Dangerous City In The Last Days

1731 The Unique Qin An

In the future world, Qin An is naturally a wise man. He saw the demon's displeasure at a glance, and he was immediately surprised and jealous.

Could it be that the relationship between the stunning beauty in front of him and the other Qin An is very unusual? Wouldn't it have been done by him?

Thinking about this, Qin An's brows in the future world frowned for a while before trying to squeeze out some smiles and said:

"Haha, of course there is hostility. He actually knew you, a peerless beauty, but I, Qin An, didn't know him. This is really a shame. Then you come over and compare me with him, I will definitely perform well. I am. I like your straightforwardness, your personality is very good."

Like own straightforward? Hearing what Future World Qin An said, the demon's expression calmed down.

Hey, the other Qin An also said the same, like her directness, not pretentious.

He lowered his head and flipped his fingers a few times, and the demon boy planned to end the topic just now and go straight to the topic.

"Since you like directness, I'll just be direct. First of all, I don't like the murderous look in your eyes just now. The other Qin An is my friend. If you want to deal with him, I will take care of you. Do you understand?"

"Haha, don't worry, I will naturally not deal with him, it is myself. Oh, by the way, where is he now? I really want to get to know him if I have a chance."

"You don't need to know, because you don't need to meet!"

"Oh, I heard that Weihong followed a man. Is this man Qin An?"

In the future world, Qin An is like a cunning fox, smiling clichés.

The demon child naturally knew that the man in front of him was not a good person. Although she was really straightforward and didn't care about anything, it was now a matter of Qin An, but she didn't want to see him suffer any harm, nor did she want to cause him trouble.

At the same time, because of the opponent's cunning attitude and the tone of wanting to inquire about Qin An's affairs, Yaozi gave him a very bad impression.

"Don't ask me for any news about Qin An..."

"I am also Qin An, it makes me feel weird and jealous when you say this... By the way, what is your name?"

In the future world, Qin An asked people to get tea and put it on the small table.

"You don't need to come and inquire about me. To be honest, my first impression of you is not good, although you seem to be pretty good... Let’s talk about the second thing, I heard you murdered Ruma is greedy and insatiable. I think you should be a bad person. Why are you doing this kind of teaching children to be good in your back garden? Are you schizophrenic?"

"Are you really another Qin An's friend?"


"Then you still don't know enough about Qin An. Qin An was originally a very different person inside and outside. He was just insisting on kindness. In fact, he has an extremely cold and bloodthirsty heart. He and I have a time span of thousands of years, and they have grown up now. I would rather be a wicked person, and keeping a little kindness in my heart is enough, so I will take in some orphans, and then raise them up personally so that they will become good people. So, these children are nothing but good people to me. Toys are nothing more than pets, gadgets that satisfy my vanity, do you understand?"

Seeing the self-righteous appearance of Qin An in the future world again, a feeling of disgust suddenly rose in the demon's heart.

"Hmph, I found the difference between you and him. He is a hypocrite, and you are a real villain!"

"Haha, compared with the two words "beautiful, real villain" and hypocrite, the latter is usually a derogatory term, while the former can be commendatory. Can I understand that you are complimenting me now?"

"Cut, your self-righteous appearance is really annoying!"

The demon was telling the truth, but Qin An in the future world didn't think so, because the demon's enchanting appearance was like a little female cat who had been in heat, which had already affected his heart.

He tried his best to make own smile soft enough, and said softly:

"Really, most girls say that men hate them, but they seem to mean they like them."

It's crazy! Why does the Qin An in front of him have the same tone as the ancient gods, who feel that what she said means they like it? It's really like talking about it.The demon child recalled the process of getting along with another Qin An these days. In fact, they knew each other very well, and they didn't need to say too much. They could understand what the other party was thinking with just one look. Is this called having a sense of understanding?

The demon picked up the tea, looked at it, then put it down without drinking it, and raised his head to look at Qin Andao in the future world:

"The third question, I heard you have many women?"

"Well, three thousand beauties."

"That Qin An doesn't have that many, but each one is fine, you are really a breeder!"

The demon looked contemptuous. Before, she overheard Jingyi and Ci'an chatting and commented that Qin An has many wives and is a stallion.

Yaozi didn't understand the word, so she went to Weihong to ask. After Weihong explained to her, she sneered a little.

The relationship between men and women of the orcs is not so restrictive. If there are ten male beasts that are similar to Qin An, and if she doesn't hate them, the demon wouldn't mind having children with them.

However, it seems that Qin An is unique...


The demon was stunned.

In her mind, is Qin An unique?

Yes! Since it is unique, how could anyone be the same as him? Even the same people are different!

For example, now, although the two Qin Ans are the same person in appearance, they are completely different in their bones. That Qin An made her heart-stirred, and this one... After a brief exchange, she didn't even have any interest in continuing to compare. NS.

She began to miss her Qin An, and she also understood what love is. After living for countless years, she had the love that originally belonged to human beings for the first time.

She likes to eat dishes cooked by Qin An, but it is mainly Qin An's enthusiasm in cooking that attracts her the most.

