On the third day of the return, Qin An did not go out to fight monsters, and lay in bed to sleep.

He felt like he was suffering from jet lag.

Qin An is really tired, hasn't he experienced anything in his life? It doesn't seem to be anymore, he has more experience than the protagonist in any novel. Since the end of the world, he has experienced countless, indescribable.

When I got up in the morning, Qin An left Wu Xiaoxiao and returned to his own room. It was a little sleepy to stay up all night, but Qin An couldn't sleep, recalling Own's whole life with deep emotion.

Lying on the bed in a daze, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, and the demon came in wearing a red pajamas.

This pajama is a little mini, just able to wrap the demon's chest and buttocks, but the smooth thighs and the deep gully on the chest are obvious. This is obviously a kind of clothing, the Yaozi's original equipment is invisible after wearing it, it is estimated that she bought it in the clothing store.

Qin An breathed out, pretending not to see the charm of the demon, and whispered: "I don't go to leveling today. I just came back and I feel that the whole person is weird. Maybe I haven't adapted to the aura of this time and space. It's very tiring to travel. How about it? It’s better to sleep comfortably in bed, right?"

The demon's mouth was raised high, and his face was extremely gloomy.

She looked at Qin An coldly for a while, and then felt that it was inappropriate to lose her temper with Qin An. After all, she had a lesson from the past. Qin An said seven days ago that she didn't like being too proud of herself. The demon tried hard to calm himself, and whispered softly: "It's the nature of our wild beasts to sleep on the ground and follow the situation. Qin An, you slept in Wu Xiaoxiao's bed last night?"

"Well, yeah, it was in Wu Xiaoxiao's bed. Sometimes she would be very scared. As long as she hugs me to sleep, she can fall asleep quickly. What's wrong?"

"Huh, you want to marry her?"

Qin An glanced at the demon child differently, and suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart.

"Hey, the queen, you are a queen, you are a beast, why are you so interested in the marriage of our human men and women?"

"Well, in my terms, do you want to continue with her offspring?"

"How come, you know my situation, I have many confidantes who have not figured it out, so how can I provoke other women?"

Other women? Does this include myself?

Thinking of this, Yaozi's face cooled down again, and he stopped talking and turned his head to leave, making Qin An even more unable to sleep in the bed. He only felt that own Tao Hua Jie was really powerful.

After tossing over and over for a while, Qin An turned on Super Hearing to see the situation in the city, and the players had already organized some copies of the Raiders to go out to fight monsters. Cian and the others went out early in the morning with the players to clean monsters, they were very diligent.

Suddenly, Qin An found that in a residence outside the palace, Nanhai Yuren and the little girl Zhen E were having a conversation while having breakfast.

"You will be my daughter from now on, they let me take care of you. Zhen E, we are all miserable people! Hmph, I could have become the City Lord of Kaitian City, but I was snatched by Qin An! Domain map, they originally had the strength to kill those monsters, but all the people who looked at me indifferently died! This is a hatred. I must secretly accumulate my strength and find Qin An to avenge my dead family! And you, you Do you want to seek revenge from Qin An too?"

The little girl was putting a rice ball into her mouth, and shook her head after listening to the words of Nanhai Yuren: "I had a dream yesterday, and my mother said she wouldn't let me take revenge."

"No revenge? How can you not take revenge? He killed your mother."

"But my mother said she wouldn't let me take revenge because I couldn't beat him."

The little girl ate another rice ball while she was talking. After the meeting, the Nanhai Jade was furious because of Zhen E's words. He even snatched the rice ball from her hand and slapped her in the face.

"Unambitious little girl, why do I keep you?"

The little girl was only five years old, so she couldn't stand such a severe beating, and immediately started crying.

The Jade from the South China Sea stepped forward and kicked the little girl's stomach with his feet like a madman, and the little girl cried more fiercely.

Not to mention that such a scene is the heart of the Virgin Qin An, even ordinary people will feel that the little girl is pitiful.

After hesitating, Qin An turned on the teleporting ability several times and then left the palace and went to the room where the jade man and the little girl Zhen E were, and pulled the Nanhai jade man away from Zhen E."Qin...Qin An?"

The Nanhai Jade Man looked astonished, as if he hadn't expected Qin An to appear.

His acting skills are really good, but how can he fool Qin An?

Looking at his facial features, Qin An could be sure that the Nanhai Jade Man deliberately attracted himself.

Yes, I showed my super hearing ability when I was in the ghost domain, so Nanhai Yuren should know that his actions can be monitored by himself.

