Qin An even heard the groaning sound of her stomach. Originally wanted to laugh at her, but finally saw that her face was flushed, and that was fine.

"We went around and found gold coins but no food. This shows that there is really little food. It's only the first day. If food is still so rare after three days, just watch it, trapped. Players will go crazy. This is no longer a safe zone, and humans themselves are a kind of food, so it is just chaos after three days, and people will eat people after five days. This is the real doomsday!"

"Human cannibals? Huh, do you think people are like you? Tell you, even if human flesh is cut and cooked and placed in front of me, I will not eat it even if I starve to death! I believe that people like me should have a lot of."

"Well, you think very well, but when the final reality is in front of you, you can still have such confidence. Zhen E, you don’t know me, and you don’t know what the real end is like. So don’t just guess my character."

"Anyway, it's wrong to snatch someone's buns. Now it's not really exhausted. Are you so impatient?"

There is obviously a big generation gap between Qin An and Zhen E. This is impossible. Their backgrounds are really very different.

Qin An is not arguing, and continues to walk around with Zhen E.

Wherever there are many zombies, someone must be trapped, so Qin An and the two chose a place with no one to go, and they didn't meet a living person.

"Qin An! Look over there..."

As she was walking, Zhen E suddenly grabbed Qin An's clothes and spoke, with a little excitement in her tone.

Qin An looked sideways. It turned out that there was a tray floating above a square, and the tray was filled with various fruits, which made people look greedy.

Ah...it's a bit difficult. This square is full of zombies. It is obviously not an easy task to get the fruit plate unless all the zombies are eliminated.

Just as Qin An was thinking, a group of...angels suddenly rushed out of the house beside him?

This group of angels looks very unusual. There are more than ten people. There are males and females. Ordinary angel players only have two wings, while the two leading angels have four wings.

"Fang Zhan!"

Zhen E was very surprised. She didn't expect to meet an acquaintance, and she was not familiar with it.

Before Zhen E entered the Zhen family, there was actually a blue-faced confidant, Fang Zhan.

Fang Zhan knew that Zhen E was just a little girl, but she actually had the heart of a mature woman.

Zhen E had no affection for Qin An in the first life, and in the second life, she would naturally fall in love. Fang Zhan, a handsome, handsome and warm man, is Zhen E's favorite object in the second life.

It's just that Zhen E's feeling that Fang Zhan is completely secretly in love, she is a little girl's body, how can she be with a man? So after gaining insight into own emotions, Zhen E began to stay away from Fang Zhan, just not wanting the emotions that have no ending to develop into an uncontrollable situation.

Another four-winged angel next to Fang Zhan is called Amy Jana. This woman is Fang Zhan’s suitor, and she knows Zhen E too. Because of Fang Zhan’s reason, the relationship between the two is not very good. E is a little hostile.

When Zhen E saw them, they naturally also discovered Zhen E.

"Little girl, didn't you go to the Demon Race? How come you came here?"

Fang Zhan's face was a little surprised.

"Hey, can you get the food first? I don't think it's suitable for reminiscing the past." Amy Gana urged Fang Zhan.

"Well, girl, you wait for me here first, I'll get the food."When the voice fell, he led a group of people to rush to the zombies in the square.

The angel's combat effectiveness seems to be good. It is a Sacred magical class with strong defensive power. It can also fly into the sky, but it seems that it can't attack ground targets when it reaches the sky, and its flight speed is also very slow.

They formed a cone-shaped formation on the ground and rushed directly to the group of zombies. When they were about to approach the fruit plate, Fang Zhan jumped up in the air, waved his wings and glide over the fruit plate, and seized the fruit plate over the heads of a group of zombies.

Qin An frowned slightly as he watched his movements. If he could fly, why didn't he just fly over? It seems that flying should have many restrictions, such as not being able to use flying ability to obtain mission items.

Looking sideways at Zhen E next to her, her eyes kept on Fang Zhan, which made Qin An's mood a little uncomfortable.

"What does he call you little girl? This name is so sour."

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!"

Zhen E became more rude to Qin An, which naturally made Qin An even more angry, and decided that if she had a chance, she must clean up Zhen E and spank her little butt.

At this time, Fang Zhan ran back with his angel group, Qin An and Zhen E naturally hurriedly retreated together, hiding in an eight-story building more than 100 meters away from here.

After entering the building, Qin An was a little silly, and asked differently, "How many people are there?"

"There are almost 800 people in the whole building right now. They are all low-level players we rescued from nearby after the zombies appeared. This is novice village. If it weren't for missions, our team wouldn't come here at all, hey... Poor and many people died, and they became food for zombies." Fang Zhan's expression was a bit pitiful.

This idiot, having gathered so many people in one place, is really dead!

"Can you get food then?"

"It's difficult. So far we have only obtained food that can fill up ten people with a meal. So before we saw food refreshing in the square, we rushed out immediately. Little girl, is this your friend?"

"Forget it, a very ordinary friend, not very familiar." When Zhen E spoke, she moved herself away from Qin An, her face full of disgust.

