When they reached the lake, the sight they saw made everyone dizzy.

"Hey, hurry up, it's another one! Little Big sis, grab it!" Zhen E bounced and sweated profusely, and seemed a little nervous.

"What nonsense, I'll be scared away for a while!" The demon was also very nervous, his eyes rounded, staring at the fish in the water.

"Take the bait, pull it fast!"

Zhen E shouted that the demon quickly shrank the fishing rod, and she caught a very large fish. When the two of them had been busy putting the alive fish into the bucket for a long time, Qin An looked at the bucket, and it turned out that it was already full. Fish.

"Hey, among the three little girls in the Zhen family, the eldest Zhen E is always liked, I wonder if she is too cute?"

Su Ran talked to herself, and Sister Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan certainly understood that that was the supernatural power of Big sis' charm. In every move, she was able to produce a temperament that people liked, and so far no one has been able to stop it.

Qin An's gaze was fixed on the demon. She was standing on the shore with her legs apart at this time, her buttocks looked unusually tall because she was bent over. The posture of pulling the fishing rod hard was very attractive, and she was indeed a demon who harmed the country and the people.

When Qin An looked at the demon, Zhen E also happened to see the arrival of Qin An and the others, and turned her gaze to Qin An, and found a little surprise in his eyes. Humph, if you see a beautiful woman without blinking, this is Qin An! Why didn't he see through his essence back then?

In Weng Lan's second life, Master Zhen E's mouth rose up, full of dissatisfaction. Forget it, leave with Auntie and Little Sister, and don't have anything to do with this man surnamed Qin in the future.

So what should Qin Weihong who is following Qin An do now? You should go back first, and find a chance to tell Weihong the truth about all the facts. She is actually her biological mother!

Zhen E had a lot of calculations in her heart, and she stopped going to see Qin An, but her mouth was still sulking.

"Hi, Master Yaozi, what happened just now?"

Qin An came over with a relaxed tone, with a bright smile on his face, blinding Zhen E’s dog eyes. Zhen E was actually very resistant to this Qin An, because he was the one Weng Lan loved in the first life. Man, there is no complex breath on his body, just that simple and sunny, and his smile is as sweet as a flower.

"Qin An, you are here, nothing happened, I just didn't see your message and I didn't reply. Come and have a look, I made a basket of attribute fish, this one can increase all attributes, it will be here for a while By the lake, you can bake it for me."

The demon smiled sweetly, but did not tell Qin An about the encounter with the ancient god.

Zhen E's mouth was raised higher, and she said in her heart: Scheming bitch!

Qin An saw Zhen E's raised mouth and was taken aback for a moment.

The Empress is not easy to serve, and she will inevitably suffer some grievances when she allows Zhen E to follow the demon.

"Okay, it's time to eat anyway. I'll bake it for you in a while. Zhen E, your aunt and two Little Sisters are here to pick you up. Originally, I wanted to find you an adoptive mother. I killed you. Mother, because she wants to kill me, so I must fight back to protect myself, hope you can understand this truth. When you are over eighteen, you can come to me for revenge, I am waiting for you, if you want to drive, don’t find me Revenge, then I hope we don’t meet each other in this life, because next time I see you, I will take the initiative to treat you as a risk factor, an imaginary enemy, so don’t show up by my side, remember?"

Zhen E frowned slightly, staring at Qin An in a daze.

In fact, she has had very little contact with Qin An these days. The man in front of him seems to be different from the Qin An he fell in love with and the Qin An in the future world. He still retains his kindness, but he also has principles in his actions, not blindly. Mother, if Qin An is not only capable but also kind, wouldn't it be cute?

Su Ran stepped forward to accept Zhen E as a parent, and then left. When Zhen E left, she looked and looked again, and finally left. Qin An couldn't understand the meaning of the resentful eyes in her eyes. He just thought it was hatred. After all, he killed her mother.

Wu Xiaoxiao also looked at Qin An bitterly for a long time, and finally said that he would return to the palace and not eat Qin An's grilled fish, and Qin An let her go away."I think Wu Xiaoxiao seems to be resentful, why?"

"She wanted to kill that little girl Zhenhao, but I didn't allow it."

"Oh? Then you let Wu Xiaoxiao leave alone, do you think she will return to the palace?"

"Of course not, she has already taken a detour now, and the direction she is going is obviously chasing after the three sisters of the Zhen family."

"Then do you want to do something? You still know that Zhen Hao might be killed and do nothing. Maybe Wu Xiaoxiao will kill the wrong person. For example, she killed Zhen E or two other little girls. After all, they look too alike. NS."

Qin An looked at the demon child in surprise, wondering what's wrong with her, why she is so concerned about this matter, she is the Queen, shouldn't she just ignore it?

The demon was a little guilty when Qin An saw it, and he coughed before whispering softly: "Okay, no matter what they are, you hurry up and cook the fish, and I will go out after eating."

"Go out? Where to go?"

