With this thought, Qi Yanni, who was already powerless, suddenly stood up from the ground and rushed towards Qin An. Qin An immediately stepped forward to help her when she saw that she was about to fall.

"I don't want to be eaten by him! Are you hungry? Have you eaten in the past two days? Do you want to eat me? I am delicious, I am willing to let you eat! I can live by eating..."

Qi Yanni's mental state was a bit unstable at this time, her face was full of tears, and she looked up at Qin An, her eyes full of sadness.

Qin An forgot to pass her eyes and saw her broken heart.

Hey, the gene of kindness has defeated the cold blood again, and Qin An directly hugged the heartbroken Qi Yanni in his arms. This is not to take advantage, but just a comfort. Qin An felt that she might need a shoulder at this time.

"Okay, I'm not interested in cannibalism, and you don't need to be so sad anymore. Some things can be reversed."

"Reversal? My child is dead? Can it be resurrected?"


Qin An is actually not 100% sure, who knows whether it will work in the end?

When Qi Yanni heard that the child still had hope, regardless of whether it was true or not, she broke away from Qin An's arms and knelt on the ground directly to Qin An.

"Save my children! I can die for them, please save them!"

Qin An was in a daze when Qi Yanni left, and was slightly stunned. Seeing Qi Yanni knelt and kowtow to him, she couldn't react for a while, so she let her keep stumbling.

"Qin'an, what are you doing?"

At this time, a somewhat angry voice sounded, and then that small figure appeared, it was Zhen E among the three sisters.

Outside the door, there were more than twenty angels standing, and Zhen Hao, Zhen Yan, Fang Zhan and Amy Gana followed Zhen E's walk in.

I haven't seen them for three days, and the three little Loli are much haggard. They probably didn't eat anything.

"Hi, I haven't seen you for a few days." Qin An smiled and greeted, but Zhen E's cold face was greeted.

"Since you can help her, why stand there and make her kneel down? Look, her head is broken!"

Zhen E helped Qi Yanni up while she was talking, and pointed out the wound to Qin An to see, where it turned out to be a black green with a faint blood stain.

Without paying attention to this, Qin An looked at Zhen E and shook his head: "You are not such a woman, you are very smart, why do you become uncomfortable when things involve me? Are you tempted by me? The old feelings are rekindled? Otherwise? How can you care about it?"

"You...!" Zhen E was speechless angrily, because she found that Qin An was right, she was indeed abnormal.

In fact, she had been peeking out of the window for a long time, and had witnessed most of what happened. Seeing the woman kept kowtow to Qin An, Qin An stood still and came out in a fit of anger.

These three days, Zhen E hadn't had a good time.

It was a pleasure to meet Fang Zhan, but Qin An left her, and Zhen E suddenly found that her whole heart was empty.

She obviously hated Qin An in the future world. Why did she lose resistance when she met this relatively kind Qin An?

In the building where Fang Zhan was stationed, Zhen E spent most of the first day in the room alone, just thinking about her things.

That night, Zhen E, who had adjusted her mentality, finally went out to discuss with the Fangzhan about collecting gold coins.

Fang Zhan is very talkative. After hearing everything Zhen E said, he knew that this space was opened because they touched the hidden mission. As long as they collected 400 gold coins to let them pass the mission, the dungeon might end, and novice village was trapped. The crisis was lifted. Therefore, they immediately summoned everyone and asked them to surrender their gold coins.

Unfortunately, not everyone can believe Fang Zhan's words.

More than a dozen guys with good strength and gold coins on their bodies refused to hand over the gold coins. They asked for food in exchange.In fact, they are not to blame. Fang Zhan's angel team went out to search for food a few times, but the food they found couldn't be enough for themselves, so how to divide it out. What's more, they also have reasons to need food, because they have to maintain their physical strength to continue searching for supplies.

This is from the standpoint of Fang Zhan's team. From the perspective of other players, they think that Fang Zhan has a monopoly on food, and when they want to go out to find it, they can't find it.

So those talents were not willing to hand over the gold coins easily. As for Fang Zhan's explanation, they didn't believe it at all about hiding the task copy, thinking it was just a lie that Fang Zhan wanted to plunder all the materials.

With distrust and contradiction, they began to take root. Eventually these dozen people rebelled, and Fang Zhan’s people acted together, and six of Fang Zhan’s people died.

This loss was a bit heavy. Although all the traitors were eventually wiped out, the people on Fang Zhan's side were not at all happy, but rather full of resentment.

The reason for this kind of heart is naturally because of the rescue of these novice village players by the Angel Team.

Most of the people here were rescued from the group of zombies, but they rebelled after taking them, so why are they not angry.

After the emergence of this kind of psychology, the angels' attitude towards other people became more and more awkward, even rude.

Others slowly developed rebellious psychology, and contradictions became more and more.

So on the third day, a new wave of riots broke out. The chaotic scenes caused some people who were afraid of things to open the way to escape, so as not to be affected.