She likes to see Qin An frowning and thinking when encountering things. Maybe it's a little indecisive, but only such indecision is Qin An's characteristic, which is completely different from the person before him.

She loves to see Qin An's smile when dealing with things and talking to people. That smile is so sweet that it can make her heart less arrogant and irritable!

And the most important...

Thinking of this, the demon suddenly got up and walked to the front of Qin An, the future world.

"What's wrong?"

Qin An in the future world is a little wary. He doesn't know what the woman in front of him means. Why does he suddenly approach him?

"Let me give you a hug."


Before the future world Qin An could react, the demon suddenly shot and hugged the man.

Sure enough, it felt different at all. She didn't like the body of the man in front of her. Only that Qin An would make her feel like cuddling.

Yaozi suddenly realized it, she just hugged Qin An from the future world, and then quickly moved back.

"That's it, I can feel your hostility towards Qin An, so you should be careful! He is already called Qin An, and then you will be called Qin Er'an. How can you compare with him? I really want to do it again. Back, let's go!"

The demon's queen is full of aura, she has exposed the ruthless potential of a "bitch" before, and even the ancient gods can give it up casually, let alone a Qin Er'an?

After the decision was made, Yaozi's attitude towards Qin Er'an was naturally not so special. She didn't care if this man was very good. She finally understood what is meant by behaving in the eyes of a lover. Only that Qin An is her behest. The others are all clouds. What does it matter whether he is good or not? She is not only with Qin An because she wants to get her genes, she must love him!

After naming the future world Qin An as Qin Er'an, the demon turned around and left.

Qin An in the future world is blinded, is this woman mentally ill? When he came, he left without saying a few words, and named him Qin Er'an? He is the king of Mars, when has he been treated like this?

His face deteriorated, and Qin Er'an moved extremely fast, blocking the Yaozi's path.

"Beauty, I don't like the nickname you gave me. And I don't quite understand what you mean, just give me a hug and leave? Why?"

"Too lazy to explain to you, get out of the way."

Damn? Qin Er'an has never met such a woman. She had a very good attitude towards own just now. Why did she change it all at once?

"I said, don't stand in my way."

Seeing that Qin Er'an didn't avoid it, the demon was not polite, raising his hand to open the dark attribute was a punch.

Qin Er'an is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp. As a descendant of King Qin and True Fire, he has the flame gene after awakening to become a superpower. The whole body can burn and set fire instantly, and the energy of flame burning and explosion can reach the extreme. It is him. Basic means of attack and defense.

The Yaozi punched out, and Qin An's hand turned into a flame ball, facing the Yaozi's fist.


The demon was a little surprised. The temperature of the flame on the opponent's fist was a bit high. She couldn't fully tolerate it. She already felt hot, and her clothes began to dry and smoke, as if they were about to burn.

Hmph, it does have some ability, but how could the demon be afraid, she still let her fist move forward, and finally collided with Qin Er'an's fire fist.


There was a loud noise to the sky, and the demon didn't move. Qin Er'an was beaten and flew back. The clothes all over his body burst instantly, and the body and most of it burst into flames!

How could this be? Qin Er'an was completely dizzy. He is the overlord who has been in the world for many years. He has never met an opponent in his personal strength. How could he be beaten so miserably by the opponent? This is a safe zone. If Qin Er'an suspects his own half-life in the wild, he may be gone.

The demon looked very proud of Qin Er'an coldly.

Cut, this skill is also commonplace, it is estimated that even Qin An can't beat, how can he be his own opponent.

The demon child regretted that he had ran this trip in vain, and finally understood what Qin An had said before.

There is Karma for everything in the event. I ran so far to see Qin An this time, and what I gained was my own sincerity. Haha, what Qin An said is really connotative.

The demon who understood her true heart was as happy as an eighteen-year-old girl. At this moment, Qin Er'an, who had been frustrated, suddenly stepped back and jumped out of the courtyard wall, and then a burst of system audio sounded nearby.

"Player demon, you have been trapped in the special-level game item soul formation. The formation here can only be broken from the outside, or the releaser has permission to let you leave. Please contact your nearby teammates to rescue you from outside. Killing the magic circle guardian BOSS can get a lot of rewards. Please be patient and wait for it to be resolved. The system will provide you with food to ensure that you can stay alive during the trapped stage."

Are you trapped? Yaozi was a little surprised. She tried to get over the wall and leave, but no matter what she did, she couldn't escape.


At this time, it was the night of the sixth day, and the three sisters Zhen'e, along with her aunt Su Ran, and guarding Jian Chen all the way hurriedly, had arrived at another large forty-level map Sacred Plain.

After the player has passed level 40, there are actually many maps of the same level. Because of the large number of players, different maps are divided into different forces.

The Zhen family was founded on the Sacred Plain.

After driving for two nights and one day, the group was exhausted. There was a small post on the road. There was only one NPC selling tea in the post. This is not a safe area. The surrounding scenery looks very desolate, and occasionally there are 40-level wild monsters in the shape of a wolf. Wandering back and forth, few players appeared here to fight monsters and upgrade. There are many beautiful places for leveling in the map, so it's not necessary that no one wants to find a desolate place, that's boring.

