In the starry night, a bright spot of gold attracted Qin An.

Qin An was looking for a way to avoid the zombies and approached over there. His movements were a bit slow. This was also impossible. If it was too fast, the zombies would surely be alarmed.

When he was only a few meters away from the shining spot, he discovered that it turned out to be a huge floating gold coin with a diameter of one meter.

Qin An stepped forward and touched it with his hand, the gold coin disappeared immediately, and the system sound gave a prompt:

"Congratulations to the player for receiving 1 gold coin. Please continue to work hard. You still need to collect 99 gold coins to leave this space."

Um... 99 pieces.

The first one is easy to collect, but there is no golden shining spot around here, so the other gold coins are not brushed out, or are they hidden in other corners, do you want to search this village thoroughly?

Hey, it seems to be necessary. If you don't collect the gold coins, you can't leave.

Thinking of this, Qin An continued to wander around. Although there was no dark attribute, it was not a big problem to avoid these slow-moving system zombies in the dark, as long as they were not surrounded, there would be no danger.

800 meters to the south, a square building appeared in front of Qin An, which looked a bit like a big supermarket, ten meters high and three-story square.

The reason why he came here is because Qin An heard someone yelling on the roof of the supermarket when he was more than a hundred meters away.

In other words, not only Qin An was attracted, but at this time the building was also surrounded by zombies.

Who is so two, who is still yelling in this environment?

Qin An was very curious. When he went to observe and listened nearby, he found that there seemed to be a lot of people upstairs, there were more than a dozen people.

How to do? Do you want to go up and have a look?

This supermarket is so big, maybe there are gold coins in it or the food randomly picked out by the system.

Thinking of this, Qin An began to act, creating a flame thunder array with magic spells, attracting all the zombies to walk over, and then quickly approached the building, broke a window, and flew into it.

Because the window was broken, some zombies who hadn't walked far were attracted. Qin An found that there were many empty shelves here, and pulled them over to block the window to prevent the zombies from entering, and then walked upstairs.

A bit disappointed, this is indeed a supermarket, but the food in the supermarket has disappeared, and no system gold coins were found after walking two floors.

There were some zombies on the road. Qin An found a fire axe from the supermarket and cleaned the zombies one by one before going up to the top of the building.

As soon as he ran out of the skylight, Qin An saw a dozen people gathered in the corner of the roof. They were obviously divided into two groups and were arguing. The flame thunderstorm he created outside failed to attract their attention. How ferocious is that.

"These system foods were discovered by us, and of course belong to us. You have to eat and find by yourself."

"We saw it almost at the same time, okay? It's just that you get it first, and you must divide it equally!"

"Equally? There are 13 of us. The food here is only enough for four people to eat. No one knows whether the system food will be refreshed next time. If you want to evenly divide, just do it if you don't agree!"

This is the representative of one party, who looks like he is in his thirties, and the three around him are all young men.

There are more people on the other side, nine people in total, but among them there are five women, three children, and only one man in his fifties looks very weak. It is estimated that he has no fighting capacity. This should be a family.

Qin An crawled out of the passageway, stood behind the sun room on the roof and listened for a while, and got the general situation.

The boss of the four men is Qi Kun, and the other man who takes the lead is Qi Tiannan. The two are actually in a father-son relationship.Among the five women led by Qi Tiannan, one is his wife Fang Yaru, one is his daughter-in-law giving Song Honglian, and the other three are her daughters Qi Yanni, Qi Xiaobai, and Qi Yangyang. The three children are about ten years old. Son and daughter of Song Yanni and Qi Yangyang.

The reason why we can understand it so thoroughly is because both parties called their names directly when they quarreled, and they also said some past grievances.

The Lao Qi family is just the lowest level of ordinary people on the moon.

Qi Tiannan is an old-minded person. He doesn't like to use gene extraction to continue offspring. Therefore, together with his wife Fang Yaru, Qi Kun was born artificially.

Although Qi Kun is the son of Qi Tiannan, his thinking and consciousness are completely different from Qi Tiannan when he grows up.

He thinks he is a defective product made by his parents. Obviously, he is not as good as those genetic people, no matter what.

Therefore, he hated his own parents, resented that they gave birth to themselves without genetic modification, and did not live with them on weekdays.

Qi Tiannan is also a stubborn guy, thinking that his son must obey his own arrangements, so he forcibly married him a daughter-in-law called Song Honglian.

Although Qi Kun is also a female, but he is unwilling to follow Qi Tiannan's arrangements, so he keeps his wife Song Honglian as a widow.

Because of this incident, the conflict between Qi Kun and Qi Tiannan is even more incompatible.

This time I was trapped here. The two people who were originally a father and son had a big quarrel. They brought out all the previous things and made Qin An feel a little irritable. Nowadays, there are almost fewer people quarreling in the world.

Ignoring the quarrel, Qin An's eyes fell on Qi Kun's hands, he was holding four buns.

The food has not disappeared, indicating that it was given by the system. The task of death for money is to let people fight for resources by any means, so the resources must be few and few.

Qin An understands the rules of the game, so he also knows what he should do at this time.

