Having been an old girl for so many years, the three sisters Zhen E have long wanted to be able to "grow up", but they have been unable to find a way.

So the words of NPC beauty are absolutely tempting.

"What conditions?"

"Master's blood."

"Master's blood? What does this mean?"

"My three cups of coffee have peculiar functions, which can make the strength of your three little girls ascension several times in an instant, and also allow you to blend into the host's body to increase the three attributes of defense, attack, and dodge, which means drinking After these three cups of coffee, you will switch from player to NPC pet attribute and have the ability to immortal in the game world. Isn’t that a good thing?"

"Transformed into an NPC pet...Who is the owner?"

"Anyone can, provided that he must use blood as a drug for these three cups of coffee. After you drink it, he will become his eternal pet. You cannot disobey any order. Even if your heart wants to resist, you Neither can his body! Haha, and after you become his pets, you need to sleep with him as a man and woman before you can fit with him and provide him with attributes! The attributes provided are very perverted, defense, attack, and dodge are all It’s a bonus of 10,000! Do you know what this means?"

The NPC beauty looked at Qin An, and then continued to be full of temptation: "I just checked your attributes, your health is really scary, but your defense and dodge abilities are too weak. If you have these three spirits Pet, can give you two additional attributes of defense and dodge, then in this game world, almost no player can kill you! There is also a 10,000 attribute attack power bonus, which allows you to fly when spawning monsters. Get up! How about it, is it very tempting? Haha! Think about it for yourself, if you want, then the male player will bite his finger and drip blood into three cups of coffee. After they drink it, they will become spiritual pets, and they can Make the body bigger, this change cannot last forever, but it can also change for seven or eight hours a day, enough for you to do anything that an adult can do with them, three beauties with exactly the same characters, blood surging when you think about it. ?Hahaha!"

The voice of the NPC beauty was getting smaller and smaller, and finally the laughter came from a distance. She had already left, leaving the choice to Qin An and Zhen E, as well as Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan who were still sleeping.

Zhen E's face was a little pale, she really wanted to grow bigger, but to grow bigger, would she give up freedom?

Of course she hopes that Qin An in front of her will continue to be kind, but who can guarantee that in a few decades, he will not become worse than Qin An in the future world?

Do not! She would never do this, she would rather continue to be her villain than someone else's slave, even if he is Qin An!

Qin An's gaze swept across Zhen E's face, and she had already understood the thoughts in her heart.

Mind moved slightly, the three so-called cups of coffee disappeared and entered the Apocalyptic Interspatial Ring.

"Okay, I put things away. This choice is really funny. Even if the three of your sisters are willing, I still don't want to. As you said, you are now the three sisters of the Zhen family, and not the three sisters of the Weng family. So...you are not my women either. Don’t we have another choice? Just find an NPC woman to do the job, maybe this game is not that complicated."

Qin An said that after he got up and left, he didn't want to delay any more time, nor did he want to continue to be indecisive.

"What about those three cups of things?" Zhen E yelled behind Qin An.

"Keep it in my space, this thing is amazing, I plan to study it."

"What are you going to do?"

"What else can you do, do you want to come and visit?"

"You lie, you said, I told you about me, you won't go to a woman!"

"Haha, I'd rather believe that pigs can go up to the tree than the man's mouth. Has the word of the future world disappeared?"

After Qin An finished speaking, people had already walked out of the coffee shop.

After taking a deep breath, Qin Anping recovered his mood. He was still a little surprised. He didn't expect Weng Lan to have such an ability to reincarnate Samsara, so would the Weng Lan next to him also awaken? It's not clear, it's too complicated.

Simplifying the handling of complex things is a principle of doing things that can lead to success.

The next story is a little bit fragrant.

Qin An went to find a woman, a female NPC.

When he was a child, Qin An was very satisfied lying on the bed, and the female NPC was lying beside him.

"Congratulations to the player for completing the first stage of the mission on the 2nd floor of the Skull Buddha Cemetery. Please continue to find two female NPCs to XXX together. The time interval cannot exceed ten minutes. Come on!"Ah? Mom sells batches!

What kind of perverted task is this? Still looking for two women?

Oh shit! Now that it has started, look for it!

Half an hour later

"Congratulations to the player for completing the second stage of the mission on the 2nd floor of the Skeleton Buddha Cemetery. Please continue to find four female NPCs to XXX together. The time interval cannot exceed five minutes. Come on!"


Qin An cursed his mother directly in his heart.

This is really too perverted, is it impossible to squeeze him out?

ten minutes later

"Congratulations to the player for completing the third stage of the mission on the 2nd floor of the Skull Buddha Cemetery. Please continue to find eight female NPCs to XXX together. The time interval cannot exceed 3 minutes. Come on!"


A whole day and a whole night passed. When Zhen E finally couldn't wait, when she found Qin An in a garden called Cuihonglou, Qin An was lying on a big bed, and beside him was still lying. Of the six naked women, sixteen were lying on the ground.

Zhen E was stunned in shock, watched for a full minute, and then left in anger.