"Hao Zhen, shall we take a break?"

Zhen E wiped the sweat from her forehead. In fact, she was not too tired. After all, she had a dark attribute to carry it, but looking at Su Ran and Jian Chen, it was obvious that she couldn't hold on anymore.

Zhen Hao tightened his eyebrows, shook his head, and then sighed and nodded: "Hey, I don't think it's right, but it's a blessing or a curse, or just take a break."

Several people came to the open-air tea stall and ordered a few bowls of tea. After sitting down, Zhen Yan said, "I think there are people following us along the way.""Well, there is more than one person, and I don't know what it is." Zhen E naturally discovered it long ago.

"I don't think it will be Qin An, so maybe it is a woman named Wu Xiaoxiao. She said I am Empress Zhen? I don't quite understand what she means." Zhen Hao, the smart, really can't figure it out, because no matter how smart she is, she can't think of herself. Will cross in the future.

"Binglai will block the water and cover up the soil, thinking we are really afraid that they will not succeed?" Zhen Yan is the second life of Li Ying, and her temper was originally the most extreme of the three sisters. Everyone has never been afraid of fighting.

"Hey, this can only be done now, here it is!" Wu Xiaoxiao's figure appeared as Zhen E spoke.

"Haha, Queen Zhen! It turns out that you are also a traverser. Now that you haven’t traversed and grown up, how could I not kill you? You bitch! You three little ones look exactly the same, and I can’t tell. Who is Empress Zhen, then go to death!"

When Wu Xiaoxiao spoke, her face was a bit hideous. She rarely showed such a posture. If Qin An saw it, she would be shocked and could not imagine that a person would change so much.

Jian Chen was a loyal guard, and when he saw an enemy coming, he immediately stood forward.

Although Su Ran had a big chest and no brains, it was because of this that he was especially praised. He didn't feel that a woman on the other side could treat the person on his side.

The three sisters of the Zhen family don’t think so. Although they don’t have super hearing, they can feel the vitality fluctuations in a certain range around them, so they know that there are actually many people along the way. They don’t know whether those people are enemies or friends. .

At this time, Wu Xiaoxiao had already moved forward involuntarily, and Jian Chen naturally hurriedly wanted to stop it.

But Wu Xiaoxiao's speed was too fast. Not only did he reach Jian Chen's body during the flashing, but he raised his hand and grabbed his neck. After pulling hard, he directly pulled Jian Chen's head off.

At this moment, the three sisters of the Zhen family and Su Ran with big breasts were all shocked. Jian Chen's current game strength is not bad, and he also has dark attributes. He is also a super-upgraded in the future world. How can he face this woman without even the slightest fight back? Power?

This is not surprising at all. Wu Xiaoxiao has traveled through the memory world over the years. It is not in vain. She has accumulated power in the long process. Although she has not yet become a sword god, her power has actually surpassed the ordinary sword god. Real fire, the emperor, and the six main gods outside of Tiange are already able to let go of a fight.

Then she turned on the dark attribute and wanted to send a little Jian Chen back to the safe area, it was very easy at that time.

But her purpose is not so. What she wants is to kill the three Zhen sisters completely, not to send them back to a safe area.

Jian Chen Death's body disappeared, and Wu Xiaoxiao continued to move forward.

The big breasted Su Ran hurriedly wanted to stop, but she took it and was pulled by Zhen E.

Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan took the lead and turned on the dark attribute to fight with Wu Xiaoxiao.

After only ten seconds, the two sisters were at a disadvantage. Their powerful ability is that they can be reborn after death, so the combat attributes are not smart.

At the moment of crisis, a group of people in black finally arrived.

These people are Qiye's subordinates, from the power of the Black Gold Empire.

Qiye can't control the own undead monsters approaching Wu Xiaoxiao, just because they are separated by Yin and Yang, although they are the same person, they cannot meet when they reach a space.

Therefore, she could only deploy many people to enter the world of the sky, let them stop Wu Xiaoxiao.

But she actually knew that these people were useless, and the key was to look at Qin An.

If Qin An can prevent the death of the three sisters of the Zhen family, not only will the ancient gods be resurrected, but she will no longer suffer from the corpse poison.

No matter what, she hoped that Qin An could do it, but she didn't explain it at the beginning because she didn't know whether Qin An could help her.

A group of people rushed to besie Wu Xiaoxiao, reducing the pressure on Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan a lot.

But these people didn't hold on for long. Most of them were killed after ten minutes. In the end, even Su Ran was sent back to his hometown, and the three Zhen sisters were arrested.

Wu Xiaoxiao was also very helpless. She only entered the game for a few days, and she couldn't use the system's strength to deal with the three sisters of the Zhen family.

You can't kill them if you turn on the dark attribute. Even if you catch them alive with the dark attribute, they still have a protection time of up to six hours. Wu Xiaoxiao can't kill.

The Zhen's three sisters were wrong. They didn't expect this Wu Xiaoxiao to be so powerful. History seems to be repeating itself...

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