Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1727 The Most Poisonous Woman's Heart

Next to the small river, Yaozi calmed down after experiencing the shock and complicated mood of the early stage.

how come?

The demon had imagined seeing the ancient gods goodbye countless times. She thought she would be angry, sad, lost, and even cry bitterly, but now she is just calm... There is not even a single wave... How could this be? If the ancient gods are not the most important to her, then what is the reason for her to keep herself above and not with anyone for so many years? For whom?

"The demon... are you okay?"

The ancient god's voice trembled, but he was very excited, his eyes flickering as if there were tears.

"Oh, it's good, I heard that you are sleeping in Qiye's body? Awake?"

The ancient god shook his head and whispered: "No, I only woke up when I wanted to come out to see you. This is a soul... I slept for a long time, little demon, do you miss me?"

"I'm no longer a little demon, my name is a demon!"

After the demon said these words, he unexpectedly let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, the ancient gods. I came out to see me and made me worry. I thought I could not let you go, but now I know that I was wrong. In fact, after the years have passed, I might not care about you anymore, I do. It’s just that after you left me, I’m not willing to accept it. When I saw you, I realized that you were a stranger to me. Back then, the ancient gods were very intelligent, and although the ancient monsters were humanoids, they were actually beasts. I didn’t understand humanity and left. Bye-bye I already have a very mature humanity, only to realize that the ancient gods are nothing more than this! Hey...My perspective has changed. The ancient gods are very important in the eyes of the little demon who cannot understand human nature, but in the demon of today The ancient god in my eyes is nothing more than a name. After many years have passed, the so-called nostalgia is nothing but a emptiness. Little god, this is the last time you call you like this. You and I will be strangers from now on. If you dare to touch my majesty, I will kill you like someone else! This is the queen of the brutal beast continent today, the demon!"

With a smile on his face, the demon suddenly had an enlightenment.

This is the personality that she gradually formed after she became the Beast Emperor, the world is not in her eyes, let alone such an illusory ancient god?

Perhaps now in her heart, only that man has a bit of weight.

The smile on the demon's face disappeared, and his eyebrows were twisted together.

No, it's not just a little weight, it's clearly enough, it often makes myself breathless, unable to breathe, and slows down my heartbeat.

For the first time in these years, she had such a lot of company and interaction with an ordinary man, and Qin An was of course different for her. The ancient god is just one of her dreams. Maybe when she wakes up, she will cry because of the sadness in the dream, but who really cares about a dream? I am so stupid!

The demon was examining it inwardly, and seeing the ancient god's soul on the opposite side was stunned, so he said in a cold voice: "You can go. I want to fish here. I don't want anyone to disturb you. You... .Oh, by the way, you don’t know what abilities I’m good at, because you and me are really strange. All I remember is the little beast that accompanies me to fly on the grassland, not what you are called. A man of an ancient god. Go ahead, killing your soul is just a matter of thought to me."

The ancient god's face turned blue and white, and he was a little unbelievable that the little demon was so unsympathetic to him.

The little demon back then was particularly infatuated with the ancient gods.

She even had estrus with the ancient gods when she was ignorant, but the ancient gods at the time did not regard the little demon as a woman, so nothing happened, otherwise the ancient gods and ancient demon might have had offspring long ago.

Many years after the ancient gods and Qiye left the little demon, the ancient gods had actually been to the savage beast continent, knowing that the little demon could never forget him, and that she was her eternal memory.

At that time, the ancient god was still very proud of it, but now he did not expect the little demon who had been in love with him for so many years to become so indifferent and unfeeling! How did that happen?

Could it be...because...

"Is it because of the man next to you?"


"Because that kid named Qin An? Little demon, you are the ancestor of the seven beasts, the existence and incarnation of the supreme magical power, how can you get along with an ordinary man? I advise you to hurry up and let him leave from your side. He will lower your godhead!"

The demon was completely dumbfounded after hearing what the ancient god said.

The man in front of him is not only unfamiliar, he is totally different from what she thinks!

