Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1726 Ancient God Appears

The demon really didn't know how to get along with children.

She did not continue her offspring, and the little beasts of other people would not play around her, so she was at a loss when faced with a little human girl demon.

The prototype of Beast Cangtian is the demon child, but its existence is mythic in the process of spreading it. Some beast people’s mantras will start with the phrase "Beast Cangtian said...".

In fact, the demon child has not said so much at all. For example, the beast said that all beasts have the destiny to breed offspring, the mother beast has the task of raising offspring, and the male beast has accusations of defending the territory.

This sentence is not actually said by the demon, but it is very reasonable. After being widely praised by the beast people, it has become one of the mantras of the beast Cangtian, and even the demon is very convinced.

But the problem is that there is another saying that is not the Beast Cangtian mantra that the demon child said. The mother beast should choose the best male gene for the offspring to ensure that the offspring are even better.

The demon also recognized this sentence. In her eyes, the best and most suitable male gene was naturally the ancient god. After the ancient god left, she could no longer find a match, so she has not been able to continue her offspring so far.

This can be considered a sore spot for the demon child.

Then an old maiden who has never given birth to a child is considered a different kind in human society, not to mention the orcs. The orcs will have sex in the wild.

So the demon is actually a different kind, and she will never be in contact with people like ordinary people.

In the final analysis, Qin An was able to enter her Dharma Eye because Qin An only regarded the demon child as a woman from the beginning, not the beast emperor. Of course, it was also because Qin An possessed the spirit of the ancestor of Magical Beasts, which the demon didn't know.

After being stunned by the little girl, the demon didn't talk in sullenness, and continued to fish, but still couldn't feel at ease. Just thinking about Qin Anzai, he will surely be able to roast these fish into the most delicious food. Will it take four days to see Qin An? She felt very depressed after being separated from Qin An for seven days before. Now that she is separated for four days after goodbye, she has a scent of lovesickness. Of course, the demon doesn’t know the word, otherwise she would know that her feelings for Qin An have already been. How deep.

"Little demon!"

Suddenly, a very magnetic male voice sounded.

The demon was shocked secretly, this voice came from not far behind her, she hadn't noticed it before.

After looking back, a slender figure was standing in the dimly lit place. The demon was slightly stunned after seeing it, unable to believe his own eyes.

Ancient gods!


In the tavern in Kaitian City, neon lights flickered back and forth. Yang Guo drank a lot of wine, and now he has drunk too much.

What Qin An saw when entering the tavern was Yang Guo's beauty after being drunk.

"Here is a big bottle."

Asking the glamorous system NPC for wine, Qin An sat next to Yang Guo, feeling very depressed.

Own's life experience was so bizarre that he had always ignored it. Today, because of Wu Xiaoxiao's reminder, Qin An felt that he might eventually have to face it. If he saw Qin Shihuang, how would he deal with it?

Because of his heavy thoughts, Qin An didn't notice that Yang Guo, who was beside him, had already approached him. When he turned his head to look when he felt something, the kid Yang Guo suddenly moved forward and kissed Qin An's cheek.

Qin An felt Yang Guo's lips, extremely soft and very comfortable. After a second, he suddenly woke up. All the sad and complex emotions were resolved, and he stood up quickly and pushed Yang Guang aside.

This is not the fucking drama of Liang Zhu's story. Qin An, who has perspective eyes, has secretly watched Yang Guo countless times. No matter how beautiful he is like a woman, he must be a man, because he has the guys that men have!Damn, I'm super straight, how can I be forced to kiss now?

"Hey, you Martian pig! You have the heart to beat such a beautiful woman?"

Qin An tried too hard, so Yang Guo fell to the ground.

At this time, a beautiful woman with a huge chest appeared and helped Yang Guo up.

Yang Guo may have smelled the scent of milk, touched the peak with his big hands, his body was tightly leaning on his mature body, his face was red, and he was full of enjoyment.