So what is he doing deliberately beating the little girl Zhen E to attract him?

Qin An's gaze moved to Zhen E's body, and found that the little girl was just crying, and there was no clue.

what is the problem?

When Qin An was uncertain, the Nanhai Jade Man suddenly laughed.

"Qin An, you are really good enough to send someone to watch me? Otherwise, why did you come here suddenly? Why? Did I hit this little girl to touch your hypocritical kindness?"

He pretends not to know that he has super hearing?

Qin An stood silent in the room, intending to keep watching to see what the Nanhai Jade Man was going to do.

After the Nanhai Jade screamed, he discovered that Qin An ignored him, and sweat oozes out of his forehead.

"Hmph, I can see that since I am an unwelcome person, then I am leaving! I originally left Kaitian City, and now I don't plan to stay here without leaving!"

Qin An frowned slightly, and finally decided to say something.

"The death of your tribe has nothing to do with me. If you want to blame this on me, then I can only say that you are stupid. This child is too young, I will take her away, do you want to go or stay It’s all your freedom, but if you have any thoughts about me, once I find out, then your life is going to be gone. It’s not difficult for me to kill you at all, I can quickly open the sky Upgrade to a third-level city. Even if you don’t want to leave, I can get rid of you and leave Kaitian City. You should know what your fate will be when you get outside the city."

While talking, Qin An left Nanhai Yuren's home holding Zhen'e.

He wanted to see what the hell was this kid doing.

Speaking of it, he now has enough Sword Soul Stones to upgrade Kaitian City, but he is not in a hurry.

Seeing the crying little girl, Qin An's mood became a little depressed again.

Comparing your heart to heart, if the vengeance of killing your mother falls on you, he probably won't think about it, right?

Therefore, the little girl Zhen E is very pitiful.

"Hey, are you really dreaming? Your mother said she wouldn't let you take revenge on me?"

Qin An embraced her and returned to the palace, chatting with her on the way.

The little girl didn't speak, she just cried, crying and vowing to each other.

Qin An was really melancholy. After returning to the palace, he called Weihong back, or let Weihong take care of her, and then think of a way to find a normal and healthy family life for her.

Weihong was already familiar with Zhen E, and she was naturally handy to take care of her.

It was like a small episode. After Qin An took Zhen E away, there was nothing unusual about the Nanhai Jade Man for the whole day. He sat at home in a daze, looking very haggard.

Speaking of which, this Nanhai jade person is really affectionate, and it is rare to see a patriarch who cares about the life and death of the clan like him in the future world. Then he wanted to avenge himself, and deliberately beat Zhen E to attract himself to take the little girl away. Maybe he and the little girl communicated through some things through friends chatting? Is this a bitter trick?

Qin An went to observe the little girl Zhen E again and found no abnormalities either. He could only say that if this child is really tricky, then she would be considered a good actor by nature.

At night again, Qin An felt that Own Cast was still dizzy, and couldn't get enough energy to do anything.

Wandering in the memory world for eighteen years, he really needs a good rest to relieve him.

This is not physical fatigue, but a kind of mental fatigue that only Qin An can feel.

Ci Jingyi also came back at dinner, and they were tired after taking someone to brush for a day, but there was no way. Kaitian city had to cultivate the backbone, and as a superior person, they had to contribute.

The demon might still be angry because Qin An and Wu Xiaoxiao slept with him last night, so he didn't have much energy.

Fortunately, the little girl, Zhen E, is cute and cute. After she stopped crying, she ate dinner at the same table with everyone. The occasional sound of children added some joy to the dull atmosphere.

Qin An has been observing the little girl, but still has not found any problems, which makes him feel a little uneasy, considering whether to send her away directly, and then drive out the Nanhai jade person to kill, which is also saved. I have to waste experience to monitor them.

After dinner, Qin An went to the back garden without a decision.

The back garden of the palace is very unique, with many strange flowers and plants that Qin An has never seen before.

Some of these flowers have not bloomed yet, but even the flower bones can release a fragrant aroma.

Because of the fragrance of flowers, Qin An became less anxious, going back and forth in the garden, enjoying quietness and yearning for stability. He is not young anymore. He has never had the ambition to dominate the world. It is best to live in peace and stability.

At this moment, Wu Xiaoxiao came to the garden.

"You slept for another day, would you like something to eat?" Qin An asked with a smile.

"No, I won't be hungry if I don't eat for a few days." Wu Xiaoxiao threw into Qin An's arms while talking, and hugged him tightly.

