undead queen appear.

Yes, she said it was only in the last few days that she suddenly thought of own.

"Since you are the undead queen and Qiye, then I really want to know where are the ghosts and the ancient gods?"

"Ancient God? He fell asleep. I almost died many years ago. He ran out of energy for my life. So I don’t know how many years have passed since he fell asleep. He is in my body and may wake up at any time. As for the ghost general, he It's just one of my many men. I asked him to stay in the Black Gold Empire. The war is still going on there. Wukui and God's Domain especially want to kill me, but they don't have that ability."

As expected, Qiye knew everything, the only thing she didn't say was why she knew Qin An.

"So, did you come to see me when you entered the game world?"

"Well, Qin An, some things will happen soon. This is a chance for you to choose. If you choose the right one, maybe everything will become a cloud. If you choose the wrong one, it will be another Samsara. I will definitely Fighting with you to the end is endless. So Qin An, it's up to you how you choose."

"What choice?"

"Since it is a choice, then naturally there will be no answer before you choose. Okay, it's good that I can come and see you. I will continue to upgrade, Qin An, if you choose Samsara, then I will be in front of you. Waiting for you to become your stumbling block to the Universe God Stone, maybe I will kill all the people around you, then you will definitely hate me? Then you will definitely kill me as before, right?"

There was a deep sadness in the woman's eyes, and after she had said this, her figure quickly disappeared, and she didn't know where to go.

"Qin An!"

The demon is really strong, she broke through all obstacles with unimaginable speed, and finally chased it out.

"What about people?"


"How can you let her run away? I have to ask her..."

"She is Qiye, the woman who took the ancient god away. But the ancient god is sleeping in her body now..." Qin An told the demon boy what Qiye had just said.

"It's really her... Qin An! How could you let her run away?"

The demon glared at Qin An, his face full of anger and coldness.

Qin An has actually never seen such a demon, because this woman was pretending to be a demon and not a queen when she first met Qin An. After adapting, he has been a demon.

So seeing her stern look, Qin An's mood became uncomfortable, and coldly said, "The ancient gods made you care like that?"

"What?" The Yaozi didn't understand Qin An's meaning. He was talking about Qiye. Why did he get involved with the ancient god?

"Isn’t it because of the ancient gods that you want to find Qiye? Since you care about him so much, you can find it yourself. It’s useless to stay with me, because I won’t go to the ancient gods or Qiye, I will only follow the game settings. I will upgrade honestly, until the final strategy of the final BOSS, let the world return to peace, and then enjoy my old age with my family. It is not easy in my life. I have experienced Death, become a woman, transformed into an animal, and my soul has drifted. In any corner of the world, I have lost my family and been lost! So I don’t think so much now, I just want to work hard for a peaceful life. I am tired and tired! Demon, I know you are the queen, For me, I have a very good temper. Although I sometimes make arrogances on weekdays, most of the time it is reasonable. You just... your expression is really cold. I can't accept such a demon, because I don't want to be anyone's punching bag. Let’s do it, if you feel that the ancient gods are so important to you, then you can chase Qiye. After that, we don’t need to be together every day, you may also have a goal for you!"

After Qin An finished speaking, he turned around and walked slowly towards where Ci An and the others were.

The demon was completely stupid standing in the same place, and the ancient gods of Qiye were all left behind.

She couldn't adapt to Qin An like this either, he looked so cold, he was not at all different from usual!

How did that happen? What happened today is to blame him at all! But... what he said seems to be right, is the ancient god so important? Why did she react so fiercely to get angry with Qin An? Could it be that... Qin An was jealous? ! ! !

Qing Chuan romance novels are really not in vain, and there is also the emotion of being jealous among the orcs. For example, if others can eat delicious meat, but they can't eat it, this is considered jealous. This is what Yaozi understood after reading the novel.

Then the jealous demon of human emotions had never experienced it before, and now Qin An made her feel it.

Qin An may not be really jealous, but was very worried and felt that he couldn't understand the mysterious Qiye, so he was restless.

The demon didn't think so. He showed a strong memory of another male creature. Naturally, Qin An can be angry, and naturally he can be angry, so this is jealous!After realizing it was a little outrageous, after a minute of stunned Yaozi suddenly realized that his heart was beating very fast, and his face blushed...

It's not that she doesn't have the function of blushing, but she doesn't know why she hasn't blushed for so many years.

What can I do, Qin An is gone, do you want to chase?


The demon raised his mouth, and then sat down on the ground.

Isn't she a queen? Should she lower her noble head in front of a male creature?

When she used to be with the ancient gods, although she didn't have the wisdom, she seemed to be the boss. The ancient gods always ran behind her when they were not wise.

Ah, what should I do?

The demon was melancholy, and many emotions that he had never had before took over his body and mind.


Qin An returned alone and saw Ci'an, Jingyi, the reddish, desperate South China Sea jade, and the little girl Zhen E who woke up.

Zhen E pouted her small mouth and held her reddish thighs, staring at Qin An angrily, her eyes still blood red.

She is too young and needs a support. Wei Hong has always taken her with her, so she regards Wei Hong as a support, and does not go back to consider that she is in fact with Qin An.

"What's the matter? What about the demon? I just saw that there was a good fight, and I wanted to go and find you." Ci'an asked with concern.

"I drove away the demon. It was originally annoying enough. The identity of Qiye was mysterious. I racked my brains and couldn't guess where she came from. This is obviously very unusual. The demon also made trouble with me and got angry with her. After a meal, I don’t know if I will come back."

"What? Are you fierce Queen?"

Ci'an, Jingyi, Wei Hong opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

When they get along with the demon, they are bystanders clearly, and they can see the demon's virtue.

In front of Qin An, the demon child is more well-behaved, and the faces of other people close to the demon child's five-meter range will be so long, as if someone else has violated her territory.

The demon's temper is not a little girl acting like a baby, that powerful aura will emerge spontaneously.

So although the other women are very powerful, they really don't want to provoke the demon, and they are all far away from her.

Unexpectedly, Qin An dared to attack him, but the demon was really ran away by him. This is a bit weird.

Qin An looked at that Yongye City, where the undead creatures were still connected together.

Hey, if you are in the real world, you must find a way to eliminate them, but here is the game world. Ascension's strength is the kingly way, and you need to pay attention to these monsters.

After resting in the same place for a long time, Qin An hesitated and decided to return to Kaitian City.

It's been several days since I came out. Many equipments need to be sold and materials need to be sorted out.

And after the Qiye Incident, Qin An was a little tired.

He must calm down and remember who this woman is.

Although he can ignore it, he can't be prepared without any preparation. Thinking of a mysterious woman spying on himself, thinking that his fellow is a pervert and violent maniac, thinking of all the people who may enter the game world at any time to fight for hegemony, Qin An feels that he should plan well. Click it.

It is naturally easy to upgrade alone, but if there is no strong strength behind him, how can he develop better, and how to attack the more powerful super BOSS in the future. Now it's just the early stage of the game, and the road to upgrade will be more and more difficult in the future!

Maybe you can build Kaitian City and completely turn him into your own reserve force? This obviously requires some experience in phone expenses, and he needs a good candidate. Yang Xiaofeng's family power should finally be able to play some role...

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