The woman didn't know that Yang Guo was a man, so she only thought that he had been drinking too much to behave unscrupulously, and she didn't feel any strange feeling even if he touched his body.

Qin An was suffocated. This damn Yang Guo took advantage of him and went to cheat on this woman's oil. It was really f*ck. This woman deserves it too, who makes her blind!

"Auntie, he is a man. Although he looks like a woman, and although his Adam's apple is not obvious, he still has it! So he is a man!"


The mature woman listened to Xiao Loli next to her and pushed Yang Guo down again like Qin An. She squatted on the ground and found that she had a Adam's apple, her face changed drastically, and she was punching and kicking at the drunkard.

Qin An smiled slightly and continued to drink.

He came out to drink to soothe the mood, so as not to cause trouble.

After drinking, Qin An was taken aback, slightly frowned and turned his head to look at the villain who was following the mature woman. He was about five years old, with red lips and white teeth, and he was finely carved! What surprised Qin An was not how cute this little girl looked, but how she looked exactly like Zhen E! I was a little emotionally unstable just now, so when I was at a loss, it turned out that I just found out.


Do not! This is not the point. The point is that there is a girl in front of her. If she stays in the city tomorrow night, will she be killed by Wu Xiaoxiao?


Yuhua seems to be in a dream these days, because she is no longer an NPC, and under the effect of the enchanted magic curse, she has become a player! Although I still can't break away from the system, I can walk around in the game world! This is an unimaginable great benefit!

After becoming a free man, Yuhua did not leave the small village. She was waiting, waiting for the handsome man who would make her a real human! She just admires him, that man is already a god-like existence in her heart!

One day, two days, three days... Yuhua has been waiting. Just when she was about to despair, the handsome man finally appeared at the entrance of the village, with blood on her body.

Yuhua ran up to hold on to his waist, tears shed first without speaking.

"How did it happen? How did it hurt like this?"

The man smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it because of you?"

"because I?"

"Yeah, I changed you from an NPC to a human. This is considered a loophole in the system. The system regards it as a super hidden mission. So a few monsters appeared around me. I used the system ability to work with them. After a few days, I finally killed them all, and I was injured."

"Oh my God! You played with them for several days? Then... Isn't it tiring?"

"I'm not tired. The key is that I'm injured and I've been bleeding...Can you get me something to wrap it up? The effect of my serious injury can't be eliminated, I'm afraid it's going to bleed to death!"

Hearing what the male god said, the words hurried to get things to explode him, although there was no sound, the tears flowed much faster, as if it were raining.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, tease you, I can't die."

The man smiled softly. He sat on the big rock at the entrance of the village, letting him talk about it, but his eyes were looking into the distance.

"Yuhua, I have obsessions that can't be resolved. Could you help me?" the man suddenly said.

"My lord, I can do anything for you, but I don't have much abilities. Can I help you?"


The man suddenly turned his head and looked at Yuhua who was bandaging his wound. Yuhua felt the man's domineering breath, and his face was slightly ruddy.

"Do you think that in such a wonderful universe, why should there be intelligent life body consciousness? If everything is reduced to chaos, wouldn't it be good for everything to become natural?"

"What is nature?"

"Universe everything!"

Yuhua blinked, and then said: "Since everything in the universe is natural, isn't human beings also natural? If humans are also natural, there is a reason for the existence of nature! Universe is so open-minded, how can it not tolerate something like humans What about ordinary intelligent creatures? Just like this game world, it’s natural for me to be an NPC here, and it’s natural for me not to be an NPC to follow you all my life! Dear lord, would you like to let me stay with me all my life? No complaints! If you feel that the existence of intelligent creatures affects your mood, if you feel that the existence of Yuhua makes you uncomfortable, Yuhua can die! All your words are natural to me, and I am willing to do It is my nature that you give everything! Since nature is ubiquitous, of course it can cover the common people! My lord, I don’t know if I’m right?