He didn't know the meaning of modesty at all, so he was worthy of evaluating Qin An?

The demon was a little angry, and said with a cold face: "What kind of noble status is Qiye? Wouldn't you harm your Godhead if you wander around the world with her?"

"Ah, little demon, you are jealous."

The ancient god seemed to have found out the essence of the matter, and there was joy on his face.

The demon couldn't wait to immediately destroy the ancient gods, this is really a chicken talking with a duck, it is impossible to communicate at all.

Eat your sister's vinegar? Are you playing the devil?

Tucao in my heart, just listen to the ancient gods saying:

"Youzi, I admit that I loved Qiye back then, but after we have been together for many years, I actually have no interest in her. There is no passion for love between us. Although we are not separated, we are already in the same bed with different dreams. She has had Many men, I have also had other confidantes."

Hearing what the ancient god said about this, Yaozi was really just curious, and had no idea of ​​being jealous at all.

But the questions she asked were jealous in the eyes of the ancient gods.

"Then I heard that you would rather seal yourself in Qiye's body in order to save Qiye's life? Isn't this still love?"

In fact, the demon child should not add the following question, "Isn't this still love?"

Because of these words, the face of the ancient gods smiled even more. He was actually quite handsome, and his smile was very sunny, but the demon didn't like his smile and thought that Qin An's grimacing faces were better than him!

"Haha, Yaozi, it's a coincidence to say to save Qiye. After all, Qiye and I have had a relationship for many years. Naturally, when she died, I only wanted to save her with my soul power. I never thought that I would be trapped in her body. ."

"Oh? What about Qiye? You are now appearing with your soul mind, why didn't Qiye come?"

"She knew that you hated her, so she didn't come... and I wanted to see you, so I sacrificed the soul power that I finally accumulated to wake up. Little demon, don't say unfeeling words, I know you hate because of love. You There is no need to eat Qiye’s jealousy, didn’t you just say it? The relationship between us is dead in name, and I will come back to you when I am resurrected!"

Seeing Gu Shenhao's unconscious and shameless self-feeling good, the demon was speechless, but she was unwilling to dwell on such things at this time, frowning and thinking, the demon asked uncertainly: "Are you able to come back to life? "

"Well, I can! My death was because of Qiye, and Qiye was killed by Queen Zhen again, and Queen Zhen was actually a traverser. As long as Queen Zhen was prevented from crossing, the death of me and Qiye would have no time and space. History It can change naturally!"

"The Queen of Zhen? The famous Martial Emperor? It is said to be another powerful woman after Real Fire, and in some respects her reputation even overwhelms the True Fire of the Mother of Sword Spirit? Such as looks, such as wisdom, but Most of her reputation is good, and I have heard the praises of wandering singers as far away as the savage beast continent."

"No, no! This person is actually very vicious and vicious. She hides so deeply that she can't see it unless she calculates it! It's a pity that the real fire was not there when Queen Zhen was in control of the harem. It may not be Empress Zhen’s opponent. Qiye, the emperor, and Qin Yang are all played by her and there is a secret that you may not know. After Zhen Empress has controlled the harem for so many years, Qin Shihuang has not even touched her hand. She is a mysterious woman who is full of infinite temptation to men, and she is always so high above, it seems to be impossible to reach!"

When talking about this, there was a trace of infatuation in the eyes of the ancient god, and it seemed that he had also met Queen Zhen.

After stunned, the ancient god sighed and continued:

"Remember that King Qin, the father of sword spirits, Qiye, the immortal queen, and the three powerhouses of Qin Yang, the lord of death, jointly launched the Rivers and Lakes order to find the missing Zhen Queen? It was actually to kill her because she fooled everything. People! As far as King Qin and Qin Yang were concerned, they couldn't be seen by this woman. In the end, father and son killed each other. As a result, no one could get her. Naturally, there was resentment! It was a pity that there was no news after the screening. The three major forces have not been able to find her after thousands of years. For this reason, Qiye deliberately found the Apocalypse Sword God to ask, and the Apocalypse Sword God counted, saying that Empress Zhen had probably traveled through time and space to leave the Sword Spirit Star and returned to her hometown. , That is, this planet!"