So the zombies rushed in, and the angel team could only protect themselves and escape. Most of them were mixed with the zombies, so they became zombies or food.

So Sister Zhen E had just escaped with the Angel Team, and ran for a long time to hide behind the house here. From the window, she happened to see the scene where Qi Kun wanted to assault the two women.

Originally, Fang Zhan wanted to go out and help, but at this moment Qin An walked down from the second floor, and Zhen E was irrational and excited and rushed directly in to find Qin An.

This time is indeed a long time, Qin An's stunned effort, the poor woman has already knocked her head for a full minute. Zhen E felt that Qin An was deliberately embarrassing others, so she was excited and angry.

Of course, this is only a superficial reason.

What made Zhen E even more angry was that this Qin An kept saying how much she loves Weng Lan, but he abandoned herself for three days. She was originally the one he would come back to find her. After all, she is Weng Lan's comrade.

But Qin An really didn't come back.

Can't see through, Zhen E can't see through this Qin An, she can't see through at all.

Qin An actually only glanced at Zhen E, and then stared at Qi Yanni with piercing eyes.

After watching for a long time, his eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on his face.

Zhen E is even more angry. Qin An has not seen her for three days, so she ignores her. Who are they? Are they a strange relationship?

"Can you help me? Can you help me save my child?"

"Well, there should be a chance. I heard that killing monsters in this map can explode something called Samsara Resurrection Pill, which is the kind of zombie king that can explode, so you think of ways to fight those monsters, oh yes Now... that kind of strange attack power is very strong, so be careful."

After saying this, Qin An looked at Zhen E again and said, "Well, I will continue to be my lone ranger. Now that you are here, I will leave this place to you."

Zhen E didn't expect Qin An to be so unfeeling, his face turned pale and his body trembled.

Both Zhen Hao and Zhen Yan understand own Big sis. Although she seems to hate Qin An in the future world, the hatred is actually because of love.

So they can understand the heart of Big Sis at this time and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort them.

Qin An walked to the door, but Fang Zhan blocked the way.

"Brother, how do you know that the zombie king will explode the Samsara Resurrection Pill, do you have a game strategy?"

"Haha, how about there?"

Qin An didn't like the man in front of him, he looked more like a better person than himself, which made Qin An extremely.

"If there is any, it should be shared."


"Now that food is in short supply, we can better find food with the strategy." Fang Zhan looked earnestly.

Qin An's gaze swept over Fang Zhan and the people nearby, frowning and asked: "I passed by your gathering point before, where was surrounded by zombies, how did you escape?"

I talked to Qin An before with Amy Gana, who was next to Fang Zhan. At this time, I finally grabbed the words and said: "Huh, a group of people who don't wanting face, obviously we rescued them and picked them up because they couldn't get food. We had a fight with them, and then the zombies rushed in, so everyone dispersed."

Qin An originally just asked casually, but he didn't expect things to develop like this, and immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, that's the case. In other words, you still didn't share the food for those people, but you ate it yourself?"

"Of course, we have to go out looking for food!"

"Yeah, even if I have a strategy, I will use it to find food with great effort, so why should I give it to you? Since you will only keep the benefits to yourself, why make me selfless, Zhen E, you say yes Isn't it true?"

Qin An finally turned his eyes to Zhen E. He actually just wanted to make Zhen E understand that there was a big gap between the moral concepts of the apocalyptic world and the future world. Now Zhen E obviously has a lot of dissatisfaction with him, and Qin An does not want to do this, so he has to try to let Zhen E know more so that they can get along with each other peacefully. This is why Qin An left Zhen E to Fang Zhan. He knew There are so many people there, there will be conflicts, and now it really is here.

Zhen E's face was still a little pale at this time, and she suddenly looked at Qin An, and her heart suddenly opened up.

Yes, she is too harsh on Qin An.

In her thoughts, Fang Zhan was an absolutely kind person, but in the building of the gathering place, he could only kill many unarmed players in order to protect himself.

It is the environment that has changed people, and Qin An today is not bad at all, he just adapted to the environment.

How can it not be harsh if you ask someone who has been in the doomsday world for decades to be spotless?

Her complexion slowly turned from red to white, and Zhen E's mood gradually stabilized.

This damn Qin An, he must have anticipated these things, so he had to see it with his own eyes.

And the reason why he threw himself to Fang Zhan should also be for this purpose.

The mind of a woman is very strange.

Originally, Zhen E also wanted to talk to Fang Zhan, but she would be upset if she was abandoned by Qin An.

But if Qin An's purpose is not to abandon, but to teach him a lesson, she will be able to accept it.

What a damn man!

Zhen E actually thought so in her heart, but her body became more and more comfortable, which affected her mood, and her mood suddenly became less bad.

Yes, at this time Qin An should not be too bad, so the woman kowtows to him just now, and Qin An didn't respond for a full minute. Why?

At this time, Qin An stopped talking and continued to leave, but Fang Zhan refused.