Huayu's words are somewhat convoluted, but the man is also a person with great wisdom, and he can naturally understand the extended meaning of her words.

After thinking for a while, the man's face brought a smile again, and he whispered: "You are a smart girl! Let's go, because I accepted the hidden mission, now I'm almost level 50, and then you will practice with me. Level. On the journey to the final BOSS, we still have several powerful enemies that we have to face. If we can get the cursed sacred stone... Maybe I can give it to you as a gift! It fulfills your natural statement. "

"My lord laughed, thank you for taking me with me, but... I don't know what your name is yet."

"Me? My name is Tiange, a singer who chants for the sake of nature!"


"My name is Su Ran, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, I didn't know that he was a man, and I didn't know that you were originally from the earth, so I called you the Martian Pig... Please forgive me, I'm from the little Planet belt , In the future world, the small Planet zone and the earth people will hate Martians very much, and the moon people are relatively cute... I have long heard that many old earth people have entered the game world, because this is another time and space in the past. Today is really the first time I saw people in this time and space. You are people on the earth thousands of years ago. Our appearance is very similar, but you are a bit ugly..."

Su Ran sat in front of Qin An, and there was a hint of surprise on her face when she spoke. She was obviously chattering.

At this time, Yang Guo had already died of drunkenness, and was lying at Qin An's feet, and Qin An didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Auntie, the look he looked at me just now made me sure, he must know my Big sis! Big sis sent me a message saying that she and the person who killed my mother is now in this Kaitiancheng... Then I want this person Maybe it has something to do with the person Wu killed his mother!"

Su Ran, who had a big chest and brainlessness, was stunned for a moment, then cast his eyebrows and eyebrows.

"He is the accomplice who killed my Big sis enemy? Zhenhao, are you sure?"

"He can still be so calm after hearing what I just said. I think he is the man named Qin An."

The little Loli named Zhen Hao looks like a little grown-up, and at first glance, he is very smart. Zhen E and she are twins, how could they be stupid? Therefore, Zhen E's cute appearance must be pretended on weekdays, and the purpose is naturally self-evident. It should be to avenge their mother. This should also be a plan made by her and Nanhai Yuren.

"Are you Qin An? Where is my other niece Zhen E? My purpose of coming here is very simple, that is, to pick her up!"

"Take her away? Not revenge?"

It is normal for the other party to recognize oneself. Zhen E can communicate with them through her friends, telling her own name and looks...No, if they can communicate with them at a distance through the system friends, these two women, older and younger, should go directly to Zhen E instead of in front of her. .

Without waiting for Su Ran to speak, the little girl Zhenhao preemptively said: "Mom and the others were killed because they wanted to kill you. This is self-defeating, so even if you kill her, I won't hate you. You are a man. Kind person, because my Big sis is a little girl and didn’t kill her. I have taken care of her. Thank you! Are you Qin An? Can you return Big sis to me?"Qin An was really surprised when he heard Xiao Loli Zhen's words. She has this kind of tolerance at such a young age.

Suddenly, Qin An remembered some memories on the Sword Spirit Star.

The first queen of King Qin was Real Fire. The second queen lived for a relatively short time in history and there is no record. Now it seems that it should be Wu Xiaoxiao, and the third queen after that has existed for a longer time. Her name I don’t know what the specific name is, Qin An just heard that her surname is Zhen, known as Queen Zhen!

Could this be a coincidence?

He used the system friend channel to talk to the demon, but there was no response? why is that? The demon wouldn't have an accident, right? There are many reasons for the demon to ignore own. If it is not for the demon's personal reasons, then there will only be one left. Maybe Qiye has appeared, that is, the future Wu Xiaoxiao! What the hell is she going to do?

Qin An could not think of the impact of this incident on own, even if Wu Xiaoxiao really went to the sword spirit world on the seventh day, Qiye should still be there.