The demon isn't really interested in these things, but she doesn't mind listening to Eight Trigrams, because she has nothing to do here anyway. When the ancient gods mentioned the god of death, the demon's eyes flashed cold light, she knew that Qin An was besieged to death by the dead sect.

"You mean, the god of death is called Qin Yang, who turned out to be the son of Qin Shihuang?"

"Well, it is the child born to Qin Shihuang and Qiye. But even Qin Shihuang may not know that his son who was killed by himself has become a god of death, and has been secretly planning for revenge!"

The demon was shocked. He didn't expect King Qin, Qiye, the god of death was once a family, this is really falling in love and killing each other! As for King Qin and the god of death, both of them were unkind to Qin An, and they were all blood relatives of Qin An. What was the relationship, it was so complicated, and the demon had a headache.

"Little demon, in short, the key person in my resurrection is Empress Zhen! I asked Tianqi Sword God to calculate before Seven Nights. The time given by Tianqi is here. Now, as long as I prevent the little girl named Zhenhao from passing through, I will definitely be resurrected. !Can you help me?""Chen good?"

"Yes! I understand, the little girl next to you seems to be Zhen E, and that Zhen Hao should be her twin Little Sister."

At this time, Zhen Hao was still sitting obediently on the big rock by the river and fiddling with her fingers, as if she hadn't heard what the ancient god was saying.

The demon's mind became active, and Qin An asked her to take Zhen E away for four days. He must have noticed something. This man is so smart!

The demon was already a beauty in the eyes of his lover, and Qin An was in a state of blindness at all, and was simply not clever at all.

Forget it, this matter is a bit confused, the demon with full of aura decided to put down the queen's air, turn around and ask Qin An, everything is up to him.

The ancient god seemed to hesitate, and then sighed: "Youzi, tell you the truth, Qiye is actually a traverser, she is Wu Xiaoxiao next to Qin An now!"

"Ah!" The demon was shocked again, dumbfounded.

"Hey, so Qiye and Wu Xiaoxiao are colleagues in different time and space. Wu Xiaoxiao and Zhen Hao traveled together, and they could never return to Earth. They became people on the Star of Sword Spirit. And after this time, she traveled with her. The time and space point that Zhen Hao arrived at was different. She was already well-known on Dongfang Road. This is a concept of time and space disorder. In the sixteenth year of Zhen Hao's crossing, she entered the palace and met Wu Xiaoxiao’s memories of that time. She was poisoned to death. After three years, the name of Shen Wu Zhen Empress has resounded throughout the wild, and the real Wu Xiaoxiao's body has passed through the past and became a commoner. Wu Xiaoxiao has worked hard for ten years to accumulate strength and wanted to find this Shen Wu Empress Zhen. She took revenge, but she was still to no avail, and she almost died several times. After that, she fell into the savage beast land and met us... After that, I left with her. After many years of wandering around, she told me all her life experience. , Let me avenge her. I broke into the palace of King Qin and got a tie with King Qin, but accidentally I saw Queen Zhen... Hey, since that day I have never been able to stand up for Wu Xiaoxiao, I persuaded her to give up Hatred, because Empress Zhen’s beauty and temperament are a kind of supernatural ability. No one can resist her beauty, and no one can bear the heart to kill her!"