"Go and meet someone."

The demon's voice was very soft, Qin An could see that she probably didn't want to say more, since that's the case, Qin An won't ask more.

After a short while, Yaozi took the initiative to say: "If I never return, would you miss me?"

"Well, people have feelings. If you don’t come into contact with you, you are just a superior queen. But after contacting you, I found that you are a simple woman. I treat you as a friend and you are gone. I will naturally think of you if I don’t come back."

After hearing Qin An's words, the demon seemed very happy, and came over to help Qin An, and the two of them grilled the fish together. After they were done, they ate by the river and drank a lot of wine.

Qin An didn't know why the demon boy felt so different to him at this time. She was too gentle, not gentle like a queen.

After eating and drinking, Yaozi got up and left. Looking back at Qin An as he left, Qin An actually saw a lot of reluctance in her eyes.

"Hey, this queen doesn't have to go!"

The demon tried his best to squeeze a smile.

Qin An also laughed, sitting by the fire and raising his head with his hands on the fire, saying: "There is Karma in everything. There is a reason for you to go. If you don’t go, you won’t get the result. So go, maybe it’s because when you go. , Come back and find me again is the fruit you want."

"Qin An, what you said is quite complicated."

"It's actually very simple. Don't worry about going. I will not go too far recently. In addition to leveling and killing monsters, I also need to train the army, and then take the Evernight City in one fell swoop. Only by occupying more cities can I get more resources. , I will do my best!"

"Huh, you can actually keep me from leaving!"

The demon suddenly became a bit resentful. Qin An was frightened and dumbfounded by her little daughter's attitude. After a long time, he said, "Didn't you tell me? Maybe you only know Karma when you meet the person you want to see? If you don't, you There are bound to be regrets."

Under Qin An's persuasion, the demon finally left reluctantly.

Qin An sighed and looked at the demon child's back in a daze. He originally thought that the demon child must have met the ancient god in Qiye through some means, but he would never have thought that this woman was actually going to see another Qin An.

After sitting at the lakeside for a meeting, Qin An shook his head to put his mind away, and got up to chase Wu Xiaoxiao. Now that the mystery has not been solved, the demon did not tell Qin An what the ancient god said, so Qin An did not know the purpose of Qiye. It is to protect Zhen Hao and keep her from crossing.

In fact, there is a misunderstanding in Qiye, Queen Zhen is a combination of the three sisters, so it is the three sisters who will pass through, not the one who Zhenhao.


The wind was depressed, the heavy rain fell, and the demon was a little surprised when he arrived at Xia Ke Island.

East China Sea Knight Island is actually very far away from Kaitian City, but many big cities in the middle have already opened portals, so it took less than a day for Yaozi to reach the territory of the East China Sea Qin State. She didn't expect Qin An in the future world to be so awesome, how long will it take to enter the game now? He can already establish a nation? What surprised Yaozi the most was that this East Sea Qin State looked extremely prosperous.

The citizens have been able to live here, and some of them have to work in various production jobs in the city most of the time, and then they can get salaries from the state. The other part of the people is accepted by the country as a military, can go to fight monsters and upgrade, and then reorganize into the national army.

This physique is a bit harsh, but it can guarantee the country's most favorable macro-control, or in other words, the centralization of the monarchy.

Because of the rain, Yaozi walked into a restaurant and listened to people while eating. Although she did not have super hearing ability, the voices of other guests in the restaurant could still be heard, so she learned something.

The king of the Eastern Kingdom of Qin is the mighty overlord on Mars, that is, Qin An of the future world. The people's evaluation of him can be summarized in only two words, hero!

In other words, he is not considered a bad person, but sometimes he is too domineering. He is a rule-making person, and his usage determines the life of others. He is a king!

What about Qin An? It's too ordinary. He obviously has powerful abilities and is obviously very smart, but he is not a king, and the character he shows can't become a king.

Hey, if it is the same person, how could it be such a difference?

The demon didn't quite understand.

After understanding the general situation, the demon did not waste time, and directly activated the dark attribute to enter the palace of the East China Sea Daqin. At this time, the rain had stopped.

The security here is so tight that even the demon was almost spotted several times. She tried to sneak and finally found Qin An in the future world in the backyard of the palace. When she arrived here, the demon was a little frightened again, because this is exactly the same as the familiar Qin An. The man in, is wearing a black tunic suit and is giving lessons to children in their 30s and 10s.

"After the Qing Dynasty, we entered the so-called modern history, and this period appeared more than 3,000 years ago. It is also relatively long for us. In the era of the Great Universe, Mars has become our new home, which is ironic. At that time, we thought that the earth was about to die, so we emigrated to the interstellar, but later we discovered that the earth is still the most suitable planet for humans to live in, so we went to colonize the earth in turn, so there were many killings..."