No wonder how many people are this after not coming back for so long? Is the decisive battle till dawn? Qin An's stamina is really good, and he has used up all his energy in order to complete the task! It's just that Zhen E can't accept this scene!

Humph, Qin An is really a pervert from the bottom of his heart, Zhen E decided to ignore him again!

After drinking a lot of wine, and fighting fiercely with the girls until dawn, Qin An was asleep until noon until he woke up.

"Congratulations to the player, because you performed well, the NPC women here are very satisfied. Sex is a knife in your heart. The system detects your state, lustful but unintentional. You did not sink into the group of females, so you passed the level. The rewards for this level are the three potions of pets. The target must be three female players in the same class. I wish you a happy game. The portal to the next level has been opened."

The system tone sounded when Qin An woke up, and Qin An lay in bed for a long time before laughing speechlessly.

The topic of this level is really funny, but it is actually quite difficult to think about. The first level of eleven bottles of wine is estimated to be difficult for anyone to drink except myself, and this level...Qin An A bit shy, it's been a long time since it's been so absurd, the great power accumulated for a long time is finally released, but there is really no emotion between these NPC women, so they can only be used as a passer-by in life.

After getting up to freshen up, Qin An saw the portal on the square not far away when he went out. This should be the entrance to the third floor.

I turned on Super Hearing to search for Zeng'e, only to see that she was still in that coffee shop, and Zeng Hao and Zeng Yan's two sisters had also woke up, and the three were chatting about the issue.

"Can it really become bigger?" Zhen Yan looked surprised.

"Hey, didn't you listen to your sister? It is to pay for the loss of freedom, are you willing to be Qin An's pet slave?" Zhen Hao has not been dazzled by the news.

"Big Sister, anyway, your idea, I'm really tired of this small body. I want to be a woman, not a girl!" Zhen Yan strongly expressed her own opinion.

Zhen Hao also set his sights on Zhen E.

"Hmph, I would rather be a child than follow the scumbag!" Zhen E's face was very angry, making Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan look at each other, a little unclear.

"Sister, did that man provoke you? Yes, you told him his true identity, how could he not provoke you? In any case, he really loves you the most."

"I don't want him to love me. I am already Zhen E, not his woman Weng Lan."

The discussion is over, the three sisters are not talking, Zhen E is sulking.

Qin An felt Zhen E's deep jealousy. It seemed that she had seen her own behavior last night. Hey... he didn't deliberately indulge him. Isn't it all for passing the test?

Forget it, it's better to simplify the process, sometimes not explaining is actually the best way.

Qin An didn't delay time when he had a decision, and took the three sisters into the third floor.


As the so-called man-made wealth and birds die for food, in order to obtain capital, capitalists can do anything vicious.

"This is Dante's novice village in the west of the mainland, warning, warning, and red warning. This novice village has been recruited by the system as a mission copy, and all players will become game mission clues and cannot escape from this space.

Start formatting...

The three-story pattern of the Skull Buddha Cemetery is formed, and the end of the world will sweep the entire copy space in an instant.

All the dark attributes in this space will all disappear. Players will automatically accept the hidden task of "man-made wealth and death". Some gold coins and food will appear randomly. Collecting food can extend their life. Collecting 100 gold coins can escape the space and the escaped player Can get rich rewards. Then please prepare the players. A large number of undead zombie monsters will be refreshed. If a player is bitten, it will become a violent zombie who cannot control his appetite, and then becomes the enemy of all players!

Now, the game begins! "

As soon as he entered the so-called third floor, what Qin An heard was this system tone that echoed through the entire map.

What a surprise, a novice village is connected to the third floor? And the dark attribute can't be used here?


Zhen E, who was sulking with Qin An, suddenly yelled.

Qin An hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw that many zombies suddenly appeared on the street that was full of players just now.

The area of ​​this novice village is not large, but not small. It is estimated to have a population of more than 60,000. Now that the zombies are refreshed, everyone naturally flees. Qin An dare not delay. After all, zombies are special monsters. It's useless, and it's bite and immediately dead.

"Let's go, hide first!"

Qin An has seen a house not far away. Zombies cannot be killed, they can be refreshed at any time, and the task of this level is not to kill zombies. Collecting 100 gold coins is the key to clearing the level.

Although he lost his dark attribute, Qin An, a veteran who had fought for decades, was still brave and invincible. With the skills of a master, he quickly led three young Loli into the three-story building that seemed very sturdy.

"All doors and windows on the first floor should be closed. Go to the third floor to observe the situation. I will go up soon. If there is any accident, call me."

The three of Zhen E ran upstairs quickly without being muddled. Qin An immediately checked what could be used in the room and blocked the doors and windows before following up.

"How about it?"

"The situation is not too bad. These zombies looked slow and were easy to deal with. Most of them fled and hid!"

"Well, the zombies in this level are just a small obstacle! Humph, people die for money, it seems that competition with other players is the main topic. I think neither food nor gold coins should be collected, so let’s rest here. Think of a solution later."

"Resting? Didn't you just wake up? Could it be that too much energy was spent on the woman and the kidney was weak?"