Speaking of this, the ancient god was already a little confused, and suddenly realized that he shouldn't be like this in front of the demon, so he hurriedly went to the main point."In short, Qiye and Wu Xiaoxiao are the same people. They died after being poisoned by the god Martial Emperor. After the god Martial Emperor, there is an ability to release deadly corpse poison. This poison makes me feel familiar, but I don't know where it came from. Wherever it is, it is extremely powerful. As far as I know, only three people survived after being poisoned. They were King Qin, Death and Qiye. Although the three were alive, they did not get rid of the pain. They all carried Death in their bodies. The corpse poison made their bodies basically unaware. Perhaps King Qin had not revealed because of the Face incident. He continued to eat the world’s delicacies and spoiled the world’s beauties. In fact, for him, the food does not taste, and the beauties do not feel it because of him. It's just a living corpse. The three poisoned people also have a special ability that can turn living creatures into undead corpses. This is actually the most fundamental source of zombie viruses, so in fact, the last days of the earth are also related to the Shenwu Zhen queen. Yes, if it weren’t for her, King Qin would not bring a large amount of corpse poison to the earth. Of course, it seems that all of this is also inevitable. All of us eventually gathered at this point in time and space. Besides, the three of us can’t be around. There will be living people for a long time, because living people staying with them too close or too long will be poisoned by corpses. Therefore, King Qin often lives in his terracotta warrior palace. Qiye can only interact with undead monsters or ghosts. Such things are company, and the god of death can't live in seclusion all year round. I heard that he only controls the world situation through his subordinates. Hey, after they all hated Shen Wuzhen, this woman disappeared without a trace!"

After a pause, the ancient god continued:

"Because of this corpse poison, Qiye is not actually alive, but Wu Xiaoxiao is a living person. Two people have a yin and a yang. Although they are the same person, Wu Xiaoxiao has natural restraint on Qiye. They are in a space too close. Qiye couldn’t even show her appearance at all, she couldn’t talk to Wu Xiaoxiao. Moreover, Qiye’s mental state was very unstable. She had actually forgotten that she was Wu Xiaoxiao for a long time. Every time Wu Xiaoxiao entered the memory world, Qiye’s ability also Will be activated, and the soul travels to follow Wu Xiaoxiao. She has experienced many years. After seeing Wu Xiaoxiao and Qin An cross into the sword spirit together, she finally remembered everything. I was in a deep sleep state, and her soul fluctuated. I woke me up. I was trapped for so many years to save her. I couldn’t wake up for so many years. When I woke up this time, I hate it. Hearing her talk to me about Samsara, and talking about you, I’m only a thousand people. You have worked so hard to find it! Little demon, help me, I want to be resurrected! I want to get rid of Qiye, and I want to return to you!"

The last tone of the ancient god was extremely bleak, where there was still a bit of majesty as the ancestor of the seven beasts.

The demon was full of hatred, how could he hate himself for waiting for the ancient gods for so many years? She is so smart! "Xiudou" is a word that Yaozi has just learned after reading romantic novels.

"So? What do you want me to do?"

"Tomorrow and night, Wu Xiaoxiao will definitely find a way to kill Zhenhao. After killing her, Zhenhao will not die, but will travel to Otherworld to be reborn as a baby. This rebirth will have all the memories of the previous life and will continue to grow with age. Uncertainty activates various powerful abilities. Choosing good is a miracle. Even if she is less than five years old, in fact, her wisdom has surpassed most adults, and it is actually very difficult to deal with. And no matter what happens, Wu Xiaoxiao at Houtian night It will definitely enter a time-space gate, and then the body will pass through the star of the sword spirit forever, and will never be able to return, until the king of Qin came to earth in search of the original gene of own and brought the end times. Because of the departure of the father of the sword spirit, the mother of the sword spirit, the whole sword The spirit star system disintegrated, and all of us followed. Little demon, these are all gossips, the point is to help me prevent Zhen Hao from being killed! As long as she does not die, she will not pass through, and then I will be resurrected! I can stay with you forever. Isn't this what you have been hoping for all these years?"

So... as long as Zhenhao is killed, the man in front of him can't be resurrected?

There was a casual cold light in the eyes of the demon, and she finally understood the words of the most poisonous woman's heart, and also understood the meaning of the four words "bitch" ruthlessly.

She didn't even want the ancient god to be resurrected. If he lived and pestered herself every day, would Qin An dislike it?

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