Qin An looked very speechless, and felt that Zhen E was dying to be beaten more and more, so his eyes fell on her little butt.

"Oh...haha, that's okay. Now we are in trouble together. It is fate for everyone to get together. After that, we must support each other. By the way, Zhen E, I went to Zhen's house to inquire before, and they said that you have entered the game world. It's still a demon, and now the channel of gods and demons has not been opened, how did you get to the realm of gods?"

"I accidentally crossed over! Fang Zhan, since you know that I am a demon clan, why did you choose a god clan?" Zhen E's tone was a bit resentful, and Qin An only curled his lips after hearing this.

"Haha, the world is so big, even if I choose the Protoss, I may not be able to meet you. I thought it would be better to choose the Protoss. When I find you, I will tell you the story of the Protoss, so that you can experience what you haven't been able to experience. The game part. Who knows that this game will become a real world? If I know that I will choose the Demon Race, and then guard by your side to protect you!"

Fang Zhan said that the righteousness was awe-inspiring, Zhen E was affectionate after hearing it, Qin An saw that he was not angry in his eyes, and secretly cursed both men and women.

Then I thought that Zhen E was the reincarnation of Weng Lan. It seemed a bit wrong to say that Weng Lan, but Zhen E in front of me was really annoying!

A few people were walking in the corridor all the time when they were talking. On the first floor, here is where the guards stay. Fang Zhan’s office is on the top floor, because there is a good line of sight, which is good for observing the terrain.

At the end of the corridor and up the stairs, Qin An was already walking behind with Amy Gana.

"Tell you, do you know this little girl? She is actually an old fairy. I don't know how old she is. In short, she is probably older than your grandfather! I don't like her, naturally because Fang Zhan, I think Fang Zhan has this old fairy in his heart, look at it, I will definitely not let this woman snatch Fang Zhan away from me! Hi, what is your name? Why do I think you are a bit familiar... like that man, although I haven’t seen it I have passed him, but I have seen his photos, you really seem to be."

Qin An naturally knew that Amy Gana was talking about Qin An in the future world.

Without paying attention to Amy Gana, Qin An would look around when passing every floor. There were a lot of people here, but they had gold coins on them, but they were rare. Qin An only found a few people with one or two gold coins on them. After remembering their appearance, Qin An did not stay, and followed Fang Zhan all the way to the so-called office on the top floor, a large living room with an area of ​​almost 60 square meters.

"Zhen Hao and Zhen E were there originally, why didn't you say it earlier, I will send someone to pick them up right away." Fang Zhan showed great enthusiasm.

Qin An finally spoke when he arrived here.

"Zhen E, if you choose to stay, then I will leave. I like to be clean. There are too many people here and it's very annoying to look at."

When Zhen E heard that Qin An was leaving, she finally focused her attention on him.

"Qin An, Fang Zhan is the captain of the team and the highest leader of this building. I can tell Fang Zhan clearly and ask them to help collect gold coins, so that the task can be completed quickly?"

Zhen E talked about it. Although she had been having a bad attitude towards Qin An just now, she obviously didn't want to part ways.

"Of course it's good, then I only need to collect one hundred gold coins. Let them help out the three hundred of your sisters."

Qin An was actually a little angry, naturally because Zhen E was kind to the other side, and the deeper reason was that she didn't believe in herself.

Hey, it's not his Weng Lan, so since Zhen E thinks it is better to follow Fang Zhan, let her go.

From the bottom of his heart, Qin An was actually unwilling to get too close with Zhen E, because he didn't know how to face Weng Lan if he got closer. Comparing heart to heart, if Weng Lan and own are the same people, that is, the other Qin An is too close to him, it will be extremely crazy.

This is human nature. If you can't even tolerate yourself, how can you tolerate others? So in the face of the end, these many people are crowded together, and conflicts will appear in a few days.

Qin An has experienced not knowing how many dangerous cities in the last days, and it is not the crisis from the last days that often destroys the cities, but the hearts of the people.

"Okay, that's it. I'll send Zhen Hao and Zhen E both here. You guys will be fine here."

Qin An's purpose of going upstairs was only to grasp the situation. Now that he has seen it, he has no interest in continuing to watch it, so he left naturally.

Zhen E was wronged to death, why did Qin An behave like this?

She used to like Fang Zhan a little, but that was just a secret love. Now she had a lot of ideas when she met Qin An in the Doomsday World, but why is this man so difficult to get along with?

Humph, everything is clear. How can Qin An not understand how easy people are on Fang Zhan's side?

All misunderstandings actually started from reluctance to explain. Qin An left, sent Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan, and then disappeared in front of Zhen E. Zhen E wanted to say something, but Qin An did not give her this opportunity.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Qin An collected a total of 64 gold coins, of which more than 30 were robbed of other players.

It can be said that Qin An has gained quite a lot in these three days. He has been level 48 and killed 13 zombie kings, so he has gained a lot of experience and some special items that can be used in this space, such as zombie rings. Killing zombies here can get a 30% experience bonus, and no other experience bonus items conflict. There are also a few Samsara Resurrection Pills, which can resurrect people after death. Of course, they are still only usable in this space, and they will disappear after leaving.