If you put these things in the past, it is of course difficult to understand, but now the earth is originally a chaotic space, an intersection of different worlds that have not been faced, it is not uncommon for people from different time and space to appear at the same time, Qin Qicai’s birth mother, and the seventh sword spirit Doesn't Xia Ke have a fellow Xia Xue? They died together in the Battle of the West Coast of United States.

Qin An thought about various things, but did not look away from the young Loli Zhenhao.

"Give you back your Little Sister... You should know that she is not in Kaitiancheng now."

"Yes, the little one knows that a peerless master next to you is taking her to fish. I want to go directly to Big sis, but if I don’t earn your consent, I shouldn’t be able to take it from that master’s hand. Let’s go with Big sis? And if anything doesn’t agree with me in the wild, my aunt and I are in danger of life. I am still very young, so I want to live. Therefore, both Big sis and I think it’s better to come and find you. If you agree, I will give it to you. 'S girlfriend sends a message to her to bring Big sis back, and then we will disappear before your eyes."

That's how it turns out, it really feels close.

"Okay, but now I can't get in touch with my friend. You can go out of town with me. You will take it away when you see her. Since you can come to me, you should be a character who trusts me, right? Not afraid of death?"

This time Qin An was looking at Little Loli and said that Su Ran is exactly a vase, and it should be this little girl who is in charge.

"Okay, I trust you."

The little girl did not hesitate to agree, which surprised Qin An again.

Ignoring Yang Guo, who was drunk and fell on the ground, he wouldn’t die anyway in this city. Qin An took Zhen Hao and the two back to the palace, let them wait at the door, and then went in and swelled Wu Xiaoxiao’s crying eyes. Bring it out.

"This is Zhen Hao and her aunt, let's go, let's go out of town together."

"Chen Hao! After God Martial King!"

Wu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled round, looking at Zhen Hao in a daze.

Qin An's heart jumped suddenly, and he heard: "You mean Qin Shihuang's third queen, the woman who killed you is also called Zhen Hao?"

Wu Xiaoxiao nodded stupidly. The Zhenhao she met was an adult, so she didn't know the origin of the little girl in front of her. But the name Zhenhao has been deeply rooted in her heart, as if talking to herself, Wu Xiaoxiao whispered:

"The god Martial Emperor Zhenhao is the third queen of Qin Shihuang. I have been to the Star of Sword Spirit for more than a thousand years. I knew her name before I met Zhen Hao. The wisdom behind the god Martial Emperor is said to be unmatched. And her gorgeous name is even more widely circulated. I heard that Qin Shihuang once killed a son, named Qin Yang, because of the woman after the god Martial Emperor! Unfortunately, I didn't know the god Martial Emperor once Houtian Xiang, the second emperor who killed Qin Shihuang, did not know that the unnamed queen Tianxiang in history was himself, let alone that the child named Qin Yang was born to me! Later I became the queen of Tianxiang, She was only 16 when I met Zhen Hao, and my son was 10 years old. I thought that Zhen Hao might become the queen after I crossed and left. I am curious why she will be with my 10-year-old son in the future. There will be a personal affair in time, so I went to contact her, but she was killed without knowing it! This bitch... By the way, she has a plum birthmark on her chest! Is this the Queen of Zhen? Is she also a traverser? Otherwise, why I told her at the time that she understood many things on earth?"

When the voice fell, Wu Xiaoxiao rushed to Zhen Hao as if going mad. Before people could react, she had already opened Zhen Hao's clothes.

Qin An's gaze moved over. Of course, he had seen it with perspective eyes long ago. There was indeed a red plum blossom mark with a regular pattern, and Zhen E also had it on her chest. Compared with Zhen Hao, the position was different, but ordinary people did not. Can't tell.

Could it be that the little Loli in front of you will really cross afterwards? And Wu Xiaoxiao wants to kill her?

But if this is a Samsara, what exactly does Qiye get from it? Does she let these things happen without interfering?


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