Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1729 Big Gathering With People

Weng Die sighed. In this life, they are not twins with Li Ying, but they still look the same. Weng Die is a little unhappy. Why is she the only one who lost the appearance of her first life?

"Big sis, I'm sorry... My last life, before the death of the West Coast battle... At that time, Li Ying has no memory... I... When I replaced you, I had a night with Qin An... so I was born. Had a child, Qin Beichen...Oh my god, I don’t know why I was like that in my previous life. I even ate other people’s brains and wanted to kill my brother-in-law. It’s really abnormal."

Li Ying said hesitating, Weng Die sighed and shook his head, and the face of Weng Lan, who became the real self, changed slightly. This is no longer a secret, she actually knew it a long time ago. After a while, Weng Lan took Li Ying's hand to express her comfort.

"Don't blame you, we have all lost the memory that we should have. Let it pass the past. Now... the world of residual blood has just appeared now. If you count the days, Wu Xiaoxiao probably hasn't hunted down the second generation of me. ?"

"My God! Could it be that Zhen E, Zhen Hao, the three sisters of Zhen Yan haven't crossed yet? They are in the world of residual blood?" Li Ying was a little surprised.

"Well, let's go in and take a look. Wu Xiaoxiao will be the Seven Nights in the future, the undead queen. The ancestor of the beasts beside her is amazing. If it weren't for him, I would have killed the undead queen!" Weng Lan's words were full of regret.

Weng Die let out a lazy breath, smiled and said: "There should be two Qin An and two Big sis in the world of residual blood. Are you sure you are not going for them? It depends on our little fellows?"

Weng Lan and Li Ying glared at Weng Die at the same time, Weng Die smiled and stuck out his tongue.

The three sisters hadn't seen each other for many years, and when they drove south, they began to tell each other about their experiences after goodbye.

Li Ying said: "In fact, I have always lived in the northwest side of the Kowloon Empire. I have known the story of Big sis and Qin An for a long time, but I never thought that I was the fourth generation of Li Ying. Big sis, you now look like the Qin family. Mistress, will they worry if you leave? I heard that there are still four children?"

"Well, the granddaughter has a large group... These years also have feelings... Hey, no matter how many, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, not to mention the Qin family with Tang Yu, how can it be chaotic?"

Weng Die’s personality is actually somewhat different from the previous life, because she was a female celebrity in the previous life, and in this life she has been raised in an ordinary family. Because the family education is too strict, she has been treated like a child by her parents, so she has not been able to break through too much. Personality, many successes, the thinking of some small citizens is not surprising.

Listening to Big sis talking about the other women of the Qin family, Weng Die, who also lived in the territory of the Kowloon Empire before, was unhappy, expressing his own point of view: "Sister, I actually understand these things. After all, the Qin family is very famous in the Kowloon Empire. Did you forget how many wrongs you suffered because of Qin An in the first life? The second life was lonely and had a confidant Qin Yang, but he happened to be Qin An’s Otherworld blood relative, which gave you a heart Qin Yang and you are still in vain due to the obstacles of Qin Yang and you. Later, she tragically died at the hands of King Qin, and finally made him hate because of love. Forget it, let it pass, and in this life, we will marry Qin An again. Okay, but look at him, this not wanting face Dumas! Qin Xiaoyan, Lan Yue, Liu Xia, Wang Yunzhi, Wang Hui, Wuma Three Sisters, Yu Qingcheng, Tang Yu, Qiu Jinse, Princess Linghua, Jian Ling Seven daughters... who else is here? Oh, yes, and the second sister also gave birth to him? Anyway, I can’t remember too much! Anyway, you stay away from him in this life so you don’t suffer anymore. Hurt, I can guarantee that he, like Qin An in the first life, will eventually become a big wicked person! We have all returned to all memories, let’s wander around and watch the scenery like the last life. I have been an old girl for so long. You must marry yourself this time!"

Weng Die is biting her teeth when he speaks, and she doesn't know whether she hates Qin An, who is in the future world, or she hates her fourth life for not knowing how many years he has lived, or being a little virgin. It's really hot!