Qin An was a little embarrassed, and took Wu Xiaoxiao's hand away, keeping a distance from her.

"But here is the game world. Your body is limited by the game system. You may just be used to not eating for a few days, but your body is actually hungry."

"Qin An, then I will eat you well, you look delicious!" Wu Xiaoxiao laughed out loud after speaking, but Qin An was embarrassed and felt cold on his back.

At this time, Yaozi was actually standing outside the garden. She had just arrived and just heard the conversation between Qin An and Wu Xiaoxiao.

Want to eat her barbecue?

The demon was angry, his whole body was hostile, and he really couldn't rush over to skin Wu Xiaoxiao's cramps!

This extreme is not unreasonable.

She could see that Qin An had no friendship between men and women for Wu Xiaoxiao, but Wu Xiaoxiao was like a dog skin plaster that could not be shaken off.

I don't know how Qin An came here for the past eighteen years. It must be very depressing to be with this woman, right?

Therefore, Yaozi thought that he was distressing Qin An.

However, if you really go out to trouble Wu Xiaoxiao, will Qin An, a man of the Virgin's Heart, agree?

Even if he acquiesced, his tyrannical beating of Wu Xiaoxiao would not have a bad influence on Qin An, Qin An seemed to like gentle women.

After the demon thought about it for a long time, his frowning brows slowly calmed down.

Since this is the case, let her be like a person. Wu Xiaoxiao can make bone-skin plasters, so can she!

Thinking of this, Yaozi turned and left fiercely, and decided to think about the ways and means to deal with Wu Xiaoxiao.

In the back garden, Qin An naturally knew that the demon had been here, and knew that the demon was angry, so he was very flustered.The demon's temper is not a little sheep. If she is really angry, no one can deal with her.

Hey, Wu Xiaoxiao, too, hasn't had too many problems in the memory world for eighteen years. How can he want to break through the relationship between men and women when he comes back to reality? This makes him not prepared at all.

"Qin An, Qin An, look at it!"

Wu Xiaoxiao leaned against Qin An again and took his hand to jump around.

Qin An looked in the direction Wu Xiaoxiao was pointing, and was also a little surprised afterwards.

The original flower bones in the garden actually bloomed in an instant, the flowers are colorful and extraordinarily festive, and the people watching them are in a good mood.

Qin An was slightly stunned after laughing for a while, and then his body trembled abruptly!

He inadvertently remembered the eight words Qiye had said to the demon.

"One night to warm the heart, two nights to sleep together, three nights to watch the flowers bloom, four nights of tears, five nights to grudge, six nights to kill the virgins, seven nights to Samsara, no chance in this life!"

This sentence Qin An has been pondering over and over eighteen years ago, but he has forgotten it because he entered the world of memory. Now think about it, if you look at the time track of the real world, don't the events that happened between these three days and Wu Xiaoxiao just echo the first three of the eight sentences? One night to send heart warm, the night he and Wu Xiaoxiao had was a long one, for eighteen years, Wu Xiaoxiao cried more than ever after returning, and comforted her softly and calmed her gradually, which is just to send people's heart warm! The two also slept together. Last night, I and Wu Xiaoxiao shared the same bed. Watching the flowers bloom for three nights is the sight in front of you! Then the curtain of tears in the four nights should also be said that Wu Xiaoxiao will cry bitterly tomorrow night, and after that, five nights will be resentful, who will she resent? Six Nights Killing Girls... is Zhen E? She is the only girl around herself! Seven nights, Samsara goes, no chance in this life! Will Wu Xiaoxiao die on the seventh night? After that, I went through the early stage of the Sword Spirit Star, met the ancient gods and took them away...

Suddenly realizing this, Qin An was already completely stupid. He only felt cold, and looked at Wu Xiaoxiao's smiling face, and for a while, he was dumbfounded.

"Qin An, do you think these flowers are blessing us? Have you thought about it? Marry me. If I have you, I might not be too crazy. I love being with you these years. I don't want to be with you. You are separated. If you become my man, you can always stay with me, even if I want to enter the memory world, you can also be with me."

Suddenly when Wu Xiaoxiao said this, Qin An's whole person was not good, and his brain was short-circuited because of the shock before, Qin An said: "I thought you liked my son Qin Beichen. I heard that you forced him to kiss him back then."

"Qin Beichen? Oh...it seems to have happened. Back then, I was on the wall of the Heavenly Prison in West Tibet, but I was not clear at that time! Qin An, don't you want me because of this ethical problem? Is it? Now in the post-apocalyptic era, your thinking is still so old-fashioned?"

