Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1723 Return to reality

Early in the morning, when Qin An woke up, he found that Wu Xiaoxiao had already woke up and was staring at herself.

"Ah, I feel so tired, heart tired, and people tired... Good morning."

Qin An greeted Wu Xiaoxiao lazily.

"Qin An, did you marry me?"

"Marry you? Are you kidding me?"

For eighteen years, the two of them have never talked about the emotions of men and women. Qin An has always regarded Wu Xiaoxiao as a lunatic girlfriend and can't imagine why she made such a request.

"We spent the night together, but you lost me for eighteen years, you know? I have never been able to bring other people into the memory world, but I can take you! Last time you went to Hong Kong with me, this time Followed me for so many years. Qin An, I have fallen in love with you, I don’t mind if you have many women, would you marry me?"

"Are you... not crazy?"

"Life has never been so clear."

Wu Xiaoxiao's eyes were indeed clear at this time, and she looked like a normal person.

It's impossible to get along for eighteen years without any emotional foundation, but Qin An really has no love between men and women for Wu Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, no kidding, you know I don't have that energy. An eighteen-year dream finally woke up, and now I still have to continue this game world, do you think I still have the energy to consider personal issues?"

"Qin An, I am not asking you to think about personal issues, I am asking you to think about me. For eighteen years, I have been used to you and fell in love with you. If you don't marry me, how can I stay by your side forever?"


This is really a problem.

Is there a woman who wants to follow him and accept it as before?

That's really a stallion.

Qin An decided not to agree to Wu Xiaoxiao anyway.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao, let's talk about it after this incident. Let's go back to Kaitiancheng. After eighteen years of walking, I now return to reality and find that the timeline has not changed a bit. I am really a little uncomfortable. Hey, I still miss it a bit. The Sword Spirit Star has a wonderful scenery. After the end of the world, I think our technology should allow us to travel between the stars, and then we will go to the Universe to find beautiful places for sightseeing."

Qin An turned the subject off, he couldn't bear to directly reject Wu Xiaoxiao, who had been with him for 18 years, so he chose the curve of saving the country.

Wu Xiaoxiao looked at Qin An obsessively, her eyes slowly turning from clear to blurred.

Qin An sighed for a long time, knowing that Wu Xiaoxiao had become stupid again, so he didn't talk too much, took her by the hand and picked it up, and hurriedly left the cave and rushed back to Kaitian City.

After returning to the city, Qin An arranged Wu Xiaoxiao to rest in a room in the palace.

Ci Jingyi, Wei Hong, the three women found that Qin An came back with a woman in her arms and all followed up to investigate.

Weihong didn't know Wu Xiaoxiao, but Ci'an and Jingyi did. Wu Xiaoxiao also lived in Tianju back then.

"Ah? Isn't this the crazy woman? It has been missing for many years, sir, where did you find her? She also entered the game world." Jingyi asked after seeing the difference in Wu Xiaoxiao's appearance."Well, I also remember Wu Xiaoxiao. I heard from Lida that Wu Xiaoxiao had kissed Beichen forcibly before she disappeared. Hehe, this girl would still be jealous when she talks about it now." Ci'an smiled and said.


Qin An only felt sweat on his forehead, and Xiaoxiao even kissed her own son forcibly.

This f*ck is really dangerous. If he agreed to Wu Xiaoxiao’s previous show of love, wouldn’t it be equal to...what? This analogy is not easy to find, so putting a green hat on your son doesn't count, and it won't be enough to brush the pot.

Anyway, fortunately! It seems that we must reconsider the relationship with Wu Xiaoxiao in the future, and we must keep our distance.

Oh shit!

Why was Wu Xiaoxiao brought into the memory world? It's all because of falling asleep! Be careful in the future, set up a land seal when sleeping to prevent Wu Xiaoxiao from approaching. Believe that if you are awake, you will not be brought in by her.

After eighteen years of wandering, Qin An tried his best not to have any contact with the people he saw. He just wandered like a leaf, walking into the memories of strangers, which was equivalent to traveling through the world one by one. This experience is too painful to express in words.

Reaching out his hand, he suddenly hugged Ci An in front of him, and Qin An gave her a hard kiss on the forehead.

The Empress Dowager Ci'an was numb, while Jingyi and Weihong were dumbfounded.

Qin An's expression was touched, his eyes flickered, and then he let go of Cian and laughed out loud.

"It's done, no matter what, hahaha! Eighteen years! My Qin An is finally back!"

What eighteen years? All the women didn’t understand. Ci An’s face became redder and red. Looking at the man’s slender body and the handsome and resolute face, she secretly said depressed in her heart: “Qin An, I’m crazy, so I can’t do it. Huh?"

How did she know Qin An's agitated mood at this time?

For a whole day, Qin An was in excitement.

At night, he finally couldn't hold back, and ran to the pavilion outside the palace to meet the demon.


The sunset in the Remnant Blood World seems to be more beautiful. The world has shrunk countless times, so the sun has been magnified countless times. Although there is no trace of the sun in the western sky, the huge burning clouds in the sky are really shocking.