The three of them chatted all the way. After entering the game world, Weng Lan took them to find the old king of novice village.

There is a hidden mission here. Zhen E from the previous life has taken it. As long as it is completed, it can be directly upgraded to forty. Players who complete the team together can enjoy 100% of the experience and can also go straight to forty.

After taking the task and leaving novice village, Weng Lan remembered his own death after two rounds.

"Sister, say, where to go? Do you want to find Qin An?"

Weng Lan sighed quietly and said softly:

"What else can I do? The NPC with hidden missions is in Kaitian City. We will go if we don't."

"Then you still want to be with him? Love and hatred have entangled Sansheng III, do you want to continue?"

For Weng Die's question, Weng Lan was speechless for a long time, and finally walked forward silently.

Weng Die and Li Ying looked at each other, then stuck out their tongues and hurriedly followed up, not knowing what the big sis's mind is now.......

Qin An was a little annoyed at this time. Wu Xiaoxiao would kill Zhen Hao as soon as she met, saying that she was Queen Zhen on the Sword Spirit Star, a very bad and evil woman.

This incident really made Qin An confused because it was so messy, and the relationship between Wu Xiaoxiao and Qiye made Qin An's face bewildered.

Zhen Hao is a very well-behaved little girl, how could Qin An let her die before things were figured out.

So, he quickly picked up the child and prevented Wu Xiaoxiao from trying to kill.

In fact, this is not necessary, anyway, this is a safe zone, Wu Xiaoxiao can't kill people, it's just Qin An's subconscious move.

"Don't touch me, you pervert!"

What surprised Qin An was that the little girl in her arms pushed his face away, keeping her body far away from him.

Damn, this little girl is too precocious, right? If she just hugs her, she calls herself a pervert?

Where did Qin An know that Zhen Hao was Weng Die's second life. In the first life, Qin An hated the future world. That Qin An not only killed Big Sis, but also tried to molest her.

Zhen Hao is now several thousand years old, and she recognizes Qin An at a glance, but she is just dressed up as a child. Her aunt Su Ran and the family who adopted the three sisters do not know the truth of the three little girls. Identity, I just thought that they had a genetic disease and would not grow up as they said, and now their true age is only ten years old, how can they think that they are all old fairies who have lived for thousands of years.

When Zhenhao pushed her face, Qin An was a little depressed, but he took her little hand away but still hugged her tightly.

"Xiaoxiao, whether she is Queen Zhen on the Sword Spirit Star or not, she should have no worries about you anymore. You are from the earth world, do you plan to have the opportunity to go to the Sword Spirit Star again? Don't kill her, now Just follow me to find Yaozi and Zhen E, and then let them leave together."

After finishing speaking, Qin An with a cold face didn't look at Wu Xiaoxiao again, and turned around holding Zhen Hao.

He actually dislikes Wu Xiaoxiao now, this woman actually ran to the Star of Sword Spirit and gave birth to Qin Shihuang a child, that's all, it's because she wanted to be with herself in vain, this was really too unacceptable for Qin An. NS.

Wu Xiaoxiao was also full of anger at this time. She didn't understand why Qin An didn't help her, but went to help a little girl who was strange to him. Could it be said that their eighteen years of friendship was for nothing?

Weng Lan still sees Wu Xiaoxiao's temperament very thoroughly. She is such a woman who feels good about herself, but is actually cruel and cruel. In the past, Wu Xiaoxiao had no character expression in the real world, but because she spent most of the time in a state of traveling, so in reality, she was groggy and had no character expression. After arriving at the Star of Sword Spirit, her soul magnetic field was slowly changing under the influence of the power of the Star System of Sword Spirit, which affected her ability to travel through the world of memory, making her mind clearer than before, especially in the Star of Sword Spirit. After Xing has been a queen for so many years, her personality gradually exposed.

The little girl was walking with Zhen Hao in her arms, and finally received a system message from Yaozi.

"Something happened just now, I didn't see you talking to me."

"Oh? It's not dangerous, right?"