Wu Xiaoxiao seemed to feel a little sad, because Qin An obviously wanted to reject her again.Qin An did not speak, and the two of them were silent for a while before Wu Xiaoxiao sighed, "Do you know "Roshen Fu"?"

Naturally, Qin An knew everything. Hearing Wu Xiaoxiao suddenly mentioned these three words, he was 100% sure. Wu Xiaoxiao is Qiye.

He nodded numbly, Wu Xiaoxiao continued:

"Zhen is a member of Zhongshan Wuji, the daughter of Cai Ling Zhenyi. During the Jian'an period, she married Yuan Shao's son Yuan Xi. Yuan Shao was defeated and died in the battle of Guandu in the 7th year of Emperor Xian Emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Cao Cao took the opportunity to send troops, and Zhen became a captive of Cao Jun. , Met Cao Zhi for the first time. At that time, Cao Cao was fascinated by his hegemony, and Cao Pi also supported an official position, while Cao Zhi was able to get along with Concubine Zhen day and night because of his young age and dislike of fighting by nature, and thus gave birth to a love. Cao Cao died. Later, Cao Pi ascended to the God throne in the twenty-sixth year of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and made his capital Luoyang, as Emperor Wen of Wei. The State of Wei was established, and the Zhen family was named a concubine, and died in depression the following year. In the year of Queen Zhen's death, Cao Zhi Go to Luoyang to meet Big Brother. Queen Zhen’s prince Cao Rui accompanies the emperor to eat. Cao Zhi looks at his nephew and thinks of Queen Zhen’s death. After the meal, Cao Pi gives Queen Zhen’s relic with a pillow of jade carved gold to Cao Zhi. Cao Zhi saw things and thoughts about people. When he returned to the fief, he stayed in the boat and saw Concubine Zhen Lingbo coming in a trance. Cao Zhi woke up with a start. It turned out to be Nanke Yimeng. Back in Juancheng, Cao Zhi still had his mind in mind. I was tumbling about the encounter with Zhenhou Luoshui, so my writings were stirred, and I wrote a "Gan Zhen Fu". Four years later, Ming Emperor Cao Rui succeeded to the throne, and because of the indecent name of the original Fu, he changed it to "Luo Shen Fu"... ..."

Wu Xiaoxiao paused at this point, then sighed again:

"I think Zhen's must also like Cao Zhi, but he can't live with him. Because of his brother, Cao Zhi failed to marry Zhen's wife as a lifelong regret? This is a tragedy caused by ethical stereotypes. , The ancients are really pedantic, Qin An, don't you think?"

Qin An already understood what Wu Xiaoxiao meant, but the story of Luoshenfu had nothing to do with him. Cao Zhi likes the Zhen family, and he has no affection for Wu Xiaoxiao. Qin An now thought of what Wu Xiaoxiao was going to say next, and was so frightened.

Wu Xiaoxiao looked melancholy and said softly: "Later, Li Shangyin wrote an untitled song from Zhen's perspective: A rustling east wind and drizzle came, and there was a light thunder outside Furong Pond. The golden toad bit the lock to burn the incense, and the jade tiger pulls the silk back. Jia's peeping curtain Han Yue, Mi concubine stays with Wei Wangcai. Chunxin doesn’t spend a lot of time with each other, one inch of love and one inch of gray...Hey, what a poor woman, can’t control her own destiny, can’t be with her beloved man , It will be really painful. Qin An, I don't want to be like this, do you understand me?"

The scene in Qin An's mind at this time was when he met Qiye in Yongye City.

Qiye was drunk and drunk, and it was this "Untitled" that was recited for no reason!

Damn, how could this be? Wu Xiaoxiao turned out to be Qiye?

If so, everything goes without saying.

She allowed herself to choose, so maybe she chose to be with Wu Xiaoxiao and there would be no more seven nights.

If you give up Wu Xiaoxiao, everything is a Samsara!

So why didn't Qiye show up directly to meet Wu Xiaoxiao? Maybe because you are a fan? Wu Xiaoxiao always said that there was a mysterious woman following her in the memory world. She couldn't see her appearance, but knew that she was a woman, but knew that she was being secretly monitored all the time. Qin An thought it was crazy. But if Wu Xiaoxiao is Qiye, is there such a shadow in the memory world? And this shadow is Qiye, the undead queen!

what! I always feel that there are many things I don't understand. What is the secret in this?

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