The pavilion was built on the edge of the lake, and the lake has wrapped the palace, which can be regarded as a moat.

Because it is by the lake, the scenery here is unique, surrounded by peach trees, and peach blossoms are flying around.

Qin An was fascinated by the peach blossoms while walking, shook his head and threw the peach blossoms away, and saw the woman in the pavilion leaning on the fence and looking at the moon.

The demon is as beautiful as eighteen years ago, she has actually been beautiful for many years. It's just that the demon was a little haggard at this time, and it seemed that he didn't sleep well.

The demon also saw the man walking through the peach blossom forest, and his heart immediately accelerated.

"Monster, are you doing well?"

Qin An came to the demon and sat down with a smile on his face.

The demon was a little depressed, how could Qin An not know how he had been in these seven days? He has the ability to monitor the entire city. He is outside the palace. Didn't he look at himself for seven days?

The demon child felt a little wronged. She had already regressed and stood by the gate of the palace. As long as Qin An came out to call her, she would go back, but Qin An didn't show up until the eighth day.

Humph, who do you think she is? She is the queen of wild beasts!

Look, she won't go back with him anyway! Except... Except what? The demon didn't think about it.

"You son, your hometown is beautiful. I like the huge pink tree and the blue Tongtian River. I heard that you were born there. The orcs there admire the beast heaven. They have always They are waiting for the return of the beast they believe in, but since the ancient gods have gone, the ancient demons have never returned! That place is called the Beast God Village. Do you remember the pets that accompany you when you transformed into a human form? The lovely Zhangjia Beast, he successfully transformed into a human form 3000 years after you left, and stayed in the Beast God Village to wait for you, but you never went back. Then he died. Before he died, he finally found the blue iron stone. It used to be your favorite stone, but it was a pity that it fell into the Tongtian River. You looked for it for a long time and didn’t find it..."

The demon was completely stupid, and his body was trembling slightly.

"You... how do you know these things? You can't know."

Qin An smiled slightly, and a pendant with a small blue stone appeared in his hand.

"I brought you this blue iron stone and made it into a necklace."

"No...I can't ask for it. It was given to me by the ancient gods, and it has no meaning to me."

The demon's emotions are really very excited. She has forgotten the Zhang Jia beast pet. It is a cute little animal that was born shortly after she appeared. She actually knew that the place where she was born was called the Beast God Village. It was the place where she and the ancient god were born and lived together. She never went back after she left because she never saw the ancient god again.

Qin An looked at the Yaozi still smiling, and walked forward and put the blue iron stone necklace around the Yaozi's neck. The Yaozi wanted to refuse, but saw Qin An's warm smile and couldn't make any moves.

"Well, don’t be self-willed. If you can’t let go of your feelings with the ancient gods, then throw it away. If you can let go, then take it with you. This is something your pet has kept for you for many years. , This is what I brought back to you when I went into the orc memory world. It has no life and does not belong to anyone. It is just a gift."

"I... have no feelings with the ancient gods."

Yaozi is also a funny B. After experiencing the excitement of the early stage, she suddenly remembered how she quarreled with Qin An. Isn't it because the ancient gods made Qin An jealous? Qin An finally came to him, only to say a few words and mentioned the ancient gods twice, which showed that he still cared very much.Because of this thought, Yaozi was relieved from his emotions and explained to Qin An in a low voice.

Qin An really didn't think so much, and was happy to see that the demon was suddenly less excited, and brought the blue iron stone to her for a few steps to retreat.

"Well, your collarbone is really beautiful, because it is white, so wearing this blue gemstone necklace looks particularly noble and temperament. This is the necklace made for you by the uncle himself!"

The demon who was praised was a little dizzy, wondering what happened to Qin An at this time, aren't they arguing. Why is he so kind to himself suddenly? What has he experienced in seven days? Where did the blue iron stone necklace come from?

Qin An saw the doubts of the demon son, he also needed someone to share it at this time, so for the next whole day, Qin An told the demon son about his eighteen years of traveling through time and space.

"...One of the orcs should be regarded as one of your guards. Xiaoxiao took me into his memory world. Only then did I have the opportunity to go to your hometown of Beast God Village, Yaozi, it is so beautiful. I will also look for something like that in the future. Beautiful place Life..."

The demon was a little unbelievable. She hadn't seen Qin An for only seven days, but he had been away for eighteen years? How could this be?

"Huh, did that Wu Xiaoxiao deliberately bring you into other worlds but can't bring you back?"

"Hey, she may be deliberate, but I can't help it. She is dizzy most of the time, and when she is awake, she also says something strange to herself. I think she just subconsciously doesn't want to return to reality. Because her life is too complicated, I don’t know how many memory worlds I have been to, and I don’t know how many years I have gone through. Now that I am talking to you here, she may have entered the memory world for hundreds of years, do you think Very exaggerated? And no matter how many years in the memory world, as long as it returns to the real world, everything will return to the original point. There is no change in the time axis of the real world. Let alone Wu Xiaoxiao, who has mental problems, I guess even if I keep going through it. This kind of thing will be crazy. But after Wu Xiaoxiao went crazy, her ability really got out of control. She often randomly transmits the memory world of different people. I have been to so many places in the past 18 years, which is unimaginable for ordinary people."