Walking up slowly, Qin An was finally discovered when he was very close to them.

"Who are you?"

The two sides stopped arguing, Qi Kun frowned and asked.

With a harmless smile on Qin An’s face, he said, “I’m just an ordinary player. I hid in the sun room over there before. Suddenly there were so many zombies. I was a little scared. It’s great to see you, I I'm really scared. Can you let me join? It's better to be accompanied by someone than alone."

When Qin An spoke, he had already walked to Qi Kun's side, and he had been holding his hands up, seemingly not hostile.

Qi Kun didn't react, not knowing if the man who appeared suddenly was telling the truth, but looking at him seemed weak and incompetent, Qi Kun subconsciously raised a trace of contempt in his heart.

At this moment, Qin An started to snatch the food in Qi Kun's hands, and then quickly left more than ten meters away.

Hey, own behavior is really nasty.

But what can be done now? He has to eat something, which is a rigid requirement of being an upgrader of the earth. If he doesn't eat the Spiritual Qi upgraded material in the sword, he will go crazy, and he will also become irritable.

And these people on the opposite side are obviously not a good thing. The son doesn't recognize his father, and the daughter-in-law seems to have a leg with the father-in-law. Qin An naturally wants to snatch them. If the world is nasty, Qin An doesn't mind being a real villain.

As a result, the concentrated point of contradiction fell on Qin An.

A group of people all rushed towards Qin An, and several of them also released long-range skills.

This place has become a special area, no longer a safe zone, so Qin An lost a lot of blood when hit by that skill, but his blood volume is too thick, and the drop of a lot is just for his health bar. a little bit.

After snatching things, Qin An turned and ran away, unable to stand there waiting for someone to come and chase him. And he ran on the familiar road, and ran out of the supermarket along the road when he came, begging Lao Qi's family.

Na Qi Kun was a little irritable, and screamed at the window where Qin An escaped, attracting the zombies, and they could only go back and find something to block the window.

Qin An was besieged by the zombies after running more than ten meters away. He hurriedly threw a few skills to kill the zombies, then ran into a building opposite the supermarket, killing the zombies all the way up, and reaching the top of the building.

Fortunately, there was a gold coin on the top of the building. Qin An collected it, and there was still a gap of 98 gold coins to pass.

This building is higher than the top of the supermarket, and the distance between the two is not far, so Qin An can clearly see the Lao Qi family on the opposite side.

At this time they had just returned, and a little boy eye thief pointed at Qin An and shouted, "Look, the thief who stole the buns!"

At this time, Qi Tiannan and his son were not quarreling anymore. Seeing Qin An on the roof of the opposite building, they immediately scolded their mother.

Qin An's natural game is at a loss because he stole the house, but he has no psychological burden at this time, just standing on the top of the building and looking around to see if there are other gold coins and food refreshed.

"Hey, the guy on the opposite side, you stole the buns if you stole them. You have also seen that, we have old and young, can't you stay hungry? This kid has nothing for a day, at least you Should I return the two buns? If you are willing to return it, if you have anything to ask, our sisters will satisfy you."

Suddenly, a beautiful female voice sounded.

Qin An looked sideways and saw that it was the woman named Qi Yanni. She seemed to be the mother of two children, one son and one daughter. She didn't know if her husband was one of the three men around Qi Kun.

Qin An admired this woman secretly in her heart, and now she obviously couldn't solve the problem with cursing. She was very clever when she suddenly started to negotiate like this.

For a while, he couldn't see the refreshing items, and Qin An also lost his next plan. At this time, the building was full of zombies because of the noise just now. Qin An needed to find a way to escape. He didn't mind talking to the other side before that. say.

"I also have no choice. The food is lacking. Your family is arguing. I can only take the food away so you can be quiet? Four buns can't save your child. Now I want Help yourself, then you’d better unite and find a way. If you continue to quarrel, it will only make you even more hopeless. Don’t thank me. Oh, by the way, if I find more food, maybe I will come to see you, I’m a Kind people don’t want to watch your children go hungry."

"Hypocrisy!" Qi Xiaobai said angrily, and several other people also looked indignant, apparently thinking that Qin An was a hypocrite.

Qin An smiled helplessly, he didn't want to be like this either, but the current form can only make him cold-blooded. He needs to collect food for four people and 400 gold coins, otherwise he and the three sisters of the Zhen family will have to be trapped. Here, he doesn't have so much time.

Just about to turn around and leave to find a path, the change arises.

The zombies piled up downstairs suddenly began to swallow each other, and then the body mass became larger and larger, and finally became a huge monster with a height of up to 100 meters.

"The dangerous beast BOSS Zombie King has appeared. This monster does not have the ability to spread zombie viruses, but it has a violent attack power. Killing can get rich experience and chances to obtain special items. Monsters are very powerful. It is recommended that players team up to kill. "

When the system sound appeared, the Zombie King also ran away. It rammed backwards into the building where Qin An and Qi's family were located, and only hit the building at once. Qin An and Qi's family all fell to the ground.

At this time, other ordinary zombies nearby had all been swallowed and merged into this huge zombie, so Qin An and others did not drop the group of zombies after landing.