"Teacher, I remember you told us that killing intent is an evil consciousness. A good person should not have killing intent. God has the virtue of good life. It is not easy for every consciousness of life to come to this planet. So we should not have the intention of killing. But I know that the teacher has killed many people on Mars, and ordered many people to die. Why do you teach us not to have the idea of ​​killing, but you are constantly killing people?"

The demon who was eavesdropping in the corner secretly admired the little girl's courage, but this offended the man, what would he do?

A smile appeared on Qin An's face in the future world, nodded to the little girl, and then said:

"What I told you before is that people should not have killing thoughts. This is all right. Only when there are more peace-loving people, the world will be peaceful and rulers can easily manage these people. And I am a ruler, A god in charge of order, as a god, I must be decisive and decisive. In my eyes, the meaning of life should be the world order. In order for the social order to flourish, the life of an individual is of course like grass and mustard to me. This kind of people don’t need too much in society, or it’s enough to have me. If everyone treats life like a stubborn, isn’t the world in chaos? So I have to tell my people to be a good person, so that we can Survive."

What the future world Qin An said was very high-sounding, the little girl didn't understand too much after listening, frowning and thinking.

The Yaozi was a little surprised. This Qin An was really different. Even if he and the Qin An he knew were the same person, their views were so different. Three thousand years of time span had completely transformed them into two people.

The demon is not a hesitating person. The purpose of coming here is to see Qin An in the future world. Of course she will not always hide when she sees it now. She is not such a subtle person.

Therefore, the demon directly walked out of the hidden place and said:

"The Beast Cangtian said that killings that are not for obtaining food are all sins. Beasts have seven ancestors. I am Demonic Beasts. There are countless lands in the Beast Continent and hundreds of billions of beast people. I dare not call myself a god. , Why do you want to establish the order of the world?"

When the voice fell, the demon had already walked into the garden and stood behind the children.The children all turned to look at the demon, and Qin An's eyes in the future world collided with the demon, and then he frowned and stunned.

The own palace is heavily guarded, so someone can sneak up to him without knowing it? It seems that the guards need to be trained.

After seeing the demon's face clearly, Qin An's eyes in the future world were a little light.

He has experienced countless women, but when he only saw this woman, he felt that his life was a waste of life. It turns out that there is such a beautiful and coquettish color in the world.

The ancestor of the seven beasts? I have heard of it. The future world Qin An has been collecting news from outside the game world, but resources are limited. Many people on the Sword Spirit Star do not know the news of the ancestor of the seven beasts. It is extremely difficult for him to hear about it, so He doesn't know how powerful the ancestor of the seven beasts is

So, why does this woman appear here so grandly?

After thinking about the future world for a while, Qin An finally didn't make any radical moves, and still smiled calmly:

"I am the person who created the era of the Great Universe. I am the pioneer of human colonization of the moon and Mars. If it weren't for me, the people on Earth might have perished in several crises. The era of the Great Universe is coming. In order to compete for hard-to-obtain resources, the alliance completely disintegrated. The war broke out between Mars and the moon and other bases. The small Planet began to build a base, some people moved there, and then the war spread throughout the human settlement system. It was me. I turned the tide and ended the battle. It was I who used the killing policy to start the return to earth plan and colonized the earth savages who intended to resist. It can be said that the future world can develop to this day, in fact, it is my credit. I have the immortal forever. Life, I have lived for thousands of years. In the future era of the universe, it is certainly not wrong for me to call myself a god."

While talking, the future world Qin An waved, and a guard waiting on the side appeared and took all the children away.

The demon frowned, it was different, it was so different!

The Qin An in front of her is arrogant and domineering, and the Qin An who is with her...

Thinking of this, Yaozi was a little dizzy, she couldn't think of Qin An's characteristics, because although they had been with them for a long time, they actually had very little interaction, so the Yaozi could not summarize Qin An's personality.

That would be strange, why would she think that a characterless man can make her willing to accompany and make peace?

Think about it...Qin An...Sweet smile? The barbecue is delicious? Being polite to people? There is no shelf... Is it because of such unreliable reasons?

Ah, tangled!

Depressed for a while, Yaozi gracefully walked to the stone bench near Qin'an in the future world and sat down.

"Live for thousands of years? Just a pearl of rice, dare you to shine in front of me?"

Damn it! ...Why do you speak so aggressively? He is obviously a fellow of Qin An, who looks exactly the same, and looks more useful than Qin An. Why is it unnatural to talk to him?

Yes, I know him, but she doesn't know me.

"Oh? So this lady has been alive for a long time? Oh...Yes, the people of the sword spirit star seem to have a long life. This is not an important thing. Beauty, you sneak into my palace alone. , I don’t know why? You feel like you are here to see me? Do you know me?"

"I don't know, I know another Qin An. I heard that there is a fellow like you, so I came to compare."

"What? Do you know another Qin An?"

The eyes of the future world Qin An suddenly shot out killing intent.

The Yaozi keenly caught the momentum on his body, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"What? I think you seem to be hostile to another Qin An?"

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