"Brother, I already know what happened to you. In this case, I will definitely help you collect 400 gold coins. If you have a strategy, then take it out and share with you. Some gold coins and food may be refreshed in the place where the zombies gather. Let’s clean up together. It’s always hard for you alone. So, as long as you find that all the gold coins are given to you, if we get out, we will let you eat first, how about?"

Zhen E secretly nodded after hearing Fang Zhan's words. Fang Zhan was indeed Fang Zhan, generous and had an idea. This is a good way, and Qin An will definitely accept it.

"No, I don't need your help, and you can't help me either."

Qin An refused directly without thinking.

Zhen E really couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't figure out Qin An in front of her. Once again, she felt that Qin An was different from the Qin An she was familiar with in various periods. Is this independent character also cultivated in the apocalyptic world? ?

At this time Qin An had already expressed his attitude and continued to walk outwards. If Fang Zhan was pulling him, he would have to do it.

Fang Zhan looked at Zhen E with some embarrassment, and Zhen E quickly shook his head.Fang Zhan sighed, and finally did nothing.

"Hey, it's really difficult to communicate, Zhen E, I don't like your friend very much."

Fang Zhan expressed his own opinion after Qin An left.

In the room, Qi Yanni cried to death again, and Qi Xiaobai also cried in a low voice for comfort, but Qi Kun had long been missing, and no one noticed when and how he escaped.

Zhen E found that the evil man had escaped, and she secretly blamed herself. It would be fine if she didn't argue with Qin An, and that man could be punished.

Fang Zhan walked to Qi Yanni and comforted: "Okay girl, I also heard some things outside just now. Didn't it mean that you can get the kind of resurrection pill by hitting the zombie king? Maybe we can help you."

"Really, can you help me?"

Fang Zhan nodded, but shook his head slightly.

"Fighting that kind of monster is a problem for us not to fight, but now, many people in our team have not eaten for three days, so we have to find food first."

"Eat? I know where it is. In a residential area two kilometers from here, there are a lot of foods floating. We escaped from there. There are many zombies and two zombie kings. Can't get close."

"Oh? A lot of food?"

Fang Zhan's eyes lit up.

"It's okay, people always think about the way. As long as we work hard enough, we should definitely be able to get food. Let's go, go to the place you said, and kill the monsters! Hahaha!"

Fang Zhan was very excited and ran out, shouting to his men, "Brothers, we have food!"

While talking, Fang Zhan has urged everyone on the road, and the Qi family sisters are naturally the lead.

At the end of the room came out of the three sisters Zhen E, Zhen Hao followed Zhen E, and said quietly: "Big sis, Fang Zhan is a good person through and through, but his life span is only fifty years."

"Fifty years is old enough."

"It's old enough, genetic people will have purity and long lifespan. A 50-year-old bad guy is already rich in experience, but a 50-year-old good person may not have so many thoughts."

"Do you want to say that Fang Zhan is not mature enough? Or is he credulous?"

"We just got there and saw that Qin An might be able to save her child to that woman. I feel his tone is quite certain, not hesitating."

"Hmm...what does this mean?"

"Maybe he has that kind of resurrection pill, but when the woman knelt back, did you notice Qin An's expression?"

"No, I just watched the woman kneel down." Zhen E frowned.

"I really saw Qin An at that time, he was stunned, and then there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, it was not easy to be found, but I did see it. The reason why Qin An didn't respond when the woman left and kowtowed to him. Because he had doubts about that woman!"

Zhen E was taken aback. She knew she had the wisdom of Little Sister, so she absolutely believed in her judgment.

"You mean, Qin An found that the woman had a problem? But what could be the problem? We all know about the woman, she is a poor man. The family is dead, and her child is dead. What's the problem?"

"I can't guess this. I also studied that woman. You see she was very excited before, stupidly stupid, it seems that she died because of the pain of losing her son. When Qin An wanted to leave, she was still crying She was extremely sad, but when Qin An left, although she didn’t do anything, she just bowed her head and sobbed, but she cried and laughed a lot. Then when Fang Zhan mentioned food, the woman immediately said that she knew where it was. Things don’t seem to be agitated or stupid at once. Although this doesn’t explain much, at least there is a possibility."

"What's possible?"

"Perhaps she was acting before, and she was very painful! In fact, when Qin An first appeared, that Qi Kun secretly leaned against the wall, and when you went out to question Qin An, Qi Kun secretly ran away. I found Qin An glanced at him when he was running! In other words, Qin An knew that Qi Kun was running away, and deliberately let him go!"

"Ah? There is such a thing? Qin An has lost his dark attribute now. He shouldn't have any special abilities. Then, with the strength of the system, even you can't find problems, will he find out? Is he so smart? ?"

A slight smile appeared on Zhen Hao's face.

"Perhaps, after all, this Qin An is really unfamiliar to us, and I have to admit it. So Big sis, I don't think Qin An has gone far, he must be nearby, and then confirm his doubts!"

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