The demon's face was still very bad, and she felt very upset when she thought that Qin An had been away for eighteen years and stayed with a woman named Wu Xiaoxiao every day.

Qin An saw that the demon was not talking, and continued to smile: "I remember that eighteen years ago... it was seven days ago, we quarreled. You know, I rarely quarrel with women in my life, and you can count on it. It’s special, haha! You’re a demon, I actually like your character, it’s hard to go straight and not hypocritical. I think the two of us should be friends. My goal is to capture the boss and control the future, if you are willing , Let’s go on walking together? You are not hypocritical and I think you should be sincere. I don’t know how much danger there will be on the road in the future. I need a thug like you."

"You are the thug! I am the Queen of the Orcs!"

The demon glared at Qin An strangely, charming and enchanting.

But her heart was at ease, and Qin An finally came to her, but it was a pity that it had been eighteen years for him. People's emotions will gradually fade over time. Perhaps the Qin An 18 years ago really minded that he always thought of the ancient gods, right? And now? He mentioned the name of the ancient god twice as soon as he appeared. The demon was a little uncertain after thinking about it. Does he still mind or does not mind?If it's the latter, it's a pity.

The demon had some feelings about gains and losses, and then laughed at himself inwardly. When did the dignified queen have such complicated thoughts, it seems that romance novels will be better read less in the future.

After stretching her waist, the demon regained the appearance of high-cold Tsundere again. After listening to Qin An's story for a day, she was a little hungry, and Qin An seemed to be in a state of excitement. Also, how can you not be excited after leaving this world for so long and suddenly coming back.

"When did you come back? Have you met Ci'an and the others?"

"I came back this morning and met them, but I didn't tell them these things. These eighteen years are actually meaningless to anyone, so I don't think there is any need to mention them."

"Then you told me another day?"

"Haha, always find someone to talk to you. You are a good target, because I have been in the Sword Spirit Star for a long time, but I only stayed in the savage beast continent for two years! I finally know that the orcs are against the beast heaven. How strong is your belief, but what makes me feel funny is that many people don’t even know that you are the deity of the beast heaven, haha!"

Seeing that Qin An smiled so brilliantly, the demon was also infected, with a smile on his face and said:

"I don't always run around and tell others that I am the queen of the orcs. In the eyes of those low-level orcs, neither I nor the beast is the supreme existence. They don't know that they are actually the same person and it is normal. , The Beast Queen and Beast Cangtian are also out of reach for them."

"Dear Queen, it’s a great honor for the little one to let you listen to my gossip for a day. Anyway, let the previous things pass, okay? I have arranged the best for you in the palace. Room, and prepared a lot of food. Oh, yes, I also got a good ingredient at that time. After eating it, I can increase the attribute points. I originally wanted to come back and I would eat it for you, but I didn’t expect to travel and leave the world. ......"

Qin An continued to talk again, then came up and took the demon's arm and walked in the direction of the palace.

The demon followed Qin An helplessly, feeling that she was very spineless in her heart, but she could only follow her own will. She wanted to be with Qin An. This was the truest emotion.

After returning to the palace, Qin An and the women celebrated their return by pushing cups and changing cups.

He really didn't mention the experience of traveling through eighteen years. Although the people in Ci'an felt that Qin An's emotions in front of them were a little strange, they couldn't imagine what he had experienced.

After dinner, Qin An talked to the women again, and then sent the demon back to the bedroom before going to see Wu Xiaoxiao.

Wu Xiaoxiao slept for a full day. This is normal. During the eighteen years of Qin An’s stay with her, she would sleep regularly for several days. When she woke up, she would become a different temperament. Unpredictable lunatic, because she has so many different personalities.

Covering the woman on the bed with a quilt, Qin An wanted to turn around and leave, but Wu Xiaoxiao held her hand.

"Wake up?" Qin An asked with a smile.

"Qin An! I'm so scared. Someone chased me just now. She has been chasing me for several memory worlds. I'm so scared! Will you join me into the memory world?"

A black line appeared on Qin An's forehead, and he would never enter Wu Xiaoxiao's memory world again. It was simply too lonely and boring.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoxiao, have you forgotten what I told you before? To stabilize your emotions, if you fix yourself in a world instead of running around in the memories of various people, your emotions will be much more stable. Now that we have finally returned to reality, we must not leave."

"I'm afraid of Qin An, you hug me!" Wu Xiaoxiao suddenly plunged into Qin An's arms like a child, eyes full of tears.

Qin An felt a bit pitiful watching Wu Xiaoxiao crying and she could only hold her to comfort her.

Wu Xiaoxiao seemed to be more emotionally stable after being hugged by Qin An, and asked Qin An to go to bed and hug her to sleep.

How could Qin An reject a patient? And they have been with each other as fighters for eighteen years, and it's okay to share a bed together.

So he went to bed and hugged Wu Xiaoxiao tightly, but he didn't go to sleep.

Hey, what should I do with Wu Xiaoxiao, Qin An frowned and thought, but couldn't figure out the clue.

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