Zhen E spoke with a gun and a stick, but Qin An ignored it.

He felt that Zhen E was actually a little different from own Weng Lan, and Weng Lan was quieter in character.

The window opened a seam to look out, and the whole novice village was noisy. Some people were trying to crowd into the house, while the zombies were chasing around.

Qin An looked at it blankly for a while, and unexpectedly felt that the scene in front of him was a bit cordial, and he remembered the scene at the beginning of the last days.

"Zhen E, don't run on me, we are on the same front now. Hey, I didn't expect this game task to be so complicated. Now there is really no way, we can only observe slowly and take a look at the so-called gold coins. Where are they? Going out to kill zombies is just a waste of energy. They are system zombies and will be refreshed after death, so why don't you take a break now?"

After closing the window, Qin An tried to take out the food from the Interspatial Ring, and the food disappeared immediately after he got it.

Sure enough, the system is well set up, and it seems that you can only fight for food with others.

Qin An really didn't sleep well, so he went to sleep and went to find food and gold coins after waking up. The combat power of the three little Loli's dark attributes was originally average. Losing the dark attributes is even more common as a normal player. Qin An cannot. Let them go out on adventures, so he needs enough sleep, and then he gets back enough food for four people.

Zhen E didn't quarrel with Qin An anymore. She could see that Qin An did seem to be a little tired. This was the source of her anger, not what she was tired last night.

Hey, women, in fact, most of the time they don't know what they want, so they are deceived by bad men again and again....

There are two major races in the Remnant Blood World, gods and demons, and the channel between the gods and demons has not been opened yet.

Dante Village is actually in the Protoss territory, so the player professions here are basically angels, paladins, and bishops. Slightly different from the mages, fighters, and poisonous masters of the demons.

And from the appearance point of view, it is clear that the player of the Gods group looks more beautiful, no matter in terms of accessories or clothing.

Qin An stayed asleep until night, and when she woke up, Zhen E was also sleeping. Zhen Hao chose a room as her own bedroom and she was laying out her own bedroom, while Zhen Yan was lying on the seam of the living room window and looking out.

When Qin An walked over, Zhen Yan was shocked.

"Why, sneaky, there is no sound of walking!"

Zhen Yan's tone is a little bad, she is really not to blame.

After the death of Weng Lan in the previous life, Li Ying almost became Weng Lan's replacement.

How could Zhen Yan in the second life have a good temper with Qin An? In time, he is not himself but a fellow.

Qin An glanced at Zhen Yan and frowned slightly.

Is this Li Ying from the second generation? So if the three sisters have the ability to reincarnate after death, and Li Ying and Weng Die died in the Battle of the West Coast of United States, can they be reincarnated? Or does it mean that the necromancer has entered the own necromancer space?

So why didn't Li Ying reincarnate when he died for the first time? Perhaps it was because the abilities were not awakened, so even though they were reincarnated, they could not completely occupy the soul of the new body, so they shared a body with Shangguan Feiyan?

"Your sister told you everything about me?"

"what's up?"

"It's me and Li Ying?"

Zhen Yan frowned, not understanding the meaning of Qin An's words.

"I mean, did she tell you that Li Ying and I once had a child. When you were in a coma yesterday, I told her a lot of things, didn't she tell you?"


Zhen Yan was dumbfounded, then her face flushed and her eyebrows erected. She felt that Qin An must have forced Li Ying, otherwise how could her own colleagues give birth to this man?

Qin An saw the meaning of Zhen Yan's expression, smiled and shook his head:

"It's not my fault. I married Weng Lan. Later, Weng Lan asked Li Ying to replace her. After taking over Li Ying, she pretended to be Weng Lan and had a one-night stand with me. How many years later did I know that she was pregnant at the time. He has given birth to a child. That child looks good now, has a family and a business, and has an own heir called Qin Beichen. He has the same literary and artistic atmosphere as his daddy and me. In terms of his personality, this kid is the most like mine. ......Okay, let me talk about the details when I go out and come back. I haven’t eaten for a day. Your sisters should be hungry, and so am I. The upgraded people on our planet can’t go hungry, hungry. It will go crazy after a long time."

After Qin An finished speaking, he ignored Zhen Yan, who was standing there in a daze, and left the big house.

Zhen Yan couldn't believe that her comrade would actually give birth to a child for Qin An.

When she was depressed, Zhenhao came out and asked her what happened. After hearing about it, it was also different.

The two sisters are discussing it. Zhen E woke up, walked out of the room, and sighed after knowing what they were discussing: "What's the matter, Zhenhao, your partner is married to Qin Anming. It is said that she still loves this Qin An. ."

Zhen Yan, Zhen Hao was shocked again. Unexpectedly, on this planet, their three sisters would have an entanglement with Qin An again. I really can't imagine the reason!

"What about him?"

Zhen E rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked.

"Said it was out to get things."

"Uh, let's clean up this place. It looks like it was unoccupied before, and it was coldly clean, but the furniture and equipment are complete, and you can take a shower."

Zhen E walked into the bathroom and found that the sound of hot water became pleasantly surprised...

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