Qi Tiannan shouted loudly, but the zombie king moved so fast that he stepped forward and trampled him to death.

This method of killing is too violent, and people are dumbfounded.

Naturally, Qin An would not run. He wanted to try to see if he could kill the opponent, so he threw a few skills.

Fortunately, the monster's blood is not too much, and the defense is not strong, Qin An's sea of ​​flames directly burned the opponent's 10,000 blood.

The Zombie King also launched an attack on Qin An. Qin An couldn't dodge, and almost 10,000 blood was lost after being beaten. Fortunately, he had a lot of blood, and it seemed that he could still be beaten.

This zombie king has the attribute of thunder and lightning, and the fan Wei covered by thunder and lightning attacks is very large, so those in the Qi family have no chance to escape at all. After a few attacks, only Song Honglian, Qi Yanni, Qi Xiaobai, and Qi Kunsi are left to die. people.

Qi Yanni didn't run away either, holding the corpses of her two children and crying bitterly, she didn't even pay any attention to the blood that was already remaining.

Qin An finally relented, and jumped over to resist two lightning attacks for her, which saved her life.

After that, it took Qin An almost ten minutes to grind the monster to death. As a blood bull mage, his resistance to fight is no problem, but his attack power is a bit weak. If he can activate the 10,000 points of the three spirit pets. Power, it may only take one minute to kill the BOSS.The rewards of this BOSS are indeed very rich. Qin An has given birth to a first-level, and also received a special item, a gold coin detector.

The so-called gold coin detector can only be used in this dungeon. It can detect the number of gold coins on other players. This is naturally to facilitate the grabbing of gold coins, and it should also be the setting of man-made financial death system tasks.

Hey, this is really dangerous outside. Ordinary zombies can suddenly become bosses. Qin An decides to go back temporarily, eat something and then come out. He hasn't eaten anything for a day. After losing the dark attribute Pudu Sword God ability, The physical strength is obviously unable to keep up.

Before leaving, Qin An looked at Qi Kun’s survivors. Qi Yanni, who had died of two children, made him feel a little distressed. However, Qin An is no longer the young man back then. He can be compassionate, but he can’t do everything. For Qin An, a passerby who didn't understand, he could only show mercy.

No longer hesitate to leave quickly, the four survivors of the Qi family will let them fend for themselves.


After running all the way back to the sheltered house, the place has been cleaned up and organized, and the three sisters are sitting there drinking mineral water.

"Where does the water come from?"

When Zhen Yan and Zhen Hao saw Qin An came back, they all turned their heads and didn't look at him. Weng Lan said indifferently, "I just refreshed it in the bathroom. There were only two bottles. We left one bottle for you. Did you find food?"

Qin An was very happy when he heard it. He didn't expect the three little Loli to sit at home and still find water. It was really lucky.

"Grab, four buns."

While talking, Qin An threw the buns to the three little Loli, and went to drink the bottle of mineral water left for him.

"Snatched? Who's robbed?" Zhen E frowned slightly.

After drinking half a bottle of water, Qin An told her the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhen E's face immediately changed, a little blue.

"Old and weak women and children, you can do it too!"

In Zhen E's eyes, this is a symbol of Qin An's greed, he really is still such a person!

Qin An has experienced the end times, and has experienced many years. He knows that own behavior is not a big mistake in the moral concepts of the end times. He also somewhat understood where Zhen E's anger was, didn't he just think that he would become a big villain in the future?

Hmph, he wouldn't become a person like Qin An in the future world if he killed him. Qin An was confident.

I didn’t explain anything to Zhen E. Seeing that the three of them didn’t eat steamed buns, Qin An stepped forward and took one by himself, and said while eating: “It’s dangerous outside and it’s messy. Just stay here and don’t go out. , I have something to eat and tidy up and leave. Some of the gold coins are not easy to collect. I think they may have been refreshed before. They were taken away by others. Maybe they have to be snatched from others. Don’t we always have to go out? Can’t be tied up all the time In this small map."

"Snatch? Are you still going to kill?"

Zhen E's tone is even worse.

"If it is necessary, then of course I will kill. You have to know that this dungeon world was opened because of us. Only when we complete the task will it end here. Therefore, in fact, they want gold coins to be useless, as long as we collect enough. Okay. It’s just that no one will believe my statement. People are very selfish, so they won’t give the gold coins to others willingly, so killing is the best way to solve the problem."

"How can you think like this, I want to go with you! I don't believe that a good explanation will not work!"

Zhen E is very stubborn.

Qin An turned his head and looked at Zhen E, feeling a little puzzled.

Weng Lan is definitely not an indecisive person. Why is Zhen E like this?

After thinking slightly, Qin An also wanted to understand.

Maybe Zhen E is not such a mother herself, but she didn't want to see herself become bad, so she lost her due judgment.

"Okay, Zhenhao, Zhenyan, look after the house, Zhen E will go out with me. The reason why you don't understand me is that you don't understand the human nature under the conditions of the end. Come with me and you will be all Understand. And after you understand, you will also know what kind of world I am going through from 2015 to today!"

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