"Okay, I'll go to your place to find you, wait for me, is there any problem with Zhen E?"

"No problem, are you coming here?"


For some reason, the demon did not reply, and Qin An did not continue to talk, marking Zhen Hao's journey along the way, and Zhen Hao's aunt Su Ran naturally followed closely. Wu Xiaoxiao stamped his feet in an atmosphere, and followed.


After talking to Qin An, Yaozi no longer showed interest in the ancient gods.

"Okay, you can go now, my friend is coming over to find me, I don't want him to see you. Three seconds, don't talk nonsense, don't leave to see you away!"

This sentence is too unsympathetic. The ancient gods actually knew the demon's ability, and Soul Eater's attack on the soul was particularly powerful.

He is now the soul body. If the demon boy does his hand, he will be immediately beaten back into Qiye’s body. It is also possible to destroy the soul. After all, the demon’s attack intensity is not a normal abnormality, and the player in the game will not be affected. The demon's dark attribute ability kills, but the problem is that he is not a player, but a parasitic soul.

In desperation, the ancient god really didn't dare to talk too much, his heart was full of resentment towards the demon, and hatred towards Qin An.

He felt that if it weren't for Qin An, the demon wouldn't be like this.

He saw too much separation and recombination between men and women, and he did not expect that the little demon who was obsessed with him would one day be like this.

Sure enough, a bitch is ruthless! She doesn't like him anymore, he becomes a stranger to her, even an obstacle!

Gu left in a sullen manner, and the Demon Child and Zhen E were born by the side of Xiaohe!

There was a fishing rod next to Zhen E, and the rod swayed. Zhen E hurriedly stood up to take up the line, and it turned out to be an attribute fish.

"Haha, fate is all destined. You haven't got a fish that can be attached for a few hours. Look at me, just pick one out, you won't be convinced?"

Zhen E looked at the demon child with arrogance.

The demon frowned and looked at the little girl. Why did she feel that the little girl's eyes were hostile to herself?

Oh, yes, they were originally enemies.

"Little girl, don't mess with me, you are not a child in my eyes, be careful I eat you!"

"Cut, frighten anyone? Little Big sis, are you going to kill me Little Sister Zhen? Just now I saw the killing intent in your eyes. It's really vicious. Killing Zhen Hao can let her go through? Then it's called The guys of the ancient gods won’t be resurrected? So that no one will bother you and Qin An? Do you like him? Do you want to be his woman? Or in the words of your brutal beasts, you want to get his Gene, continue your offspring? This is the so-called maternal destiny of Beast Cangtian, right?"

"You...you know a lot, it seems I underestimated you!"

The demon stared at Zhen E in a daze. He had always thought that she was an ordinary little girl before, but now it seems that it is not very simple. Why does the words sound awkward?

But the demon is a demon after all, not other ordinary women. She walked up to Zhen E and sat down, and looked at the attribute fish she got in the basket. It seemed very delicious. With a slight smile, the demon continued:

"Well, I am the queen of the orc race, and an ordinary mother beast. I have not found a fierce beast that can be exhausted with me for many years. I don't understand love. I have read many romance novels, although I can understand the meaning, but I still don’t understand love. But it doesn’t matter, just like what you said, I’m just looking for a matching object to inherit the offspring, and Qin An is a good choice. He makes me feel very comfortable. , And I also recognize the aura on his body. If this is the case, why not? If you have to emphasize love, then little Loli, let me ask you, I am willing to have children with Qin An, is this love?"

Zhen E was stunned, because of the demon's licentiousness.

She sighed after a long time:

"If in a few decades, Qin An’s character will be different from now? His desire is boundless, he yearns for everything, would you still want to stay with him? I don’t know what love means, just It depends on whether you want to stay with you."

"Desire for everything, unlimited desires? This is not a mistake. The world is originally The Weak are Prey to the Strong. In the values ​​of our wild beasts, this is an excellent quality.""Haha, isn't it? That's interesting. Tell you, there are two Qin Ans in this world. One is the kind and kind Qin An in front of you, some Virgin, who feels a little weak and unhappy. The other is very decisive, cruel and cruel in order to achieve Qin An, whose purpose is unscrupulous. Now that you think you can give birth to Qin An in front of you, how would you choose if you met another Qin An?"