It's just that the food is too difficult to get. Qin An only ate a steamed bun and a watermelon in three days, and he has never encountered any food other than that.

Qin An's search for Fan Wei is almost all over the novice village, but he avoids Fan Wei, the building occupied by the Angels.

Perhaps because there were too many people there, it attracted a large number of zombies to gather in the past, and now the entire building has been surrounded. This is the most terrifying thing in the last days. Once a shelter becomes a cage, it will be difficult for the people in the cage to be human!

I randomly opened the door of a house and went in. There was no one here, and the furnishings were very chaotic. It should have been searched.

Qin An raised a chair and sat on it to catch his breath. He was too hungry. He was a bit angry when he was hungry. If he was so hungry for a few days, he might go crazy.

The setting sun is over in the distance. This is the southernmost part of Novice Village. You can see the big lake through the window, but because of the existence of the enchantment, it is impossible to go out.

At this moment, the three Daoist shadows came from a distance in the sunset, Qin An got up and crouched in front of the window to watch, and found that it was Qi Kun, Qi Yanni, and Qi Xiaobai.

Four of them survived before, so is one dead?After watching Qin An for a while, he found that the three people were walking towards the room where he was, and hurriedly got up and hid upstairs.

In fact, he mainly wanted to see Qi Yanni. The sad look of her two children who died before. Qin An still remembers, hey...it has been in contact with people in the future world for some time. A mother like her who cares about her children is still rare. Yes, it’s a pity that Qin An couldn’t save them at the time, but now Qin An has this ability, because he got Samsara Resurrection Pill from the Zombie King. This thing can only be used in this copy, so it’s very tasteless. Qin An doesn’t mind using them to save one. Distressed mother.

After a short while on the second floor, the three people below walked into the room. Qin An lay on the corner of the upper stairway and could see them through the stairway.

It seemed that they were a little embarrassed. The two women were not dressed properly. Qi Kun was naked, and his pants were torn and mutilated. It was estimated that he had fallen into a pile of zombies before, and he didn't know how to escape to save his life. It was very miserable.

Qi Yanni looked haggard and she had been suffering from dementia. If Qi Xiaobai hadn't helped her, she wouldn't be able to escape here.

Qi Kun's face was gloomy, and after entering the room, he sat down on the floor.

"Damn, damn zombie!"

"We shouldn't have escaped from the place we had previously avoided. The space here is wide, and we will be surrounded by zombies after a while." Qi Xiaobai's voice was very soft.

"Shut up! No food for three days without eating, hiding there is death, you know? We are all born of an old woman, without genetic modification, naturally no one is bullish, what is the result? killed……"

"You just shut up! You are not from our family! No matter what your parents are wrong, they gave birth to you after all! If you are genetically modified, do you think you will be born again? Your destiny is from birth. It is already destined for a moment, you are only worthy of being a non-genetically modified person!" Qi Yanni didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly got up and shouted.

"Smelly lady, what's your name? Don't educate me with the old ideas of ancient times! The family exists because of interest. Talk to me about family relations? Damn, daddy is also hungry and exhausted. Come and undress. Let me do it, even if you die, daddy will enjoy it enough before you die!"

When Qi Kun spoke, he had reached sister Qi Yanni's side, and started to pull the clothes of the two women.

Qi Yanni never dreamed that Qi Kun would be so shameless. In the future world, the relationship between men and women will be complex and diverse, but behaviors between blood relatives are also forbidden.

too bitter!

The parents died, the children died, and now they are being abused again.

Qi Yanni's eyes were swollen from crying, but now she started crying again, desperately going to beat Qi Kun.

Qi Xiaobai also resisted desperately on the side, but she was already weak and hungry for a few days, how could she resist Qi Kun.

Even so, the two women desperately flared their teeth and claws, but they grabbed more than a dozen traces of Qi Kun's body.

Qi Kun was fierce, raised his hand and gave two women a mouth, and the two women were knocked down no matter how low they were, they had no strength to get up.

"Damn, wasting daddy effort, I will kill you when I'm done enough! Since there is no food to eat, then I can only eat you. Human flesh is also an ingredient, but I haven't forgotten this, haha!"

The two women were dumbfounded when they heard Qi Kun's words.

They didn't expect this man to be so evil. Thinking of what he said just now, their bodies all began to tremble.

Was it eaten? What does it feel like?

Just when they were the most innocent, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs: "Hey, your appetite is too big, right? They are two people. Will you finish eating by yourself? How about eating separately? ?"

The three people in the room turned their heads to look upstairs at the same time, and then recognized Qin An at a glance.

Qi Xiaobai's body trembled even more severely. In her impression, Qin An was a big bad guy, and now he was in a crisis, so with the addition of a big bad guy, it would be difficult for him to escape anyway.

Qi Yanni became calm. At that time, she was holding the baby in pain, and the zombie king's attack came over. It was this man who helped him resist.

Haha, if she really wants to be eaten, then she would rather choose this man than be eaten by the disgusting guy Qi Kun!

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