Another Qin An? The demon was puzzled for a moment, then thought about it.

"I am the Beast King, and the fierce beast I chose is naturally unique and no one can replace it! This is the reason why I cannot forget the ancient gods for many years, so I will not continue with the descendants of other fierce beasts. If I choose Qin An in front of me, Then all other male beasts are ants to me."

"Well, you didn't answer my question. You chose Qin An, but now there are two Qin Ans, they are the same people, and the one you haven't seen seems to be more in line with your values. How do you choose?"

The demon was speechless when asked by Zhen E.

The two Qin An are fellows, one is gentle and kind mother who is not decisive, and the other is vicious and cruel to achieve her goal by unscrupulous means. She should choose the latter, because the situation and style of the barbarians is to capture prey by unscrupulous means, The Weak are Prey to the Strong is by nature.

But she hadn't seen the latter before, and the man who had been with her for a long time was the one in front of her.

"What's the matter? Lost? Actually not needed. If you want to know the answer, you can go to that Qin An. According to my opinion, he has now established a palace on Xia Ke Island in the East China Sea. The city teleportation station has also started. You only need a day to arrive. Go and see him. If you like it, stay, maybe he is the one you want."

Zhen E throws out a temptation. This is Weng Lan's second life. She doesn't know what she thinks, why she gave the demon child an idea to let her meet Qin An in the future world.

The demon pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Okay, Qin An will come over in a while. I will go to Xia Ke Island after handing you over to him. I must confirm it. If that Qin An makes me more satisfied, of course I will not come back. If He is not as good as Qin An in front of him, so I will never leave him again when I come back!"

The demon said decisively, Zhen E stopped talking.

The two women, one large and one small, sat quietly, knowing that a fish of attributes had taken the bait, and they hurriedly took the line to catch the fish.


"This... Are you triplets?"

After Qin An, Su Ran, Wu Xiaoxiao, and Zhen Hao left the city, they saw a little Loli who looked exactly the same as Zhen Hao and Zhen E. The man standing beside him was Jian Chen, a bodyguard.

"Zhen Yan, Qin An will take us to find Big sis, and then we will go back to the territory together. All our grievances will end here, and we will not take revenge."

Zhen Hao is the first to speak, and has already made the current situation very clear.

People in the Zhen family know that Zhen Hao is extremely wise, and most of the time she obeys her instructions. Su Ran on one side is actually a bit unwilling. Although she and the adoptive mother of the three Zhen family sisters are not blood relatives, they are also good sisters to Jin Lan. , The enemy is right in front of you, is there really no revenge?

The little Loli named Zhen Yan is the second life of Li Ying, and her face immediately went cold after seeing Qin An.

In the first life, everyone hadn’t awakened with abilities. Only Qin An awakened the fastest. Big sis was mistakenly killed by him. She became a substitute for a woman who looked exactly the same as Big sis. She was often harassed by Qin An. Hate Qin An. When I waited at the entrance of the village, I didn't want to see it again. Even Qin An's colleagues would feel disgusted. However, Qin An would take her second sister out of the city to find Big Sister, so she could only meet.

Qin An suddenly activated part of his memory at this time, and he remembered things from a long time ago.

When Qin An and Weng Lan got married, they both seemed to be lonely, their parents were gone, and their relatives didn't have much contact, so the marriage scene was unimaginable and cold. After getting married, Qin An didn't understand Weng Lan's family background, but once saw a picture of Weng Lan when he was about ten years old.

How do you feel that these three little Loli and Weng Lan are so similar when they were young?

After thinking about it for a while, Qin An thought it might be a coincidence, but it's nothing unusual for three little triplets, Loli, from the future world, to look like Weng Lan.

Thinking about this, Qin An is not surprised by Zhen Yan's appearance, and takes them to the location provided by the demon to find the past.

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